※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-02-13 22:16:38
看板 Storage_Zone
作者 標題 [情報] Q3 2015 Hard Drive Reliability Stats
時間 Sat Feb 13 14:19:19 2016
Hard Drive Failure: Analysis of 49,056 Hard Drives
We analyze the performance of 49,056 hard drives running everyday in our data center. Discover the best performing individual models and overall trends. ...
1 TB 5.02%
1.5TB 14.71%
2 TB 1.88%
3 TB 9.43%
4 TB 2.10%
5 TB 3.87%
6 TB 3.58%
8 TB 3.41%
看來真的不要買 1.5TB 跟 3TB 比較好
最近一顆 Segate 的 3TB 就不幸中標出現 C6,需要替換
再順便請問一下,爬文看到很多人說 Toshiba 的硬碟有聲音
那聲音是像這影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjYuzjA31mQ 裡的一樣嗎?
The sound of a bad Toshiba 2.5" laptop hard drive - YouTube
This is a Toshiba model MK3021GAS laptop hard drive that went bad. The operating system failed to load and DFT failed the drive as well as some other hard dr...
This is a Toshiba model MK3021GAS laptop hard drive that went bad. The operating system failed to load and DFT failed the drive as well as some other hard dr...

這種踢踢他他的聲音我受不了,如果是的話,可能就得放棄 Toshiba 了...
放著養蚊子的部落格 http://resolaqq.blogspot.tw
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Mlihjbf (Storage_Zone)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Storage_Zone/M.1455344365.A.969.html
※ 編輯: ResolaQQ (, 02/13/2016 14:26:42
推 : 剛上youtube搜尋toshiba hdd sound 整個很歡樂,一1F 02/13 14:39
→ : 堆奇葩怪聲音
→ : 堆奇葩怪聲音
→ : 反正很吵就是了,要有機櫃或隔音要好3F 02/13 14:44
→ : 吵是無所謂,只是有些聲音像刮黑板我生理上不能接受4F 02/13 14:47
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