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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-09 06:09:16
看板 NBA
作者 KirkSynder (Be good @.@)
標題 Re: [情報] 綠軍隨隊:安吉稱球隊不希望沃克在休賽期
時間 Fri Oct  9 00:15:47 2020

※ 引述《wwf1588 (s-n-imn)》之銘言:
: 綠軍隨隊:Ainge稱球隊不希望Walker在休賽期接受膝蓋手術
: http://i.imgur.com/tQJewzu.jpg
: The Athletic塞爾提克隨隊記者Jay King參加了一檔播客節目,談到了塞爾提克後衛
肯巴-沃克(Kemba Walker)。
:  Jay King稱,塞爾提克總經理丹尼-安吉(Daniel Ainge)說,他們不希望沃克在休賽
: https://m.hupu.com/bbs/38443098.html
: 原來有傷
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my Realme RMX1921.

Jay King(第二手消息)在podcadt上講:
Danny Ainge(第一手消息)表示不希望沃克在休賽期接受手術

Podcast: Gordon Hayward’s future, Brad Stevens, potential Celtics trades and more | HoopsHype
On this episode of the HoopsHype podcast, Michael Scotto is joined by Jay King, who covers the Boston Celtics for The Athletic. Scotto and King discus ...

Danny Ainge said they don’t expect him to undergo offseason surgery.
聽了podcast的內容和寫出來的文章沒什麼差異 (在podcast音檔約12分20秒)

完整的談話內容 https://youtu.be/VmlytatHh3g?t=96
跟Kemba 有關的內容在1分36秒開始

“So, first of all, I don’t know the offseason answers yet. Probably over
the next week to two weeks we will have a full plan for Kemba in the
offseason, regardless of what the medical tests come back and everything
else. There’s no surgery needed or anything else that I’m aware of at this


I wasn’t there, I was watching from here, but I could see, even when
he was here before the bubble started, which is why he was shut down a little
bit and doing strength training and trying to prepare himself for the playoff
run and the intensity of the playoff run, but he was definitely not himself.
In fairness to Kemba, he doesn’t want to say that. He doesn’t say that to
our coaches, he doesn’t say that to you, the media, he doesn’t say that to
me. I haven’t heard one excuse from him. But watching the games, even the
games we won, even the games where he played well, I could tell he wasn’t
the same physically as he was in October, November, December. So we’re going
to try to get that Kemba back.

And I know Kemba wants to be back 100 percent,
and playing his best basketball. Even not his best he still averaged 19 or 20
points per game in the playoffs, he still is a really good player. But he’s
not what he was. There’s nothing more frustrating for an athlete to be on
the biggest stage in the world in your sport and not be able to be yourself.
I’ve been there before as a player. It’s not fun. It’s stressful. And
Gordon and Kemba were trying to do that. I know everybody is banged up a
little bit this time of year. I’m just saying those guys were, they were
limited on what they could from what we are used to seeing in them.”


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freekid     : 推,感謝查找資料1F 10/09 00:17
cross980115 : 推2F 10/09 00:18
TheoEpstein : 中國文章真的一堆誤導的,還好板上有很多板友勘誤3F 10/09 00:19
j02850      : 推 各種翻譯誤導文章4F 10/09 00:21
dwiee       : 推5F 10/09 00:23
TheoEpstein : 補推6F 10/09 00:24
matsuwu     : 謝謝。跪求以後轉載虎撲應該要附全文。短短一週已7F 10/09 00:25
matsuwu     : 經有三篇超譯文章了
Kazmier     : 推。不過來不及了9F 10/09 00:25
cross980115 : 一堆假新聞啊10F 10/09 00:25
SureHappy   : 推11F 10/09 00:25
Leaflock    : 目前還不一定要動手術 但很明顯他的狀態受到影響 安12F 10/09 00:26
Leaflock    : 吉這麼說有可能是這個手術需要恢復很久 或是有可能
Leaflock    : 動完手術再也回不去巔峰
dogville    : 不能說翻譯有錯 是掐頭去尾的 鄉民自己不過就看了一15F 10/09 00:27
akabanetony : 推 但大部分版友看到虎撲超譯文就會隨之起舞的現實16F 10/09 00:28
akabanetony : 還是很可悲
dogville    : 句話就開始妄加揣測評論 鄉民自己也要反省一下吧18F 10/09 00:28
Leaflock    : 如果是以上兩個狀況的話 可能就還會再評估(Walker本19F 10/09 00:28
Leaflock    : 人也不想動刀)
Leaflock    : 反正目前的情況就是:Walker的傷已經嚴重到一定程度
Leaflock    :  開刀與能否根治影響塞爾提克這幾年的計畫這樣
Myosotis    : 感謝闢謠  這意思差蠻多的23F 10/09 00:43
cloki       : 感謝查證,這種斷章取義真的很麻煩24F 10/09 00:49
Wavecloud   : 其實如果可以自然恢復 就不希望用手術這種外力介入25F 10/09 00:56
Wavecloud   : 也未必是不合理的...重點就是看醫生評估吧
ivan22809   : 原來啊27F 10/09 00:57
chh1470     : 推28F 10/09 01:07
jonestem    : 推29F 10/09 01:11
ivo88114    : 虎撲我都直接看原文30F 10/09 01:17
yashiky2010 : 身為反派就乖乖挨打吧31F 10/09 01:19
bluemei     : 查證也沒有用 版上一堆人看到安吉就先開罵32F 10/09 01:19
lin7226004  : 安吉就搶太兇又狠 我賽迷覺得被酸就吞了吧XD33F 10/09 01:30
ken720331   : 主要是Walker是超級大好人34F 10/09 01:33
auron4041   : 重點是如果安吉真這樣講 推特跟Reddit一定爆炸35F 10/09 01:44
auron4041   : 也就虎撲跟這裡比較好騙 標題一打就大家爽翻天
BOSTONstyle : 感謝指正,但鄉民才不管,看到安吉就得噴37F 10/09 01:58
ya123yo     : 感謝查證38F 10/09 02:13
sharok      : 都是看(聽)原文最準確 推一個39F 10/09 04:01
SkyReaching : 推,感謝查證40F 10/09 04:21
SonoSion    : 推41F 10/09 05:18
hanslins    : 推!但可能是安吉給我太大的偏見了42F 10/09 05:42

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