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看板 layzer
作者 angelplume. (angelplume.bbs@ptt.cc)
標題 [轉寄]Re: [新聞] 火力發電很安全? 煤灰輻射超過核廢料 …
時間 2011年03月22日 Tue. PM 06:00:01

※ 本文轉寄自 angelplume.bbs@ptt.cc

看板 Gossiping
作者 jerry78424 (青松碧濤)
標題 Re: [新聞] 火力發電很安全? 煤灰輻射超過核廢料 …
時間 Tue Mar 22 14:43:42 2011


Radioactive trace elements

As most ores in the Earth's crust, coal also contains low levels of uranium,
thorium, and other naturally occurring radioactive isotopes whose release
into the environment leads to radioactive contamination. While these
substances are present as very small trace impurities, enough coal is burned
that significant amounts of these substances are released. A 1,000 MW
coal-burning power plant could have an uncontrolled release of as much as 5.2
metric tons per year of uranium (containing 74 pounds (34 kg) of uranium-235)
and 12.8 metric tons per year of thorium.[17] In comparison, a 1,000 MW
nuclear plant will generate about 500 pounds of plutonium and 30 short tons
of high-level radioactive controlled waste.[18] It is estimated that during
1982, US coal burning released 155 times as much uncontrolled radioactivity
into the atmosphere as the Three Mile Island incident.[19] The collective
radioactivity resulting from all coal burning worldwide between 1937 and 2040
is estimated to be 2,700,000 curies or 0.101 EBq).[17] It should also be
noted that during normal operation, the effective dose equivalent from coal
plants is 100 times that from nuclear plants.[17]




每年產生500磅(=226公斤)的鈽以及30短噸(1 短噸= 0.9072公噸)的受控高放射廢棄物





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
seeback:台中火力發電廠呢?1F 03/22 14:44
Tattoo:WAHAHA99 通通吃下去阿2F 03/22 14:45
haoto:台中 不意外3F 03/22 14:45
drcula:台灣記得以前發生個廢煤渣偷倒的新聞,還造成嚴重污染4F 03/22 14:46
tigertiger:wahaha99會自動過濾燃煤所造成的空氣以及其他汙染5F 03/22 14:47
ccpz:新聞沒報=不危險, 新聞報了核能,所以核能很危險6F 03/22 14:48
Tattoo:她會說 一鄉一核電阿..7F 03/22 14:48
hiegg:不然你以為專家評估後為啥要冒險用核能 你不是白吃 專家學者8F 03/22 14:50
Tattoo:核電廠要是爆炸了.整個台灣都毀了.你負責嗎?10F 03/22 14:50
Bastain:節能減碳才是目標吧  不然核能火力都會帶來很大的汙染11F 03/22 14:50
※ 編輯: jerry78424      來自:      (03/22 14:54)
Bastain:重點還是節能減碳擋了財團大老闆的財路  也擋了國民黨的12F 03/22 14:56
dancemoon:目前核能就被視為減碳的方法之一....13F 03/22 14:56
Bastain:產業政策  所以一出現反核言論會被噓不意外14F 03/22 14:57
haoto:吱吱不爽就把台中火力發電廠搬到高雄啊15F 03/22 14:58
welly0923:???節能減碳是目前政府狂打的政策耶???16F 03/22 14:58
Bastain:核能並不節能  核能並不能跟節能減碳畫上等號17F 03/22 14:58
LAM:看看那精美的民營電廠  發的電比他用的電還貴....18F 03/22 15:00
dancemoon:核能是減碳 又沒說是節能 不要看字看一半好嗎= =20F 03/22 15:06
wahaha99:我推的是漲電價+社區核能發電21F 03/22 15:09
wahaha99:還有我火力推的是天然氣 我不會過濾燃煤污染 謝謝
IMGOODYES:天然氣很貴耶24F 03/22 15:22
Bastain:漲電費也是一個可行的方案  我也可以接受25F 03/22 15:29
wild2001:煤礦從那裏燒出來那些稀有元素了 煤礦的成分裡根本沒有26F 03/22 15:32
IMGOODYES:你以為煤是純物質嗎?27F 03/22 15:32
wild2001:世界上不存在純物質 可是也不可能無中生有28F 03/22 15:35
wild2001:GOOGLE老半天 也沒找到一篇講說煤礦裡面有鈾 這種東西的
birdy590:煤礦裡面有鈾很奇怪嗎? 本來含量極低, 但燃燒後大幅濃縮30F 03/22 15:39
drcula:煤礦裡面什麼亂七八糟的東西都有,哪天燒出哥吉拉都不意外32F 03/22 15:57
wild2001:意思就是火力發電也不大好飛灰吸多了 會死人的就像焚化爐33F 03/22 15:59
IMGOODYES:早就死一堆了...34F 03/22 16:03
p23j8a4b9z:有些白痴沒唸書就死都不相信就對了XD35F 03/22 17:31

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