美夢成真_未來預想圖 II (中文日文羅馬拼音對照字幕版) - YouTube 因為太喜歡這首老歌了 就做了一下字幕版方便練唱呵呵 聽了有一點暖暖的感覺 早早睡 半夜再暖暖的醒來 。 記得按右下的HD 但是只有字幕會變清楚而已唷呵呵 美夢成真 未來預想圖 II






《未來預想圖》以Dreams Come True歌曲的意境為藍本,描述了一個關於夢想和愛情的故事。影片將經典的情歌所表述的愛情觀,用電影的形式重新詮釋,並以女主角松下奈緒由過去到未來對愛情與人生觀的變化,詳述了一個女孩由單純到成熟的演變。

根據日本暢銷歌曲《美夢成真》改編 福島和宮本是對情侶,福島是建築系學生,十分仰慕西班牙建築大師高第。畢業旅行時,兩人來到了西班牙,他們堅信:他們的未來,將會永遠在一起…。畢業後,福島在建築師事務所工作,宮本則在當職員。他們每次約會分手時都會互閃五下車燈,代表〝我愛你〞。福島不斷鼓勵宮本實現理想,當她如願成為編輯時,此時的福島卻意外被派往西班牙工作。宮本知道去西班牙發展一直是福島的夢想,為了怕他放棄夢想,她於是主動提出了分手…(以上兩段資料來自開眼電影網與電影公司)













(附上或許有人感興趣的主題曲:The Signs of Love的歌詞)

自從畢業以來 已是第三個春天
依舊不變的 是身旁一樣的笑靨

在我下車後 目送我走到轉角

*無論再過多少年 這樣的心情
一定也不會改變 因為是和你
一直在心中描繪的 未來的預想圖
瞧 可不正如所想的在實現


在代號已改變的今天 依然以一樣的心情

*無論再過多少年 這樣的思念
一定也不會改變 因為是和你
一直在心中描繪的 未來的預想圖
瞧 可不正如所想的在實現
瞧 可不正如所想的在實現 




未来予想図 ~ア・イ・シ・テ・ルのサイン~(予告) - YouTube


未来予想図Ⅱ - DREAMS COME TRUE - YouTube
366日 - HY  やさしさに包まれたなら - 荒井由実(松任谷由実)  ひまわりの約束 - 秦基博  他にも音楽の動画をアップしていますので、よかっ...




Barcelona Photos


Who says Barcelona says Gaudi and who says Gaudi says beautiful impressive art. Gaudi can be found throughout Barcelona, Gaudi is everywhere; houses, churches and even a complete park is designed by Gaudi. Below you see a house designed by Gaudi.

    Barcelona- Gaudi - Casa Mila La Pidrera 

 Casa Mila La Pidrera  



Casa Mila La Pridrera is a typical Gaudi design. It is located in the middle of Barcelona. On top of the building are impressive chimneys to be found. Normally a picture says more than a thousand words but to experience the impressiveness of this Gaudi creation you have to stand right in front of it. Its magnitude, all the little details and the perfect and astonishing design make it a tourist draw that is not to be missed. Be aware that if you want to go inside Casa Mila La Pridrera that there's quite a queue but if you go early you might be lucky.


La Sagrada Familia

    Barcelona - Gaudi - Sagrada familia overview


La Sagrada Familia is the pride of Barcelona. La Sagrada Famila is located in the center of Barcelona and surrounded by buildings and a small park. From the park there's a magnificent view of La Sagrada Familia. The four gigantic towers make it one of the most impressive churches in the world. La Sagrada Famila has two entrances, both in different styles. Here you can clearly see the large period of time that has passed since the beginning of construction.


 La Sagrada Familia - Under Construction  

    Barcelona - Gaudi - Sagrada familia under construction


To see La Sagrada Famila without construction and cranes is very hard; you have to be lucky. Since the church is still unfinished Barcelona keeps working on it. In Barcelona you hear echos of a forerver ongoing project since new sections are being designed throughout the years. If you visit Barcelona and find La Sagrada Famila wihout cranes and scaffolding it probably doesn't mean that the project is finished but that the local government has temporarily run out of money for the project. If you happen to get lucky and visit Barcelona during such a period, be sure to enjoy it and take a lot of pictures!


 The impressive view from La Sagrada Familia. 

    Barcelona - The impressive beautiful view from the sagrada familia


The impressive beautiful view from La Sagrada Familia. This panorama is taken from one of the towers. When you visit La Sagrada Famila you have the opportunity to climb the stairs of one of the towers. Seize this opportunity and experience this panorama of Barcelona for yourself!


 Parque Guell - Reptil 

    Barcelona - Gaudi - Parque Guell Reptil


Parque Guell is a beautiful park with a lot of architectural tour de forces. Above you see a reptile of mosaic besides this there are beautiful paths, a neverending mosaic bench, atonishing buildings at the entrance and even is own house is situated in the park. Be aware that lot of the beauty is best seen early in the morning when not a lot of tourists are present.


La Marina de Barcelona

    Barcelona Marina


Being located at the the Mediterranean sea makes Barcelona a perfect location to visit by yacht. As you can see on the picture a lot of sailers moor here giving it a less poshy more sea worthy look.


Teatre del Liceu  

    Barcelona - Teatre del Licue 

This beautiful opera house is founded in 1847 and has retrained its role as a culture and arts centre. It is one of the city symbols and worth to visit wheter for an opera or other cultural expression or just to enjoy the beauty of the building. For more information look on the website of Teatre del Liceu. 


Other beautiful architecture 




Besides Gaudi Barcelona itself is one big concentration of beautiful architecture. Classic and modern meet each other in a very special way. A picture says more than a thousand words, but not even the best picture can show you the special feeling that Barecelona gives you!


3D Barcelona in Google Earth - YouTube
See Barcelona, Spain in 3D with Google Earth. Make sure the "3D Buildings" layer is checked in the Layers panel. VIsit  to download Go...


Barcelona Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations - YouTube
The capital of Catalonia is one of Europe’s cosyest and livable cities. It is famous for its nice weather, good transport, lot of green areas, and parks full...


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