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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 3月 金牛座(原文)
時間 2014年03月02日 Sun. PM 05:57:37

Taurus Forecast for March 2014

By Susan Miller

You had a lot going on in your career in February, and you were concentrating hard on all you had to do, but March promises to brim with social activity and be lots more fun. The Sun and Neptune are standing ready to welcome the new moon on February 28/March 1 (depending on time zone), 11 degrees Pisces, in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, friends, and social events, so you have lots of enjoyable events shaping up that you will want to attend. You will have a chance not only to see your friends, but also to meet new people too, some of whom you'll want to cultivate into friendships. This would also be a great time - early March - to join a new social or professional club, or to get active in social media.

Your new friends will be involved in the arts, or with humanitarian / charitable or community concerns, and they will inspire you with their compassionate hearts and their enthusiasm for their creative projects. We always look to the powerful new moon, which, in this case, occurred in Pisces 11 degrees on February 28 at 11:59 PM PST - one minute before March 1 on the West Coast, in cities like Los Angeles. Not all new moons are friendly, but this one is a peach and will spread cheer to you now and throughout the year. The actions you take in early March will affect you until the next new moon arrives next year on March 18, 2015. Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is in just the right spot in the sky to send radiant greetings to that magnificent new moon of February 28, so it is clear, dear Taurus, you will be stepping out.

Jupiter has been touring your third house of short travel, so you may be taking a very successful trip in the first half of March, and if you do, you seem to be visiting a friend or a sibling (or both). Or, you may be involved with writing a manuscript, business plan, press release, or other document, and if so, the process will go smoothly during the first half of March. Actually this new moon is so wonderful that, from this month onward, you will find communicating with others to be one of your fortes, and you will be articulate, on point, and able to find accord with others, now and throughout the year. The right words will come to you, and you'll find writing to be easy and fun with no writer's blocks. Now that is saying something!

Since November 7, Jupiter has been retrograde, but will wake up on March 6 and stay strong almost all year, until December 8, 2014. Jupiter is the giver of gifts and luck, and when he sleeps in retrograde, like any other planet in retrograde, we all have a harder time accessing his gifts. Now he is awakening and moving forward, and by May, he will be speeding so fast that he will be practically racing through the constellation of Cancer. The faster a good planet like Jupiter moves, the stronger the planet is, and the easier it is to capture all the goodies he has for each of us.

Saturn will go retrograde on March 2 to July 20. You may experience a delay in getting matters of citizenship done, such as to get a green card, visa, or passport confirmed. Alternatively, a court case or legal matter may be mired in red tape and delays, but actually, go with the flow - those delays may work in your favor. You may have to take a qualifying test again, but don't fret - Saturn won't make you fail, but only make you take it again if you've taken it before and not quite passed. A trip may require more attention than usual, especially if it is one to be taken overseas for business - cross all your T's and dot all your I's, dear Taurus.

Last month, Mercury was retrograde, but that is not the case any more, having gone direct on February 28. Mercury retrograde is one of the most frustrating of all planets to retrograde, and it was moving backward in your career. Last month you likely faced a number of delays and may have felt stuck. If you delayed signing a contract or lease, you were wise to do so. You can sign now, and one of my favorite dates to do so is March 13, when the Sun and Saturn will be beautifully angled, setting up the propensity for long-term gain.

From December 21, 2013 to January 31, 2014, Venus was retrograde, and that was a hard retrograde for you, as Venus is your ruling planet - I bet not a lot of progress was made for you in January. If you did get progress, you had to work extra hard to blast through the obstacles. Planets that spin close to earth like Mercury, Venus, and Mars seem to have a greater influence on us when retrograde than the outer planets like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto that spin in the outer rim of our solar system. Of course we feel a difference, but not as strongly as the smaller personal planets of Mars, Venus, and Mercury when they go retrograde.

We still have one more planet to deal with in retrograde, and that is Mars, to go retrograde from March 1 to May 19. Mars is in your workaday sector, so projects are likely to take longer to complete than you estimate. If you are a manager and you regularly hire staff at work (or at home, such as a nanny, gardener, or housekeeper), the process of hiring may take longer than usual to find the right candidate.

Having all these retrogrades is a sign we have to finish up old business from last year before we begin to tackle new projects this year. Proceed carefully and slowly, and don't rush. When roadblocks get in the way, deal with each little obstacle, one at a time. We are all in this together, dear Taurus. The people you are dealing with aren't completely clear (or free) to do what they want, so simply take your time. By the end of July, you will be in an entirely new environment, and it will be one you really like. Life will clip along much faster - so fast, you will have to hold on to your hat!

In the meantime, romance and love should be quite delicious. The full moon of March 16, plus or minus five days, in Virgo 26 degrees, may bring a confession of love from the person you are dating, or bring the two of you closer in other ways. (This vibration is mainly for you if you are a Taurus dating a short time and are very interested in the person you are seeing.) If you are not dating at all, you may now have a fateful meeting with someone special, thanks to this lovely, tender full moon. It will be in ideal angle to Saturn, so if you have been dating a little while, you will likely see developments that make you feel much more secure and settled in your new relationship. Certainly, you are thinking long-term and so is your partner.

You may have a few obstacles on the road to love and being together, in that Mercury, the planet that rules Virgo (and that is the sign that the new moon will fall), will be in hard angle to Saturn. Saturn won't completely block your road to love, but could set up some circumstances that you will have to work out. If you fall in love with someone who was very hurt by someone, you will have to stand by patiently while this person heals and finds confidence in his / her new relationship with you. Or if you are dating a medical student, you may feel you never see one another, as the person you care about seems to always be on call at the hospital. All this is temporary, so don't give it another thought - you can find love.

If you hope to have a baby, this full moon of March 16 will focus you on that desire. If you are pregnant and due to have your baby this month (or your partner is pregnant), you may give birth within five days of March 18. If you are not pregnant but hope to be, you can come up with a plan now, and it's a great time to discuss this topic, for all that you decide on will stick. If you have been disappointed with an inability to conceive, you may want to see a fertility specialist early in March, so that news comes back to you about the tests the doctor has done by the full moon.

If you have a birthday that falls on May 17, plus or minus five days, you will feel the effects of this full moon quite directly, and you should enjoy the results of this full moon. (I cannot see all in your chart, so bear with me, as each chart is unique, including yours! If you have an afflicted Sun in your chart, you may not enjoy the new moon as much as some of your friends born on the same day might do, but overall, this new moon is sweet and tender, so I am giving it a thumbs up.)

Similarly, if you do have done your natal horoscope, and you see that you have Taurus rising 25 degrees (or within five degrees) or a natal planet in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn within five degrees of 25 degrees, that planet will be receiving wonderful vibrations, too. Note which planet is lit up on your calendar and see what happens - good news should be arriving. Afterward, make a note. Water planets at 25 degrees or close to that degree would be next in line to receive good news - those in Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

You have another great day for fun, love, children, babies, and matters involving pregnancy on March 26, when transiting Mercury will be in ideal angle to Jupiter, the planet of good fortune. Mercury rules your house of true love, and Jupiter is the giver of gifts and luck.

When it comes to career, you will have a great moment to look forward to on March 18, when events will give you reason to celebrate. On that day, Venus in Aquarius in your house of fame and honors will receive a signal from surprise-a-minute Uranus in Aries. This news will come out of the blue, and events seem to have been bubbling up from behind-the-scenes. You may have had a confidential meeting with a high level person about a new position or promotion or, just the opposite, you may know nothing about what is about to happen, so when it does your jaw will drop. You'll be very excited, for news will either bring praise for past work well done, special publicity, or an opportunity to try for a great client or new position. VIPs love you, dear Taurus, and on or near March 18, it will show.

The month ends on a new moon in Aries 10 degrees on March 30, giving you a peek at April. Next month will be a rough one, but Aries and Libra will be in the spotlight, not Taurus. Still, everyone will feel some tensions, so see what the new moon of March 30 brings up in the days that follow it. The new moon will light your house of secrets, so you may hear something that has been going on in the background that you've not known about, or that you didn't think was important, but clearly is now growing in importance.

You may interact with medical personnel, either because you are about to have your dentist do a procedure or your doctor do a procedure to make you feel better. Or, you may simply be accompanying a friend or family member to the doctor or visiting him or her in the hospital or other facility of confinement. Don't overbook yourself in the last week of March, because almost everyone will need to turn on a dime at a moment's notice.


Mars has been burning through the heavens in Libra since last December, making your work life very hectic and possibly giving you a strenuous work schedule. Now Mars will go retrograde, March 1 to May 19, and bring delays and a need to redo things. Still, you may get a chance to catch your breath until Mars is out of Libra in late July. Take all that happens this month in stride - everyone will be retracing steps. Any retrograde planet will ask you to go over old ground to see if you can improve the situation or question that has come up.

Saturn is also going retrograde, March 2, and both Mars and Saturn are tied to your serious partnership / marriage house. If there is a sticky question that you and your partner have not agreed upon, you will get a second chance to find a solution. For those single, this is not the time to begin a new relationship (wait until late May), but it is the right time to make a present alliance stronger.

The new moon of late last month, February 28, will whip up social fun, and still be strong during March's first two weeks. Pack your bags and head out the door - early March will be just made for taking a quick trip to see a friend or to go away to a beautiful natural setting along with several friends. Your sibling comes under the same third house that Jupiter is visiting, so you may go to see your sister or brother, and they may have good advice for you.

Jupiter turns direct on March 6, so there'll be no impediments to your going on a trip if you want to. Go to a place near water, such as a beach with turquoise waters and pink sand, or a setting with snowy storybook beauty in the mountains. Your time away will be made for unwinding, and you'll return new and improved.

Once back, you will come upon one of the most romantic full moons of the year, March 16, making the weekend sparkle. Saturn will be sweetly angled to this tender full moon, making this weekend so special you may feel swept away. Best of all, promises made to your sweetheart this weekend are likely to stay in place a long time, possibly forever. If you have children, ask grandma to baby sit - weekends like this only come by rarely, less than once a year. Make the most of it!

As you get to month's end, protect your health, as a strenuous new moon comes up March 30. You may hear of something that has been going on behind the scenes and will now suddenly become public. It may center on your domicile, say, if your landlord reports he has plans to sell the building, or had to do with a family member who needs care but was too shy to ask. You seem to be interacting with medical personnel, too, at this time, either for yourself or on behalf of a beloved relative. Keep your schedule open at this time, and be near to swing into action if needed.

Dates to Note: TAURUS

Most romantic dates (and dates you can use for other important purposes too): March 5, 9, 10, 13-16, 18, 19, 23, 26, and 28.

Mars will retrograde March 1 to May 19 in your workaday sector, so expect changes in your assignments. You may have to backtrack a little.

Jupiter turns direct March 6, after being retrograde since November 7. See your living situation improve dramatically after this date.

The month begins on a beautifully social note - you may have many more events to attend, thanks to the February 28 new moon, still strong in early March.

You will likely agree with your partner March 13, when Saturn and the Sun collaborate.

The full moon in your house of love on March 16 may bring new love to single Taurus, or bring your relationship to an entirely new level. Married? It's a weekend to have fun or to seriously discuss the addition of a new baby to your family.

Mercury and Jupiter will be in sync on March 26, making this a lovely evening to spend with friends.

Negotiating a contract or finding a solution to a legal dispute will be very challenging after the new moon March 30.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-03-02 17:57:37
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 296 
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