看板 Gossiping
作者 derekhsu (華麗的天下無雙)
標題 Re: [新聞] 彭博:自滿心理戳破台灣除圍堵外什麼都沒
時間 Wed May 19 23:29:45 2021

※ 引述《Jonathan905 (J仔)》之銘言:
: 備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除
: 1.媒體:經濟日報
: 2.記者署名:編譯劉忠勇/綜合外電
: 3.完整新聞標題:彭博:自滿心理戳破台灣除圍堵外什麼都沒有的防疫防線


Complacency Let Covid Erode Taiwan’s Only Line of Defense

Samson Ellis https://twitter.com/samsonellis 他現在人就在台灣
Cindy Wang https://twitter.com/hwang61 她也長駐在台北
Michelle Fay Cortez https://twitter.com/faycortez 彭博的醫學、科學與藥物專家


All the virus had to do was get through the border.

Until this week, Taiwan’s Covid-19 containment appeared to be so effective
that virtually no other defenses were put in place: few tests, no local
surveillance to pick up undetected infection and close to zero vaccination.

Lauded as one of most successful places in the world at containment, a high
level of complacency about the risks had set in among both the public and
authorities. Covid-19 seemed to be something happening only in the outside

The virus’s opening was an ill-fated decision on April 15 to shorten
quarantine for airline crew to just three days, as carriers struggled to
operate their cargo lines with staff undergoing 14-day isolation periods.
Infected pilots introduced a more transmissible U.K. variant, whose spread
was then accelerated through a network of “hostess bars” -- places both
staff and patrons were reluctant to be associated with, making contact
tracing more difficult.

Taiwan reported 267 new infections Wednesday, bringing the total over the
past few days to 1,291 -- a small number in global terms but an astonishing
one in a place that, before May 1, had posted just 1,132 cases during the
entire pandemic.

The surge from zero to quadruple digits signals that undetected spread has
been occurring for months, and concern is now growing that Taiwan will go the
way of other cautionary tales, from the outbreak last year in Australia’s
Victoria state that took a brutal three-month lockdown to quell, to Thailand’
s ongoing surge driven by prison clusters.

“If they have 300 diagnosed cases, they have 3,000 cases in the community --
they just don’t know it.” said Gregory Poland, a virologist and director of
the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group. “It’s going to require a hard
lockdown, what’s called a circuit-breaker approach, and then getting the
vaccine out as quickly as they can.”
家、梅奧診所疫苗研究小組主任格雷戈裏· 波蘭說。“這將需要硬封鎖,也就是所謂熔斷

The problem is, there are no vaccines. As in many places that seem to have
eliminated the virus locally, Taiwan’s inoculation drive is lagging behind
European and North American economies, a major vulnerability that could trap
it in a stop-start cycle of restrictions like Singapore, Hong Kong and other
regional peers.

Taiwan officials on Wednesday expanded restrictions to the entire island as
cases rose, closing recreation venues and entertainment businesses, urging
companies to allow staff to work from home and limiting the size of

The government is hoping that the measures can help it fend off a hard
lockdown, which will be triggered if an average of at least 100 new daily
cases is reported for 14 consecutive days and the source is unidentified in
half of the cases.

“Be mentally prepared that there will be tougher regulations on activities
if community transmission is not under control,” New Taipei City Mayor Hou
Yu-ih said at a briefing Monday. “We are close to another alert level for

Health minister Chen Shih-chung expressed confidence Wednesday Taiwan will
not enter a hard lockdown, saying officials are working hard to stay on top
of the sources of all new infections.


Border Crossing

The coronavirus’s most likely route past border defenses was the Novotel
hotel near Taiwan’s biggest airport, Taoyuan International. Taiwanese
exports -- in particular semiconductors and other electronic components --
are in high demand, and Taoyuan is one of the world’s busiest air cargo hubs.

While China Airlines Ltd. crew members quarantined in one part of the
Novotel, another wing was open to members of the public attracted by cheap
staycation deals. More than 30 of the recent cases have been linked to the
airline and hotel by Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control. Following the
lapse, the government ordered all China Airlines pilots and some flight
attendants to undergo 14-day quarantine as a “circuit breaker.” But
three-day quarantine is expected to return after that, and for EVA Airways
Corp., the rules never changed. For the Novotel cases, a clear infection
chain is yet to be identified.
雖然華航有限公司(China Airlines Ltd.,簡稱:華航)的機組人員被隔離在諾富特酒店的
(Centers for Disease Control)已將最近30多起病例與該航空公司和酒店聯繫起來。之
之後,預計將恢復三天的隔離檢疫,而對長榮航空公司(EVA Airways Corp.)來說,規定

It’s an illustration of one of Taiwan’s key problems. Covid testing has
been comparatively infrequent there, a strategy that the Taiwan CDC justified
several times last year by saying that mass testing would increase the risk
of false positives wasting medical resources.

That’s a position counter to global best practices on testing, with most
governments more worried about false negatives entering the population and
triggering spread.

Taiwan administered 0.18 coronavirus tests per 1,000 people on May 16,
according to Our World in Data. In Australia the number is 1.8, while in
Singapore, it’s 13.1.

Testing is critical because it’s the only way to know where and how fast the
virus is moving. Increasing testing will be a key step if Taiwan wants to
avoid a hard lockdown, said Gigi Gronvall, a senior scholar at the Center for
Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
檢測是至關重要的,因爲這是瞭解病毒傳播地點和速度的唯一途徑。約翰· 霍普金斯大學
布隆伯格公共衛生學院(Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health)健康安全
中心(Center for Health Security)高級學者吉吉· 格隆瓦爾(Gigi Gronvall)表示,如

“That needs to be a big part of what they do next,” Gronvall said. “Even
the use of rapid tests are able to quickly identify people who are
infectious. That’s something that should be deployed and scaled up.”

Since its lack of outbreak meant it didn’t have to keep up with the latest
practices in fighting Covid-19, Taiwan did not put in place measures that
other places like Singapore and Hong Kong have used to detect asymptomatic

The high share of infected people who are asymptomatic is a key challenge
with the coronavirus and makes containment much harder than with pandemics
like the 2003 SARS outbreak.

Infection Hotspot

One way to detect asymptomatic spread is wastewater surveillance, which can
pick up traces of where the virus is lurking. Another is routine testing of
high-risk populations like migrant-worker communities or nightlife staff.

In Taiwan, the latter is the nexus of its outbreak.

Many of Taipei’s illicit hostess bars are found in the city’s Wanhua
district, which has become a hot spot for infection. More than 2,000 people
were tested locally as of Sunday, with a positive rate of 10.8%. A rate
higher than 5% indicates the dragnet in the search for people who may have
been exposed to the virus isn’t wide enough.

Bars where patrons pay to spend time socializing with escorts known as “hosts
” or “hostesses” pose a number of virus risks, as authorities in Japan
have also discovered. These establishments tend to have few windows and poor
ventilation, while close contact -- including sharing drinks or singing
together -- can allow infections to spread. Alcohol consumption makes
reckless behavior more likely, and customers are often reluctant to admit
they have visited these clubs, which makes tracing coronavirus cases even

For instance, contact tracing has linked dozens of cases to a past president
of Lions Club International, who was later found to have spent time at a
hostess bar in Wanhua. “We didn’t know the connection to tea house at first,
” Health Minister Chen said, using a euphemism for these establishments. He
added that the patient only shared the information “after our investigation.
” The hostesses themselves are often reticent too. One recent patient was
admitted to a general hospital ward for three days with another ailment
before staff gave her a Covid test, at which point she admitted she was the
boss of a hostess bar.
例如,追蹤接觸者將數十例病例與國際獅子俱樂部(Lions Club International)前任主席

The question now is how Taiwan gets the situation back under control.

The virus is running rampant among a population where few people have been
vaccinated or previously infected. As of Monday, just 0.9% of Taiwan’s 23.5
million people had received their first vaccine shot. China has administered
enough vaccinations for about 14.5% of its population, while more than
one-third of the U.S. -- and more than 30% of the U.K. -- is already fully

It will be hard to ramp up inoculations quickly. Convincing a population that
hasn’t felt much threat from the virus to get vaccinated is one issue. But
there’s also the supply chain. As of Tuesday, Taiwan had only taken delivery
of 315,000 doses of the AstraZeneca Plc vaccine, with another 410,000 doses
arriving today.

Taipei’s representative to the U.S., Hsiao Bi-khim, said in a Facebook post
on Tuesday that 5 million Moderna shots will arrive in the middle of the
year, but even that will cover only a fraction of the population. Central
Epidemic Command Center spokesperson Chuang Jen-hsiang said in April that the
next batch of AstraZeneca vaccines will likely arrive by June 15, and Taiwan
is likely to be a beneficiary of U.S. President Joe Biden’s pledge to share
millions of doses of FDA-authorized vaccines with foreign nations by the end
of June.

The positive rate in fast-screening stations in Taipei City dropped to 4.7%
on Tuesday from 11% on Friday, Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported, citing
Mayor Ko Wen-je and stating that stay-at-home curbs help control the
outbreak. Officials hope that measures like contact tracing and a population
highly compliant with public health curbs like mask-wearing can keep spread
under control until more vaccines arrive.
臺灣中央通訊社(Central News Agency)援引臺北市市長柯文哲的話說,臺北市快速篩查

It could be a long wait.



1. 原始記者翻譯的不錯,內容基本沒有偏頗錯誤。
2. 大外宣讓台灣覺得防疫世界第一
3. 台灣不普篩,大家都篩就你找藉口不篩,大家都怕偽陰就你怕偽陽。
4. 3+11。
5. 沒有疫苗。
6. 不打疫苗。
7. 趕快封城然後趕快打疫苗,這是唯一辦法。
8. 阿,台灣沒有疫苗捏。



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WfIxiXQ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1621438188.A.85A.html
Ariettina: 笑看綠共奴才玻璃心崩潰1F 05/19 23:30
※ 編輯: derekhsu ( 臺灣), 05/19/2021 23:31:21
gibbs1286: 寫這篇的彭博社記者很清楚來龍去脈ㄟ,有在追喔2F 05/19 23:30
iam0718: 最後一點很靠杯 XD3F 05/19 23:31
Makubex82: 彭博普篩仔 XD4F 05/19 23:31
nerevian: 總算讓世界看見台灣惹5F 05/19 23:31
nybbnan: 推 坐等綠蟑出來護駕6F 05/19 23:31
Anvec: 台灣一定可以渡過的 但是需要魄力 停止政治鬥爭7F 05/19 23:31
freedomwing5: 哪來的鄉間野雞小報不要污衊我們偉大的黨
推翻譯8F 05/19 23:31
colset: 現在台灣不就示範給你世界看了嗎?3+11加上沒疫苗的後果10F 05/19 23:32
※ 編輯: derekhsu ( 臺灣), 05/19/2021 23:32:25
clydebbman: 看好了世界 這就是大內宣的台灣11F 05/19 23:32
STi2011: 3+11 全世界都知道了 XDDDDDDDDDDD  范立委打球囉12F 05/19 23:32
yinaser: 就台灣寧可錯放一個也不可以錯殺一個13F 05/19 23:33
Kenda11: 讓世界看見台灣!14F 05/19 23:33
angraer: 你即使翻譯也沒用啊 覺青已經說這是舔共報社了15F 05/19 23:33
l2l: 大多數政府更擔心假陰性結果進入人羣並引發傳播 反觀16F 05/19 23:33
hy23: 完了 要被抹成共產黨黨報了17F 05/19 23:33
GossipCandy: 看好了世界18F 05/19 23:34
milk250: 哼那些老外專家沒有我們專業  全世界都沒有我們專業19F 05/19 23:34
dannyao: 彭博是舔共仔 綠共只要扣紅帽子就好了20F 05/19 23:34
fan5566: 中共同路人啦21F 05/19 23:34
qilar: 台灣超前部署喇 與世界不同 ㄏㄏ22F 05/19 23:34
AIRLIN: 這作者比綠畜還了解台灣 寫得有夠中肯23F 05/19 23:35
milk250: 看好了世界我們的篩檢做法和全世界相反24F 05/19 23:35
wurenben: 彭博很客氣了,沒寫我們多了一年多時間,什麼都沒準備25F 05/19 23:35
heci1941: 以下截圖。彭博社說,台灣對於普篩的態度,跟全世界的認26F 05/19 23:35
heci1941: 知,相反。
airmike: 笑死 我要看看大內宣團隊這次怎麼抹彭博28F 05/19 23:35
heci1941: https://i.imgur.com/clmdNZ1.jpg29F 05/19 23:35
※ 編輯: derekhsu ( 臺灣), 05/19/2021 23:36:28
wurenben: 篩檢能力,負壓病房,專責醫護..要什麼沒什麼,只有製圖30F 05/19 23:36
banana246: 超前部署到笑死人31F 05/19 23:36
dpko: 基本上有正常邏輯的人都知道我們政府提的不篩檢的理由很腦..32F 05/19 23:36
TokyoHard: 大內宣團隊:姓彭,一定是彭文正的弟弟報復論文門33F 05/19 23:36
dpko: .,但一堆人都相信了,我反而比較擔心台灣人的智商34F 05/19 23:36
meatbear: 彭博變舔公仔 可憐啊35F 05/19 23:36
hmt17: 幫你翻譯 彭博:台灣航空業3+11 可笑可笑36F 05/19 23:36
whiteadam: 被中共收買了37F 05/19 23:37
chuckbrown:38F 05/19 23:37
AIRLIN: 看好了世界 鬼島示範一次 什麼是防疫負面教材39F 05/19 23:37
frank00427: 覺青:看好了 世界!    彭博:看到了喔40F 05/19 23:37
live1002: 彭博講的超兇耶41F 05/19 23:37
Belanice: 看完了,推42F 05/19 23:37
godofsex:  https://i.imgur.com/YRZ7Fdu.jpg43F 05/19 23:37
kria5304: 彭博在台灣有駐點記者吧什麼老外44F 05/19 23:38
jesiuty: 彭博是在暗示啥 等等假訊息辦你 你就不要縮了45F 05/19 23:38
peter950071: 全世界都知道3+11可笑就台灣不知道46F 05/19 23:38
l2l: 多次出國民眾在國外篩檢被驗到 就有點預兆了 政府死不承認47F 05/19 23:38
kaky: 台灣CDC不驗理由:偽陽到處跑、偽陰影響醫療量能....XDDD48F 05/19 23:38
allofme: 大外宣搭到也把台灣人騙了49F 05/19 23:38
wurenben: 還敢大內宣說超前部屬,不要臉到極點50F 05/19 23:38
stvc: 推  有人玻璃心要崩潰了51F 05/19 23:38
AIRLIN: 每次出現不同意見都被黨的維穩部隊壓下去52F 05/19 23:38
hmt17: 幫你翻譯 (更正)彭博:台灣華航3+11 可笑可笑  長榮很嚴謹53F 05/19 23:38
※ 編輯: derekhsu ( 臺灣), 05/19/2021 23:39:22
s705166: 我是好奇側翼會對這新聞怎麼反擊XDDD54F 05/19 23:39
drogmn: 蟑螂來唷55F 05/19 23:39
f222051618: 垃圾綠共56F 05/19 23:39
purin820611: 去年彭博社捧DPP捧得要死 今年稍微批判一下就變中共57F 05/19 23:39
gibbs1286: 這篇愈看愈像台灣人寫的,不然就是會中文的駐點記者58F 05/19 23:39
purin820611: 同路人XD59F 05/19 23:39
Morayeel: 不好意思有一段的shot翻成照片 似乎是指針劑?60F 05/19 23:39
clw8: xd61F 05/19 23:39
gibbs1286: 滿多內容是只有台灣自己新聞跟討論才會出現的62F 05/19 23:39
※ 編輯: derekhsu ( 臺灣), 05/19/2021 23:40:32
devidevi: 台灣寧可錯放100個,也不要多殺1個63F 05/19 23:40
pgame907: 台灣不是擔心偽陰偽陽都有  怎麼變成只擔心偽陽性64F 05/19 23:40
askey: 彭博四趴仔65F 05/19 23:40
andy79323: 看好了世界 被外媒看得一清二楚66F 05/19 23:40
ffhh:     綠圾奴蟑就算重症也要上板護航 笑屎67F 05/19 23:40
devidevi: 偽陽會癱瘓醫療,偽陰會到處跑,因此不能篩68F 05/19 23:40
virginleo: 感謝翻譯69F 05/19 23:41
kaky: 額偽陽為陰寫反了因該是偽陽影響醫療偽陰趴趴走70F 05/19 23:41
xgpwh: 寫得出這樣,這撰文的人在台灣吧?71F 05/19 23:41
vizcacha: 推反應72F 05/19 23:41
ab4daa: 3+11  可憐哪73F 05/19 23:41
CityRanger: 霍普金斯那間學店蛤 敢建議封城 忤逆黨?74F 05/19 23:41
Everforest: 覺青:什麼野雞雜誌在唱衰台灣?     看好了!世界75F 05/19 23:41
vizcacha: *翻譯76F 05/19 23:41
wheateardoll: 嘆氣推77F 05/19 23:41
shen553: 看完了, 推78F 05/19 23:42
hmt17: 著名的歐美外媒在台灣有很多駐點記者阿 被中共趕到台灣來的79F 05/19 23:42
TZUYIC: 彭博去年是DPP好朋友,今年變中共同路人,真是笑死,這就是可笑的意識形態治國。80F 05/19 23:42
smallwenwen: Bloomberg 也變成中共同路人了82F 05/19 23:42
※ 編輯: derekhsu ( 臺灣), 05/19/2021 23:44:48
dolphan: 不篩檢的理由真的很不合理83F 05/19 23:42
godofsex: 可憐哪84F 05/19 23:42
alcpeon911: 民進黨:不實訊息85F 05/19 23:42
metcc80211: 這才是真正的記者精神,台媒都被收買的差不多了86F 05/19 23:42
hcuo: 太專業了,反觀覺青還不肯面對現實87F 05/19 23:43
Lekas: 推88F 05/19 23:43
iamtendollar: 人家怕偽陰就你怕偽陽XDDDD幹嗆爆蔡政府真爽89F 05/19 23:43
mokihana: 只要會做圖來洗腦就好啦。90F 05/19 23:43
takeda3234: 結論就3+11誤國  疫苗快點普及才能救台灣91F 05/19 23:43
AIRLIN: 支持普篩的被黨和其支持者修理得多慘92F 05/19 23:43
ksjr: 臺灣每1000人中進行了0.18病毒檢測 澳洲1.8 新加坡13.193F 05/19 23:43
shashayou: 推94F 05/19 23:43
nowitzki0207: 原本那篇就是重點了95F 05/19 23:43
m6cs: 彭博即將"被"變為中共同路人,為他默哀3秒96F 05/19 23:43
tttkkk: 結論就是  CDC把先進國家當白痴97F 05/19 23:43
drcula: 閉嘴啦,4%普篩仔,全世界防疫最強國,不需要學其他人98F 05/19 23:43
rosa8545: 普篩派不吭一聲99F 05/19 23:43
len9527: 明明講過很多次普篩是怕偽陰性進入社區,大家是忘記了還是害怕想起來?以前篩一堆沒有確診就真的浪費資源啊!當醫護檢疫人員很閒?而且高風險國家來的本來就有廣篩了!1647F 05/22 01:54
hanbingsiji: 垃圾綠共大外宣徹底破功1650F 05/22 11:29
garra: 看完您的一些文章 有這樣的政府 感到難過..1651F 台灣 05/31 10:26

作者 derekhsu 的最新發文:
(derekhsu.): Re: [新聞] 彭博:自滿心理戳破台灣除圍堵外什麼都沒有的防疫防線 - Gossiping板