One woman is claiming that she was raised in the wild by monkeys.

A woman, who was raised for part of her life by capuchin monkeys, is now telling her life story.

She has already sold her book called 'The Girl with No Name' in seven countries and she has a television documentary in the works.

Marina Chapman was reportedly kidnapped and left in the jungle as a child where she was taught to hunt with her bare hands by the capuchin monkeys, who are known to accept children in their midst.

She was eventually found by hunters and sold to a brothel that she escaped from.

She was then taken in by a Colombian family who put her to work as a maid in her mid-teens, and she began using the name Marina Luz.

There are several other cases of young children being raised by wild animals.

Including a boy in Chile who was found in 2001 at the age of ten after living with wild dogs for about two years.

Another young boy in Russia was reportedly living with the livestock.

In June of 2012, the boy was found by social workers living in a room with goats.







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