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作者 標題 [新聞] 凱文柯斯納希望Netflix買下整個地平線系
時間 Tue Feb 4 23:41:00 2025
來源:yahoo finance
Kevin Costner Is Hoping Netflix Can Bail Him Out Of His Horizon Debt, Or He Might Have To Sell His $200M Property Portfolio
No one can accuse Kevin Costner of not putting his money where his mouth is. However, as the veteran Hollywood actor has learned, passion projects can ...
由於第一部曲Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1的票房很爛
No one can accuse Kevin Costner of not putting his money where his mouth is. How
ever, as the veteran Hollywood actor has learned, passion projects can be a dang
erous thing.
Costner was very vocal about his self-funded four-part Western drama Horizon and
even quit the streaming hit Yellowstone to film it. Horizon, however, tanked at
the box office. Recent solid Netflix numbers have been an unexpected salvation,
and now, according to Life & Style, the Dances With Wolves star is hoping Netfl
ix will buy the entire series from him to recoup his losses. If not, he might be
forced to part with some of his real estate holdings.
“I fit [Horizon] into the gaps,” Costner told Deadline of his leaving Yellowst
one. “They just kept moving their gaps.”
Despite hopes that Horizon might emulate the success of Yellowstone, box office
numbers failed to materialize, leaving the acting icon in a deep financial hole.
Horizon’s High Stakes Gamble
“Kevin is good at projecting calm, experience, and a generally level head, but
behind the scenes, the whole Horizon project has been stressful to him financial
ly, physically, and even intellectually,” a source who has worked closely with
Costner on the Western saga, was quoted as saying in Life & Style.
Costner reportedly sunk $60 million of his own money into Horizon. However, afte
r the first installment’s weak reception, the second installment didn’t even m
ake it to theaters despite a warmer critical response from the festival circuit.
After the success of the first Horizon on Netflix, which made it to the top 10,
Costner and his team hope the streaming giant will pick up the remaining series
and help recoup some of the money the actor poured into the project.
Netflix Cavalry To The Rescue
The insider quoted in Life & Style feature revealed: “Netflix is the only compa
ny with deep enough pockets to completely bail him out of the hole Kevin has dug
for himself with these movies. It’s a big check to write,” the insider contin
ued “but if the first movie continues to perform well for Netflix’s viewers, t
he expectation around town and even within Kevin’s Hollywood circle is that Net
flix will eventually step up and buy the rights to the whole series and take Kev
in out of debt.”
Costner’s Real Estate Nest Egg
It’s not as if Costner sacrificed all his money for the Horizon project. Accord
ing to court documents from his recent divorce — as revealed in realtor.com —
the actor has a substantial net worth of $400 million. He earned $1.3 million pe
r episode for Yellowstone and used his considerable real estate holdings to bank
roll Horizon.
One property in particular provided the funding—a spacious compound in Carpinte
ria, California, purchased in 1988. He and his first wife, Cindy Silva, lived th
ere after marrying in 1978. They split in 1994. The property is estimated to be
worth $145 million, and Coster took out a mortgage on the home to pay for Horizo
The Carpinteria property, which sits on 1.4 acres of land, comprises a main hous
e and two additional homes, all of which offer sweeping views of the Pacific Oce
an. When Costner and Silva divorced, Costner took sole ownership of the home.
The property was thrown back into the spotlight during the actor’s most recent
divorce from designer Christine Baumgartner last year when she refused to leave
and moved into one of the smaller homes on the land. However, because Costner pu
rchased the property before the two were married, his ex, according to standard
divorce law, would not have a claim to his pre-marital assets. Eventually, Baumg
artner did leave.
Funding His Artistic Vision
In using his primary asset to fund a risky movie venture, Costner turned a deaf
ear to his financial advisors. He told Deadline at the time: “I’ve mortgaged 1
0 acres on the water in Santa Barbara where I was going to build my last house.
But I did it without a thought. It has thrown my accountant into a f— conniptio
n fit. But it’s my life, and I believe in the idea and the story.”
Costner’s other real estate jewel is his sprawling Aspen, Colorado, ranch. He a
nd Baumgartner bought the property in 2000 for $300,000 and were married there i
n 2004. The vacation hot spot includes a lake, a baseball field, a sledding hill
, and three hot tubs. Full-time staff keep the ranch in pristine condition, enab
ling it to be rented out for $36,000 a night and as much as $250,000 per week.
Though Costner’s romantic life and film career have undergone the same triumphs
and pitfalls as many others in his business — his real estate holdings have un
doubtedly been his best investment.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: MA40433 2025-02-04 23:41:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1deZKFoO (movie)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1738683663.A.C98.html
推 : 好萊塢警世名言:別拿自己的錢拍電影1F 02/04 23:46
推 : 沒被野火燒掉都算賺到了2F 02/04 23:56
→ : 澎恰恰:沒錯3F 02/05 00:04
推 : imdb和豆瓣都6.8 似乎還行 他很愛演拓荒英雄4F 02/05 01:03
推 : 真傻,叫他請教台灣的直銷電影大師好嗎5F 02/05 02:07
推 : 經歷過水世界還敢這麼做 只能說他是真的有愛6F 02/05 02:18
→ : 讓他鹹魚翻身的黃石也沒了 兩頭空只能說活該?7F 02/05 02:27
推 : 好萊塢不是有句名言:不要用自己的錢拍電影8F 02/05 05:49
→ : 老導演了還犯這種錯
→ : 老導演了還犯這種錯
推 : 他一直都很狂10F 02/05 06:13
推 : 結果科斯納老ㄌ拍最後一部叫好叫座ㄉ黃石公園11F 02/05 07:17
→ : 結尾也擺爛不拍 草草結束 ~現實又搞到自己可能破產
→ : 且幾乎無法東山再起 這是安抓
→ : 星際效應名言:Do not go gentle into that 古奶!
→ : 然後自己就老年爆掉ㄌ
→ : 結尾也擺爛不拍 草草結束 ~現實又搞到自己可能破產
→ : 且幾乎無法東山再起 這是安抓
→ : 星際效應名言:Do not go gentle into that 古奶!
→ : 然後自己就老年爆掉ㄌ
→ : 把黃石收尾搞爛 還要硬推地平線16F 02/05 07:49
推 : 看你們評論又回到當年水世界人人喊打的樣子了17F 02/05 07:52
推 : 水世界好片 我喜歡這部18F 02/05 07:53
推 : 地平線我是覺得不錯看 第二集拍好還沒上19F 02/05 08:04
推 : 凱文科斯納ㄉ片都會有水準 不是爛片但不代表賣座20F 02/05 08:15
推 : 我覺得當年水世界後又垮了一部終極神差對他比較傷21F 02/05 08:23
推 : 水世界終極神差我都覺得蠻好看的...22F 02/05 08:28
推 : 凱文科斯納真的很愛自掏腰包拍片圓導演夢,個人很23F 02/05 08:48
→ : 喜歡他的演技可惜票房不佳
→ : 喜歡他的演技可惜票房不佳
推 : 可惜 開拍前 怎麼不先來找我們魏導 保證穩賺不賠25F 02/05 09:39
推 : 先不要26F 02/05 09:52
推 : 其實還直ㄉ很適合Netflix收購 只是價錢問題27F 02/05 10:06
推 : 沒想到與狼共舞就是他的巔峰28F 02/05 10:12
推 : 水世界XDDDD29F 02/05 10:32
推 : u are not Kevin Costner30F 02/05 11:54
推 : 可以跟美國政府要補助啊31F 02/05 12:56
推 : Netflix被形容得好像凱子一樣XD32F 02/05 13:19
※ 看板: Movie 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 69
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