Mosquito close up videos - YouTube
The species in the video is the woodland snow pool mosquito (Aedes communis). This mosquito species does not spread e.g. malaria or dengue fever, although it...



The species in the video is the woodland snow pool mosquito (Aedes communis).
This mosquito species does not spread e.g. malaria or dengue fever, although it may spread some viral diseases, like the Sindbis virus.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX200 with a +12 diopter close up lens (a lens from an Elmo Super 8 camera).

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蚊子使用口針(stylets),六根針狀、類似抽血用針的構造來刺進人類的皮膚,吸取血液攝食。當蚊子叮咬人類時,會從口器輸出唾液。其唾液含有蟻酸、抗凝血劑及目前成分不明的蛋白質(目前已知至少含15種),其中酸性物質是用來溶解皮膚表層的角質層;抗凝血劑則是避免在蚊子吸食血液時,血液突然凝固。 第一次被咬時,身體不會有任何特殊反應。但從第二次開始,身體的免疫系統會釋放出一種稱為組織胺的物质,以便對抗蚊子所帶來的外來物質,造成皮膚發癢和紅腫。這種刺激性感覺,乃是被叮咬者對蚊子唾液的一種過敏反應。








蚊子總愛耳邊飛 皆因喜歡耳屎味





Here's a few things I do know:
Mosquitoes are crepuscular, most active at dawn and dusk.

Only female mosquitoes suck blood so that their eggs can mature prior to laying. The blood serves no nourishment. Both males and females feed on nectar.

She will often drink more than her weight in blood in one "sitting."

A mosquito does not "bite", but siphon the blood out by a tube.

The only place mosquitoes do not live is Antarctica.

You can scare off mosquitoes by eating garlic! For more tips on keeping them away, check out:

You can get a mosquito buzz ringtone on your mobile phone that is rumored to be at a frequency too high for those over 40 to hear. (17KHz Mosquito .wav). I could hear it fine, by the way, but why would anyone want to?

I am now off to sleep with no answers, fearing another night of mystery buzz tones. If anyone can tell my why mosquitoes buzz in our ears, please do. With sleep and knowledge, I promise my next blog will be brilliant.





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