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看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [國際] 英國內政部反移民風波 #Windrush #英邦聯移民 #歧視
時間 2018-05-26 Sat. 00:28:54

> https://disp.cc/b/261-aDxv 英國移民議題 #政策性排擠
> https://www.plurk.com/p/lvhq2t 英國政府施壓強迫企業透露外國人雇用數 藉以羞辱這些「拒絕雇用本國勞工」的雇主
> https://www.plurk.com/p/lr4npx 英國上議院:我們國家辜負了移民的小孩
> https://www.plurk.com/p/m2fv4j 前往英國尋求政治庇護之難民 他們住的地方又髒又爛到「(讓國家)丟臉可恥」的地步
> https://www.plurk.com/p/mbldlx 研究發現:到英國尋求政治庇護的人 被迫無家可歸,就因為政府單位的文書作業被延遲
> https://www.plurk.com/p/mng3uv "根本是玩樂透" 英國內政部密報線人爆料英國政治庇護系統不公正

British African-Caribbean people - Wikipedia
English is the official language of the former British West Indies, therefore African-Caribbean immigrants had few communication difficulties upon arrival in the UK compared to immigrants from other regions.[1] Nevertheless, indigenous Britons were generally unused to the distinct Caribbean  ...


疾風世代之歌(上)被母國排擠的帝國子民:W for Windrush Generation | 文化視角 | 轉角國際 udn Global
「So London, that’s the place for me...」1948年6月22日,藝名「基奇納爵士」 (Lord Kitchener) 的艾德溫.羅伯茲搭乘「帝國疾風號」(HMT Empire Windrush)抵達倫敦近郊的蒂伯里碼頭。和船上其他400多名來自加勒比海的移民一樣, ...


疾風世代之歌(下)半輩子換來「即期逐客令」:W for Windrush Scandal | 文化視角 | 轉角國際 udn Global
來自牙買加,溫斯頓還是懵懂的嬰兒時,就跟著父母搭上「帝國疾風號」抵達英國。他跟著爸媽旅行,還沒有自己的護照。上岸後,爸媽帶著孩子,把他拉拔長大。離開學校後,他找到一份清潔工的工作,,日子過得不算富有,生活還算穩定——直到某日,溫斯頓收到一紙通知,說他沒有合法居留英國的權力,必須在期限內自行離開英國, ...


via https://www.plurk.com/p/myroog 【英國】最小10歲的困苦孩童們申請英國公民身分 卻因沒有通過"良好人格"測驗而遭拒

'Shameful': widespread outrage over man denied NHS cancer care

‘Indefensible’ that Londoner living in UK for 44 years was told to pay upfront for treatment

 How the Guardian broke this story

Theresa May refuses to intervene over man's £54,000 NHS cancer bill

Tens of thousands in UK could be in a similar position to long-term resident Albert Thompson

> https://www.plurk.com/p/m825nz
> https://www.plurk.com/p/m9mi64
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> https://www.plurk.com/p/m4d5uk
> https://www.plurk.com/p/mlc343


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No 10 refuses Caribbean request to discuss children of Windrush | Commonwealth immigration

British residents threatened with deportation to countries they left as children and have not returned to since

*‘I’m here legally, but they’re asking me to prove I’m British’

Amber Rudd 'sorry' for appalling treatment of Windrush-era citizens

Minister criticises Home Office and promises cases will be resolved in two weeks

* Windrush-era citizens row: timeline of key events

British residents deported to Jamaica told to 'put on accent'

Labour MP David Lammy condemns government leaflet telling new arrivals how to blend in

Home Office destroyed Windrush landing cards, says ex-staffer

Exclusive: Evidence of UK arrivals discarded despite case worker protests, says former employee

Government in chaos over Windrush after double setback for May

PM’s claim about destruction of landing cards and assurances over Albert Thompson’s treatment called into question

Whistleblowers contradict No 10 over destroyed Windrush landing cards

Exclusive: Claims by Home Office and Downing Street that cards’ destruction had no impact undermined by fresh evidence

Windrush scandal: Albert Thompson still in dark about cancer treatment despite May's promise

Londoner still has not received any appointment date for radiotherapy – or an apology

Windrush generation tell of holidays that led to exile and heartbreak | UK news | The Guardian
One man was stranded abroad for 21 months, while another missed his mother’s funeral ...

Windrush generation tell of holidays that led to exile and heartbreak

One man was stranded abroad for 21 months, while another missed his mother’s funeral

何處是我家?英國「疾風世代」揭開血淚移民史 | DQ 地球圖輯隊 帶你看透全世界
如果有一天你發現,自己待了大半輩子的「母國」準備把自己遣返回小時住過但不熟悉的國家,你會有什麼反應呢?在英國,許多被稱為「疾風世代」的移民,就遇到了這樣的問題...... ...


'It's inhumane': the Windrush victims who have lost jobs, homes and loved ones

The government’s ‘hostile environment’ policy has caused pain and heartache for many long-term UK residents

Stuck in Jamaica: 'My pension, my house and my kids are in the UK'

Windrush immigrants unable to re-enter Britain after a visit, or deportation, feel ignored


Tories in new race row over identity checks for elections | The Observer

New rules ‘will deter migrant voters’, watchdog claims, adding to Windrush scandal

#大選 #移民選民

Government knew for years that Windrush generation hurt by 'hostile environment'

Home Office letter dated May 2016 shows ministers knew of immigration policy’s impacts


'I feel disgusted': how Windrush scandal shattered two brothers' lives

Trevor and Desmond Johnson’s family units have been destroyed, but they sense Home Office cruelty is routine

Windrush generation will get UK citizenship, says Amber Rudd

Home Office will waive fees and knowledge test, and applicants may get compensation

Windrush scandal: Albert Thompson gets cancer treatment date

Londoner, 63, was denied NHS care and made homeless over immigration status

#英邦聯內移民 #種族歧視 #加勒比海 #入境卡

'I felt like dirt': disabled Canadian woman told to leave UK after 44 years

Margaret O’Brien’s treatment by Home Office suggests scandal goes beyond Windrush generation

Amber Rudd vows to scrap targets for removing immigrants from UK

Home secretary urged to quit as she promises to ditch targets she told MPs had not been set

Amber Rudd was sent targets for migrant removal, leak reveals

Exclusive: Secret memo undermines home secretary’s claim she was unaware of targets

> https://www.plurk.com/p/m1aec4 「移民應該被告知何時該倒垃圾,什麼時候應該排隊」 專責關注弱勢族群並促進融合的資深政務人員凱西這麼說
> https://www.plurk.com/p/lx6r8x 社區社群凝聚力專家學者呼籲 該是對英國全境漸漸成長的種族隔離進行反制的時候了

Interview - ‘Britain is my home’: how the hostile environment damage has spread

Since the Windrush scandal broke, stories have emerged of people from other Commonwealth countries battling to prove their right to remain in the UK


Sadiq Khan tells Amber Rudd to quit over Windrush scandal

London mayor says minister’s actions ‘beggar belief’ as No 10 gives backing to home secretary


Home secretary Amber Rudd quits as immigration crisis grows – as it happened

All the developments as Theresa May accepts Rudd’s resignation following mounting pressure over Home Office handling of Windrush scandal

* May to name new home secretary as Amber Rudd quits - politics live

* Rudd resigns as home secretary after Windrush scandal

* The week that took Windrush from low-profile investigation to national scandal

* Rudd letter to PM reveals ‘ambitious but deliverable’ removals target

Amber Rudd resigns hours after Guardian publishes deportation targets letter

PM accepts Rudd’s resignation after 200 MPs sign letter accusing her of making up immigration policy ‘on the hoof’

* Sajid Javid is new home secretary after Amber Rudd resigns – politics live

With Rudd now gone, Theresa May faces a new crisis | Isabel Hardman

The Windrush scandal has claimed its first scalp. But the prime minister is in a desperately weak position and the focus will turn to her own role

The favourites to take over from Amber Rudd as home secretary

Giving Michael Gove the job would cap a striking comeback but the timing favours Sajid Javid

Amber Rudd letter to PM reveals 'ambitious but deliverable' removals target

Exclusive: denials she was aware of deportation targets at odds with January 2017 letter now published in full

Sajid Javid pledges to urgently 'do right' by Windrush generation

New home secretary tries to get on top of problem that led to exit of his predecessor Amber Rudd

The Windrush scandal shows why we must hold power to account

The Guardian’s revelations have driven public debate and demonstrated the importance of independent, investigative journalism


Sajid Javid and the return of the Tory power stance

On his first day at work, the new home secretary resurrected the tradition of Conservative ministers striking a distinctly odd pose

Tories flounder in attempt to launch Operation Save Theresa | John Crace

Amber Rudd made one teeny-weeny little mistake. The mistake of trying to protect her boss


Rudd’s career lays bare the new rules of power: crash around and cash out | Aditya Chakrabortty

The ex-home secretary’s rise and fall is typical of an inexperienced elite that regards ordinary people with contempt

#無經驗菁英 #輕視 #蔑視 #凡夫俗子

Labour motion to see Windrush documents defeated in Commons

Three-line whip victory for Tories ‘a betrayal of Windrush generation’ – Diane Abbott

> NHS will no longer have to share immigrants' data with Home Office
> Exclusive: minister announces U-turn over key element in ‘hostile environment’ immigration policy

Home Office suspends immigration checks on UK bank accounts

Decision is second such U-turn following NHS data-sharing after problems highlighted by Windrush scandal

#移民 #敵意環境

※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2018-05-26 00:28:54

Windrush scandal: arrest of vulnerable 62-year-old is 'outrageous'

MP David Lammy said the man had no knowledge of the alleged offence 20 years ago

'It’s like a death sentence': ex-NHS worker billed £4,388 for treatment

Falling ill on a visit from Jamaica became costly nightmare for Pauline Pennant, who had worked in UK for 30 years

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-05-26 00:51:08
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-05-29 00:33:03
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-06-08 21:42:28, 21:53:46

MPs condemn Home Office over detained Windrush pair

Committee describes officials’ behaviour towards long-term UK residents as ‘shocking’

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-06-29 15:01:57

MPs call for total reform of Home Office after Windrush scandal

Select committee condemns hostile culture and ‘callous’ system within department

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-07-04 02:12:03

Revealed: depth of Home Office failures on Windrush

Government received repeated warnings over several years but failed to take action

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-07-19 13:20:46
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-11 10:16:21

Windrush row: Javid's apology overshadowed by new removal figures

Home secretary to apologise to 18 people but Home Office says 164 may have been wrongly told to leave

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-22 14:45:28
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-09-19 23:10:29


 【衛報獨家】 英國移民法條8年來翻倍 使簽證系統幾乎無法使用


 惡意環境:剖析一場政策災難 #敵意環境


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-09-19 23:16:52

https://www.plurk.com/p/mswueg 英國內政部不讓得了ABC乳癌的政治庇護者接受她急需的癌症治療

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-09-25 17:20:09


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-10-01 21:11:03

Will Britain’s beaten, betrayed migrant children find justice at last?

Thousands forcibly sent to the Commonwealth from 1945-70 still await compensation – and for many time is running out

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-11-26 00:21:00


Plus: Michael Braithwaite on how he got caught up in the Windrush scandal

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-12-20 16:46:05

Deportation flight lands in Jamaica after reprieve for some | Immigration and asylum

Campaigners condemn ‘ad hoc’ system under which 29 people were expelled from UK but others allowed to stay at last minute

#遣返 #遣送 #特別系統 #牙買加 #驅逐出境

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-02-08 01:01:29

「不公平」家族與律師疾呼 終結將長居於英國的居民遣送出境 - 衛報國內版頭條
Families and lawyers call for end to deportations of long-term UK residents

Relatives of people sent to Jamaica this week say policy of double punishment is unfair

#雙重懲罰 #疾風世代

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-02-09 19:23:39

內政部遭批加速遣返辛巴威人 - 衛報國際版頭條
Home Office criticised for accelerating removals to Zimbabwe

Lawyers say UK is working with Zimbabwe to deport asylum seekers despite human rights abuses

「我很難睡著」 那些面臨被遣返的在英辛巴威人
'I can hardly sleep': the Zimbabweans facing deportation from UK

People who have fled torture and political intimidation fear being sent back to new regime


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-02-14 04:57:38

https://www.plurk.com/p/n6nnpy 【揭露】英國內政部是如何僱用外部人員來獵捕移民



 「不公平」家族與律師疾呼 終結將長居於英國的居民遣送出境


 「我很難睡著」 那些面臨被遣返的在英辛巴威人

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-02-18 03:26:13

MPs condemn Home Office over new Windrush failings

Report highlights failure to support those affected, with systemic problems still evident

The Home Office is making life-changing decisions based on incorrect data and, despite the Windrush scandal, remains complacent about its systemic and cultural problems, a damning parliamentary report has concluded.

The department’s failure to monitor the impact of hostile environment policies on vulnerable members of society represented a dereliction of duty, said the public accounts committee report. The department showed a “lack of care” in ignoring repeated warnings that its policies were causing acute problems for older long-term UK residents without documents.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-03-06 13:15:33

UK to pay up to £200m in compensation to Windrush victims

Fund established for people whose lives were damaged by hostile environment policy

#基金會 #賠償受害者 #敵意環境政策

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-04-09 03:56:14
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-06-19 15:08:42

2020-3-19 19:35
Windrush report condemns Home Office 'ignorance and thoughtlessness'

Minister apologises for failings ‘consistent with some elements of institutional racism’

* Windrush report: what the Home Office needs to act on


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-03-20 02:52:52 (台灣)

2021‑06‑22 ‑
United Kingdom

Reading the news aboard the Empire Windrush on arrival at Tilbury, Essex on 22 June 1948

Seventy three years ago today, on 22 June 1948, the Empire Windrush had arrived at the Port of Tilbury in Essex, carrying hundreds of people from the Caribbean, a milestone in the making of modern multicultural Britain.

Our homepage image shows a group of men reading the headlines about their arrival on board the ship, which had docked the previous day. The ship had stopped in Kingston, Jamaica, to pick up servicemen who were on leave. But as it was not full, an advertisement was placed in a local newspaper, offering to transport anyone who wanted to seek work in Britain.


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-06-22 12:45:55 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/mx60jz 「我的工作就是要氣死你!」秘密鏡頭錄下內政部官員這樣嗆一個即將被遣送出境的人

2022-4-01 01:04
Windrush: Home Office has failed to transform its culture, report says

Independent expert Wendy Williams finds ‘lack of tangible progress or drive to achieve cultural changes required’

* Analysis: Claims of compassion ring increasingly hollow https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/mar/31/home-office-claims-compassion-ring-hollow-analysis

#內政部的內部文化 #敵意環境
My Notepad, [01/04/2022 03:25]
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-04-02 12:35:05 (台灣)


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-04-02 12:35:05 (台灣)

2022-4-14 20:29
送非法移民去盧安達! 英相強森:既「人道」又「具同理心」

= 分隔線 =

2022-5-30 01:15 【獨家】報告:疾風醜聞肇因於30年來的種族歧視移民法案
Windrush scandal caused by ‘30 years of racist immigration laws’ – report

Exclusive: legislation has been designed to reduce the UK’s non-white population, according to leaked government paper

* The racist laws that led to the Windrush scandal

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-05-30 02:50:59, 19:26:36 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-06-26 03:04:44 (台灣)

Veronica Ryan wins 2022 Turner prize for work including Windrush tribute

Artist wins for work comprising UK’s first permanent public artwork honouring Windrush generation
My Notepad - NEWS, [08/12/2022 11:55]
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-12-08 11:55:59 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-01-24 03:31:16 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-17 09:10:28 (台灣)
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