看板 LoL
作者 bingciate (兵燹)
標題 Re: [閒聊] Thresh 主題曲加歌詞
時間 Thu Jan 24 06:51:23 2013

※ 引述《BILLYTHEKID (比利小子)》之銘言:
: 鍊魂獄長 Thresh 的主題曲出來了...
: 很毛啊~非常的毛啊
: 影片連結: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LQHRajcOjCM
Amazing New Thresh Login Screen and Music! - YouTube
If you like, download track from  If you want to play like the Curse Pro's be sure to vi...

: 歌詞:
: Clang clang, go the chains
: Someone's 'bout to find you
: Clang clang, go the chains
: The Warden's right behind you
: Clank now, the sinking chains
: Approach with their true strength
: Don't stop, flee the chains
: The last chance to escape
: Drag the chains, drag the chains
: Withall the strength you have
: Drag the chains, drag the chains
: And they drag you away
: Clang clang, go the chains
: For all the time you're here
: Clang clang, go the chains
: The last thing that you'll hear
: 不知道為什麼這旋律讓我想起恐怖的佛萊迪之歌(一樣毛)
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpTI7O9tDiQ
Freddy Krueger Theme Song Lyrics HD Audio (Child Version) - YouTube Shut up and listen! Just to tell you NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED IF YOU VIEW THIS, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SLEEP.. YOU WOULD BE SO FREAKIN' SCARED!!!! IF YOU SAW...


翻成中文,獻醜了<(_ _)>

Clang clang, go the chains
鏗鏘 鏗鏘,鎖鍊來了

Someone's 'bout to find you

Clang clang, go the chains
鏗鏘 鏗鏘,鎖鍊來了

The Warden's right behind you

Clank now, the sinking chains

Approach with their true strength

Don't stop, flee the chains

The last chance to escape

Drag the chains, drag the chains
拖著鎖鍊 拖著鎖鍊

Withall the strength you have

Drag the chains, drag the chains
拖著鎖鍊 拖著鎖鍊

And they drag you away

Clang clang, go the chains
鏗鏘 鏗鏘,鎖鍊來了

For all the time you're here

Clang clang, go the chains
鏗鏘 鏗鏘,鎖鍊來了

The last thing that you'll hear

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
wind00001:感覺色色的 =////=1F 01/24 08:22
VacuumLife:框啷不是比較接近音譯嗎 兩篇都超乎我想像XD2F 01/24 09:19

※ 同主題文章:
01-24 06:14 BILLYTHEKID.
Re: [閒聊] Thresh 主題曲加歌詞
01-24 06:51 bingciate.