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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 12月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2013年12月02日 Mon. PM 02:20:07

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Your December Horoscope by Susan Miller

Last month I gave the direction to end service on my first app on the iTunes Apple Store, Astrology Zone Premier, which I had started in 2003. We had upgraded that app many times but now, with all the upgrades to Apple's phones, new code was necessary. Many readers wrote to me on Twitter, saying "My app is not working. It seems broken." Those readers missed the posts that I had posted here and in social media, that Astrology Zone Premier ended on November 13, 2013. If you have an iPhone, it's time to download my new app, "Susan Miller's AstrologyZone Daily Horoscope FREE!" It is a free app with the option of subscribing to my longer content for less than a dollar a week. I have explained all in my letter to you, so please see this: http://bit.ly/1bd65B4 and also the FAQ I wrote for you: http://bit.ly/1bd65B4 

There was a bug with the new app's subscription for one month, which we found because you were so kind to write and tell me. Phunware instantly jumped on that and was working on that fix last Friday.

Any questions about billing or technical advice, write to my app developer engineer: Jennifer@Phunware.com

Readers on Android or Samsung Galaxy can continue to use their version of Astrology Zone Premier (different code) for the time being. Readers living overseas or with ANY type of phone may subscribe to the same daily horoscopes as on iPhone by getting all 12 'scopes sent to your email in your cell phone and/or computer by going to http://www.DailyAstrologyzone.com. Thank you, readers!
Aries Horoscope for December 2013

By Susan Miller

It is holiday time, and you will have so much to do, so many people to see! December will be a month that will require careful planning, for difficult days will be rolling in the last week. You will need to take your most important actions early on and be careful not to cut your timing short, for you may simply run out of time. As you get later in the month, there will be many distractions and unplanned interruptions to your schedule, so do what is most important to you first.

The new moon, December 2 in Sagittarius, 11 degrees, will be just your cup of tea. All new moons open a door, and this one, in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, will be especially generous and expansive. This new moon stands as one of the best new moons of the year for you, and considering how arduous your life has been lately, this has to be exciting news!

This new moon will allow you to travel quite far, abroad or to a beautiful island, or to stay within your own country and fly to a distant city. The ninth house, where this new moon will fall, has the job of stimulating your mind and invigorating your spirit. You've had too much routine, so it appears you could use a large sprinkling of excitement in early December by traveling to a new, beautiful setting.

A large emphasis will be on international matters too. If you need to work on an immigration matter, such as one involving a green card, visa, or a passport, things will go exceedingly well. If you have an import-export business where you trade goods, services, or information, you will find opportunities that you uncover will sparkle like diamonds in the Sun. If you are a writer, you may find that your book will be translated into other languages this month, an exciting prospect. These are a few examples, so consider how to use this wonderful energy in your life.

The area where this new moon will appear, the ninth house, is where we take information in, such as in college through study. If you are involved in earning a university degree and, for example, plan to take important qualifying exams during the first three weeks, you will likely do well - the new moon of December 2 will support your efforts. If you are scheduled to defend your thesis in early December, the same is true. This is your time to shine.

If you are not a student but rather a professor or teaching instructor at an institution of higher learning, the same house is where we give information out. You would benefit from opportunities to increase your visibility and power. (To be clear, this house is all about college, not high school or lower education, as those institutions would come under the third house and would not be relevant here.)

Broadcasting and publishing ventures will shine for you too, as these industries will get a big boost at the new moon. If you work in these fields, you may get a new assignment that might require you to travel, near or far.

Additionally, because this area of the chart encourages debate, the legal system and the courts also fall in this house. It would be an ideal time to bring a legal matter to court. Alternatively, you might offer a settlement that the other side may find agreeable. There are other ways you can use this favor from the courts, say, by filing a patent or trademark, and the results would be a jewel in your crown.

I am very enthusiastic about this new moon for you, for one big reason. Uranus will send a magnificently harmonious beam to that new moon, so things should go unexpectedly well for you - quite suddenly. You will need to be agile enough to swing into action when the pace picks up. Neptune will be slightly adverse to the new moon, which underscores your need to remain objective and realistic and not agree to terms too quickly. Feel free to ask a number of probing questions to be sure you and others are all on the same page.

If your birthday falls on March 31, plus or minus five days, you will benefit from that new moon, December 2, and from events that follow in the ten days that follow it. If you have a natal planet in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, and to slightly lesser affect, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius at 11 degrees (or within five degrees), you will feel the energy of this new moon the most - more than your friends who are Aries too, but were born at different times of the month. You will need to do your part by initiating actions as soon as it arrives. This will be a rare time to launch something new, whether in your personal or professional life.

Mars will enter Libra on December 7 and bring on a long new trend. Libra is the sign opposite yours on the horoscope wheel. Libra's time is at the end of September and first three weeks of October, six months away from your birthday. Mars in Libra will focus you on one partner in particular, or on collaborative efforts in which you are involved in general. Mars typically stays in a sign for six weeks, but will, remarkably, remain in Libra for nearly eight months, until July 25, 2014. The themes you will see arise now, shortly after December 7, will be with you for months.

Mars is your guardian planet, dear Aries, so this phase will affect you in a more direct way than it will other signs. With Mars opposite your sign (or your rising sign) you won't have total control over all the events. You will have to defer to others, and although this is a long trend, it is a temporary one. There is no need to be concerned. You can find qualified people who can add expertise and assistance to you, and the sum of their energies when added to yours could easily be greater than the sum of the parts. It may occur to you that you can't do everything alone, and that sometimes it is comforting to have others' help and input.

Aries likes to be in charge, so the new "twosome" emphasis may require an adjustment at first. To cheer you up, I point out that there is no law that says you have to be 50-50 in any formal business partnership. As an example, you can control 70 percent of a business venture, and your partner, 30 percent. This works if the idea was yours, or if you bring more to the table than your collaborator. No matter what the split you agree upon, you are partners.

You might think of the opportunities that Mars' emphasis might bring to the surface, and work with this trend rather than against it. (For Aries, the idea of sharing control almost always creates a "no" as a knee-jerk reaction.) Let's look at some examples. If you are out of work, consider presenting your skills along with that of another person who can complement what you do. This happens frequently in the advertising business. For example, if you are a superb copywriter, you might want to combine your skills with a top art director and offer your skills as a unit to interested businesses.

Here is another idea. If you are a writer who would like to self-publish a book, say, in Japan, partner with a translator you have vetted. My idea here is to come in as a package. By working this way, you would be working with Mars in Libra energy. You may find that clients prefer to work with the individuals who will be doing the actual work (you and your partner), rather than contract a big firm and cross their fingers that someone as talented as you and your partner would be assigned to their account. Usually small businesses are always worried about firms paying the closest attention to their big clients and overlooking the smaller ones. You can solve that fear.

In terms of this Mars in Libra energy, you may also - or alternatively - be planning a wedding in the coming months. If you have not chosen your day yet, I suggest you plan your wedding for the second half of July, eight months from now. The time near July 19-20 would be ideal. In this manifestation of Mars in Libra, you would consult your partner's opinion frequently to make sure he or she is happy with arrangements.

If you were hoping to get engaged this month, then do so in EARLY December, not in late month or in January. Here is why: On December 21, Venus will retrograde from December 21 to January 31. When the planet of love and beauty retrogrades, all the areas that Venus rules suffer and become weak. Venus needs to be awake, alive, and very strong to be helpful to you when contemplating such a big step!

If you were planning to get engaged for Christmas or New Year's Eve, you need to change the plan slightly. Venus will settle down for her nap on December 21. My advice is to have your engagement earlier this month, no later than the full moon, December 17. You should not schedule important events too close to December 21, so the earlier the better. Once you get engaged, you can always keep that fact a secret between the two of you for several weeks, and then announce your engagement to friends and family at holiday time. I love this idea!

Hosting Mars opposed to your Sun can be trying at times. A partner can be cranky or demanding, and that can make you tense too. This is not necessarily how Mars in Libra will affect you over the coming eight months, but I feel I should let you know this could happen. Mars will coax you to see the differences you share, not only the similarities. Giving you a full picture of your partner will be Mars' aim. If you are in a bitter divorce battle, things may ratchet up another notch. Knowing that things can get harder in time, you may try to settle things sooner rather than later if it is feasible.

If you have a volatile relationship, be careful not to rile your partner. You may have to tiptoe around certain hot topics now and only bring up the subject when your partner is not in a pressured state. If your partner can become violent, that's another story, for in that case, you would be wise to remove yourself from this relationship. Mars will show up any weak links that might exist in any relationship to protect you. In the latter case, it will be up to you to see the handwriting on the wall and heed the message to leave.

If you are not thinking about a wedding, but rather, thinking about forming a serious business partnership or collaboration, do so early in December. Venus was always depicted in ancient literature holding her silk purse that held her gold coins, the reason Venus is also associated with profit. Although Jupiter and Pluto are more closely associated with big financial dealings than Venus, Venus has some influence in this area too. I would not want you to cap your future profits by signing your deal while Venus is out of phase.

Venus also rules beauty and good looks, so it is very important not to schedule plastic surgery at the end of December. Do not ask your stylist for radical changes to your hair from December 21 to January 31 either. Of course, it's fine to go forward with trims and other routine grooming, but it's not a good idea if you are a woman to do something dramatic, like cut all your hair very short or completely change its color. If you are one of my many male readers, you may want to wait to shave off the beard you've worn for years. Venus retrograde is a no-frills time, where fun, beauty, and love take a back seat to more serious work-related tasks. By the end of January, however, you'll be through this phase, ready to start a whole new chapter in your life.

A reader on Twitter wrote to me (@AstrologyZone) and asked, is Venus retrograde as important as a big planet, like Jupiter retrograde? I find that both planets are important, but I find the personal planets that orbit close to earth to be more important when retrograde than the big outer planes. With eight planets having very individual orbits, you can't always get two planets, like Jupiter and Venus, moving direct at the same time. Focus on Venus (and Mercury or Mars) in coming months. For you, in terms of love and business, I say, act in early December so that you will not tangle with Venus retrograde.

To be clear, the smaller personal planets - Venus, Mercury, Mars - when retrograde have a larger, more direct effect than the big "outer" planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto would do in day-to-day living. The big planets retrograde for four months or five months at a time, another reason we cannot stop to wait for all these planets to regulate.

Having said this, it is wise to watch what your ruling (guardian) planet is doing, and I will always tell you when that happens. For example, Jupiter went retrograde November 7 and won't regulate its orbit to direct speed until March 6, 2014. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so when Jupiter retrogrades, Sagittarius (or those with Sagittarius rising) will feel that retrograde more directly than most. As an Aries, Mars rules you, so when Mars will retrograde, as it will from March 1 to May 19, you will feel this more than other signs and will likely find you will have to work harder to get projects approved and launched.

While we are on the subject of retrograde planets, this month, Uranus, planet of surprise and unexpected events, will go direct and become stronger on the same day as the full moon, December 17. This will affect you quite a bit because since March 2011, Uranus has been in Aries. Uranus will continue to be in Aries until March 2019, and once Uranus leaves to go to Taurus, Uranus will never return to Aries again during your lifetime. That is because it takes Uranus 84 years to circle the Sun and rotate through all 12 signs. Its orbit is very slow. Uranus is now making this the most innovative, creative period in your life, dear Aries.

Watch the two days that circle December 17 (before and after) for exciting news from Uranus that will be very important to you. What you hear in one of those days will give you a clue of what's to come. A friend may be very instrumental in your luck.

I mentioned the full moon of December 17 earlier, but I now want to tell you more. (Ironically it is the same day that Uranus goes direct, mentioned above.)

This full moon will be in Gemini, 25 degrees, and will be in elegant angle to Neptune. It will light your house of communication, so projects that you are doing in that area will do well. For example, it would be a great time to unveil a new website or logo. You may see the results of an advertising or publicity campaign, or find you will have an unusual number of news pour into your office, with email, phone calls, messengered packages, and other communications you will need to respond to quickly before the coming holidays.

Full moons bring lots of energy, and they also bring closure, so if you were negotiating a contract, you may be ready to sign at this time. (Of course, ask your lawyer first if it is okay to sign.) Gemini is also associated with siblings and cousins, so you may hear positive news that involves your sister, brother, or close cousin, or you may be cooking up something special together.

This full moon of December 17 in air sign Gemini will get along well with your fire sign element, for the air element will help you become more vibrant. If you were born on April 14 plus or minus five days, you will benefit the most from this full moon.

Now we come to the end of December, and that period will bring some thunderous rumblings of major planets very close to the holidays. This is very hard for me to say, as I love the year-end holidays, for it marks one of the most peaceful times of the year. I love the spirit of giving and generosity that pervades the world at this time. It marks a time when we all say thank you to those who have been good to us, and at this time, we seem to rise above the more mundane cares of life. This year, that peacefulness may be disturbed.

On December 24-25, Uranus will directly oppose Mars to precise mathematical degree, causing either an angry emotional outburst or physical mishap. First, make safety a priority to stop any preventable accidents. Watch for black ice or for things that someone may slip over in hallways or walkways. Extinguish a candle when you leave a room. It is common to drink alcohol at holiday time, but on these days, a drink could make you say something you regret later, adding to the pandemonium. If you will drive, drinking, even a little, would be a very strong no-no.

The person you will most likely have a disagreement with will be your romantic partner, present mate, ex-partner, or soon-to-be ex. I say this only if you do have a disagreement, and let's hope you do not. Tensions will be very high, and again, I am very sorry to say this news. Do everything you can to keep things calm. You won't see the dispute coming, as Uranus, the planet known to create completely unanticipated events, will be involved. Aries born on or within a week of March 29 will have the hardest time with this aspect.

The last week of December will become even tenser. On December 29, Mercury and Uranus will be at 90-degree odds, jangling everyone's nerves, and making travel treacherous. Check weather reports before heading out, and take no back roads - stay on the highway in the unlikely case you might need road assistance.

On December 30, the Sun will be at odds with Uranus AND on the same day Mars and Pluto will be at hard angles too. What a hot-potato day! Someone may be demanding or pushy toward you, and strong-arming you to do as he or she says. It appears this person will most likely be a male and will not be open to reason. I cannot be 100 percent certain that this will manifest, but I can say you must try to keep the boat from rocking. It will seem as though no one will listen to reason, and if an event does occur, it will come up unexpectedly. You will need to be the adult in the room, stay gracious, and as hard as it may be, do not be provoked.

The bad mood of the planets continues straight up to New Year's Eve when Mercury will conjoin Pluto and both will be at odds with Mars. This is another aspect that will make you feel like you've walked over broken glass. I feel you should celebrate at home and perhaps offer a small number of guests a festive dinner that you whipped up.

If possible, keep guests close to you. Buy air mattresses and have your guests sleep over in the living room or library that evening, to keep them safe and sound. This New Year's Eve has difficult aspects, so it will not be worth spending a great deal of money that evening. Were you thinking of flying to Paris? Do so for Valentine's Day instead. Even though Mercury will be retrograde in February on Valentine's Day, any aspect will be calmer and better than what will roll through from December 25 to 31. At that time, do not rattle anyone's cage - a tiger would come out.

The following day will be a difficult new moon, January 1. We need to all get through the gyrations of the end of December - afterward a rainbow will appear, so take a deep breath, and keep your faculties about you.


December is a month divided in two, with the best part coming early on. The month starts off with a solid new moon, in Sagittarius, December 2, that may encourage you to travel far and wide. Sagittarius is a fellow fire sign like yours, so it will support your decisions and actions. Uranus will be friendly to this new moon, indicating that you may need to pack your bags and go at a moment's notice - always a thrilling prospect to an Aries.

Sagittarius is a global, international sign, so you may need to fly to a city quite far from yours. You'd be wise to go in the first half of December, for best luck, when you are likely to be at your most productive.

If you are enrolled in a university, or are a professor, or if you work in the media as a journalist or producer, positive news about your career should reach you this month too. Again, this would likely happen in the first two weeks, and the development would be unexpected. If asked to do a story for print, Internet, or TV, there's a strong chance the topic would focus on a matter that is taking place on foreign shores or, in another manifestation, that would be of interest to a worldwide audience. Alternatively, your story may focus on a sporting competition.

Mars, your ruler, will enter Libra on December 7 and will herald a long and important theme that centers on a partner, and that will extend months, until July 25. You will be collaborating more with others, whether with a collaborator or teammate at work, or with your romantic partner. If your romantic partner is your focus, it may be because you are both going though massive lifestyle changes and need to work as a team to make your dream a reality. You may become engaged or married, buy or lease an apartment, or plan for a baby, as a few examples.

Aries generally prefers to be at the helm, and is generally less comfortable in the role of collaborator or partner. In coming months, you will need to become skilled at the give-and-take of a partnership. Think back to early October when you experienced a new moon in Libra just after October 4. Recalling events that occurred at any time in October might give you hints of what's to come. The plan you drew up or began to focus on then may now be ready to be advanced to a new stage.

Uranus will go direct in Aries on December 17, having been out of phase for months, since July 17. Now that Uranus is stronger, your social life will pick up, and many of your dearest goals will get a push forward. Watch the days that surround December 17 for good news.

Mars will directly oppose Uranus on December 24-25, creating a potentially touchy time where you may not see eye-to-eye with your romantic or business partner. An aspect like this can incite angry outbursts, so choose your words carefully. You may rush or be impulsive - don't. This aspect does not always manifest in an emotional way, but rather a physical way. Protect against falls and make sure your home wiring is adequate for your needs. Never leave a room with a candle burning.

The following week brings a box of firecrackers, December 29 to 31, and an angry new moon January 1. Keep celebrations intimate, calm, and private. Until cosmic storms pass, it's best to keep all things on a small scale.

Dates to Note: Aries

Most romantic dates (These are dates you can use for other things too for they favor you): December 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, and 20.

You may travel soon after the new moon December 2 arrives, and if you do in the two weeks that follow, sweet surprises and experiences await you.

On December 7, Mars goes into Libra, to stay until July 25, 2014 - you will be in collaboration mode during that time.

Good news may arrive on December 10 when Mercury trine Uranus. It is also a great day to travel, give a speech, or send your report.

On December 12, Jupiter trine Saturn a wonderfully stabilizing day - home and real estate matters will bring great, stabilizing news.

The full moon in Gemini on December 17 may bring on another trip. This one would be short in distance. As a separate matter, check in with your sister or brother within four days of this full moon too, for news.

Watch the days that surround December 9, when Uranus will go direct in Aries after being retrograde since July 17. If you watch closely, you will see something dear to you show signs of progress.

Duty, not fun, rules the days from December 21 when Venus will be retrograde to January 31, 2014. Avoid plastic surgery and radical changes to your appearance. Delay engagement - do so prior to December 21.

On December 24-25 Mars will opposite Uranus, and those around you will have a short fuse. Try to remain calm, as this can be a very forceful and aggressive aspect emotionally or physically.

Travel could be treacherous on December 29 when Mercury will be at odds with Uranus. Check weather conditions before heading out.

On December 30 the Sun will square Uranus and Mars square Pluto, so again, people will be getting adverse news, and feelings will be very fragile.

The march of difficult planets will continue on December 31 when Mercury conjunct Pluto and Mercury square Mars. It will be all too easy to have a tiff with your partner today.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-12-02 14:20:07
※ 編輯: MindOcean 時間: 2013-12-02 14:41:16
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 380 
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