看板 LoL
作者 acer6772 (歐拉歐啦歐啦)
標題 [閒聊] BENQ贊助M5 跟TPA時間
時間 Fri Oct 12 01:46:43 2012


查了一下M5的官網 http://moscowfive.ru/

用翻譯找到這篇 http://moscowfive.ru/news/benq-general-partner-m5

贊助的時間點應該是 2012.6.14   有錯請指證  用Google翻譯找的不確定完全正確

在這個時間點以前 M5的紀錄是

Moscow Five - Leaguepedia - Competitive League of Legends Wiki Founded in 2001, Moscow Five is a Russian eSports organization with roots in Counter-Strike 1.6, WarCraft 3, FIFA, and Dota. In December 2011, Moscow Five recruited the players of Team Empire who qualified to compete in IEM Kiev. [1] ...

2012-03-10 1st IEM VI - World Championship  擊敗 Dignitas

2012-01-22 1st IEM VI - Kiev                擊敗 Team SoloMid

2012-05-24 2nd ESL Major Series Season IX   輸給 x6tence

2012-05-16 2nd Corsair Vengeance Cup        輸給 Counter Logic Gaming EU

而TPA宣布成立的時間是 2012.4.07 在華山文創宣布

前身FTW 應該是 2011年9月

在Benq 贊助 M5前的紀錄是

Taipei Assassins - Leaguepedia - Competitive League of Legends Wiki Through League of Legends, leader MiSTakE met fellow Taiwanese player Stanley in a ranked game. Their mutual friend colalin then introduced NeXAbc and former CLG member Lilballz, forming team FTW (For The Win). The team competed in Garena's G1 eSports competition, and was crowned #1 out of 150 teams ...

2011-12-11     2011 World Cyber Games Grand Finals  沒有晉級  [此為FTW時期]

2012-04-30 2nd NVIDIA Game Festival 2012    輸給 Team World Elite

2012-05-05 1st GPL Season 1 Opening Event   擊敗 Singapore Sentinels

2012-05-29 1st Go4LoL Pro Asia Season 1     擊敗 Team WE

純粹整理  有錯請指出 謝謝

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
Aprildie:你沒看到公告嗎1F 10/12 01:46
ya80628:882F 10/12 01:47
a2364983:這篇有資料 改個標題應該沒事3F 10/12 01:47
DarkKinght:我建議是換個標題4F 10/12 01:47
omanorboyo:單純論M5跟BENQ不扯朱 改個標題吧5F 10/12 01:47
Messi100:趁還沒刪之前趕快推文!!6F 10/12 01:47
※ 編輯: acer6772        來自:       (10/12 01:48)
becoolleon:朱頭要來了嗎7F 10/12 01:48
cloud963:這篇還好吧 只是資料的整理8F 10/12 01:49
fman8118:支持這篇9F 10/12 02:05
btman007:BENQ其實蠻倒楣的,沒事中了一箭XD10F 10/12 02:12
sillymon:BENQ應該也不會理這一個藝人跟一個尚書大人11F 10/12 02:13
Akitsukineko:誰鳥一群買三爽的台灣人嘴砲台灣企業不支持台灣電競12F 10/12 02:16
york1987:BenQ黑掉又不是第一天了13F 10/12 02:22
handsomeKim:不買三爽難道要買HTC嗎?!14F 10/12 02:24
sherlockms:只准用台灣貨啊!!!!15F 10/12 02:26
ECZEMA:技嘉也贊助 WE 啊~ 就比較少被鞭16F 10/12 02:30
sillymon:因為BENQ贊助M5 也是看報紙才知道的呀XD17F 10/12 02:33
gn02118620:神經病嗎..贊助m5也黑18F 10/12 04:07
entaroadun:BENQ真雖小,贊助好久了.........19F 10/12 05:43
ismiumiu:BenQ真的有夠倒楣20F 10/12 05:46
Akitsukineko:沒有人發現這是acer的陰謀嗎(?21F 10/12 06:58
