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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 3月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2014年03月02日 Sun. PM 06:00:54

Leo Forecast for March 2014

By Susan Miller

March will bring your attention to money, but this time, instead of the topic being stressful for you, the news seems to be very upbeat. An unusually sweet new moon that arrived February 28 (or soon will on March 1, depending on your particular time zone) will energize your eighth house of other people's money. No matter what, it seems you will be pleased with the flow of events. This new moon will be in Pisces, 11 degrees, and imaginative Neptune will be conjunct this new moon. On top of this, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will be in ideal angle to the new moon to precise degree, suggesting that whatever deal or sale you make, you will be compensated very generously. I feel you will be surprised at how well financial matters will go now.

You may be doing your taxes now and find out that you will qualify for a substantial refund. You might make an application for a scholarship or university financial aid now. Or, you may be gathering receipts for an insurance claim, a mortgage, or refinancing plan. A new moon begins things, so see the first ten days of March, covered by the new moon, as the start point toward getting your check.

You are capable of making quite a bit of money this month, and it looks as though you will leave the month richer than when you started. Neptune's involvement could easily suggest that you will sell a creative idea or an artistic creation (yours, or someone else's, if you represent the artist). I say this because Neptune is the quintessential planet of artistic expression, whether it is poetry, art, music, photography, acting, theatrical lighting, costume design, makeup arts, or other such disciplines. You may even start to raise money for a movie, as Pisces and Neptune rules film. Neptune covers all the areas that the imagination can imagine. Leo is a very creative sign, so I feel it's very likely you may set your mind on raising the money you need for something created - a screenplay, a piece of music, a collection of photographs, something - so that you can afford to bring it to market.

Now, with a new moon conjunct Neptune in perfect angle to Jupiter, in the double-bodied sign of Pisces, (the sign of two fishes), it is likely that you will generate two offers, two sales, or be given a two checks from two different sources. Because the new moon of February 28-March 1 will arrive the moment March opens, it will behoove you to look at your finances and find ways you can bring in money. If you need money for a new venture, circulate your business plan in the first week, your best week, and also, find time to have a talk with your banker and broker. On a smaller scale, see where you can cut waste and negotiate a better deal with, say, a credit card company,

Neptune in a financial house is not always an asset - it can be a detriment under certain circumstances. If you are dividing property at the end of a marriage or business, Neptune's presence may suggest that you will not be able to get full information - something may be obfuscated from view. Rather than accept what is shown to you, as full and complete, ask for more background and backup data.

I do not want to make you suspicious - there is only a chance that someone may keep something hidden from you (Neptune, the fog, is touring your money house, sometimes a sign that something is concealed). It is important that you know that what I am saying is not an absolute certainty. I don't like to be the girl who is so mistrustful that she continually assumes someone is trying to cheat her. I don't want you to be that way either. Simply keep your eyes open and should your instinct tell you that something is amiss, don't feel bad about asking pointed questions.

The full moon in Virgo on March 16 (at 26 degrees), plus or minus four days, will end your focus on money and bring a nice, clean finish. You are likely to feel much more financially secure at this point, for Saturn, now in your real estate sector, will send a lovely beam to the full moon. If you applied for a mortgage or refinancing plan, you will find out if you got it from the bank within four days of the full moon, and it seems to be the answer you hoped to hear, a yes. If you want to get a home improvement loan, or money to put down as a down payment, you will have the money to do so. Yay! Even if it is not real-estate oriented, you seem to love how financial talks are going. Good!

If you need to sign a contract, you can do so because Mercury is no longer retrograde, but like most sleepy little planets, Mercury needs a little time to become fully alert and helpful to you. That will happen on and after March 20. If you can wait, do - if you can't, go ahead and sign.

If you are starting a business venture, Mars is retrograde, March 1 to May 19. Mars is the booster rocket to all new launches, so with a debilitated Mars, it's not wise to do your launch - wait until late May. I would feel all new plans would be best delayed until the end of May, and even new relationships, like an engagement or marriage, would be better initiated later. (Mercury will go retrograde again June 7 to July 1, and cosmic storms are due to roll in during the first week of July.)

You've been thinking a lot about your home and what your next move should be, but with Saturn in your home sector, sorting things out has been time consuming and much more complicated than you assumed it to be. Saturn will also retrograde now, from March 2 to July 20. This planet may allow you to go back and tweak a decision that you made earlier in regard to your home. For example, if you put a bid on a home you wanted, and didn't win the bid, you might be invited back to bid again with a new offer.

As we get closer to next month, you will begin to sense some of the turbulence of April. Next month will be a rough month for everyone, but particularly the cardinals (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) - but even so, all of us have cardinal signs on the cusp of some of the horoscope houses. I am telling everyone to buckle up and wear a helmet (so to speak). Accomplish all you can this month, for April will be the hardest month of the year due to two very disagreeable eclipses, April 15 and 29, that will be bent on changing the status quo in very dramatic fashion.

The new moon in Aries (10 degrees) on March 30 is in Aries, a fellow fire sign like yours, so you have a solid advantage. This new moon will fall in your ninth house of long distance travel, legal matters, publishing and broadcasting, and higher education. One of these areas is sure to bring surprising news that you didn't expect. The Sun and new moon will be conjunct Uranus, and Pluto will be in very hard angle to Uranus, the Sun, and new moon. You may feel very pressured by someone at this time - watch the entire ten days that follow this new moon. I would say that travel might not go well, and you would be better to delay for several weeks, or go earlier this month.

Pluto is making a very long tour of your work and health sector, so you may feel that a co-worker or subordinate is being difficult, and his or her antics won't allow you to concentrate on the topic on your desk. Instead, you may have to manage the rogue or disrespectful employee. Or, you may simply feel like you're coming down with a cold and not up to keeping up with all the challenges at work (stay strong and keep eating grapefruits or oranges, dear Leo).

Alternatively, Pluto is the natural ruler of your home sector, so it may be a family situation or a legal matter involving your home that has your attention and that is driving you a bit crazy. You may feel put-upon, with someone trying to control your actions and forcing you in a very harsh way to accept his or her point of view. Remember, a new moon starts a trend - it does not finish one. You may have to deal with this person for a while. After you identify who it is, you can more easily build a strategy to deal with this.

If applying to colleges now, or planning to defend your thesis, rehearse your interview and ask your friend to think up hard questions. It seems if you do things in late March, you won't expect the questions you will be asked, but having practice sessions under your belt can help. If you are trying to find accord in a legal dispute, good luck on that - the other side seems bent on making a Federal case of things and won't be in a very flexible mood. Your offer might be very fair, but you seem to be dealing with quite a character who will be hard to please no matter what you do. Try anyway - it's always better to settle than go to court.

If you were born on August 2, plus or minus five days, you will find a way to outwit this new moon, and actually come away just fine, despite the difficulties of Pluto and the volatility of Uranus. The same may be true if you have Leo rising 10 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, or a natal planet in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Scorpio of the same 10 degrees, with the same plus or minus tolerance.

A little before this new moon arrives, on March 26, you have a lovely aspect between Jupiter and Mercury, a great day to make an agreement in writing or to shake hands on a deal.

Romantically, you will have Venus in your house of relationships from March 5 to April 5, a sweet vibration to bring you closer to your one-and-only. Here I am addressing Leo readers who are attached. You'll feel sexy and desirable this month too, despite all that is going on around you!

Single Leos who hope to meet someone new may have to be a little patient, but know that everyone always gets their turn. It's just not this month, dear single Leo. It seems you will have plenty to keep you occupied, so don't fret. Check to see what I wrote for your rising sign if you have had your natal chart done. We all have two charts - the Sun sign chart and your custom chart. Your other chart may bring you superb romantic opportunities that I can't see here. The Sun sign chart is important because the Sun, your ruler, hold a special, unique place in our solar system, at its very heart or center, whereas all the other little planets don't have that role - they all revolve around the Sun. That's why you need to have your chart done, so you can get so much more out of your forecasts each month!


As March opens, you will be focused on money. You may sell a creative idea or expression, for Neptune, patron of the arts, will orbit close to the new moon of February 28, to exert a strong influence for two weeks. Mundane financial matters may also be on your mind. You may apply for a mortgage or refinance a present one, and with Saturn smiling, you should be able to hammer out a good deal as long as you double check for accuracy in all data you list.

You may also be ready to get your tax return ready, but with Neptune prominent, information may be obscured. If you file a joint return with your spouse, be sure you have all the data you need to file, that it has been verified and that no receipts or income stubs are missing. The same is true if you are dividing property in a divorce - something may be missing, but this time because one party is hiding financial data. Keep optimistic, for with Jupiter in ideal angle to the new moon, you would benefit from doing independent research.

Within days of March 16, you will be finished with your monetary meditations and negotiations, and life will feel much calmer. Saturn will beam a strong and sturdy vibration to the full moon, which would increase your sense of security, especially in regard to your living or family situation. Housing has been a pressing concern for you, possibly for as long as over a year, but by this full moon you may be able to make a decision. You seem to have the money you need to act and to bring stability.

Mars will go retrograde this month from March 1 to May 19 and will bring delays in regard to contractual agreements, paperwork, or travel. Don't rail against these obstacles - they will help you by slowing you down and give you time to collect your thoughts. Starting a new venture with Mars retrograde is not wise, as ventures rarely hit the bull's eye at these times. Put off until the last week of May. I like the new moon of May 29 for signing, so see if you can wait.

At work, projects may have to be redone, or take a new direction. Saturn, the ruler of your house of assignments, is about to retrograde too, March 2, so take things in stride if you feel like you're going backward, not forward.

A fast, long trip may come up suddenly just after the new moon, March 30, and the reason for going may be unusual too. That new moon will orbit next to Uranus, the planet of unanticipated events. Pluto will be in hard angle, so if the trip is to complete a career goal, you may have problems either getting out of the office because of so much work that needs to be done before you go, or you may come up against a difficult low-level person who seems to have become too big for his britches and will attempt to push you around. In a way, this later scenario may seem comical, but keep a straight face as you work to detangle the problem.

Dates to Note: LEO

Most romantic dates (and dates you can use for other important purposes too): March 2, 3, 8, 11-12, 13, 18, 22, and 26.

Mars will retrograde March 1 to May 19 in your house of travel. Trips may be rearranged, or you may find the purpose of your trip, if you go to negotiate a deal, goes slowly. Don't rush - in fact, slow down the process.

Good fortune Jupiter turns direct March 6, after being retrograde since November 7. You will be more productive in solitude, so work on your creative idea behind closed doors.

Much of this month will be devoted to managing money. Matters of credit, loans, scholarship and university financial aid, mortgage, inheritance, and divorce settlement will be on your mind. The topic is one of these types of areas that would pay you in one lump payment or require a one-time payment from you.

Your earned income will be the subject of the full moon, March 16. You may hear about the raise you petitioned, or you may write a large check to cover a bill or to purchase something expensive. (That expensive item could be something as large as a house or car!)

Good news about money comes later, too, March 26, due to Mercury in fine angle to Jupiter.

Travel with the one you love - especially if this person is in an established relationship with you - on March 18, when Venus and Uranus are perfectly angled.

Do not travel after the new moon March 30, as the new moon that will arrive on that day is not friendly, and will set up obstacles.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-03-02 18:00:54
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 239 
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