看板 LoL
作者 didesaphan (Phan)
標題 [情報] 星朵拉Syndra接著可能的修改方向
時間 Sat Oct 13 15:23:40 2012

Syndra Quality of Life/Useability changes - League of Legends Community Syndra Quality of Life/Useability changes General Discussion ...


Hey folks,

Just wanted to let you know about some useability/quality
of life changes we're currently testing for Syndra and
also gather some feedback to see if there's anything else
we might have missed that would it would be appropriate
to bundle with them.


We didn't get Syndra's state quite right on launch,
both in terms of simple power and in terms of spell timings,
which in retrospect left her abilities both harder to
use/more delayed than was appropriate and light on the actual pay off
when executed correctly.


In the last balance patch we buffed the damage, range and/or
mana cost on her skills so now we're looking at tweaking
the performance on her abilities themselves
(this sort of stuff takes longer to do, hence the changes being split
into two patches).


The key changes we're currently testing are:

1. Making her Force of Will more responsive by increasing the speed
at which Syndra pulls Dark Spheres/Minions to her to throw and
by removing the spell slot cooldown imposed during the grab
(instead replacing it with a check that allows the throw to occur
as soon as the Sphere/Minion's been pulled to her though not before).

1. 讓意志之力W在動畫上的拉/丟更快,並在拉到小兵時招式即進入CD.

2. Improving the timing on the Sphere hit detection from
Scatter the Weak to allow more natural Q followed immediately by E plays.
This can currently be done but can be a bit unreliable at moderate Q ranges
from Syndra where intuitively you'd expect the combo to work.

2. 讓星體能更即時的被虛弱潰散E作用,使得在連技上更有可行性。

3. Fixing the cooldown check on the ultimate so that it doesn't go on
cooldown without casting, whether because the target died mid animation
or because spellshields are being checked for at start of cast,
not at point of missile impact.

3. 修正R進入CD的判定。

感謝網友BachXXX & lunaoath的補充!

4. We're testing a small range increase on her ultimate.
This is something we're really cautious about, given the ult's damage
can be very high and higher ranges tested during development
were extremely powerful.
Given other aspects of her kit were somewhat different then
however there's value in rechecking a longer range again to see
if the previous problems observed still hold true or not.

4. R的射程可能會增長一點。

In addition we've also got a number of bug fixes in the works
that should also improve Syndra's play experience,
in particular a case where enemies hit by both Scatter the Weak
and a knocked back Dark Sphere sometimes only getting knocked back,
rather than knocked back and stunned as intended.


As usual since these are changes in testing they're not set in stone
and release timing's not confirmed yet, though we should be talking
sooner rather than later.




超帥可是超難用等等...... XD





翻譯有誤還請版友們多多指教,鞭大力點沒關係 .___.

[售] Mansun/Attack of the Grey Lantern(3CDs)
只聽過一遍  但我老了聽不懂
cold0204:聽不懂也太難過了吧07/28 15:18
smashingcure:我連BSS現場都聽不懂了哭哭07/28 15:22
cold0204:後街男孩嗎?07/28 15:27

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
frank123ya:這隻HARD PLAY阿 傷害跟技術的回報值不成正比1F 10/13 15:24
hivgay:還我W擊飛2F 10/13 15:25

W擊飛是PBE剛上的時候嗎 ? 你不說我都忘了......

aoe7250350:感謝翻譯!!3F 10/13 15:26
abccbaandy:R改成cait大絕那種距離算了(?4F 10/13 15:26

樓上,你這樣誰還要玩Cait啊 !!!! Syndra的R是不能被隔檔...

L0v35:鬼王表示:5F 10/13 15:26
ahinetn123:之前跟2000分的球女對線 我都想自盡了6F 10/13 15:27

你的球女應該不是指Ori吧 ? 雖然我有時也會叫Syndra球女...
※ 編輯: didesaphan      來自:         (10/13 15:30)
a2364983:要這樣改...不如裙子再修短一點7F 10/13 15:29
linyi520:               褲襪也短一點?8F 10/13 15:30
abccbaandy:                                         乾脆裸足9F 10/13 15:30

你們可以不要在我難得的PO文糟糕起來嗎 Orz

BachXXX:我覺得3應該是說R用出去還沒傷害的時候就死掉10F 10/13 15:30


davy012345:然後衣服也修少一點11F 10/13 15:30
fewhy:果然要改變施法速度阿 我覺得W這樣一改就OP了12F 10/13 15:31
et310:                                               交13F 10/13 15:31
MARVELHERO:大絕到底是一顆一顆算,還是第一顆球出去剩下是動畫14F 10/13 15:31


jeff82465:大絕丟隱形角一隱形就斷實在是很糟15F 10/13 15:31

有這種事喔 @@

ciwewa:Syndra就是珍貴在絕對領域阿  裸足就不稀奇了16F 10/13 15:31
a2364983:褲襪太短了不會加分啊XD17F 10/13 15:31
joy159357:E改成爆衫好嗎18F 10/13 15:32
ciwewa:大絕看扣血應該是一顆一顆算 希望R可以BUFF到1000距19F 10/13 15:32

糟糕串可以停止嗎 =_______=
※ 編輯: didesaphan      來自:         (10/13 15:35)
fewhy:1000太誇張了吧... 其實只要施法動畫加快都會強很多20F 10/13 15:33
lunaoath:3是指修正CD的判定21F 10/13 15:33
omanorboyo:Q距離真的太近了22F 10/13 15:33
bluerain0958:可以教一下如何打星朵拉嗎@@ 打兩場兩場都被壓爆QQ23F 10/13 15:33
MARVELHERO:一顆一顆算的話,一個閃現或突進技,就離開射程了...24F 10/13 15:33
ciwewa:只要他放出來 你就算B回家還是會追到溫泉 指定技25F 10/13 15:34
lunaoath:讓招式不會在放了還沒打到敵人前敵人就死掉判定CD26F 10/13 15:34
ciwewa:1000不會太誇張阿  會戰1000還是很難放到後排哩27F 10/13 15:35
而是打到的時候再判定28F 10/13 15:35

感謝樓上補充 :)

weiduo:他的W真的很難用,感覺就是慢半拍30F 10/13 15:36
fewhy:有哪個ap的招是保證你可以放到後排的@@ 這是指定技耶31F 10/13 15:37
ciwewa:XE阿XD  XE可以準確轟到後排 目前R 675 真的有點短32F 10/13 15:38
rufjvm12345:RIOT現在才發現這隻技能有延遲根本科科嗎33F 10/13 15:38
※ 編輯: didesaphan      來自:         (10/13 15:44)
joy159357:認真回...Q類似蛇女但是兩隻對上 星朵拉只能吃__34F 10/13 15:38
simon99simon:可能因為在搞S2大賽吧?35F 10/13 15:39
wingpanda:大覺是該長一點36F 10/13 15:39
hydra6716:他們提得更動的點玩家早就提過n次了37F 10/13 15:40
ciwewa:蛇女的Q不管哪一項數據 都比Syndra好 沒得比38F 10/13 15:40
simon99simon:比長相吧  恩!?39F 10/13 15:40
ciwewa:S2中沒空搞吧 S3前夕版本(新道具版)可能才會放出來40F 10/13 15:40
hydra6716:就算能穩定放到後排也沒什麼屌的 他傷害還要取決於Q41F 10/13 15:41
fewhy:XE是指向技阿....R 我覺得頂多800可能都太高了42F 10/13 15:41
hydra6716:更動延遲是最基本的。最好讓球能夠有額外功能43F 10/13 15:41
nerv2015:R點敵人動畫到一半敵方死掉會直接進CD44F 10/13 15:41
hydra6716:上次更動已經證明了Syndra的問題在基本面上 而不是45F 10/13 15:42
fewhy:還有個問題是其實R->E是個有趣的招式 但是因為距離46F 10/13 15:42
hydra6716:傷害跟耗魔這麼膚淺的東西。47F 10/13 15:42
fewhy:所以常常都很不實用XDD 我覺得這算是設計不良XD48F 10/13 15:42
dustlike:距離1000的指定技絕對OP49F 10/13 15:42
fewhy:會戰的時候放R 可是沒辦法接E的狀況應該不少...50F 10/13 15:43
s81j81js:星朵拉場上至少要有5顆以上才會夠痛....51F 10/13 15:44
joy159357:距離1000的指定 凱特琳嗎?52F 10/13 15:44
fewhy:如果加成了射程更是這樣 但是不好RE我不懂丟一堆球53F 10/13 15:44
s81j81js:但是最大的問題在於....在會戰時間來不來的及招到球54F 10/13 15:44
fewhy:的意義是甚麼.... 所以是一件怪事55F 10/13 15:44
s81j81js:最怕就是遇到風箏陣容 星朵拉的R可說最多只能打四顆56F 10/13 15:45
ciwewa:R到頂3+4 最少應該都可以3+2啦...57F 10/13 15:45
rufjvm12345:還有個問題 技能核心是球 但是球幾乎沒功用58F 10/13 15:46
ciwewa:我也覺得球應該至少有150視野...好歹可以探草叢59F 10/13 15:46
hivgay:Q+一個可以有視野 SUPER SUP SYNDRA就OK了60F 10/13 15:46
PrinceAries:取代舊EVE位置的不二人選61F 10/13 15:47
ciwewa:死歌Q都可以探草了 Syndra擺顆球在那邊還是看不到62F 10/13 15:47
tio2catalyst:看到對面Syndra中路就笑了,招式延遲太嚴重63F 10/13 15:47
fewhy:因為是黑洞 把光都吸走了(死)64F 10/13 15:48
qoh:強烈要求被q到失去視野0.5秒65F 10/13 15:53
Mercury0625:這隻傷害其實滿高的耶.......66F 10/13 15:54
prereality:如果把丟人改成甩人 移動路徑碰到都有緩的話呢?67F 10/13 15:55
hydra6716:全部技能命中 + 滿球數 3.2 ap ratio68F 10/13 15:55
michaelch:這隻最詭異的是搓一堆湯圓卻毫無領域控制功能69F 10/13 15:55
hydra6716:是很高阿,但誰會給你接一套?你又什麼時候能集滿球?70F 10/13 15:55
reallove:他的勝率可是嚇死人的                  (低到嚇死人71F 10/13 15:56
每個技能滿等後會獲得的加成。再額外給個被動72F 10/13 15:56
zsp7009:                                     打死人掉裝備74F 10/13 15:57
omanorboyo:Q太鳥了 連POKE都是問題 又短又延遲75F 10/13 15:57
fewhy:我也覺得被動很鳥76F 10/13 16:00
Istari:拜託先改xer的W77F 10/13 16:00
hivgay:要改很簡單 球有視野 消失時會爆炸產生傷害 就夠了78F 10/13 16:02
s81j81js:想到改進方法 把E改成指向技 直接丟一個球出去
碰到第一個的英雄暈眩 這樣就多一個造球手段
暈技也比較好操控 應該能變的比較好上手79F 10/13 16:04
W22625231:R改一千會OP 你會看到SYNDRA在塔下集3顆球
然後閃現出來R你...82F 10/13 16:05
hivgay:可是這樣改就不能R+E來個大撞球了耶84F 10/13 16:06
W22625231:真的要增加出場率的話...來個比基尼SYNDRA吧OwO85F 10/13 16:07
silverowl:沙灘排球Syndra86F 10/13 16:09
ciwewa:Xe的被動跟W要改已經說了半年多了吧 不期不待87F 10/13 16:09
