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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 3月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2014年03月02日 Sun. PM 05:56:31

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries Forecast for March 2014

By Susan Miller

The early part of March comes in softly. Mercury had been retrograde in February, so you will have time to get organized and begin making decisions again. Even so, I would like you to take a slow, watch-and-wait approach. April is due to be a very difficult month, for two angry eclipses are coming by, April 15 and 29. Until those eclipses have spoken, you won't quite know where you stand or which way events are going. You will be focused mainly on a relationship, in love or business, or else you will have to tend to your health.

I should qualify that remark by saying if you were born in March, you won't feel the April 15 eclipse directly - only Aries born April 10 to 19 will be affected. Any eclipse will show up weak links in any condition, endeavor, situation, or relationship. Often, when an eclipse arrives, the news comes out of the blue. Although something may have been ongoing for a long time, you may not have noticed any clues or not been privy to the information. It is the job of the eclipse to provide full illumination. In the case of April 15, an ending will occur. Next month's full moon will be in Libra, ruling a partnership.

As March begins, a new moon has just occurred on February 28, a wonderful new moon, filled with goodness. Jupiter will be in ideal angle to the Sun and moon, and that will sprinkle pixie dust throughout the first half of March. That new moon fell in your house of privacy, so working on things in seclusion would bring the most productivity. You are a gregarious sign, but sometimes it's a good idea to do things differently, just to shake up routine. So screen out people who burn your time, and concentrate at the task at hand behind closed doors.

If you are passionate about a charity, community project, or the idea of helping one person you know and care about, this same new moon, February 28, and Jupiter will sprinkle golden petals over the first ten days of March. Your heart will be open and very giving, and your empathy very strong in March. Your efforts can now make quite a difference to that one beloved person who is close to you and who needs help, or to your charity or humanitarian project.

Jupiter has been in Cancer, but has not been working as hard as he could on your behalf, as Jupiter went retrograde on December 8, and has been moving at a snail's pace ever since. The good news is that Jupiter will now move direct on March 6, and you will begin to see Jupiter's help in a very big, obvious way. You will get more help from family, too, and you will also have luck with real estate or a move, renovation, repair / maintenance or other project. If you have been trying to sell a house, or buy one, late June and early July should please you. When Jupiter goes direct and gets stronger, all of life improves, for you and everyone else. This area of your life - home and support from family - will be your finest part of your life in weeks ahead, until Jupiter leaves, July 16.

Mars will go retrograde on March 1 through May 19, so while your home and family life and luck will improve almost instantly, when it comes to your relationship with your romantic partner (and here I am discussing those married, or in a very serious close relationship) or in a very close business relationship with a business partner, agent, manager, or client you represent, you will find that things will proceed slowly. Things won't stop entirely, so don't be disheartened. You may hear from an old client or partner who may want to work with you again, and if this is how things work out, proceed, for it's all good news.

Or, whether in love or with a business associate, you may go over old ground now together, say, with a problem that was never quite solved, a good time to do so. Mars rules Aries, so all that the red planet does has a doubly strong affect on you. That means Mars' slow orbit this month through May 19 is not the greatest news, as you like things to go quickly, but that won't happen. For sure, this is not the time to launch a new business venture - take your time, because Mars' job is to be the booster rocket to all your endeavors. Without Mars' support, you will find that you just can't give a project or venture the vital energy it requires to get orbiting in the stratosphere, where it belongs. Your endeavor needs momentum to stay in orbit, so to speak, and with Mars in weak form, it will be hard to do.

If you have watched the Cape Canaveral rockets lift off on television, you know the job of a booster rocket is to lift the big rocket into space, and then, once that's accomplished, the booster rocket falls away, as that little booster rocket is no longer needed. With Mars out of phase, everything will be harder to do. It's not a good time to get married or engaged (Mars is now in Libra, the sign of engagement and marriage), but you can keep dating a person you have just started to see, for you are not at the commitment stage yet.

Generally you would be wise to check your assumptions, and go over all your preparations, to see if you forgot anything essential. You will have the all-clear signal after Mars goes direct on May 19, BUT close to that time, Mercury will start to go retrograde again from June 7 to July 1. This means you will either have to have your ducks in a row, ready to begin, say, on the new moon, May 29, or wait until mid-July. I love mid-July - I vote for middle-of-July (NOT the first week of July), but you will have to decide what fits your life.

Mid-month, on March 16, a full moon in Virgo will occur (26 degrees) in your house of work projects. Something is reaching an end point, within four days of this full moon, before or after it occurs. The best gift this full moon has to give you is a lovely beam to Saturn, now in your house of credit, taxes, other people's money - money you owe them, and money others owe you. Yet this time, you seem not to be under stress. You may get a check that's been long overdue, your bank may approve your application for a loan or mortgage, you may find out you have a tax refund coming, you may agree to the division of property involving the end of a business or marriage, or your ex may finally send you back child support. You may finalize an agreement with your venture capitalist, or your college may award you financial aid. A long-delayed royalty, commission, or insurance payout check may arrive. You will be happy and feeling very secure at this time.

Saturn will retrograde this month on March 2 until July 21, so that will slow down your advancement in career. Saturn rules your tenth house of fame, but if you contact people you used to work with or know from the past, Saturn will not hold up your progress. (I just love the end of July for your career, but if you need a job immediately, take one now as a stop gap, and know you will do much better - actually quite wonderfully - at the end of July.) If you are in your own business, you may have an aggressive competitor who is bent on taking away market share, but you can outwit this person if you focus on the problem. By end of July, this competitive situation will fade away.

A great day to make a presentation, have an important interview, or conduct any other important move, will be March 13, when the Sun will be in perfect angle to Saturn in your eighth house of other people's money and financial reward. You would receive a one-time check, rather than many checks spread out over weeks, but that's good too! You may be talking about investments with your broker or insurance with your insurance specialist. It can be a day when you reach accord, and create solid, long-term plan.

In terms of romance, if you are single and NOT in a steady, long-term relationship, your outlook will be bright, or at least brighter than Aries who are strongly attached in love or business, where they MIGHT have a problem with a partner or competitor this month. Venus will be in Aquarius and send a sweet beam to Uranus in Aries on March 17-18, two of your best days for love and fun.

Friends will be very helpful in terms of being happy little matchmakers, so if hoping to meet someone to date, ask a friend to make an introduction, especially on one of these two days. Attached Aries may be moving into stormy weather, so if you suspect something is amiss, it would be best to discuss things early in March, before the eclipses come in April, who will do what you could not do yourself. It's always better to be in control.

The new moon in Aries (10 degrees) will appear end the month, and it is special because it's the only new moon of 2014 in your sign. New moons are VERY powerful, and this one will appear on March 30. Soon after, you'll see some rather unusual events shaping up, and you'll need to be ready for anything. Uranus will be conjunct the moon and Sun in Aries, so events could go either way (good or not so good), but the episode will be strange or weird in some way, and something you would have never expected to happen. With Uranus, you never know which end is up. It is also possible you will feel an overwhelming need to break free of some sort of limiting situation. You may have problems with a very high level boss, symbolized by Pluto in your house of prestige and honors, in hard angle to the Sun. Aries born within five days of March 30 (especially those with birthdays that fall five days AFTER this date) will be the most affected.


The universe will speak very clearly to you in March. Mars, now in Libra, will start to retreat backward, from March 1 to May 19, and this is important to note because Mars is your ruler. During that time, you should not initiate any new relationships or ventures - the gold, dear Aries, will be found in past projects and people you already have started to see and know. Focus on things that need to be tweaked. Aries always likes to forge forward with vigor, but with Mars out of phase, if you do, you will only spin your wheels and get nowhere. The more you push, the more frustrated you will be.

Instead, use this time to reconnect with previous contacts and develop those further. Work on projects you've already started but may have put aside for various reasons. Saturn will go retrograde too, from March 2 to July 20. Saturn is the natural ruler of your house of fame and honors, so if you are looking for a new position, think of all the people you have worked with in the past, and contact them now to see if you can continue the relationship. Do not launch any major product or service launches yet - wait until late May, at the new moon, May 29, or better yet, middle-to-end of July.

Saturn will retrograde too, starting March 2, but Saturn will have a milder effect on you than Mars retrograde. You might have to wait for checks from your insurance company or other money you are owed (or hope you are owed, like approval on your student loan or receiving your tax refund). If you need to have an interview or presentation, despite Saturn retrograde, March 13 will be a beautiful day, when Saturn will work flawlessly with the Sun. Accept a position in late May, but if you like, since good jobs take a lot of interviews to win, you can start to open talks now.

The start of March will be ideal for taking time alone to simply sit and think. Daydreaming will be valuable now, so indulge your urge to do so. All great actions begin with people who were secure enough set aside great dreams and then later set about to enact them, even when naysayers warned that their visions could never be realized. The new moon of February 28, still very strong in the first ten days as March opens, will help you become more of a visionary than you think you are capable of doing.

In regard to your home, if you had hoped to buy or sell property, but the bid you gave or received was not quite right, you may get a second chance in early March to make or get an adjusted bid. Jupiter, now in your house of home, will speed direct March 6, after having been languishing in retrograde since November 7. When it comes to property, you will have plenty of opportunity, but it will be up to you to make good things happen. Look at your options - you will have several that please you.

Looking at work, this month you may get a new assignment from a former client, and if so, you are free to give it your all. If the project is from someone new, be wary - you need to work extra hard to make sure your approach is correct, so keep asking questions, and before you begin, summarize in a memo all you have to do. It's very possible you will wrap up a project too, within four days of the March 16 full moon. If you need to hire people, wait until the end of May - you won't get the right candidates now.

One big project seems to be wrapping up at the full moon, March 16, and the applause - and possible large check - will make you feel very secure. This is a good full moon, for you seem to make good money as a result of what happens, and you will likely leave the situation or the talks feeling more financially secure.

If you have been concerned about your health, things should reach an end point at this full moon. You may end a series of physical therapy sessions or a certain medical protocol. If you have had a bad cold or get one now, it won't last long - it will end shortly after the full moon. (Getting a cold on a new moon is not the same - that cold can last a very long time if you don't take care of it. Of course you should take care of ANY cold!)

By the time you get to March 20, the Sun will enter Aries, signifying the start to birthday time for you in the coming weeks. This will give you more control and energy.

The new moon in Aries, March 30, however, is difficult and will bring obstacles to some of your most dearly held plans. At this time, with Uranus conjunct the Sun, you will enter into an environment where unexpected news will come to you, possibly from more than one source.

You have been growing very independent, so if anyone tries to hem you in, you'll rebel forcefully. That could be in regard to a relationship with anyone or in regard to a career situation. Pluto will be in hard angle to the Sun in Aries too, so a client or boss may become difficult and demanding, and although you'll be tempted to respond in an equally forceful way, the less you say in the ten days that follow March 30, the better.

You are getting more skilled at dealing with these type of bossy VIPs, as Pluto and Uranus have been raging at one another since March 2011, creating havoc in your career life. Soon this phase will be over, dear Aries, but not in 2014. With Mars in Libra now through July, be a team player - share the load, and don't even try to be the star. As one Aries told me, the strongest player in the game on those reality shows is always the first one to be voted off the island - that strong person threatens everyone. This is a terrible commentary on group dynamics, but I will advise you to go along with everyone until Mars leaves Libra in late July. Mars is currently in your house of partnership, and so teamwork is your key to success - share the work, and share the credit. It won't always be this way!

Dates to Note: ARIES

Most romantic dates (and dates you can use for other important purposes too): March 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 18, 19, 22, and 26.

Mars, your, ruler goes retrograde in your partnership sector March 1 to May 19. Be patient if things go slowly. Let nature take its natural course.

Saturn goes retrograde March 2 until July 20. From now on, go back to VIPs who know you and enjoyed working with you before, for that will be your best bet on landing a new position or new deal.

The first half of March should be dedicated to dreaming what you'd like to see happen next in your life. If you can imagine it, you can make it happen.

A fine day for a confidential interview or talk with a top VIP will be when Pluto and the Sun collaborate, March 3.

Another good day for an interview is March 13, when the Sun in Pisces will contact Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn rules your solar tenth house of career status, and is IN your house of perks and benefits. If you need to talk salary, do it on March 12 or 13.

Jupiter turns direct March 6, after being retrograde since November 7. See your living situation improve dramatically after this date. You may consider relocation for better professional prospects.

The full moon March 16 will bring a work project to fullness. Make sure you protect your health at the same time.

March 17 and 18 may bring special romantic sparkle, thanks to Venus in Aquarius (in your house of friendship) in perfect angle to Uranus in Aries.

March 26 will be special for real estate matters and for family news - Mercury (news) will be in conversation with Jupiter.

The new moon in Aries brings a discordant note March 30, ushering in a tough April. You may clash with a VIP, so take your time, listen, and decide how to respond later. New moons usher in a long period, so this problem may take time to fix.

Previous Month's Forecast >>>

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-03-02 17:56:31
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 237 
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