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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 8月 處女座(原文)
時間 2013年08月02日 Fri. AM 11:30:51

8月 Monthly Horoscope for Virgo

No matter how many of your friends are about to take off on an exciting vacation, let them go and smile when they come back to tell you all about what they did while away. Do not be envious. In August, you will be at your desk and work, but you will have so much to show for your efforts. As a Virgo, you like to go against the grain anyway. Think about all the bumper-to-bumper traffic you are missing as people scramble to get out of town, the high credit card bills they will receive at month's end, not to mention all the to-do things on their list that were not getting done while they were away - don't you feel better? I am trying! You will be able to travel quite a bit in November, so don't be blue about staying at your desk this month.

Financially, your months have been quite up and down, and you need to brace for a possible surprise payment due in October, a difficult month for nearly everyone. That will be then, but this is now - happily, you may get very upbeat financial news sometime from August 1 to 5 when the Sun and surprise-a-minute Uranus will be in perfect sync. News will come out of the blue, and that's very good news indeed.

You are coming close to your birthday now, and ancient astrologers always spoke of the wisdom of planning your year ahead. Although you appear to have many projects to shepherd to a finish, you might take a little time to muse about the things you hope will happen in your coming birthday year. The new moon of August 6 will set off these meditations. Uranus, the idea planet, will be in perfect angle to the new moon of August 6 and will act like a loving little relative who wants the best for you.

Your intuition will be heightened, and your ideas for creative projects (if you work on those too) will rain down on you. You will do your best work when completely alone, so banish the people who burn your time and hunker down. As a Virgo, you value and work toward achieving high levels of productivity - this month you can accomplish far more than you ever thought you could do.

The beginning of the month shows you will have three heavenly bodies moving through your privacy sector, and with great career aspects going on at the same time, you may be meeting a new prospective employer across town, in a dark restaurant with heavily beaded curtains, so no one will say they saw you dining together. It's the kind of place off the beaten track, and you have to knock three times and say, "Dragon!" to be let in. If it is not that you are interviewing for a new job, it may be that you are working on a project that needs to remain secret for now. Confidentiality is a big theme now.

With planets in the twelfth house, you may be seeing medical personnel this month, either to have a procedure done that you've been thinking about, or visiting someone in a hospital who is depending on you coming by to spread your cheer. The twelfth house is also about the subconscious mind, so if you are feeling that you would like to have a talk with a psychologist to talk over a problem or to get help to end a habit, your timing would be ideal.

The second full moon in Aquarius at 28 will bring a finish to a major project within four days of August 20 (before or after). Still, this full moon will also give you a second chance to strut your stuff. This full moon will fall in the same sign, Aquarius, that occurred on July 22 last month, and so this tells me you have been working hard for weeks. It is rare to have two full moons in the same sign in a row, but that is what we have now, and so you are busier than Lucy (Ball) and Ethel in the candy factory! That assembly line seems to be rolling things at you quickly!

If you are unemployed, these full moons may indicate you may be able to clinch a deal for a lucrative new assignment. Or, you may be interviewing for a new job that may bring an exciting offer, August 20 (or within four days of this date). This full moon is in the digital, scientific sign of Aquarius, so the work you discuss may be in fields of software, electronics, medical technology, politics, humanitarian aid, charity work, or another type of not-for-profit work. The job may even be one of the new-age arts, such as massage therapy or astrology.

The month won't be all work and no play! There will be lots of time for you to have fun! You have Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck; Mars, the energizer; and Mercury, your ruler and planet of travel and communication, all convening in your house of people / places / events. Your friends will look after you so you won't be bored! Your friends will see to it that you get invitations to the A-list events, for with Jupiter near, you are due for some very high-scale, luxurious events. You are likely to meet people from all walks of life, many who are educated and distinguished leaders in their fields, as these are the kind of people Jupiter will see that you rub shoulders with in future months.

You are likely to start making many new friends, and while some old friends may hold a less important role in your life as your new friends step in, there is no reason for you to be concerned. This is all part of the natural attrition that takes place in our friendships as we grow. Your new friends will have quite an influence on the emerging interests you may choose to develop, and if single, your new pals may introduce you to new romantic interests, too. Your largest personal growth will come from mixing and mingling, and for work, by networking. I know you like to stay at your desk to get things done, but in the coming twelve months, you would find all parts of life will improve by showing your face to the world and being open to meeting all types of new people. Mars will remain in your social sector to enliven things until August 27 - have some fun!

You will also have Venus in Virgo from the minute August dawns until August 15. The combination of Mars and Venus in such beautiful places in the sky for you tells me that you will be the hit at the events that you are invited to, and others will notice you and respond to you in a warm and friendly way. If you were thinking of picking up new clothes for the coming season, or changing your hair or color, do so while Venus is in Virgo, until August 15.

You have one day to keep your eye on, August 7, when Jupiter and Pluto, two very heavy-duty planets, will be at 180-degree odds. I find these types of aspects are mainly about money. There are two different ways these planets may deliver news in your life.

One way would first require that you look back to mid-December 2007 when Jupiter and Pluto formed a major conjunction in late degrees of Gemini and set off a new trend. These two planets will not meet again until late April 2020. We are now at an important juncture, for Jupiter has traveled 180-degrees away and will form an opposition within that cycle. Now it's time to have a closer look at a venture or a relationship that you started back then. Are you satisfied with the progress you've achieved? Do you think you could do better? Or, do you feel profits are too low and you need to either put more money in or abandon this venture entirely? There are no right or wrong answers here - it's about what you feel you'd like to do.

Another way this major aspect may assert itself is that money will come up within a love or friendship relationship or in regard to a child. You may have an opinion about how to allocate funds, but your partner may not agree, and a tense discussion may result. If you find things escalating, you can always call for a break in the talks and resume them later - a good idea if you run into difficulty on August 7.

Mercury, your ruler, will be meeting and greeting MANY planets this month, but some meetings will be positive and others you should steer clear of this month. The first big day will be August 11, when Mercury will be blocked by Saturn, not a good day for any Mercury events - signing a contract, giving a speech, writing or updating software, creating or purchasing electronic goods - you get the idea.

On the plus side, you have a stunning two good days, August 13-14, when Mercury and Uranus will be beautifully angled and help you by bringing you all kinds of good news. You may brainstorm for ideas. Writing, speaking, editing, research - all will sparkle. These days are wonderful for you in general, in all areas, because Mercury is your ruler. Mercury is YOU in the chart, and on such positive days, may bring surprising, very positive news!

On August 25, Mercury will oppose Neptune, a difficult day, when nothing will be clear. It represents one of the worst days to sign papers. Leave several days' space around this day, as you won't want to get too close to it for verbal or written agreements. (In astrology, giving your verbal consent is the same as signing a contract - avoid both on this day.) If you do sign on or near this day, you will find your agreement is so unclear as to confuse everyone later about the very intent of the contract.

Your very best days of the month will be August 29, 30, and 31, and you can use these days for making contractual agreements or for virtually any purpose because, as I just mentioned earlier, your ruler, Mercury is involved. On these days, Mercury will be in ideal angle to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Pluto and Mercury will be nicely angled too, so if you have to dig down to get to obscure facts, or do special research (such as, of your family tree), you will likely have the stamina to get the information you need. You may want to travel on these days too - results should be sensational.

Mars will enter Leo on August 27 and stay until October 14, a time you will likely choose to work alone, by yourself. If you have a book to write, or research to do, you will be highly productive behind closed doors. If you are a typical Virgo, you like turning down the volume of life and focusing in on an important project - this will be your chance to do so and be very proud of all you accomplish.

You seem to have confidential talks going on that will likely yield profitable news, possibly in regard to a new position - talks seem to involve money. The new moon August 6 will set off this trend, and with surprise-a-minute Uranus in perfect angle to the new moon in Leo, you may be given a large one-time sum of money as a result of these talks - quite out of the blue! That would be wonderful! Might it be a signing bonus or the promise of better health insurance? Possibly! News should materialize within the ten-day period following August 6.

Near the full moon in Aquarius, August 20, you will complete an important project. It looks as though you have a collaborator working with you who will add many ideas. With the full moon falling close to Neptune, the project may involve art, film, or photography - Neptune's presence often points to visual media. If your project that you're wrapping up is not a creative one, study the details, as Neptune's presence may mean that you might not fully understand the client's needs - making the project go in the wrong direction - or that there will be errors in the report. Look closely. Go the extra mile to sum up what you perceive to be done to make sure everything is ship shape.

Mars will help you get away from work and to socialize and to add balance and fun to your life. Invitations will come in, so consider accepting them, and to pull away from the computer occasionally. If you network now, you will expand your circle of contacts, and possibly make a new friend. Do so just after August 6, plus ten days. The sooner you circulate, the better, as the early part of August will be your best.

Romantically, you had Venus in Virgo from late last month, and Venus will stay with you until August 16. Use the first two weeks to select new clothes and to improve your appearance. Your best time to socialize and enjoy romance will be the first weekend of August (August 2-4), when Mars and Venus will help you spin a memory of love.

Dates to Note for VIRGO

Best days for Virgo, romance and for other things too: August 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 27, 29, 30, and 31.

A beautiful day for love will be Friday, August 2, when Mars in Cancer, and his lover Venus, in Virgo, will flirt.

The cooperation between the Sun and Uranus may bring a surprise influx of money on or very near August 4.

The new moon in Leo on August 6 will help you do intense research on a project when working alone, away from those who come to chat but who only burn your time.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, and Uranus will be beautifully oriented on August 14, and help you be spontaneous when traveling or when coming up with original ideas. Your subconscious will be very active.

Venus will be in Virgo from the start of your forecast period through August 14. Use that period to improve your appearance, and to meet new people.

On August 29, the Sun and Saturn will be in sync, making for a day to make things permanent.

August 30 brings Mercury, your ruler, in friendly attitude to Jupiter, a great day to travel or to sign a contract. Love should be wonderful, too.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-08-02 11:30:51
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