看板 WoT
作者 sisko196 (晨)
標題 [情報] 8/5 Q&A
時間 Mon Aug  5 18:09:13 2013

- looks like Russian players playing on EU server want the “Stalin”
  inscriptions back.
  SerB reacts:"Write an appeal to the appropriate office, that’ll be more useful
- 看起來在EU服的蘇聯玩家希望”史達林”相關的標語回到遊戲中。
  SerB的回應: 寫信到辦公室申訴會比較有用

- WoT is influenced by real life politics too: for example in China, it's
  forbidden to use real map on CW map
- WoT也會受到真實世界的政治因素影響
  Ex. 對岸天朝就不准在CW地圖上使用真實地圖

- it’s possible that when roaming is implemented, the chat will be disabled
for the roaming players (SS: in order not to promote tension between players,
spam etc.) – “measures against excesses from both sides will be taken”
- 未來伺服器漫遊功能實裝之後,漫遊用戶的交談功能可能會被關掉 (SS: 避免玩家之間

- the FV300 British light tank might be implemented
- 英國輕型戰車FV300未來可能實裝

- there are not enough TD’s for US 3rd TD branch
- 美國驅逐戰車的第三條科技線車不夠

- M8 Scott won’t become US premium arty
- M8 Scott不會是美國的加值自走炮

- it’s possible that the Panzer V/IV icon might be reworked to reflect the
vehicle better (SS: ATM it looks like a stock Panther), but this has really
low priority
- Panzer V/IV的圖案可能重作來讓圖案看起來更像不四不五一些(SS: 看起來更像白板

- Panzer V/IV model won’t be reworked anytime soon (SS: to resemble the way
it really looked)
-  Panzer V/IV的模型近期不會重作(SS: 看起來更接近實車)

 - Q: “Why does LTP suck so much?”
   A: “And of course you gave a Rolls
Royce to your friends on your birthday?”
-  Q: 為什麼LTP這麼鳥蛋??
   A: 想必你會在你生日時送你朋友一台勞斯萊斯對吧??

- disabling the chat between the two teams is not planned
- 沒有計畫關掉兩隊的交談功能

- the balance of the lowtier premium special vehicles such as Tetrarch and
Hotchkiss is monitored, but it is changed only if the need is extremely urgent
- 我們正在密切注意Tetrarch和 Hotchkiss之類的低階特殊加值戰車的平衡性,但是除非

- according to SerB, WG deals with bots “normally”, their number is not
- 根據SerB的說法,WG對付BOT的方式成效良好,BOT的數量並沒有成長

- Q: “Will you remove huge weakspots from tanks?”
  A: “Don’t play tanks with huge weakspots”
- Q: 你會把戰車上的明顯弱點移除嗎??
  A: 不要玩有明顯弱點的戰車

- Chi-Ha having bad MM?
“Don’t play Chi-Ha”
- Chi-Ha的分房系統糟透了??

- there is no plan for now to make a new “open” (permanent) hangar á la
  tank proving ground
- 目前沒有計畫作以戰車測試場為主題的開放式車庫

- rare tank models being incorrect?
 “How terrible…”
- 少數的戰車模型不正確??

- WoT boring?
 “Don’t play boring game”

- German TD’s won’t come in 8.8 (despite the Soviet 2nd branch not finished)
- 新的德國驅逐戰車不會在8.8版本出現 (儘管蘇聯的第二條科技線還沒完成)

- 3x3km maps?
“When it’s done it’s done”
- 3km x 3km的地圖??

- the developers discussed the idea to allow the players to change any tank
to “premium” status, but decided not to do it
- 開發組曾經討論過不讓玩家開啟組員加速訓練功能,但他們決定不這麼做

- the 8.8 tier 9 Soviet med tank with the rear turret is not Object 430′s
predecessor, but a competing project
- 8.8版本中的蘇聯後置砲塔的9階中型戰車不會是Object 430的前身,而是他的競爭者

- Object 140 will be implemented
- Object 140未來會實裝

- SerB on laptop-series Radeons and the 0.8.7 FPS drops: “With Radeons it’s
  generally complicated. Something is being done, but no guarantees” – he
  suggests updating drivers
- SerB對於0.8.7版本在使用Radeons顯示卡的筆電FPS問題的回應: 「Radeons一般來說很

- the point of lowtier premium tanks is (besides being collectibles) to
  significantly help new players with grinding significantly
- 低階加值戰車是設計來(除了收藏用之外)快速協助新手玩家成長

- SerB states that WoT does have influence on how the view on history is
  formed by its players
- SerB承認《戰車世界》的確會影響到玩家歷史觀點的形成

- destroying the house, behind which the enemy is hiding, will not be
  considered as an “assist”
  (SerB: “Oh Cthulhu, what greedy children have we dragged here!”)
- 摧毀敵人躲藏的房屋不會算入助攻


“8.8 is going to be feature update mostly while 8.9 will bring some very
exciting content.”

The_Chieftain (US 開發組):

“It is possible that the T29 mantlet is only 203 mm from a preliminary
  measurement “


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
OnlyTD:翻譯辛苦了1F 08/05 18:13
zick0704:Nice Job!2F 08/05 18:14
abc12812:可以附上英文參考嗎? 謝謝3F 08/05 18:16
amadizXXX:幹的好阿!老皮!4F 08/05 18:20
josephHPSH:推sisko大大5F 08/05 18:22
kukugugu:歷史觀點是指虎式在遊戲中的地位嗎XD6F 08/05 18:22
GALGUN:要砍T29啊7F 08/05 18:26
cklppt:可以附上英文嗎? 感謝XD8F 08/05 18:27
sisko196:等我吃飽飯回來重新排版9F 08/05 18:29
jerry78424:T34&T30表示:10F 08/05 18:35
udm:剛買T29就砍T29 -_- (淚)11F 08/05 18:36
zmcef:BOT數沒成長,但也沒減少zz12F 08/05 18:47
yeangigi:推熱心翻譯13F 08/05 19:16
Pegasus99:SerB的酸沒有極限! 看到抱怨LTP那條就笑了14F 08/05 19:26
TrueTears:對岸的CW地圖不就是現實歐洲嗎15F 08/05 19:45
p95649564:各種不要玩XDDDDD16F 08/05 19:51
TrueTears:T29炮盾203也是夠用了 看看IS3 220也是沒人想打頭17F 08/05 19:51
orcseer:但我覺得IS3的頭皮比T29的包包好打耶18F 08/05 20:01
troll5566:虎王:你那砲盾這樣削剛好啦19F 08/05 20:02
hitlerx:應該是 "想必你會在你生日時送你朋友一台勞斯萊斯" ?20F 08/05 20:09


Alex21:203...剛好等於88L71銀彈穿深。21F 08/05 20:32
※ 編輯: sisko196        來自:       (08/05 20:46)
alber0083:有翻有推22F 08/05 20:51
