
(Picture: Deirdre Spain for

If there’s one exercise I don’t hate doing during my period, it’s swimming.

And, when I decided to visit the Maldives on a ‘well I guess I’m never getting a honeymoon but I’ll be damned if I never go to the Maldives’ trip on my own, I ended up swimming with sharks. On my period.


(Picture: Liberty Antonia Sadler)

At one point I downloaded a period tracker app and, for about three months, dutifully filled it in.

Obviously I got bored after that and, besides, there was no clear pattern. Plus, what’s life without a little pant-staining, blood spattering surprise?

Consequently I arrived at Ellaidhoo, a small island about 300m by 280m, with little more than a giant sun hat, a swimming costume and a few good books.

At the time the resort was called the Chaaya Reef Ellaidhoo, although it’s now Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon.

On the first day I woke at dawn and swam out to the reef around our island, mostly underwater, for a couple of hours before breakfast. I don’t like snorkelling and usually just swim down in goggles.

By the second day I’d decided to make it my mission to swim round the island.


Ellaidhoo island in The Maldives – I decided to make it my mission to swim round it (Picture:


I walked down the little private beach outside my room, into the bright blue waters and swam out about 50m through the shallows and past the concrete ballasts which surrounded the island.

Here the reef was at its finest – I saw box fish, Nemos and Dorys (clown fish and surgeonfish), schooling banner fish (stylish black and white striped guys), rays and eels.

I had my wits about me for triggerfish as I’d heard they can give you quite a nasty bite.

Every time I took a breathe and swam down I saw something new.

I one point I saw the unmistakable forked tail of a blacktip reef shark, heading away from me.

A blacktip reef shark (Picture: Getty)

I took a breath and then looked again – he was heading back, towards me but much further down.

At first I was worried but then, when he again changed direction I realised he was repeating the same pattern.

He seemed to be patrolling his home on the reef, swimming back and forth.

I marvelled at the speed at which he whipped through the water, but he clearly had no interest in me.

This is typical of the species – there have been no fatal attacks on humans and the only attacks at all (21) involve people walking through shallows in their territory rather than swimming because the shark mistakes their feet for food.

Seeing a shark for the first time without an aquarium wall between us was a rush, even if we both kept a very respectable distance.

Swimming in I saw smaller versions of him, no bigger than fish but with the same distinct markings.


What a dinky little guy (Picture: Getty)

I kept my eye on them at all times but they were clearly too busy living it up by the beach.

I didn’t make it round the island that time but I still returned to my room on a high.

I changed for breakfast…and realised the Crimson Tide had hit.

Yes, I’d been swimming with sharks on my period.

Did that put me off going back in the sea? No. The hotel shop sold tampons and, having spent nearly £2,000 on a dream holiday there was no way I was going to let a bit of blood ruin it.



(Picture: Liberty Antonia Sadler)


On the third day I was back on the sea although when I emerged blood was running down both my legs – from the thousands of coral cuts I sustained stupidly swimming back to shore through a shallow patch.

The tampons were fine. They always are, even on what the ads genteelly call ‘heavy flow days’ and the rest of us call ‘The Shining hall scene days’.

Every day I tried and every day I got closer to my goal although, annoyingly, one day I came close to drowning when I got caught in some swell and only just made it, sputtering, back on to the beach.

Lying on a beach coughing up sea water didn’t put me off swimming – I was still determined to do my lap.

The next day I got up again, this time starting at a better point (less chance of coral cuts and with the toughest stretch first instead of last).

As I swam, marvelling at the turtles, the box fish, the beautiful coral itself, I felt great. The last thing on my mind was the fact my womb was shedding its lining again.



Reef sharks are usually quite small, and super cute (Picture: Getty)

I swam close to more reef sharks who, like their friend before, seemed too busy patrolling their turf and looking for breakfast to care about me splashing about up above.

I saw one chase after a fish and didn’t fancy its chances.

I fancied mine, though, as long as I kept out the way.

And then I saw her. A tawny nurse shark.

Down in the depths. Beautiful. Majestic. Massive.


A tawny nurse shark (Picture: Getty)

I say her but I don’t really know if it was male or female because a) I don’t know how to tell the sex of a shark and b) I wasn’t about to swim close enough to find out.

She looked peaceful. Just relaxing before the day started in earnest.

Tawny nurse sharks do not typically attack humans, although they have been known to bite, if provoked.

Sharks are notoriously good at smelling blood in the water.

Would she mistake my menstruating body for a morning snack?

Was swimming on my period a stupid mistake?

I stared down through the clear blue sea at her.

It occurred to me at this point that swimming alone may not have been the smartest choice, as if she did decide to bite I’d have no one to help me return to shore.

But she was alone too and she didn’t attack – she seemed to almost hang in the water, unmoved.

As well as the fear, I felt awe.

Mesmerised, I didn’t take my eyes off her, and I swam backward for a bit (undoubtedly the dumbest part of my escapade because I could in theory have been hit by a passenger boat coming into the island, someone heading out on a fishing trip or, worst of all, a speed boat – none of which are traditionally as fearsome as sharks despite the fact boat collisions are certainly more lethal).

Not long after that I completed my circuit.


(Picture: Yvette Caster)

I celebrated with a shower and a float in the warm hotel pool where I could lie on my back and not have to look out for sharks.

Although at the very moment I began to relax a child swam into me and bumped my head on the wall.