看板 MLB
作者 whalelover (哞哞哞哞王)
標題 [情報] Rangers To Sign Shin-Soo Choo
時間 Sun Dec 22 01:17:44 2013

Shin-Soo Choo has deal with rangers. 7 years. details to come.
Jon Heyman
Shin-Soo Choo has deal with rangers. 7 years. details to come.

The Shin-Soo Choo deal is a straight seven-year, $130M deal with a limited
no-trade clause and no opt-outs or options.
Jeff Passan
The Shin-Soo Choo deal is a straight seven-year, $130M deal with a limited no-trade clause and no opt-outs or options.


部分NTC 沒有跳脫條款

有請強者說明稅率有差這麼多嗎= =


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
blacklittle:應該比洋基給得高吧1F 12/22 01:18
hunterqiji:大家猜合約總值吧2F 12/22 01:18
sabertomoaki:下注(誤3F 12/22 01:19
BambooIL:精彩無限4F 12/22 01:19
hgs000sss:終於阿5F 12/22 01:19
lionpierrot:150M ?6F 12/22 01:21
OoyaoO:猜147/77F 12/22 01:21
remix999:條子....8F 12/22 01:21
haha99:154M/7y9F 12/22 01:21
linisthebest:夭壽貴……10F 12/22 01:22
bleachdie:160M/7Y11F 12/22 01:22
hunterqiji:我也覺得大概147/712F 12/22 01:23
kimeabsolute:Bora$$$$$!!! 勞方英雄13F 12/22 01:24
wangattack:152/714F 12/22 01:25
tony123839:條子真是令人......ZZZ15F 12/22 01:25
flycat638:我猜150M/7Y16F 12/22 01:26
yrt3168:Cruz掰17F 12/22 01:27
RyanBraun8:如果150的話 條紋聖衣價值要瞬間減10M18F 12/22 01:28
sabertomoaki:[公告]MLB開始舉行樂透(大誤19F 12/22 01:28
Raskolnikov:就說不能小看波拉斯20F 12/22 01:29
QQaka:條子也是簽人不手軟21F 12/22 01:29
Raskolnikov:絕對超過140M的22F 12/22 01:29
carrhung:應該會比Ells多一點,意思一下149?23F 12/22 01:30
alex2426chen:上看160M/7Y24F 12/22 01:30

Choo deal is for $130M with texas

Jon Heyman
Choo deal is for $130M with texas


KOSHON:如果小於140 但年薪高呢 130/625F 12/22 01:31
mikeneko:我大洋基1M26F 12/22 01:31
hunterqiji:Ells是153/727F 12/22 01:31
kuankubank:德州跟紐約稅率?28F 12/22 01:31
fetoyeh:啊? 130?29F 12/22 01:32
QQaka:WHAT????????????????30F 12/22 01:32
Raskolnikov:看來還是條紋聖衣值錢31F 12/22 01:33
fetoyeh:稅率有差到這麼多嗎? 還是東西岸美金不一樣大32F 12/22 01:33
ohb:德州好像也是免州所得稅33F 12/22 01:34
PlayStation3:130 XDDDDD
跟當年LEE一樣的理由嗎34F 12/22 01:34
tanaka0826:7y XD36F 12/22 01:35
haha99:秋:到北佬那會遇到一朗 所以不想去37F 12/22 01:35
tanaka0826:結果變便宜了lol38F 12/22 01:37
simonown:贏Werth了(126M/7y) Boras果然說到做到
Boras之前就有說要給Choo一個超越Werth的合約39F 12/22 01:37
carrhung:Boras的牌子又亮了41F 12/22 01:38
god2:打了好多人的臉,怎麼辦42F 12/22 01:38
sabertomoaki:Morales:43F 12/22 01:39
kay16victor:大概差在稅吧?44F 12/22 01:41
myeason:借轉棒阪45F 12/22 01:41
myeason:轉錄至看板 Baseball                                     12/22 01:41
Raskolnikov:這樣看來Ells那張真的有夠貴46F 12/22 01:41
TokyoHard:有臉 美國人 多 50M!47F 12/22 01:42
bb5678:所以說不會簽回cruz了嗎  哭哭48F 12/22 01:42
抱歉這篇推錯了49F 12/22 01:46
david319:德州不用州帨……因此合約會放大51F 12/22 01:47
maxspeed150:Cruz哭哭了52F 12/22 01:53
metalguy:洋基:53F 12/22 01:53
ShinSooChoo:條子我來啦!!!!!!54F 12/22 01:55
alex2426chen:德州州所得稅是0  紐約州州稅接近9%55F 12/22 01:55
wongwong123:有人知道稅差了多少嗎?56F 12/22 01:55
rover10:直接問樓樓樓上差多少稅吧57F 12/22 01:56
david319:州稅至少差5%  加州跟紐約稅又更高58F 12/22 01:56

One source estimates that lack of state income tax in Texas means #Yankees
would have needed to be at $147M to match #Rangers’ $130M.
Ken Rosenthal
One source estimates that lack of state income tax in Texas means #Yankees would have needed to be at $147M to match #Rangers’ $130M.

有人說如果洋基要提出等值的合約 必須要拿出147M/7y

※ 編輯: whalelover      來自:      (12/22 01:59)
airbase:恭喜成為億萬富翁!59F 12/22 01:59
carrhung:稅差真大…60F 12/22 02:01
david319:問美國的朋友  以這張大合約為例,秋至少省下13%的州稅所以合約可以放大到1469M  以上是相對於俄亥俄州61F 12/22 02:02
kerkerkerbe:XDDD63F 12/22 02:03
david319:沒錯差在13% 的州稅!64F 12/22 02:03
KayRain:還不錯65F 12/22 02:05
ca1123:條子簽下前一個韓國FA的下場...66F 12/22 02:09
o0991758566:這約應該算簽的很不錯吧67F 12/22 02:11
DerekHolland:~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~秋哥來阿靈頓上看25轟30盜68F 12/22 02:17
tupacshkur:哇嗚!!!!!69F 12/22 02:41
HORNER:如果再考慮德州和紐約的living cost......70F 12/22 02:46
mrkey:當你賺這麼多的時候, living cost is a shit
去Texas打球的好處就是這個state income taxes得差別71F 12/22 02:47
HXZ:紐約和德州真的差很多73F 12/22 02:52
