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作者 標題 [新聞] TOPGUN Maverick 第二周票房衰減史上最佳
時間 Wed Jun 8 17:38:18 2022
Box Office Update: Top Gun: Maverick soared even higher than previously reported in weekend two.
Top Gun: Maverick has the best second-weekend drop for wide release opening over $100 million at the box office. ...
在準確更新周末票房後, TOPGUN Maverick
成為影史上首周破億票房中,最佳的第二周衰減 29%
UPDATE: Top Gun: Maverick soared even higher than previously reported in
weekend two. Per Deadline, the final weekend tally for the Top Gun sequel
came in at $90 million. That’s up from the $86 million that was originally
estimated which represented a 32% drop from last weekend. The drop now comes
in at 29% and it’s easily the best second-weekend drop for a film opening to
over $100 million. The domestic tally now stands at $295.6 million.
There is no stopping Top Gun: Maverick and the film is continuing to give
Paramount Pictures a reason to celebrate an already stellar year for the
studio. Normally films coming off big opening weekends and a holiday tend to
have steeper drops in week 2 but not Top Gun: Maverick. In fact, the Top Gun
sequel has the best second-weekend drop for a wide release opening over $100
Top Gun: Maverick eased a pretty slim 32% this weekend to gross $86 million.
The film is now officially Tom Cruise’s biggest movie on the domestic front
and its performance is nothing short of amazing. For comparison’s sake, Star
Wars: The Force Awakens declined 40% in its second weekend back in December
of 2015 and Shrek 2 dipped 33% in week 2 back in 2004.
Per Deadline, via EntTelligence, 6.5 million moviegoers came out for Top Gun:
Maverick this weekend which brings its running admission count to 22 million
people. This is a matter of repeat business and casual moviegoers who gave
the film a chance after hearing about how great it is. The sequel is also
playing very broadly. This isn’t just fans of the 1986 movie coming out to
reunite with Maverick. It’s attracting a wide range of demographics. 38% of
the crowd was over 45 while the 25-34 crowd is coming in at 24% with
45-54-year-old moviegoers representing 20%.
The film also benefitted from zero competition this weekend and it will be
interesting to see how it holds next weekend when Jurassic World: Dominion
opens. It’s possible that Top Gun: Maverick will hold its own against Chris
Pratt and the dinosaurs because we really haven’t seen word of mouth like
this for a traditional blockbuster without the Marvel label in a long time.
As it stands, Top Gun: Maverick has a running domestic total of $291.6
million and after grossing an additional $81.7 million from overseas markets,
the film has a global tally of $548.6 million.
As expected, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness maintains second
place with a gross of $9.3 million. That’s a decline of 42% and it should be
noted that Doctor Strange hasn’t seen a decline of 50% or more since opening
and that’s even with competition from Top Gun: Maverick. Not easy to do when
two blockbusters are in play and I honestly think it shows people are just
excited to get back to movies and are spreading the wealth. Doctor Strange in
the Multiverse of Madness now brings its domestic total to $388.7 million and
a mighty $909.4 million worldwide without major players like China or Russia
in play.
The Bob’s Burgers Movie remains in third place this weekend with a gross of
$4.5 million. That’s a steep decline of 64% but it was kind of expected
because the fanbase of the show came out for it last weekend and it’s
playing to a rather niche audience. To date, The Bob’s Burgers Movie has
grossed $22.2 million at the domestic box office.
Still maintaining a position in the top five is The Bad Guys, which placed
fourth this weekend with a gross of $3.3 million in its seventh weekend of
release. That’s another slim drop of 24% as the film continues to lure in
kids and families. To date, The Bad Guys has grossed $87.2 million at the
domestic box office to date.
Rounding out the top five is Downton Abbey: A New Era, which grossed $3
million over the weekend. That’s a decline of 48% as the film hasn’t really
broken out beyond its target audience which didn’t come out for this sequel
as they did for its predecessor. The film has grossed $35.7 million
domestically to date and I’m guessing it will stall slightly below or right
at $40 million, which was the production budget for the film.
While Top Gun: Maverick had the marketplace to itself, David Cronenberg’s
Crimes of the Future opened in limited release in about 773 theaters for a
gross of $1.1 million. That’s a per-theater average of $1,423 which is
decent but not groundbreaking either. The film played well in big cities but
Deadline reports the grosses diminished once they started tracking smaller
cities. Cronenberg isn’t really known for big box office so this result isn’
t all that surprising but it will be interesting to see how it performs once
it opens wide.
What are YOUR thoughts on this weekend’s box office results?
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※ 編輯: darsho ( 臺灣), 06/08/2022 17:39:11
推 : 最後精算是29%也很猛1F 06/08 17:50
推 : 太超過了歐 居然擅自挪用”史上最佳”!2F 06/08 17:54
推 : 這個史上最佳是有憑有據的 是貨真價實的3F 06/08 17:55
→ : 有贏過復4嗎4F 06/08 17:58
→ : 都史上最佳了 當然有贏復四啊5F 06/08 18:00
推 : 連第三週非假日週一票房算是贏復46F 06/08 18:01
→ : 復四第二周跌幅58.7% 捍衛戰士2第二周跌幅28.9%7F 06/08 18:02
→ : 史上最佳是漫威專用的8F 06/08 18:03
推 : 還我4DX QQ9F 06/08 18:07
推 : 爛番茄觀眾評分99%,頂到不能再頂了10F 06/08 18:07
推 : 可以隔一週後 再將imax跟4dx還給tg2嗎11F 06/08 18:10
推 : 我覺得4DX應該可以,IMAX不好說,侏儸紀號召力還有12F 06/08 18:22
→ : 但大家不會特地花大錢去看4DX
→ : 但大家不會特地花大錢去看4DX
推 : 有些人要崩潰了,哈哈,兩週已經夠長了又不是只有TG14F 06/08 18:26
→ : 2有需求XDD,需求不是票房跟觀眾來決定的嗎?要不然
→ : imax是要拍給誰看?過往如果沒紀錄為何不行創先例?
→ : 紀錄跟規則本來就是可以打破的,順便告訴片商好好
→ : 拍片,觀眾是要恐龍不要給基改寵物.連自己拍什麼都
→ : 忘了嗎?
→ : 2有需求XDD,需求不是票房跟觀眾來決定的嗎?要不然
→ : imax是要拍給誰看?過往如果沒紀錄為何不行創先例?
→ : 紀錄跟規則本來就是可以打破的,順便告訴片商好好
→ : 拍片,觀眾是要恐龍不要給基改寵物.連自己拍什麼都
→ : 忘了嗎?
→ : 蟲根本戲份不多,還是滿滿恐龍好嗎?20F 06/08 18:35
→ : 至少分一些吧QQ21F 06/08 18:54
推 : 一週後也是給巴斯光年 自己不早點看 怪誰XD22F 06/08 18:57
推 : 暑假大片多,TG2要回imax可能看看開學後有沒有空檔23F 06/08 18:58
→ : 早就定好的檔期 還個鬼24F 06/08 18:58
推 : 我是想再二刷4dx 一直遇到客滿25F 06/08 19:01
→ : 巴斯光年、雷神:TG2去後面排隊好嗎26F 06/08 19:05
推 : 票房也要算半衰期?27F 06/08 19:06
→ : 4DX回鍋比imax有機會28F 06/08 19:12
推 : 爛番茄389篇 97% 超神s29F 06/08 19:16
推 : 逆跌只有阿凡達吧?30F 06/08 19:18
推 : 阿凡達次週末閃過24號的低點 只跌1.8%31F 06/08 19:21
→ : 不過因為首週末沒破億 沒有列在這邊的紀錄
→ : 不過因為首週末沒破億 沒有列在這邊的紀錄
推 : 推33F 06/08 19:32
推 : 逆跌不止阿凡達,鐵達尼號最逆跌,但它們是在耶誕節34F 06/08 19:35
→ : 檔期性質不同,如果是 暑期檔電影,靈異第六感跌幅
→ : 也是非常低。
→ : 檔期性質不同,如果是 暑期檔電影,靈異第六感跌幅
→ : 也是非常低。
→ : 鐵達尼應該是史上最逆跌的,我印象當年被拖去看了37F 06/08 19:41
→ : 三次
→ : 三次
推 : 突然想問個題外話 每次電影上映完的膠捲怎麼處置?39F 06/08 19:45
→ : 80年代很多賣座經典名片都很逆跌啊,它們都是屬於40F 06/08 19:46
→ : 長賣半年以上類型。
→ : 長賣半年以上類型。
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