※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-04-11 19:57:36
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 打臉王丹!哈佛費正清中心:他很失禮
時間 Thu Apr 11 18:34:31 2019
談韓哈佛行 專訪費正清中國研究中心主任 - YouTube

Well, to be quite honest, I’m a little surprised by all of these
attentions. We have a regular workshop that we travel each year, both to the
Taiwan and to the Mainland, to discuss cross-strait relations. We’ve been
doing it for about 20 years. We’ve been very fortunate that we receive very
high attention from our friends in Taiwan. We generally meet the President or
the Vice President and senior members of the administration, but we also try
to meet a wide spectrum of political views in Taiwan. This year in January,
when we visited Taiwan, we were at an academic meeting in Kaohsiung, and the
opportunity arose to have an informal meeting with Mayor Han. Of course, we
had read about his surprising electoral success in November. We were very
happy to meet with him. We had a very interesting conversation about his
views of cross-strait relations, his views of how the landscape in Taiwan was
shifting, and it just seemed like a natural idea to invite him to share those
views to our larger Taiwan studies community.
So, in the end, in consultation with Mayor Han’s team, we decided that
a small group session would be more useful for us. Our job, of course, is not
to provide a platform for political figures from Taiwan to make political
speeches, so we’re actually quite happy with the Mayor’s request that we
have a small close-door gathering where the specialists on Taiwan here at
Harvard could have a chance to really interact with Mayor Han rather than
simply listen to him make a speech. With the internet, of course, we can
listen to many speeches by different political leaders. There’s no “real
value” added to our community to have a political leader come here and just
make a speech. So, Mayor Han’s team was hoping for a smaller, more
interactive session, that works very well from our perspective.
Development of Taiwanese politics over the last year or so has come as a
big surprise to many American analysts, and I think to many Taiwanese people
as well. It’s our job to try understand those changes, both because we seek
to better understand Taiwan, but also it’s our job to understand those
changes because they are going to have implications for cross-strait
relations, and if they’re going to have implications for cross-strait
relations, they’re going to have implications for US-China relations and
US-Taiwan relations. So, in that sense, I wouldn’t wanna say that one
political figure is more interesting than another. The point is we need to
better understand what is going on both in the minds of Taiwan electors, the
Taiwan voters, who behave in ways that many analysts found very surprising,
and also in the minds of Taiwanese policy makers, who will be making
decisions that are going to shape the context in which US-China relations
operate. So, we’re interested in any insights we can gain into Taiwanese
politics, and there’s nothing better for gaining insights than the kinds of
close interactions that we’re trying to arrange for Mayor Han’s visit
We enjoyed our meeting with Mayor Han in Kaohsiung in January. And it
seemed like a good idea if he could join us here in Harvard. It would be very
discourteous of me to comment on Wang Dan. Whether he invited himself? We’re
very happy he’s here. I can see because of the way the event has been
organized, it’s easy to understand why there is some confusion, I can
understand why Wang Dan was confused. It’s unavoidable that we have some
confusion, I think clearly Wang Dan’s comments are inaccurate.
There was an invitation, yes.
1. 費正清研究中心研究兩岸關係已長達20餘年,中國跟台灣兩方都會去參觀交流。
2. 跟韓國瑜搭上線的契機是今年一月到高雄參加學術會議時與韓國瑜有非正式的見面。
3. 邀請韓國瑜的主要原因是想多元化的了解台灣的政治光譜變化,因為這會牽扯到
4. 的確不是去演講,因為他們覺得找政治人物來演講完全沒意義。
5. 的確有邀請,不過是不是韓國瑜自己邀請自己?他也沒說明。
6. 關於王丹的部分,他是說「讓我在這個訪問評論王丹我會很失禮」,
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ShnWx-9 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1554978875.A.F89.html
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04-11 22:39 ■ Re: [新聞] 打臉王丹!哈佛費正清中心:他很失禮
噓 : 好了啦 王丹不過才拿阿扁40萬美金 不要一直追殺1F 04/11 18:35
推 : 天啊!就一個演講,不說沒人關心的事,是要在意什麼啊?2F 04/11 18:36
→ : 國民黨的英文啊 真悲哀3F 04/11 18:36
→ : 有邀請 但不是演講 結案 不是演講還說是演講 韓輸了4F 04/11 18:37
推 : 關鍵就在$$,因為哈佛是私立學校5F 04/11 18:37
→ : 用這種誤導人的標題 實在沒什麼說服力6F 04/11 18:37
→ : 小英出訪每個行程好好幫她宣傳,比關心著鳥事好多了7F 04/11 18:37
→ : 結論就是 韓粉輸了 確實不是演講8F 04/11 18:37
→ : 要真的能打臉王丹 哪需要用這種標題9F 04/11 18:38
→ : 這跟哈佛有捐錢就可以去念是類似意思10F 04/11 18:38
噓 : 我們韓市長怎麼可能輸,說王丹失禮就是失禮11F 04/11 18:40
→ : 台視的中翻應該是故意的吧?12F 04/11 18:41
推 : 狗報連沒有的都能假造了 更何況是英文13F 04/11 18:41
→ : 眾蛆蛆們明知道標題亂下 竟然還是高潮了14F 04/11 18:41
推 : 推逐字稿15F 04/11 18:42
噓 : 台灣被滲透得很嚴重16F 04/11 18:42
推 : 最後幾句話就打狂你自己的臉誒。尤其是的我們有邀請,可17F 04/11 18:43
→ : 以轉成韓自己邀請自己,所以韓是他們的一分子歐...
→ : 以轉成韓自己邀請自己,所以韓是他們的一分子歐...
那從這個主任的談話中聽起來 "whether he invited himself?" 後面接我們很高興有他來
→ : 不聽英文光看字幕會覺得在批王丹失禮19F 04/11 18:43
推 : 他是說「評論(韓)是否自己邀請自己不禮貌」20F 04/11 18:45
推 : 喜韓如果看得懂就不是喜韓了21F 04/11 18:47
推 : 就以為大家看不懂英文,不然你奈我何22F 04/11 18:47
→ : 抱歉我聽錯了,把兩句混在一起了23F 04/11 18:47
→ : 不過台視的字幕明顯有誤導之嫌
→ : 不過台視的字幕明顯有誤導之嫌
韓國瑜訪哈佛 戈迪溫:韓先表達興趣 哈佛才邀請 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
高雄市長韓國瑜將於11日訪哈佛大學交流,哈佛大學費正清中心台灣研究小組召集人戈迪溫(Steven M. Goldstein)9日表示,此次訪問是由韓國瑜先表達造訪哈佛的興趣,哈佛才欣然相邀,並依照韓國瑜意願,讓他與哈佛社區的與會者進行閉門討論;他說,韓國瑜對兩岸關係的看法將是此次會談大家最想知道的議 ...
推 : 他是說因為組織的方式引起混淆 所以他可以理解為什麼王丹26F 04/11 18:48
→ : 不太清楚 就這樣
→ : 還有明明就不是speech 靠北 高雄市那幾隻還要凹
→ : 不太清楚 就這樣
→ : 還有明明就不是speech 靠北 高雄市那幾隻還要凹
→ : 話說政黑的逐字稿文居然是台視翻譯字幕全文,好歹應該是英29F 04/11 18:49
推 : 不要吹噓成演講就好了呀 現在就是糗斃了呀30F 04/11 18:49
→ : 文逐字,台視翻譯和自行翻譯比對才有推爆的價值吧?31F 04/11 18:49
→ : 上個台視字幕逐字稿被推爆?政黑小鬼是沒看過以前誠品大和32F 04/11 18:52
→ : 「不要再搖了」這兩位的筆戰嗎?
→ : 「不要再搖了」這兩位的筆戰嗎?
推 : 說個笑話 記者34F 04/11 18:55
※ 編輯: zooxalju (, 04/11/2019 18:57:09推 : 閉門座談怎不講成肛門座談!故意誇大。這也要騙!35F 04/11 18:57
→ : 王丹又不是說沒邀請他 而是嗆他別騙人 他這種程度怎麼可能36F 04/11 18:57
→ : 在哈佛開主題演講
→ : 在哈佛開主題演講
噓 : I think clearly Wang Dan’s comments are inaccur38F 04/11 19:02
推 : 推逐字稿39F 04/11 19:03
推 : 他是說因為組織方式產生混淆 所以造成王丹的評論不精確 你40F 04/11 19:03
→ : 看得懂英文嗎
→ : 看得懂英文嗎
→ : 不管啦,韓粉只會考中翻英,英翻中,哪有在翻整段的42F 04/11 19:05
→ : 句子前後脈絡看不看得懂啊?去 英文真的差43F 04/11 19:06
推 : 就垃圾媒體整體造假44F 04/11 19:06
推 : 有逐字就給推45F 04/11 19:10
推 : 我宣布天下第一翻譯大賽正式開始46F 04/11 19:10
推 : 推逐字稿47F 04/11 19:12
推 : 推逐字稿,台灣記者亂翻48F 04/11 19:13
推 : 高調49F 04/11 19:19
推 : 有逐字稿給推50F 04/11 19:23
推 : 推英文逐字稿還原真相 韓市長真是膨風到難以至致信…51F 04/11 19:24
推 : 垃圾媒體造謠結果不用負責任52F 04/11 19:24
推 : 有沒有假新聞被罰超過幾次就撤照的機制?53F 04/11 19:28
推 : 推逐字稿54F 04/11 19:29
推 : 喜韓兒看不懂英文,會來噓你55F 04/11 19:30
推 : 假新聞就是這樣一篇一篇生出來的啊56F 04/11 19:37
推 :57F 04/11 19:38
推 : 未看先推58F 04/11 19:40
推 : 含粉要被打多少臉才開心59F 04/11 19:43
噓 : 耖 非常無聊 沒有出息60F 04/11 19:47
推 : 推61F 04/11 19:55
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 6 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 727
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1樓 時間: 2019-04-11 20:23:52 (台灣)
04-11 20:23 TW