看板 NBA作者 linyi520 (☆雪の祈舞★)標題 [外絮] Rick Barry:願意幫助LBJ改善罰球時間 Fri Jul 19 01:07:09 2013
NBA great Rick Barry offers to help LeBron James from FT line
2013年07月18日 11:31 FoxSports (原文:
熱火球星LeBron James此前多番表示要在這個夏天提高自己的罰球命中率,對此,名
宿 Rick Barry表態願意接受這個任務,雖然 James說自己並不需要投籃教練。
"If he was interested in getting my opinion, I would show him," the Hall of
Famer, who shot 90 percent in his NBA career using the underhanded style,
said in an interview with FOX Sports Florida.
"I'm not going to show him the underhanded free throw. He doesn't need that
because he's not that far away from being an 80-percent shooter.
Dwight Howard (a 57.7 percent career marksman) needs to shoot underhanded.
But there are some things I could show LeBron to refine his shooting."
「如果他有興趣聽取我的意見,我會告訴他的,」 Barry說道,「我不會向他展示
Dwight Howard(生涯罰球命中率57.7%)就需要學我的罰球方式了。
但是我還是可以幫助 LeBron改善他的罰球。」
儘管姿勢有些不堪入目,但 Barry那套「端尿盆」式的罰球動作讓他生涯罰球命中率
上賽季, James的罰球命中率為75.3%,其生涯命中率提升到了74.7%,不是很差,也
稱不上突出,罰球是 James比賽少數缺陷中的一個。熱火總裁 Pat Riley曾說過,他們的
目標是讓 James罰球命中率超過90%。
That prompted Barry to say, "First, he should shoot 80. You're not a good
free-throw shooter if you're not shooting at least 80."
對此, Barry說道:「首先,他要做的就是達到80%。如果你連80%的罰球命中率
"Then you're practicing inappropriately and grooming bad habits. ...
LeBron needs to be much more fluid (with his stroke). He needs to have
somebody watching him to analyze him to make sure what he is doing is the
absolute right thing because what is is doing right now is not the correct
thing. He's doing a disservice to himself if he's just grooving what he's
doing now."
Barry表示不認同 James不需要投籃教練的說法,「James的動作需要更流暢,
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