看板 Gossiping
作者 ttv (天晴)
標題 [新聞] 行車紀錄器拍下 阿帕契生前最後身影
時間 Fri Apr 25 12:39:31 2014

行車紀錄器拍下 阿帕契生前最後身影



行車紀錄器拍下阿帕契生前最後身影 | 即時新聞 | 20140425 | 蘋果日報
1架編號808的阿帕契直升機,今天上午10時許,墜毀在桃園龍潭鄉中正路1處民宅,有民眾開車剛好行經該路段,全程直擊墜毀過程,而車上的行車紀錄器也記錄下該架阿帕契「生前」的最後身影。(突發中心/桃園報導 ...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1398400774.A.2EA.html
JetLiu401:R.I.P1F 04/25 12:40
qoosky:最後身影.........2F 04/25 12:40







看板 Gossiping
作者 Sodium (Sodium)
標題 [爆卦] 阿帕契直升機 墜入民宅 有現場照
時間 Fri Apr 25 11:30:59 2014







※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1398396662.A.BC7.html
m21423:.....1F 04/25 11:31
huang233:http://imgur.com/JczuNd2 就是他搭過的2F 04/25 11:31
kent:腿3F 04/25 11:31
lc301:op了4F 04/25 11:31
meredith001:國軍不意外6F 04/25 11:31
tkfc5566:這一台要幾億啊7F 04/25 11:31
taimu:808?8F 04/25 11:31
tagso:就是他搭過的9F 04/25 11:31
johnny3:前幾篇就有了 同一太10F 04/25 11:31
tagso:一台20E11F 04/25 11:31
smalltwo:都多少篇了12F 04/25 11:32
p00o99o:真有效率13F 04/25 11:32
tigernaxo:不要懷疑,就是這架14F 04/25 11:32
imac100:馬賽傳奇再添一章15F 04/25 11:32
lc301:有夠靠杯的  對岸中國軍事網 馬上po出  五毛笑翻了16F 04/25 11:32
MacOSX10:軍購多少回扣啊 操17F 04/25 11:32
avi5566:它簡直比要你命3000還超絕18F 04/25 11:32
crassus7217:沒想到死握已經到了可以控制爆發時間,剛好來救援今天19F 04/25 11:32
ki84:變成模型了…馬神!20F 04/25 11:32
ccf770602:說真的這台阿帕契真的不爛  原因應該很明顯了....21F 04/25 11:32
math99:對岸一定笑到翻22F 04/25 11:33
dixieland999:技術不錯,還能停在屋頂不掉下來XD23F 04/25 11:33
endi:無限期支持馬習會&握手24F 04/25 11:33
silv31:其實這是買來測試最終兵器死亡之握的吧25F 04/25 11:33
BRANFORD:國軍~~哪26F 04/25 11:33
imac100:想看對岸的討論 有神人可以私信網址給我嗎27F 04/25 11:33
wuliou:啊啊…幾十億的稅金啊…28F 04/25 11:33
Leeng:房子主人:挖勒幹林良勒29F 04/25 11:33
crossdunk:就這台啊 不爬文的喔30F 04/25 11:33
attis:不愧是阿帕契 這樣被帶賽還救了兩條人命31F 04/25 11:33
glassspirit:哇靠,太扯了吧,被他碰觸過的,有哪個有好下場!?32F 04/25 11:34
egain:白色正義對於納稅錢被丟到水裡又忽然無感了33F 04/25 11:34
tsairay:摔成這樣還能修嗎34F 04/25 11:34
BRANFORD:國軍會賠屋主損失嗎?35F 04/25 11:34
taiwanwang:http://ppt.cc/I4IV  總統府的flickr36F 04/25 11:34


firefox320:漬漬漬!!37F 04/25 11:34
lc301:還在分藍綠 無聊 這是全民大損失  對岸五毛極盡嘲諷38F 04/25 11:34
Leo4891:國軍怎麼都亂搞? 上次菲律賓摔一架飛機 這次摔阿帕契39F 04/25 11:34
dirubest:說真的,如果我是五毛,肯定是笑不出來40F 04/25 11:34
notea:這樣房子可以趁機換新重蓋嗎41F 04/25 11:34
dielivefish:馬賽傳奇沒有極限42F 04/25 11:34
Leo4891:連敵人都沒打就可以自摔?? 武器這麼好買阿43F 04/25 11:35
glassspirit:無限期支持馬習會!快點握手,這樣就有機會反攻大陸了44F 04/25 11:35
a77942002:廢物國軍買遙控飛機就夠了~ 有夠廢45F 04/25 11:35
KimJongUn:求對岸討論網址46F 04/25 11:35
awesomeSS66:馬英九會不有中國遊客的習性 參觀阿帕契偷拔零件回家47F 04/25 11:35
taiwanwang:http://ppt.cc/kCeY  蘋果日報的新聞48F 04/25 11:35
阿帕契墜落壓民宅警消趕抵現場救援 | 即時新聞 | 20140425 | 蘋果日報
桃園縣龍潭鄉中正路三林段,今天上午10時許,1架編號808的阿帕契直升機(型號AH-64E)疑似機械故障墜落透天厝民宅頂樓,警消與軍方獲報已趕抵現場搶救。目擊民眾表示,當時聽到類似爆炸聲後,衝出屋外, ...

mustangccx:推 a5447:那架機身編號是808 看看這架會撐多久XD 12/1449F 04/25 11:35
dirubest:因為我知道台灣有比阿帕契可怕百倍的新兵器...50F 04/25 11:35
lc301:衰這一架 全民大損失  我不知道為什麼還有一堆人興災樂禍?51F 04/25 11:35
※ 編輯: Sodium (, 04/25/2014 11:37:41
kindless:摔得好慘52F 04/25 11:36
taiwanwang:808 恩.....53F 04/25 11:36
ggggoooo:尖端科技 低能操作...54F 04/25 11:36
tommy0125:空軍一號就沒事,怪哉55F 04/25 11:36
ogcman:這應該是馬英九要賠吧 如果他當時不坐那台 就不會噴掉了56F 04/25 11:36
KimJongUn:幻想一下武直掉落民宅本版會多high 對岸現在討論區多熱57F 04/25 11:36
imac100:國軍緊急開會內容:為什麼會是這一架?!58F 04/25 11:36
KimJongUn:鬧應該理所當然59F 04/25 11:37
xrichardx:也不是幸災樂禍,真的太玄了60F 04/25 11:37
andytaso:                           屋主:ya!!!重建經費有著落了61F 04/25 11:37
sickiam:好帥 大型裝置藝術62F 04/25 11:37
a77942002:我猜接下來會偷改編號  國軍不意外63F 04/25 11:37
fan1900:便宜啦,每人才花87塊,少吃個便當就有了64F 04/25 11:37
lc301:不是87元的問題  問題是買不到了65F 04/25 11:38
itachi0609:水母負責一下好嗎66F 04/25 11:38
abellea85209:死亡之握67F 04/25 11:38
KimJongUn:全民能有什麼損失?還在保固期內不是?walmart都能退貨68F 04/25 11:38
St3480:無限期支持馬習會!!!!!!69F 04/25 11:38
RobertDJ:原來是某人搭過的 QQ70F 04/25 11:38
after1:[新聞]俄國: 台灣空軍戰力不容小覷71F 04/25 11:38
gourmand:推 a5447:那架機身編號是808 看看這架會撐多久XD 12/1472F 04/25 11:38
lc301:5月1日上凱達格蘭大道 抗議國防部訓練不精73F 04/25 11:39
Leo4891:保固期有保證換新機嗎?74F 04/25 11:39
magi3Q:沒有幸災樂禍,是檢討某些可恥的人士75F 04/25 11:39
ishiki:軍機那來的保固期………76F 04/25 11:39
Leo4891:跟美國買武器就已經夠難買了, 對岸還會GGYY77F 04/25 11:39
ANOTHERK:傻瓜這死握已經是 5000碼光環等級了 經過必亡78F 04/25 11:39
konex:這還能修嗎?80F 04/25 11:39
Sodium:請問這一台買多少錢?81F 04/25 11:39
yo897689:馬神!!!!!!!82F 04/25 11:40
dirubest:馬廢能去對岸把共產黨握死,我從此再也不噓他83F 04/25 11:40
sofaly:馬神!!!!84F 04/25 11:40
odsan:真的很帶賽85F 04/25 11:40
hikaru77613:壞了...只能50收了....86F 04/25 11:41
b642897:休瀚啦87F 04/25 11:41
makapaka:馬一講話不是狂風暴雨就是摔飛機 到底什麼妖孽來投胎的88F 04/25 11:41
sqoo:馬賽傳奇89F 04/25 11:41
jimmysquidy:國軍 不意外90F 04/25 11:42
jizz0010513:還真的是他搭過的= ='''91F 04/25 11:42
zerhbbo78:難修 料都在老美那 撞成這樣修好也不敢開了 殺肉吧ˊˋ92F 04/25 11:42
kid1412sonic:a5447先知啦!!93F 04/25 11:42
lc301:阿帕契摔了一架 等同瞬間少掉兩個野戰營的兵力94F 04/25 11:42
g1409:還真的是他搭過的...95F 04/25 11:42
mpppppp:這台要爆廢了!?96F 04/25 11:42
gadoma:這還能修嗎...頂多有用的零件拆下來當維修備品吧98F 04/25 11:43
SunShine5566:去年的文章有先知 http://tinyurl.com/lt25afg99F 04/25 11:43
馬英九握緊阿帕契比讚 戴200萬頭盔笑了 - 一頁新聞/一頁.com
(阿帕契) ...

Sodium:要殺肉應該也要美國同意100F 04/25 11:43
gunfighter:才買多久阿 也摔太快了吧101F 04/25 11:43
St3480:馬邪神要改變歷史定位只能去把阿共高層握死才有辦法102F 04/25 11:43
pm2001:才剛買美國應該會負責啦 應該沒傷到引擎 還是能修的103F 04/25 11:43
lotus12350:屋主沒事吧?!104F 04/25 11:44
ryofang:馬囧連直升機都不放過嗎......105F 04/25 11:44
qoo1991:推 a5447:那架機身編號是808 看看這架會撐多久XD 12/14106F 04/25 11:44
titowu:去年12/14有好多先知喔107F 04/25 11:45
elzohar:好多先知 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD108F 04/25 11:45
rabbina:太屌了109F 04/25 11:46
blue1747:我極度懷疑這架就是馬囧當初坐的那架110F 04/25 11:47
sunnyaero:這真的太強~111F 04/25 11:47
CNN007:太扯112F 04/25 11:48
casifa:附魔過的阿帕契XD113F 04/25 11:48
pipiandy:它到底謀財害命了多少東西....114F 04/25 11:51
qoojason:幹這一台要20億太扯惹115F 04/25 11:54



AH-64E Apache Longbow


Program Status: Under Development
IOC: October 2011
First Flight: 11 July 2008
Total Production: 223
Unitary Cost: USD$41 million
Total Cost: USD$14 billion
Also Known As: AB3 (Apache Block III), AB3A (Apache Block III A - remanufactured aircraft), AB3B (Apache Block III B - New build aircraft), AH-640 (Taiwan variant), AH-64E and Block III AH-64D Apache Longbow

Origin: United States of America

Contractor/s: Boeing* and KAI Korea Aerospace Industries (fuselage)

Description: The AH-64 Apache is a twin-turbine engine, armored, attack helicopter was designed to defeat the most advanced main battle tanks at standoff ranges. It employs a combination of advanced sensors and Hellfire anti-tank missiles (up to 16), as well as a 30mm nose-mounted M230 chain gun (1,200 rounds) and 70mm (up to 76) unguided rockets. It is capable of operation at night, in darkness, and in adverse weather, even in presence of obscurants. The M230 chain gun fires M788 30mm target practice rounds and M848 30mm dummy ammunition during training.

In 1991 the AH-64As played a vital role destroying Iraqi armored battle tanks stationary and moving. They were deployed for the first time in Panama during operation Just Cause in 1989 and subsequently in other military campaigns with less impact than during the Gulf War. Recently, during operation Iraqi Freedom they provided close air support to American armored units while they were deploying throughout Iraq.

The AH-64D Apache Longbow is the last improved derivative of the combat-proven AH-64A Apache attack helicopter. The Longbow radar is the only difference between the AH-64D and the Apache Longbow helicopter. It features 400% more lethality over current AH-64As, 720% more survivable, can hit moving and stationary targets in presence of obscurants when optical systems are rendered ineffective, can use multiple sensors, the Longbow radar detects and classifies up to 128 targets prioritizing the 16 most dangerous of them, and only needs 3.4 hours-man of maintenance per flight hour. It is compatible with the digitized battlefield of the 21st century.

Following the RAH-66 Comanche cancellation in February 2004, the US Army selected the Apache as the attack helicopter for the objective force associated with the Future Combat Systems (FCS) program. This decision will keep the Apache Longbow in active service for the next three decades. The next round of Apache enhancements, sometimes referred to as Block III, will include a new composite rotor blade, JTRS radio system, improved drive system, and cognitive decision-aiding software.

The Block III AH-64D Apache Longbow combat helicopter Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) contract was signed on 28 June 2005 in Washington D.C.; Huntsville, Alabama; and Mesa, Arizona. Follow-on engineering and production contracts were anticipated by the US Army. Production of new Block III Apaches was planned to begin by 2010 when the current Apache models production work will expire.

Overall, Block III Apache is a combination of 25 technologies aimed at enhancing crew effectiveness in battle while reducing operations and support costs. Those technologies insertion will provide Network-Centric warfare capabilities in the multi-role combat helicopter for the Army�s future force. To enable battlespace dominance, the program will incorporate open systems architecture, wideband network communications, extended range sensing, level IV unmanned aerial vehicle control, extended range fire control radar, extended range missiles, and data fusion to merge off- and on-board sensor imagery.

In addition, the Block III Apache Longbow will interface with Stryker Brigade Combat Teams and Future Combat Systems with a fully compatible and rapidly reconfigurable open systems architecture mission processor design. Other key benefits to the US Army include a reduced logistics footprint, and improved readiness and deployability.

In July 2006, the US Army and Boeing signed a $619 million contract covering Block III AH-64D Apache Longbow program System Development and Demonstration (SDD). Under the terms of the SDD contract the US Army will see the first production Block III Apache in 2011.

Parent system is the AH-64 Apache
IOC: 1984
Total Production: 1,484
Other Family Members: AH-64A Apache, AH-64D Apache and AH-64D Apache Longbow

Transactions: There are 19 transactions involving 274 items for AH-64 Apache from 1993 to 2017 and 2 transactions involving 38 items for the AH-64E Apache Longbow view report







Forward Cockpit of the AH-64D  



Boeing Apache AH-64D Block III
Two high-performance turbo-shaft engines and maximum cruise speed of 284 kph
Laser, infrared, and other systems (including target acquisition designation sight/pilot night vision sensor) to locate, track and attack targets
A combination of laser-guided precision Hellfire missiles, 70mm rockets, and a 30mm automatic cannon with up to 1,200 high-explosive, dual-purpose ammunition rounds

It incorporates 26 key new-technology insertions that cover flight performance, maintenance costs, sensors & electronics, and even the ability to control UAVs as part of manned-unmanned teaming (MUT).

Key AH-64D Apache Longbow features include the Lockheed Martin/Northrop Grumman (Longbow LLC) AN/APG-78 Fire Control Radar, which has a very low probability of intercept. The radar automatically searches, detects, locates, classifies, and prioritizes fixed and moving targets on land, see and in the air in all weather environments and battlefield conditions.

The Apache Longbow is equipped with an M230 30mm chain gun, which fires 625 high-explosive dual-purpose rounds a minute with a capacity of 1,200 rounds in total.

16 Hellfire missiles for anti-armor missions (4x four-rail launchers) or 8 Hellfire missiles (2x four-rail launchers) and two Hydra-70 rocket pods with 19 rockets each.

Notably, the US is known to have much better Electronic Warfare capability than perhaps any other nation. The Apache can detect 256 moving targets in speed, distance and direction and engage them as required.

The twin-engine tandem seat Apache is operated by two pilots, and can execute an attack within 30 seconds of an alert. It is equipped with Northrop Grumman's highly sophisticated millimeter wave Longbow fire control radar and Lockheed Martin's Hellfire and Raytheon's Stinger missiles. The Block III is the latest version being delivered to the US Army from this year. Apache has a strong shell made of composite fibres to protect the pilots from bullets.

US is offering 245 Stinger missiles to India as part of a weapons package for the Apache attack choppers being acquired by the Air Force.

''245 air-to-air Stinger missiles and 56 launchers are included in the weapons package for the Apache helicopters," officials of Raytheon, which manufactures the missiles, said.

''The Stinger compliments the advanced performance of the Apache by providing the IAF with the critical air-to-air defence capability," they said.

India has selected the American Apache helicopter for its requirement of 22 attack helicopters which will have both air-to-ground and air-to-air roles in the service.

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2012/10/28 08:00

海峽國際網    10/27   2012    整理報導

根據美國的AVIATION WEEK媒體報導27日指出,美國陸軍已正式指定把阿帕契直升機AH-64E型為最新型號,波音公司與軍方打算發出一份合約將開始加緊速度生產製造。

這項全速率生產製造將會是美國陸軍從Block I到Block II投入製造以來最重大的決定,陸軍上校傑夫‧海格(Jeff Hager)表示,每年將會以48架次銷往國外,而美國陸軍將添購480架次。

去年11月第一架AH-64E交付給美國陸軍後,每隔月在亞利桑那州廠生產交付給美軍,但生產進度和數量細節將會和軍方進行協商,國際各個買主開始 對此產品感到興趣,尤其以台灣為例,將在明年2013年成軍,已經派遣種子教官至美國訓練,而將會是以AH-64E做交付型號。美國陸軍已經知會國會,交 付給印尼八架,卡達24架,印度22架,南韓雖然也向美方尋求36架,但將會面對AH-1Z的選擇。



台灣向美國購買30架長弓阿帕契攻擊直升機(AH-64E)總金額達新台幣593億1000萬元,這批軍售是前美國總統布希(George W. Bush)政府於2008年宣布售台;直升機從今年開始將分批陸續返台,預計民國103年7月可全數交運完畢。

這項軍購案在民國99年10月29日發包,由波音公司(The Boeing Company)生產;首架AH-64E去年在美國交機,陸軍司令李翔宙上將親赴美國主持接機儀式,並且搭機試飛,國軍的種子教官與維保人員也早已抵美受訓。











Why stingers as part of the package?

 AH-64E based on the D model being the most current model,

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