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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 3月 天秤座(原文)
時間 2014年03月02日 Sun. PM 06:02:44

Libra Forecast for March 2014

By Susan Miller

This is a good month to be productive. Mercury is no longer retrograde as of February 28, so you won't experience the cancellations, postponements, mix-ups, confusion, indecisiveness, and forgetfulness that you did in yourself and others in February. The first part of March should be quite special, and you will feel very accomplished if you stick to your plan. Let's look at the month in detail.

The new moon in Pisces, 11 degrees, arrived on February 28 or will on March 1 (depending on your time zone). This new moon will light your house of work projects, so if you are out of work and hoping to find a job similar to the one you had before, and not necessarily a step up this time, this new moon will open the door to allow you to find a suitable one for you. If you hoped to moonlight with an evening job, or get a part-time job, the same will be true for you. This new moon will positively sparkle with opportunity, so if you want to get work, roll up your sleeves and start looking at listings during the first two weeks of March.

The wonderful part about the work you find is that it would allow you to put a creative stamp on all you do, for Neptune, the planet governing the arts, will be conjunct the Sun and new moon. Look to friends who have jobs similar to the one you seek, and ask for leads. Pisces is the sign of two fishes, a double-bodied sign, suggesting you can find two equally fine opportunities and choose the right one for you. All new moons open a trend that last two weeks, but the seeds you plant in the first days will be the strongest. As you get farther from the new moon, each day that new moon will grow progressively weaker. That's why it's important to jump on looking for your new job instantly.

I am especially excited that Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will send golden beams to the new moon of February 28 from his perch in your tenth house of honors, achievement, and fame. This suggests that the work you get now can lead you up the ladder of success fairly rapidly, and by late June or July, you may earn an impressive promotion. If you are self-employed, you can look forward to getting more work from that person. This has the words win-win written all over it. With Jupiter involved, a financial planet, generous compensation can't be far behind. There is another element to all this that is equally exciting. Jupiter has been retrograde since early November, so if you feel your career progress has been lackluster since then, you know why.

Mars is currently in Libra, but will temporarily be retrograde, from March 1 to May 19. This is a sign that some parts of life will slow down, but not in the way that you see when Mercury is retrograde. Mercury rules communication and the buying and selling of goods and services, as well as the other facets of communication involving translation, perception, research, negotiation, sales, and contracts. We become forgetful when Mercury is retrograde, but as said, Mercury is now moving direct. The world spins on Mercury retrograde, so that's why we feel it so strongly.

In contrast, Mars rules courage and drive, force, energy, and assertiveness. For the proper liftoff of entrepreneurial ventures, you need Mars awake and alive. It would not be wise to start a new business venture until the end of May, as you would not have the necessary boost from Mars. Mars is now in your own sign, dear Libra, so you may reconsider a venture, a plan, or a relationship that you were set to do and make some changes. Use the time well, and come May 19 you will be in better shape. With Mars opposed to your Sun since December 2013, you have been forced to collaborate, and cooperate with your significant other or business partner. Life won't always be a negotiation, but it is now, so view this period as an opportunity to practice working in tandem with others. Libra is a sign of partnership, so if anyone can figure out the give-and-take of a close one-on-one relationship, it's you, more than any other sign.

The full moon will occur in Virgo (26 degrees) on March 16, and at that time you may feel a little run down or in need of rest. This full moon may also bring a secret to light that will clear up a mystery. It's also possible a secret of yours will come out, so be careful. This full moon is quite friendly as Saturn will be in ideal angle to the full moon, adding to a feeling of being rooted, settled, and more secure.

The mood of the month changes at the end of the month, at the new moon, March 30, and that new moon will give a preview of the tensions of April, one of the hardest months of the year because two strenuous eclipses are due: a full moon lunar eclipse on April 15 in Libra and a new moon solar eclipse April 29 in Taurus. The first eclipse will be the hard one, involving how you see yourself and what you'd need to do to be happier. Libra born close to October 18 will feel that eclipse the most. The second eclipse in Taurus will affect money, inheritance, bank loans, mortgage, and so forth.

That is next month, but we need to return to now.

The new moon this month, March 30, will appear in Aries, your opposite sign, at 10 degrees Aries. What makes this new moon inflammatory is that it will be conjunct surprise-a-minute Uranus, and in very hard angle to Pluto, and neither planet gets along well with your Libra Sun. This means you will be facing a partner who is either acting out of character, is being completely erratic, or who is, conversely, in urgent need of your help and understanding. If your partner is suddenly faced with a setback, he or she may need your help. Your partners, both at home and at work, will be in the spotlight. Keep your schedule light in the days that follow the new moon March 30.

Something about your partner will seem different, and this person may be your spouse if you are married, or this person may be your close sweetheart if you have been dating seriously. The same part of your chart rules business ties, so this person may be your business partner, agent, manager, representative, collaborator, or expert who will act in an unpredictable manner. What makes this new moon hard is that Pluto will be in a rough 90-degree angle to your Sun, and that could bring you in conflict with a pushy family member, parent, landlord, roommate, or other individual linked to your home, or bring on a sudden housing / real estate crisis that you will need to solve.

Saturn naturally rules your house of home and family, and Saturn will go retrograde on March 2 until July 20. This adds complexity to an already potentially complex situation. This adds to my feeling that things will take time to be smoothed out.

A new moon like March 30 does not end a trend (like a full moon would do) but rather begin one, so I assume something new will surface that will take time to work out. News that comes up will not be anything you expect, and you can't really plan for it. I don't spend time worrying about things I cannot possibly control, so I say, just open the window and see what flies in. You may not be able to control what happens, but you surely will be in command over your reaction to the news. Things won't necessarily happen the moment the new moon arrives March 30, but rather at some point in the 10 days to follow.

As said, Libras who will feel this new moon the most will be those who were born on October 18, plus or minus five days, or have Libra rising within five degrees of 25 degrees. Similarly, see if you have a natal planet within five degrees of 25 degrees in Aries, Libra, or Sagittarius, or Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, you too will feel some pressure. Keep your schedule open and elastic so that you can move in any direction if needed. Other Libras not born with this degree prominent will not feel this new moon directly and perhaps more mildly.

April will be a tough month, but we are all in this together. Millions of people have natal planets in cardinal signs (Libra, Aries, Cancer, or Capricorn), even if they were not born under one of those signs. You will feel stress in the air, and even if you are not touched, others around you will be feeling it, and you will want to help them or at the very least be sensitive to their plight. As said, for you, your romantic or business partner and your living or family situation will be your focus.

If you are single, in terms of romance, you may not feel the energies of the new moon March 30. Or if you are attached, a business partner may take all your time. One day you should enjoy for love in your case will be March 18, when Venus in Aquarius will receive an electric vibration from surprise-a-minute Uranus. Venus will be in Aquarius all month, from March 5 to May 3, so you should enjoy Venus' lilting effect. I

It's a great time to look into improving your appearance - you may be amazed at the compliments you get. I had a friend who used to say, "Looking great is the best revenge." By that she was referring to learning to cope with the inevitable difficult life events - and she's right. While you can't stop random things from happening, you can control how you look - Venus will make sure you turn heads with just a little extra attention to your looks, and this is true for you no matter if you are one of my guy or girl readers. Libra is Venus' child - you of all signs love looking your best.


Projects are keeping you busy, both at work and at home. You seem to enjoy them, as they have room for your flair for style and creativity. Neptune will orbit close to the new moon that begins the month, a highly artistic planet, so the right side of your brain, the visual, symbolic side, will be very active now. With Jupiter so beautifully angled to planets stacking up in your assignments sector in Pisces, the work you do on this project could land you quite a major promotion, as early as mid-June or as late as July. Do a thorough job on all that you do, and add a touch of yourself into every project. Little by little, you will be proving your worth, and all of what you have done will add up to something special.

The full moon in Virgo on March 16 will be time for rest. Rest may sound unproductive, but in your case, it'll be just the opposite. You need time to catch your breath and think about what you'd like to do next in your career and private life, as well as in regard to a close romantic or business relationship. Saturn will be sweetly angled to this full moon - think about ways to build a platform for you to build a greater sense of financial security.

From March 1 to May 19, Mars will be retrograde in Libra, so as hard as it may be not to put your signature on an important document, you must wait. Mars is the energy planet, and when languishing in retrograde, Mars does not have the power to lift anything off successfully. Mars may BE in Libra, but it RULES your relationship house. You may see your partner act differently than what you are used to seeing, or be unsure of how to proceed forward on an important venture. Do not try to force things - it would be like trying to get a car into drive that lacks gasoline or battery power. Wait, and you will be protected.

Your romantic partner will attract more of your attention after the new moon in your opposite sign of Aries, March 30. A new moon opens a trend that lasts for six months up to a year, so the news you receive will be important to note at this time. Uranus, planet of unexpected developments, will conjunct the Sun and moon, so you can't quite be ready for what will surface. The topic that comes up now may expand to a much bigger one by next month, to culminate at the full moon lunar eclipse in Libra, due April 15. Pluto will be in hard angle to both this month's new moon and April 15 eclipse too, indicating a family matter or a property / home situation may be a source of tension. Keep an eye on things, and try to keep things calm.

Dates to Note: LIBRA

Most romantic dates (and dates you can use for other important purposes too): March 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 18, 23, and 28.

Mars will retrograde March 1 to May 19 in Libra. You may find that your dearest plan runs into temporary snags. Have a Plan B.

Jupiter turns direct March 6, after being retrograde since November 7. If you've been trying to get a better job, this may be the turning point that provides you a big break.

Venus will enter your house of true love on March 5 and stay until April 5.

A work project that will allow you plenty of room for your own personal touch will start off the month, thanks to the new moon of February 28, which will exert influence in the first half of March.

Plan a resting, relaxing full moon weekend of March 15-16, the full moon weekend in your privacy sector of your chart.

March 18 may be outstandingly romantic, thanks to Venus in Aquarius in your house of true love, and Uranus in your house of partner.

The new moon in Aries, March 30, might introduce a concerning note about your partner, in love or business. Watch the coming two weeks.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-03-02 18:02:44
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 340 
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