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看板 Phillies
作者 標題 [亂翻]落落長之場外的Pence葛格
時間 Fri Aug 12 23:39:53 2011
LOS ANGELES -- Between the time he boarded the chartered
bus to LAX and the chartered plane to Philadelphia on
Wednesday,Phillies right fielder Hunter Pence opened the
Twitter application on his cell phone and sent a message
to his fans:
"NOBODY PANIC! We can come back. #Letsgoeat #FreeShane."
"謀郎咧驚拉! 偶們回來囉~~~ ^^"
The first part of the message referenced Wednesday's 9-8
victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium,
when the Phillies overcame a six-run deficit to finish
their 10-game road trip at an all-time best 9-1.
#FreeShane referenced teammate Shane Victorino,who Major
League Baseball suspended three games for his role in
Friday's bench-clearing brawl in San Francisco.
#FreeShane 則是在說 夏威夷笑彌陀
Every Phillies fan with an Internet connection seems to
know that. But a quick crash course for the folks not in
the know: Pence scored the winning run in the 10th inning
of a 6-5 victory over the Pirates on July 31 at Citizens
Bank Park. Moments before Pence doubled to get on base,
Victorino told his teammates to hurry up and win the game
because he was hungry. So afterward, when Phillies broadcaster
Gary Matthews asked Pence what was going through his mind
as he rounded third base, he replied, "Good game. Let's go eat."
#Letsgoeat 這個標籤的由來
米果時間731那天 在Pence葛格上壘之前
笑彌陀說他肚子餓餓了~.~ 要大家快點贏下來
然後他在繞過三壘的時候 就回應說 來去吃吧^^
Instant catchphrase.
Fans have put it on T-shirts, written about it on blogs
and message boards and have been sending messages to Pence
through Twitter with the #letsgoeat hashtag.
Pence has run with it.
"I didn't have the intention for that to go off, but now
that it has, it's been a lot of fun," Pence said Wednesday.
"I like it. It's a good, positive thing to be cheering for.
They've been yelling it at me, even though we're on the road.
'Hey, Hunter. Let's go eat.' I'm like, 'Yeah, let's do it.
Let's get this win. Let's go eat.'"
Pence is enjoying his honeymoon with his new team. The
Phillies are 11-1 since the Houston Astros traded him to
Philadelphia on July 29. Houston had won just 11 of its last
40 games before Pence got traded. He is hitting .347
(17-for-49) with three doubles, three home runs, nine RBIs,
a .389 on-base percentage and a .592 slugging percentage
since the trade. Phillies manager Charlie Manuel loves Pence
because of the balance he has brought the lineup, and teammates
love him because of the energy he has brought to the
clubhouse and field.
從交易後 打出11-1的成績
他功不可沒 扮演打線的催化劑 OPS是.981
沒妞跟隊友都愛他 Pence葛格擁有一堆能量!
Fans love him because he seems to be having a heck of a lot
of fun out there.
球迷也愛他 因為他似乎很好玩
A few hours before Pence doubled and scored the winning run
July 31, nine children ran onto the field for the pregame
ceremonies at Citizens Bank Park. A little girl ran to right
field to await Pence. He high-fived her upon his arrival,
then leaned over and whispered in her ear.
交易大限那天 九個小孩為了賽前準備儀式(不清楚) 跑到場上
Both of them turned toward the fans in the right-field
seats and waved.
The crowd roared back at them.
Both of them then turned toward the fans along the right-field
line and waved.
The crowd roared back at them, too. The reaction got the girl
so excited she started jumping up and down.
於是他們開始向球迷揮手 球迷們也很熱情地揮手
"It's pretty cool being on the field at a home game," Pence
said. "I never take that experience for granted. I love to
look around and see where I'm at. It's something as a kid
you dream of. So sometimes you take a step back and enjoy
the moment. So I like them to look at the fans and give them
a wave and look at the reciprocation they get. I want them to
have that same moment. I know if I was a kid, I'd want that.
Sometimes they're kind of scared or shy. I'm like, 'Look, check
these people out. They've got your back.'"
有時候他向球迷揮手 並觀看他們的回應
有時候球迷比較緊張 他也會主動跟他們揮手
Pence genuinely seems to enjoy interacting with fans, which is
a big reason why he joined Twitter last summer.
"You have a voice to the fans," he said.
Pence真的很享受跟球迷互動 所以他去年夏天辦了個推特
He still enjoys connecting the old fashioned way, too. A few
years ago at Spring Training with the Astros, fans asked Pence
for his autograph while he was walking into the clubhouse.
"I'll come back later and sign," he said.
Fans have heard promises like that before, so they soon left.
But Pence returned as promised to find nobody there.
He was dejected.
"I try to stay true to my word," he said. "It's a little more
difficult here, because there are so many and they're everywhere.
But if I give you my word [that] I'm going to come back, I'll
come back."
好幾年前的春訓 有些球迷要他簽名
Pence承諾他們 他等等會來簽名
粉絲好像不吃這一套 一個接著一個閃人
但是Pence真的回去了 可是看到的 是空空一片
他粉難過 TAT
他也承諾球迷 只要他說他會回來 他一定會回來
(應該不會有國外白目部落客說P ence爽約吧 ㄎㄎ
Enthusiastic. Energetic. High motor.
熱情 活力 高動力
These are some one of the things his new teammates have
said about Pence.
"God just made me this way," he said. "I play with more emotion
than is probably necessary or needed, but that's just who I am."
Pence gets to the clubhouse early every day. (He showed up at
AT&T Park nearly seven hours before the first pitch last Thursday
against the San Francisco Giants.) He studies film.
He hits in the cage. He works out nearly an hour after every game.
甚至早了七個小時就到球場 練習打擊
每一場比賽後 也留一個小時下來 認真 ^^
Pence led a pack of Astros who showed up voluntarily at Minute
Maid Park last winter for offseason workouts. That was
something that had not happened before, not even during the
glory days of Craig Biggio, Jeff Bagwell and Lance Berkman.
去年冬天 Pence帶領了太空人
"I'm a big believer in 'chance favors the prepared mind,'"
Pence said.
Pence's locker was next to Biggio's during his rookie season
in 2007. He gleaned as much from him as he could, but he also
identified with Darin Erstad, who played for the Astros from
2008-09. Pence, who grew up in Arlington, Texas, watched Erstad
a lot when the Angels played the Rangers. He remembered Erstad
running into the outfield wall and playing hard from the first
pitch to the last out.
但他也向Darin Erstad學習
Erstad's style of play left an impression upon him.
"I looked up to Pete Rose a lot, too," Pence said. "I love
Pete Rose. I see a lot of that in [Chase] Utley."
他也喜番彼特羅斯 他看到追追身上有羅斯的影子
Roy Halladay has called Utley "the Derek Jeter of the
National League" because of his preparation and dedication
to doing everything the right way. Pence said he noticed that
immediately upon his arrival. He recalled Victorino telling a
few teammates recently how he almost missed the bag while
running the bases.
Pence在他來到的時候 也注意到這件事
Utley wasn't happy to hear it.
"The game isn't over until the last out is made," Utley
reminded everybody within listening distance. "You've got to
keep focused no matter what."
追追說 球賽到最後一刻都要focus在上面 (ˋ口ˊ)
Pence received the message loud and clear.
"I think hearing that is going to make me a better ballplayer,"
he said.
Even when he is away from the ballpark, Pence seems to
be doing something he can take back to the field.
He plays chess, although he found few willing participants
in Houston. Pence recently asked Halladay if he played.
He said he did, so Pence is thinking of picking up a chess
board for the team's flights.
Pence在休閒時間下棋 他也問DOC有沒有在下
DOC回答是肯定的 所以Pence想要在球隊移動時下一場棋
"I don't want to intrude on his time, but that might be my
next opponent," he said. "I love chess, because it stimulates
your mind in a similar way that baseball does. You have to
respond quickly to figure out what they're trying to do to you.
I think the game of baseball, being as mental as it is, it's
another way to get better."
下棋會刺激頭腦 跟打棒球一樣 所以下棋練棒球~~
Pence reads for the same reasons, too.
"I don't read stories. I don't read for pleasure," he said.
"I read to enhance my mind and advance my mental strength."
Pence enjoys Malcom Gladwell books like "Outliers" and
"Tipping Point." He has read Harvey Dorfman's "The Mental
Game of Baseball," "The Mental Keys to Hitting," and Anthony
Robbins' "Unlimited Power." He has read books about the brain,
how it works and what it can accomplish.
Then there is Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," which
is his favorite. He has read the book cover to cover three times,
but picks up and reads difference passages every day to keep focused.
工商服務時間 介紹書籍~.~
跟下棋一樣 Pence也用類似的理由 愛上了閱讀
不是單純的讀故事 也不是單純地為了滿足自己
他閱讀 而增進自己的心靈與精神力量
But when Pence doesn't feel like picking up a book or setting
up the chess board, he might fire up "Call of Duty" and other
video games like "StarCraft" and "World of Warcraft."
不過偶爾還是會打打星海跟魔獸啦 ...
"You have to have a similar focus in video games as you do
in baseball," he said. "It's like a coordination with your
fingers. You have to get into that zone. I think playing the
guitar or playing the piano might be a better hobby than playing
video games, because those also require a similar focus. But
there is a theory in 'Outliers' about the 10,000 hours. I think
those are parts of the little preparations that make you better."
跟棒球一樣 需要很專注在上面 所以是訓練專注力 pu~
All of these things are related.
Pence loves baseball. He loves everything about it. That
is why he interacts with the young girl on the field,
returns to sign the autographs he promised to sign, shows
up early and leaves late at the ballpark, reads books to
sharpen his mind and searches for a competitor at the chess board.
Pence愛棒球 他喜愛關於棒球的所有事物
這就是為什麼他會跟小女孩互動 會回去幫球迷簽盟
早近晚退 與球場做好朋友
閱讀使提升心靈 以及找尋棋局的對手
"I compete for a living," he said. "When I go home, I try to do
something else I enjoy, which is competing."
享受生活 (?) 當他回家時 他會做些他感興趣的事
So far, the Phillies have seen the best of Pence. He is doing
everything they hoped he would do -- and possibly more.
They hope it continues for another three months with the
Phillies ultimately holding another parade down Broad Street.
到目前為止 我們看到了我們希望的Pence 甚至更好
我們也希望三個月後 他能幫助我們再一次上街遊行
Pence would have plenty to tweet about then.
我們也希望三個月後 他能幫助我們再一次上街遊行
Pence would have plenty to tweet about then.
Let's go eat? Absolutely.
作伙來呷飯 ? 這是一定要的啦 (一V一) *
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◆ From:
※ 編輯: kkboxreg01 來自: (08/12 23:49)
推 : 強間用力一推1F 08/12 23:43
→ : ㄟ 不對 那邊比較適合用"巴"的 ^^|||
→ : ㄟ 不對 那邊比較適合用"巴"的 ^^|||
→ :這篇看得我好累 ...3F 08/12 23:50
→ : 盤絲是怪疏疏 還挨到小女生的耳邊磨蹭4F 08/12 23:53
→ : 該不會是說 盤絲大葛格愛你呦 ^.<
→ : 該不會是說 盤絲大葛格愛你呦 ^.<
→ :10年培育計畫=口=!?6F 08/13 00:02
推 :LET'S GO EAT!7F 08/13 01:11
推 :Pence萬歲8F 08/13 22:11
推 : Pence真的是一位好球員9F 08/13 22:39
推 : Pence一定要推的 :~10F 08/13 23:31
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- 看板 Phillies作者 kkboxreg01 (KK盒子)標題 落落長之場外的Pence葛格時間 Fri Aug 12 23:39:53 2011 標題不大會下的一篇 LOS AN …10F 5推