看板 NBA作者 henryleehan (henry)標題 [情報] 西河接受右膝關節鏡手術時間 Sat Dec 28 05:21:34 2013
Westbrook Undergoes Successful Arthroscopic Knee Surgery
Posted Dec 27 2013 2:39PM
OKLAHOMA CITY, December 27, 2013 – Oklahoma City Thunder guard Russell Westbrook underwent successful arthroscopic surgery on his right knee earlier today, Thunder Executive Vice President and General Manager Sam Presti announced. “Russell has been playing pain free, but recently had experienced increased swelling. After consultation and consideration by his surgeon in Los Angeles, a plan was established to monitor the swelling that included a series of scheduled MRIs,” said Presti. “On the most
recent MRI it was determined by the surgeon that there was an area of concern that had not previously existed, nor was detectable in the previous procedures, and it was necessary to evaluate Russell further. The consulting physician determined that arthroscopic surgery was necessary to address the swelling that was taking place. We know that Russell’s work ethic and commitment will help him return to the level of play that we have all come to appreciate.” Westbrook is expected to return post All-Star
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◆ From:
→ ooplus:kd數據又要爆漲了3F 12/28 05:28
推 imgkiller:PB直接做掉一个球星 現在誰被PB守到應該都會毛毛的有心理壓力就會容易失準5F 12/28 05:34
推 Carhartt:今年流行復出後又受傷的嗎...7F 12/28 05:35
推 laiyuhao:哈哈哈 看這些自幹衛都不控球拼命耍球就不爽 剛好全傷一傷 聯盟應該要注意到真正有在控球的控衛才是9F 12/28 05:36
推 buehrle:看不懂中國術語0.012F 12/28 05:41
噓 black3118:明星賽前的KD罰球會大增,酸民又可以噓了13F 12/28 05:47
推 yugowolf:跛腳的雷霆有多好修理 看去年季後賽就知16F 12/28 06:01
※ DannyFortson:轉錄至看板 Thunder 12/28 06:04
推 gotohikaru:去年季後賽的話是上上季喔 冠軍戰少了三哨的確有差18F 12/28 06:05
推 yugowolf:更正 上季才對 上季還有騙人丁幫忙幹分19F 12/28 06:08
推 rufus7:所以明星賽西區後衛板凳要少一隻了嗎22F 12/28 06:50
推 jyekid:就說太早復出.....今年AI受傷就說最擔心西河24F 12/28 07:16
推 jm1d38:明星賽西區後衛人才多到滿出來,才不用怕25F 12/28 07:16
→ shwkz:馬刺:呵呵26F 12/28 07:19
→ jyekid:健康進入季後賽比較重要 馬刺目前我擔心馬妞
因為他每年固定要維修一段時間@@27F 12/28 07:21
→ tonyd:Rose+Kobe+Westbrook...哭哭29F 12/28 07:22
推 Toy17:KD要起飛了啊 最佳防守球員不在 徹底解放30F 12/28 08:08
推 elve7878:解放個頭 去年雷霆季後賽沒西河多慘...31F 12/28 08:34
噓 kero2377:L Y S : 這只是個開始 .32F 12/28 08:34
推 remix999:今年應該不用擔心吧?!還有RJ可以頂了!33F 12/28 08:35
推 DylanAir:圓的範圍要加大囉,突破哈登昨天25罰球不是夢了34F 12/28 08:37
推 rufus7:還在KD解放?西河才是雷霆的發動機..35F 12/28 08:47
推 ericpitt:如果只是季賽 KD數據再進一步 戰績若再兼顧 MVP不就?36F 12/28 08:50
→ Eloye:林書豪難進明星賽先發LYS.....37F 12/28 08:53
推 lowkeys:去年好像也有人說解放 結果雷霆gg了38F 12/28 08:54
推 kusami:西河大概以後發生什麼事都要算在PB身上了42F 12/28 09:19
推 ugreat:明星賽西河票數還比哈登少吧,要也是搶到明星賽替補43F 12/28 09:31
噓 AxelGod:自從那次膝蓋被撞後 就痛痛了44F 12/28 09:35
推 yao60301:PB:以後連西河感冒都怪我囉45F 12/28 09:36
噓 no321:今年NBA也太慘了吧...49F 12/28 10:11
推 Noren:要轉職痛痛人了嗎51F 12/28 10:23
推 bj6vup:每朝健康啊哪朝53F 12/28 10:44
噓 q4690744:火箭就是髒 祝他們全員永無冠軍啦幹55F 12/28 11:13