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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 12月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2013年12月02日 Mon. PM 02:28:38

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Your December Horoscope by Susan Miller

Last month I gave the direction to end service on my first app on the iTunes Apple Store, Astrology Zone Premier, which I had started in 2003. We had upgraded that app many times but now, with all the upgrades to Apple's phones, new code was necessary. Many readers wrote to me on Twitter, saying "My app is not working. It seems broken." Those readers missed the posts that I had posted here and in social media, that Astrology Zone Premier ended on November 13, 2013. If you have an iPhone, it's time to download my new app, "Susan Miller's AstrologyZone Daily Horoscope FREE!" It is a free app with the option of subscribing to my longer content for less than a dollar a week. I have explained all in my letter to you, so please see this: http://bit.ly/1bd65B4 and also the FAQ I wrote for you: http://bit.ly/1bd65B4 

There was a bug with the new app's subscription for one month, which we found because you were so kind to write and tell me. Phunware instantly jumped on that and was working on that fix last Friday.

Any questions about billing or technical advice, write to my app developer engineer: Jennifer@Phunware.com

Readers on Android or Samsung Galaxy can continue to use their version of Astrology Zone Premier (different code) for the time being. Readers living overseas or with ANY type of phone may subscribe to the same daily horoscopes as on iPhone by getting all 12 'scopes sent to your email in your cell phone and/or computer by going to http://www.DailyAstrologyzone.com. Thank you, readers!
Aquarius Horoscope for December 2013

By Susan Miller

Last month you had several serious meditations about your career, money, and your home living situation, but this month you seem much more willing and able to let down your hair and get on the dance floor. The universe knows it's been too much of a no-frills time for you and now has planned several weeks of fun, starting immediately at the new moon in friendly, compatible Sagittarius (11 degrees) to arrive on December 2.

This new moon will receive a silvery beam from Uranus, planet of surprise - and better yet, this is an important fact, as Uranus is your ruler. This means you will find special benefits from getting involved in all the holiday festivities both for your social life, and possibly for business reasons too. Be sure to bring business cards to parties, or else put each interesting person's contact data into your cell phone. You are certain to meet many new people this month, from all walks of life, not just your industry, and they seem to have very varied backgrounds, some coming from many international countries. Some of the people you meet may have very distinguished careers - ambassadors, elected officials, professors, or executives in publishing or broadcasting may populate the parties you attend, so the conversation that bubbles up should be fascinating.

If your birthday falls on January 30, plus or minus five days, you will feel this lively, vibrant new moon of December 2 more than most.

Later in the month, on December 17, at the full moon in Gemini, you are likely to have an enchanting, romantic moment. This full moon will light your solar fifth house of true love brilliantly, and it is the only full moon to do that in 2013. This full moon will fall on a Tuesday, but all full moons have a plus or minus of four days of influence from the date they appear, in this case from December 17, looping in the weekend of December 14-15 and December 21-22. Any of these days may bring your memorable, ultra-romantic moment. If you get invited to a party on any days that fall within the December 14 to 22 period, be sure to accept.

This full moon will be especially tender, because Neptune will send a beautiful, friendly beam, adding to the sensuous, romantic feeling in the air. (For students of astrology: this will be an out-of-sign "trine" from Neptune. The full moon will fall in late degrees of Gemini, close to Cancer, allowing the rays of Neptune in Pisces to reach it.)

If you are attached, you can expect more attention from your one-and-only now, and you can both plan some outings that you will enjoy. You need a large dollop of fun, as life has been much too "no frills" for you, dear Aquarius. If you were hoping to have a baby or adopt one, this full moon may bring thrilling news. If you have a child, you may have something to celebrate concerning your son or daughter at this time too.

If your birthday falls on February 14 plus or minus five days, you will benefit the most from the December 17 full moon. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising at 25 degrees (or close to that degree) or have a natal planet in Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius at 25 degrees, or within a five-degree tolerance.

You have more good news!

On the same day as this bewitching full moon December 17, your ruler, Uranus, will go direct having been retrograde since July 17. Big planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto go retrograde for four to five months at a time, so when one of these planets turns direct, you will likely notice the exciting difference. From then on, you will have an open road to pursue your dreams to the fullest extent, and feel confident that you will see fine results to your efforts. Your own planet, in this case Uranus, helps you reach for the stars, dear Aquarius - so do!

Uranus is currently touring your third house of communication and short distance travel, so you may be traveling within days of December 17. Alternatively, your sister, brother, or cousin may have big news - be sure to check in to be among the first in the family to hear it. Lots of phone calls, emails and meetings will happen at this time too, and you will be very productive. If you have a contract that your lawyer says is ready to sign, choose this day, December 17, to do so.

Watch for good news in one of the days surrounding December 17. When a planet stops to turn, it hangs briefly like a lantern in the sky, and astrologers call that a "planetary station." Those periods are very powerful. Imagine a cruise ship doing a U-turn and going in the opposite direction - it will require a LOT of energy for that planet to pull off that maneuver. That's why the "bookend dates" - the front and back dates of any planet turning retrograde or direct are so very powerful.

Pay close attention to see if you can detect a subtle message that may come to you near December 17. You will have to watch closely, for it might be easy to miss. That message will show you which direction an important matter to you will go in weeks ahead. When you see the message, you will know for sure that this was the message you had long awaited. If you have a birthday that falls on or near January 28, you will be named in this aspect, and you will be able to see Uranus' message very clearly, and may be very happy.

When it comes to career, pay close attention to your dazzler of a day, Thursday, December 12, when Jupiter and Saturn will work together in a magnificent aspect - a "trine" - which is the very best one you can ever hope to see. Saturn will be in your solar tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, and Jupiter will be in your workaday sector, governing the work you do on a daily basis. Apparently the work you've done has now put you on the short list that VIPs have created of people in the industry to watch and groom for bigger things. You may now be offered a prestigious new position or a major promotion with an impressive title.

If you didn't get your offer to interview for an important job last month, it seems to be coming, dear Aquarius. You had a critical career-oriented eclipse on November 3, and often it will deliver its news precisely one month to the day later, plus or minus five days. As you see, you may notice the effects of that career-oriented eclipse this month, in early December.

If you did have an important career meeting last month, then this aspect, December 12, involving generous Jupiter and long-term thinking planet Saturn, will be special for you. Be sure to use it for an important presentation, audition, meeting, or interview - you decide! Keep in mind that you have the whole first part of December, for two-and-a-half weeks, to schedule talks, as they are ALL good for you.

If you are in a creative field, the full moon, December 17, may bring outstanding news for you, for your finished creative expression is likely to be met with considerable applause. If you are hoping to get the green light to move ahead on a project, it is likely to come at this time.

Venus rarely goes retrograde, but this month, that's what will happen, from December 21 to January 31. Venus is the planet of beauty and love, so during this phase, you will have time to review your feelings for someone you've been dating and decide what to do. You may have been very positive about this relationship, but now have second thoughts. See how you feel. If you are very interested in the person you are dating, you may want to slow it down, and that too will be possible at month's end.

Venus will be touring your twelfth house for many weeks, until March 5, 2014, and the house Venus will tour is associated with a clandestine relationship. I am not saying you would have one, but if you do, when Venus moves out of this house at the end of July, a break up may easily happen. At that time, the relationship may come out in the open, or there may be other reasons that the relationship cannot stay together. Be careful, dear Aquarius.

Venus retrograde, December 21 to January 31, would not be the time to schedule plastic surgery. Do so earlier, for after Venus is done with her retrograde, Mercury will go retrograde next, from February 7 to 28. See if you can schedule it for an earlier date, prior to December 21. The Venus retrograde would also NOT be the ideal time to get engaged. Many couples do get engaged for Christmas or New Year's Eve, but this year, when you complete reading your entire December report, you will see reasons to change the timetable to an earlier engagement date. You can always share news with friends and family later, whenever you wish.

Venus, being the planet of beauty, makes late December a bad time to schedule plastic surgery. When you do work on your face, you want Venus to be strong and vibrant, not napping. The same advice holds if you were thinking of changing your hairstyle radically or changing the hair color. Men, this would not be the time to grow a beard or shave one off. At the end of December through January, keep to the status quo. You can go for trims and routine grooming, but no radical changes when Venus naps!

Mars will also make a dramatic change this month by moving into Libra, December 7, to stay for the coming nearly eight months. While in Virgo (since mid-October) you saw your spending increase, but almost immediately after December 7, your spending will calm down. Libra is a highly compatible sign to yours, so you may like this better. You will have an enormous emphasis on distant travel, most likely to foreign cities overseas. You might, alternatively, be focused on an academic pursuit or immigration matters. This is mainly an intellectual house, so you may also be working on important assignments in publishing or broadcasting. This emphasis will be very noticeable, dear Aquarius, and you will see one of these topics surface almost immediately.

Once we get to the end of December, Uranus will go into a belligerent mood, and a string of hard aspects will come our way. Every sign of the zodiac will feel these aspects. Just as we all would prepare when we are told a storm is coming, we do the same when astrology reveals a propensity for oncoming emotional storms. I will now describe what I see. The timing of these rowdy planets is unfortunate, and I don't remember seeing anything quite like what is due. Here it is, and I am sorry to have to report this news:

On December 24-25, Mars and Uranus will make a direct opposition to one another from travel houses, your solar third and ninth house. This may make driving treacherous, so be sure to check all weather reports before heading out. Don't go far, and come home as early as is reasonable. This is a night never to drink and drive. This is not always easy at this time of the year, when most people drink more than usual. On these nights, be conservative.

The same two houses that will be aggressively lit on December 24-25 also govern your sister, brother, cousin, aunts, uncles, and your in-laws. One person in this group may say or do something that you find upsetting, making you see red. Your ruler, Uranus, will be involved, so you will be more sensitive to this aspect than most. Do your best to stay diplomatic. You can always respond later, after you've had time to think about anything you might hear.

Things might get more inflammatory in the final week. On December 29, all the emotions of the previous week appear to be intensifying. Your relatives seem to be putting in their opinions, and only making things harder. Uranus will taunt Mercury, so, travel will become difficult again.

The hardest day comes next, on Monday, December 30, the Sun and Uranus will clash at 90-degree angles. Here's where you and your partner may not see eye to eye. With Mars in hard angle to Pluto, your relatives may be adding their opinions too. You seem to be taking all that is happening quite personally, but there seems no way not to do so.

On New Year's Eve, things continue the high emotions of previous days. Mercury will conjunct Pluto and be in hard angle to Mars. You have many things going on behind the scenes, and a fact you had not been privy to may now surface. Money may also become a topic of conversation.

Needless to say, New Year's Eve won't be a night to spend a lot of money on celebrations, or to travel overseas to ring in the New Year. So much appears to be going on in the last week that I believe you may be happier to be at home, so that you can decide how to respond from the comfort of your living room. You are in charge, so if you have a plane ticket, go, but if you do, be sure to avoid confrontation by being diplomatic. You won't have any notice when your start to see things surface, so do your best. You will at least know something might come up and you can stay alert.

Think of all the small things you can do if you stay home to have a happy New Year's Eve. I love the idea of inviting in friends who can stay over on air mattresses in your library or extra room. It will be fun - just like when you were little. That kind of simple fun can weave a memory that will last a lifetime.


Holiday time has arrived, and you are in a rare, party mood. The new moon of December 2 will bring you many invitations for events in the first half of the month. Be open to new people you meet this month, as there seem to be opportunities to enjoy those new friendships in new ways. New people will bring a fresh face to your life, and you'll enjoy enlarging your circle. Get more involved in social media too - there will be benefits you had not anticipated if you do in the first week.

Your expenses have been high, but now, with the move of Mars out of Virgo on December 7, you should find it easier to control spending. You will have a moment where costs rise again at month's end, but the problem appears to be temporary.

Mars is heading to Libra in your house of long-distance travel, so you will likely be on the road soon, as well as for many months ahead, until July. The trips you would make will take you quite far, possibly requiring lots of trips to the airport. With so much travel coming up, you're likely to rack up many frequent flier miles. Even so, plan not to travel yet - wait until January or February (better).

This month you may also be very wrapped up in an academic pursuit or legal matter. If you work in the media, you are likely to have an intense project that you will focus on for months, until end of July. Immigration, such as to get a new green card, visa, or passport, may also require time and patience to get, but hang in there - you can get it if you want it badly enough.

Get all your most important actions done prior to the full moon, December 17. That full moon should mark a very romantic moment, for the tender full moon will light your house of romance and love. You may meet someone at a party, or if you've been dating, you may decide to become exclusive to each other. A matter involving your child, if you have one, will reach a finish within four days of this date as well, and you seem quite happy and satisfied with the way things go.

Venus will retrograde too, adding a no-frills, hard-work tone to the holidays from December 21 to January 31. This is why the full moon in your love sector on December 17 will be so special - it will come just before Venus begins to withhold her greatest powers when she retrogrades. The full moon will sprinkle silvery pixie dust all over you at this time, so hold this memory in your heart as you finish the month.

Uranus will play a leading role in the difficult aspects that will thunder though the end of December. The first, December 24-25, will be quite combative, and will most likely involve travel. Avoid this day, especially if traveling by air, as one problem after another is likely to come up. Leave days earlier.

More problems with travel will come up on December 29-31 when Mercury will be at odds with Uranus, and Uranus will challenge the Sun, just as Pluto and Mercury will be battling Mars. It is rare to see such tense and turbulent aspects at holiday time.

It's best not to try to go against the tide of events, but to go with it, by scaling back, keeping calm, being conservative about spending, and refusing to be drawn into provocations. By your birthday time, things will improve, so keep smiling.

Dates to Note: Aquarius

Most romantic dates, and days you can use for other things too: December 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, and 21.

You are about to add new friends to your circle, after the new moon, December 2. Circulate! Uranus will be very friendly, and so you will find you click with many people at stimulating holiday parties December 2 to 15.

From December 7 to July 25, 2014, Mars will tour Libra - the result is that you will likely travel quite a bit. If you work in the media, you will be extremely busy.

A fun day is in store on December 10 when Mercury will be in good angle to Uranus. Brainstorm for ideas, travel spontaneously, and shop for holiday gifts.

On December 12, Jupiter will be in ideal angle to Saturn. A new work project may come up from a client who will remain on your roster a very long time.

Romance will be in the air at the full moon, December 17 - you may hear a confession of love. If you've been trying to conceive, you may hear good news about a pregnancy now.

Uranus goes direct after having been retrograde since July 17. Uranus is your ruler, so this day will have more influence for you than most. Your personal aims will get a big push forward from now on. No more delays.

December 21 Venus goes retrograde from December 21 to January 31, 2014. Venus is the planet of love and good looks, and when retrograde, Venus withholds her best powers. Cancel plastic surgery, and do not make radical changes to your looks.

On December 24-25 Mars will oppose your ruler, Uranus. Travel may be very difficult, relatives may squabble, and generally, this may be a hard time.

The tensions will continue on December 29 when Uranus will be at odds with Mercury. Stay home, and hide under the covers.

Things won't improve December 30. The Sun will be angry with Uranus, and Mars will be at odds with Pluto.

On December 31 Mercury will conjunct Pluto and both will be at odds with Mars. What a difficult day!

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-12-02 14:28:38
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 587 
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