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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 3月 雙魚座(原文)
時間 2014年03月02日 Sun. PM 06:06:57

Pisces Forecast for March 2014

By Susan Miller

It's birthday time, and Neptune, your governing planet, and Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, are coming to give you their warmest greetings. This will be a vital month for you, for these two planets will support the new moon in Pisces, 10 degrees, due February 28 / March 1 (depending on your time zone). This new moon will be a wonderful game changer, for it will help you in so many wonderful ways.

Each year you get but one new moon in Pisces, and it is important because the new moon will light your vital first house of personality and desire. Unlike most new moons that will always require you draw your attention to one area, this one gives you carte blanche. You can direct the energy of this February 28/March 1 new moon in any way you please. Think of it as cosmic gift certificate that will allow you to take your first step toward materializing a dream that is close to your heart.

To describe just how important this month will be for you, I will give you a few facts about how astrology works so you can be as excited as I am for you. You might have the greatest aspects in the world circulating in your chart - like you currently have from Jupiter in Cancer to help you find true love, be more creative, or to help you have a baby. However, without a new moon, nothing much happens because you can't feel those vibrations. New moons package the energy available at the time and make it accessible to you. Now, at last, you DO have the ideal new moon, and this one is so perfect you will be surprised at how much weight your actions will have this month and momentum you can achieve.

New moons are fiercely powerful, and the new moon's energy will be present the moment March takes off, appearing March 1. It's imperative that you take steps toward that dream during March's first week, for a new moon will decrease a little in energy with each passing day. By the time the new moon reaches approximately March 13, the new moon will pass her energy over to the waiting full moon, March 16. (All full moons have a plus or minus influence of four days, with a little overlap with the new moon on the front end.)

Let's stay on point on the new moon in Pisces March 1, for it is surely a moment you've long awaited. If you are single and hoping to find love, this month you will become hauntingly magnetic, sure to impress those who meet you, even if you are completely unaware of your own charms. If you are attached, you will be most irresistible, and it is likely that your partner will fall in love with you all over again. No doubt about it, from the first day of March, the Pisces new moon will heighten your ability to find new love or to enjoy the love that you have already found and want to celebrate.

As said, this new moon will majestically arrive holding the arm of distinguished Neptune, her sponsor. Neptune is Pisces' ruling planet, and his job is to take good care of gentle Pisces. Neptune is the planet of imagination and artistic expression, and the ancient astrologers always wrote how intensely creative Pisces was born to be. Neptune also happens to be the higher octave of Venus, teaching the values of compassion and empathy and also teaching that the highest level of love is to let go of ego and to sacrifice desires for oneself for the good of the beloved.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, now in your house of true love, will send his glittering beams to the new moon too. Remarkably, Jupiter is at 10 degrees Cancer (a water sign) and the new moon in Pisces, a water sign too, is also at 10 degrees, making for a perfect match - a perfect "trine," meaning great harmony - the best aspect you could ever hope to see.

What makes the first week of March even MORE extraordinary is that Jupiter, retrograde since November 7, will turn direct on March 6, allowing Jupiter to double his strength. This new moon will package the energies of Jupiter and Neptune to make all that energy easily accessible to you. That is what new moons do - make planetary trends accessible - and that's why we depend on them so dearly to make things happen to improve our lives.

If you hope to have a baby, this new moon, considered highly fertile when in Pisces, is now three times as fertile because of Jupiter's involvement. The moon is always associated with pregnancy and birth, and a fertile new moon is considered an ideal time to try, within the two weeks that follow March 1. Hopefully, that works with your schedule.

The fifth house, where Jupiter will be shining his light, is associated with artistic expression, too, so this month you will outdo yourself in the realm of your creativity. It would be vital that you give time to a project important to you and tinker with it. When Jupiter is near, money usually follows, as Jupiter is also associated with expansion, generosity, and profits. Don't miss this grand opportunity to make your mark with a creative or literary project. With a new moon in your sign, it will be your personality that matters most, so "let you be you," dear Pisces. All that is within the unique you is enough to change the world.

The seeds you plant in the first two weeks of March will be vital, for those seeds will have the power to affect your coming birthday year for the better, until next March 2015, when another new moon in Pisces will come by to refresh this one. It's hard to imagine a better platform than this year's new moon!

Jupiter presence usually also indicates that you may be taking a long trip too, so you may be heading to the airport this month, and if so, early March to mid-March would be the time to go. You may be heading to a foreign country, and in case you are wondering, yes, the country that borders on your own country counts. For example, Mexico and Canada borders on the US, and we often don't think of these countries as foreign, but rather as our friendly neighbors. Those countries are foreign countries. Or, if you fly from the US to the French island of St Barth's, you may see it as a deliciously fun place to visit as well, and it is, but going to a tropical island like St. Barth's can also quality as a foreign trip, because in this case, it is French. Whenever you need a passport, you know you are heading to a foreign country.

If you can't go far, you may be heading to a city on the opposite coast of your country. The trip will be enormously important and successful for you, and with Jupiter near, you might enjoy first class accommodations. If you travel for work, you will have the ability to get the purchase order for the new project and make a handsome commission or fee.

All Pisces will have a dazzling time under the gaze of this new moon, and as said, your special time will extend from March 1 to 13. If your birthday falls on February 28 or March 1, or within five days of this date, you will absolutely get a double dip of extraordinary luck.

If you were not born near those dates I just mentioned, and you have had your natal chart done, have a look at it. You will also benefit from this new moon directly if you have Pisces rising at 10 degrees (plus or minus five degrees). If you have a natal planet at 10 degrees Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn, you too will benefit, and again, allow the plus or minus tolerance of five degrees on either side of the degree.

Now let's turn to another pivotal point of the month, the full moon. A partnership or collaboration will be your focus at the full moon, March 16 in Virgo, 26 degrees. If you are dating seriously, you may talk of getting engaged or married now, even if you never expected this to happen. If you are working on a business alliance, the talks will get more serious, and together you will work toward crystallizing an agreement. Full moons tend to finalize things, for they bring great energy that an entire group of people working together can feel. I would not seal anything in cement yet, however, as Mars is retrograde - more about that later. You CAN talk and plan, but don't make anything final yet.

This full moon March 16 will also be very positive and encouraging for Saturn, from your ninth house of foreign people and places, and will be in perfect angle to this full moon. You will feel more settled as you finish going through this full moon period - Saturn will help you build a foundation.

If your birthday falls on March 16 plus or minus five days, you will find that this full moon will be talking directly to you. Similarly, if you know your natal chart, see if you have Pisces rising 26 degrees (or close to it, within five degrees) or a natal planet at 26 degrees Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn, plus or minus five degrees - you, too, will benefit from this full moon.

The mood of the month will change at the month's second new moon, which will arrive on March 30, in Aries at 10 degrees. This new moon will not be particularly friendly and will fall in your second house of earned income. At this time you will get a bit of a preview of what's coming in April, a very rough month that every sign will feel in one way or another.

A new moon usually brings opportunity, and this one might give you that in terms of a raise or new job, but is just as likely to bring an unexpected expense or if you are self-employed, a change or loss of a client. Money seems to come in and out, and as you enter April, you seem to be on edge. You won't likely notice the message of the new moon immediately on March 30, but in the ten days that follow.

This new moon will arrive arm-in-arm with Uranus, the planet of all things sudden and unexpected. Most of us don't want any surprises involving money. You won't have to get used to a surprise raise, but you would have to get guard against an unexpected expense. I am concerned because Pluto will be in very tight hard mathematical angle to the Sun, new moon, and Uranus, sending a challenge from your friendship house. If you borrowed money from a friend, she or he will demand to be paid back suddenly, so have a plan ready to pay that person, or risk losing the friendship.

Adding to this new moon will be the coming eclipses next month - both very difficult ones, April 15 and 29, and the first one is the one for you to watch. The April 15 eclipse will fall in your eighth house of other people's money, which includes credit, loans, mortgage, taxes, insurance payouts, court cases, and settlements, as some examples. It seems obvious that you not file your taxes at the last minute - do so early in March if you are ready, or see if you can get an extension and file in late July. (Do not file in October - another month to hold a financial eclipse.)

Also, Mars will go retrograde this month, March 1 until May 19, and be in your eighth house of other people's money. Mars happens to be in that house, but it RULES your second house of earned personal income, so as you see, both your financial houses will be lit up like Times Square.

Mars in weak retrograde position is not the time to start a new business or new venture because it would not have Mars' gifts of courage, drive, passion, and determination. Mars' job is to be a booster rocket, to bring a project into the stratosphere with great momentum, but you won't have that now. If you attempt to fill in for Mars you will find the going difficult - you'd be wise to wait to start any new business, important project, or venture until the end of May at the earliest, but better yet, look to the middle July to launch an important project.

Mars retrograde may slow down payments to you, so keep sending bills to clients who owe you, for you will need good cash flow now and in April and May. Self-employed people, as many Pisces tend to be, tend to put billing clients last on the list, but this time, it should be done in a timely manner.

One last note - you have a great day coming March 26, when Mercury and Jupiter collaborate to make you smile. News will be excellent, for Mercury will be in Pisces. Save this day for important meetings, when all news should be good news, even on the romantic front!


Your ability to be sympathetic and compassionate makes you want to always put others first. There is almost nothing a Pisces wouldn't do for family, friends, or complete strangers in difficulty. This month, especially during the first two weeks, should be all about you - your hopes and dreams and how, exactly you want to go about achieving them in your public and personal life. The new moon on February 28 in Pisces will be a dream come true for you, doubly if your birthday falls within five days of this date. That new moon will open doors in the two weeks that follow it, a part of your life that is most important to you.

The new moon will receive lovely aspects from Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, so beautifully supportive from your house of love and children. This means March - birthday month - should turn out to be highly romantic and memorable. It will also be highly creative, in ways you've rarely seen. Neptune will be conjunct the Sun and moon, and all three will be well-angled to Jupiter, currently in your artistic and romantic fifth house, so go ahead, spend time tinkering with new concepts. If you hope for a baby, the February 28 new moon plus two weeks would be the best time to try for conception.

Mars will retrograde from March 1 to May 19, and that will create concerns about money. You may find you face delays in getting paid, or that you have a big unexpected expense that you will have to scramble to cover. Do not make any financial initiations or plans while Mars is retrograde, for plans you put in place are likely to fall flat. That includes new deals and moneymaking ventures too, for Mars rules your solar second house of earned income and is visiting your eighth house of commissions, royalties, licensing fees, loans, and lines of credit, mortgage, and financial aid. Keep talking, review plans, and do not make a final contract until the end of May.

The new moon of March 30 is feisty and will begin a theme you will see underscored in April. It's time to ask for money, but it seems as much as you bring in, you may have to pay out. You may have very high expenses, or you may be in a dispute over money, say in the division of property in a divorce. It's also possible you may be ready to invest a lot in a joint venture with another business, and this could explain the outgo. In this scenario, be sure you have all the facts and know the character of the person(s) with whom you are sharing funds. (This includes a person you may be getting ready to marry). Finally, if you agree to participate in a social event, be sure you know the costs of before you agree - it may be much more than you initially assume.

You may be jarred by news in the coming weeks, as next month brings two challenging eclipses - April 15 (a full moon lunar eclipse in your house of other people's money, including taxes) and April 29, in Taurus, ruling your sister or brother, short trips, manuscripts, and other writings. Go slowly and keep your eyes open. April is due to be one of the most challenging months of 2014, and for you the part that will unnerve you will revolve around money.

Dates to Note: PISCES

Most romantic dates (and dates you can use for other important purposes too); March 1, 5-6, 9-10, 13-16, 19, 23, and 26-28.

Mars will retrograde from March 1 to May 19 and will bring higher than anticipated expenses. Be conservative in spending until you can get a grip on expenses.

Jupiter turns strong direct March 6, after being retrograde since November 7.Your love life should lift off, and your creativity will sparkle too. The period between March 6 and July 16 will be very strong.

If you want to conceive a baby, Jupiter's turn direct is a fantastic development. See a fertility specialist after March 6 if you've had problems.

The new moon of February 28 was sensational for you and will give you carte blanche to make exciting progress on a goal dear to you in the first 7-10 days of March. Get busy!

A friend may go out of his/her way to help you on March 3.

On March 13, when Saturn is in ideal angle to the Sun, good news about publishing, broadcasting, or ventures into academia will be evident. Legal matters will go well.

The full moon of March 16, plus or minus four days, will bring a culmination to a relationship. You may promise to be exclusive, or get engaged or married. No matter what promise you choose to make, it will stick, as Saturn will be very friendly. It's also a good time to travel with your partner.

News you hear about home or property is likely to make you happy. Your private life brings exceptional news, and love will be in the air too, all on March 26, thanks to Mercury in perfect angle to Jupiter. This is a red-letter day!

You may be concerned over money, but after the new moon March 30, you may become more concerned, as it brings up unexpected developments. You may have to delay a purchase that you had planned to make.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-03-02 18:06:57
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 197 
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