看板 Browsers
作者 g5637128 (好睏)
標題 [-GC-] Google拒絕了uBlock Origin dev版的更新
時間 Sun Oct 13 04:25:36 2019


uBlock Origin 作者提交的 Dev 版更新被 chrome store 所拒絕,


拒絕的理由是因為違反了“single purpose”policy。

"Your item did not comply with the following section of our policy: An
extension should have a single purpose that is clear to users. Do not create
an extension that requires users to accept bundles of unrelated functionality."

reddit 上有 google 的員工出來回應,表示過完這個週末後會再與作者討論相關細節。


作者也說了假如未來 uBlock Origin 不能在 chrome 上使用的話,建議換到其他有支援


- Github issue: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/745
Dev build 1.22.5rc1 "REJECTED" from Chrome Web Store ·  Issue #745 ·  uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues ·  GitHub
Here is the email I received today at 8h33: Dear Developer, We routinely review items in the Chrome Web Store for compliance with our Program policies ...


- ghacks: https://is.gd/jwk2ZF
The end of uBlock Origin for Google Chrome? - gHacks Tech News
Raymond Hill (gorhill), the developer of uBlock Origin revealed recently that Google rejected a new developer version of the extension ...

- /r/firefox: https://is.gd/S5NWBe
uBlock Origin dev build rejected from the Chrome Store : firefox r/firefox: The latest news and developments on Firefox and Mozilla, a global non-profit that strives to promote openness, innovation and opportunity … ...

- /r/privacy: https://is.gd/0whIbP
UBlock Origin rejected from Chrome app store. : privacy
r/privacy: The intersection of technology, privacy, and freedom in a digital world. ...



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1TeZRDla (Browsers)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1570911949.A.BE4.html
※ 編輯: g5637128 ( 臺灣), 10/13/2019 04:59:23
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