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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-10-25 23:01:13
看板 NBA
作者 EZ78 (EZ78)
標題 [外絮] 快艇前體能教練控告快艇因為他表達對Leonard的憂慮被開除
時間 Fri Oct 25 05:52:30 2024

Ex-Clippers staffer sues, says he was fired over Kawhi concerns - ESPN
A former LA Clippers strength and conditioning coach has sued the team, alleging wrongful termination in part for raising concerns about the managemen ...


A former LA Clippers strength and conditioning coach who says he was hired in
2019 as part of a yearslong campaign to recruit Kawhi Leonard has sued the
team and president of basketball operations Lawrence Frank, alleging wrongful
termination in part for raising concerns about the management of Leonard's
health and injuries.

一名聲稱為了2019年非法招募Kawhi Leonard而被聘用的前快艇體能教練對快艇籃球事務總
裁Lawrence Frank發起針對快艇錯誤終止Kawhi Leonard的傷病負載管理的控告。

The lawsuit, a copy of which was obtained by ESPN, was filed Thursday in Los
Angeles County by attorneys representing Randy Shelton, who joined the
Clippers on July 1, 2019, as a strength and conditioning coach after serving
in a similar role at San Diego State, where he worked with Leonard before he
joined the San Antonio Spurs in the 2011 NBA draft.

根據其律師代表Randy Shelton在星期四於洛杉磯郡法庭發出並由ESPN取得的訴狀,他2019
過去(2011)在這裡替Kawhi Leonard選秀加入聖安東尼奧馬刺之前做準備。

Shelton said he was part of a multiyear effort to recruit Leonard that "leapt
well beyond the bounds of the NBA constitution" with respect to potential
tampering violations.

He is seeking "significant" but unspecified damages at trial, his attorneys
told ESPN.

The Clippers issued a statement denying the allegations.

他參與了一項對Kawhi Leonard長達多年的招募,而這項行動"遠遠超出了NBA規定的範圍"



"Mr. Shelton's claims were investigated and found to be without merit. We
honored Mr. Shelton's employment contract and paid him in full," the team
said. "This lawsuit is a belated attempt to shake down the Clippers based on
accusations that Mr. Shelton should know are false."

Through a spokesperson, the NBA said it was unaware of the lawsuit.



In the lawsuit, Shelton said the Clippers first contacted him in 2017 after
Leonard, who was then under contract with the Spurs, suffered a severe ankle
injury in Game 1 of the 2017 Western Conference finals against the Golden
State Warriors.

That injury ended Leonard's postseason, and he missed the first 27 games of
the next season with a right quadriceps injury. Leonard's injury and
subsequent rehab created a rift with the Spurs, leading him to seek a second
opinion outside of the organization.

在訴狀中,Shelton聲明快艇在2017年Kawhi Leonard還在馬刺並在對陣勇士西區決賽第一

Kawhi Leonard的傷勢與接下來的復健造成他與馬刺之間的裂痕並使他尋求球團外部的其他

Beginning in 2017, while Leonard remained under contract with the Spurs,
Shelton said a Clippers executive contacted him to seek "private health
information" about Leonard and expressed the need for "discretion." The two
sides spoke approximately 15 times on the phone and had at least seven
meetings, according to the lawsuit, as the Clippers sought to learn more
about Leonard's contractual obligations with the Spurs and his medical

In June 2018, Spurs president R.C. Buford acknowledged that the team was
willing to "explore all of our options" as Leonard had grown disgruntled with
the franchise.


在2018年6月,馬刺總裁R.C. Buford告知所有隊伍因為他們與Leonard之間的不合而願意"

The Clippers were one of the teams that sought to acquire Leonard, but
ultimately he was traded to the Toronto Raptors in July 2018 and brought the
franchise its first title in 2019. Leonard became an unrestricted free agent
after that season.

In his conversations, Shelton said the Clippers executive "discussed bringing
Shelton into the Clippers' organization as a strength and conditioning coach,
given the personal relationship and trust that Leonard had in Shelton."



After Leonard left San Diego State, Shelton said he was hired by Leonard to
help him prepare for the NBA and that they maintained a relationship through
2017 as Leonard's stardom rose with the Spurs, where he won a title in 2014,
earning Finals MVP honors.

Shelton alleges that the Clippers' recruiting efforts were in "disregard for
the NBA's prohibitions on tampering." Article 35 of the NBA's constitution
prohibits teams from "directly or indirectly" attempting to entice players
under contract with one team to join a different team.



Shelton said he was "promised a bright future with the Clippers" and that at
the time he "had a thriving business in San Diego" and a "respected position
with San Diego State."

Clippers personnel attended many of Leonard's games in Toronto during the
2018-19 season, and the team was fined $50,000 by the NBA in May 2019 for
then-Clippers coach Doc Rivers' public comments that compared Leonard to
Michael Jordan.


當時快艇的總教練公開將Leonard與Michael Jordan做比較而被罰了5萬美元。

After the Clippers signed Leonard in July 2019, Frank said during an
introductory news conference, "We never had a conversation with Kawhi or with
any of his people. We always felt by doing it out in front that we were being
very, very transparent. We know the rules. We follow the rules. With how
[Clippers owner Steve Ballmer] does business, his integrity is No. 1. We are
always going to be above the line."

But on or around February 2019, Shelton said he met in San Diego with Frank,
who "personally assured" him that he would have a role on the team's strength
and conditioning staff if Leonard joined the Clippers. Shelton said he met
with the Clippers again during the Raptors' playoff run regarding Leonard's
willingness to join the team.

老闆Steve Ballmer]的商業操守,他的誠信是第一位的。我們始終會保持合規。"


The Clippers hired Shelton in July 2019. Soon after joining the team, Shelton
said his role was diminished, that he was excluded from meetings and that
information about Leonard's health was withheld from him.

Leonard suffered an ACL tear in his right knee in the second round of the
2021 playoffs, underwent surgery in July 2021 and sat out the 2021-22 NBA

Shelton said the recovery target for Leonard, who "has suffered numerous
injuries previously," should have been 730 days, but the Clippers considered
that timeline "unacceptable."




He said that in an August 2022 meeting with members of the Clippers' medical
team, it was agreed that the team would apply load management principles for
Leonard, restrict him from playing in back-to-backs and limit his minutes as
he recovered.

Leonard returned to action in October 2022, 16 months after the injury, but
complained of swelling and inflammation after two games. Leonard missed 12
games in the first two weeks of the season with knee issues then, Shelton
said, suffered two ruptured ligaments in his right ankle on Nov. 21, 2022,
costing him six more games early in the season.



Later that season, Leonard tore his right meniscus in a playoff series
against the Phoenix Suns. After that injury, Shelton said he wrote a
complaint to Frank about his diminished role and how the team had managed
Leonard's health. In it, he said he noted that the "mishandling of Kawhi
Leonard's injury and return-to-play protocol has been mind-blowing" and that
"the disregard for his recovery process is unacceptable." Shelton also said
the Clippers had placed more of an emphasis on Leonard's productivity than
his recovery.

信中,他指出"對Kawhi Leonard的傷病和復出協議的處理令人震驚",並且"對他的康復過

The following day, Frank responded, stating, "We take your concerns very
seriously and will promptly move forward with an investigation."


Shelton said his allegations were found to be unsubstantiated and that Frank
terminated him without cause in July 2023. He said he was not compensated for
wages owed, including expenses and reimbursements.

"We hope that our client's lawsuit will serve as a wakeup call to the
Clippers organization that their players are not just dollar values but are
humans requiring proper -- and not hastened -- health and recovery treatment
for the careers and lives afterwards," John David, one of Shelton's
attorneys, wrote in a statement to ESPN.


Shelton的其中一位律師John David則對ESPN送來聲明"我們希望我們客戶的控訴可以叫醒

Shelton's attorneys also said their client would cooperate with any
investigation into the Clippers' conduct.

Last season, Leonard played in 68 regular-season games -- his most since
2016-17 -- and averaged 23.7 points, 6.1 rebounds, 3.6 assists and 1.6 steals
while earning his sixth All-Star nod.



But his health has remained an issue.

Leonard has missed 179 of a possible 435 games since joining the Clippers in
2019, and he remains sidelined indefinitely to start this season while
rehabbing inflammation in his right knee.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: EZ78 2024-10-25 05:52:30
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1d6i6WFi (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1729806752.A.3EC.html
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 10/25/2024 05:54:41
turnpoint   : 現在快艇搞不好很後悔找可愛來勒1F 10/25 05:55
turnpoint   : 可愛+PG這個組合幾乎耗盡了快艇所有的資源,但結果
turnpoint   : 論的話是成果很不理想
SeanLi1013  : 點點點4F 10/25 05:56
richard1003 : 聽起來蠻合理的,可愛應該要休養兩年但快艇無法接受5F 10/25 06:03
richard1003 : ,結果沒完全好所以又傷了
He said he was not compensated for wages owed.

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 10/25/2024 06:05:58
ignativs    : 馬刺:我懂7F 10/25 06:09
BronyXrG    : 上好美盤 這麼早招募結果暴龍爽到8F 10/25 06:10
cool8418    : 那時候怎麼可能會想到這麼慘9F 10/25 06:12
killerking05: 結果論來看,馬刺擁有美好的未來10F 10/25 06:40
j3307002    : 看來可愛的出走對馬刺來說是好事11F 10/25 06:43
j3307002    : 暴龍也是運氣好賺到一冠
RamenOwl    : 現世報13F 10/25 06:44
tiefu       : 所以快艇是真的對可愛好嗎?如果非法招募,即便沒14F 10/25 06:50
tiefu       : 重罰,但整個過程也蠻失敗的啦
ken720331   : 可愛家族很賺阿16F 10/25 07:11
alex0973    : 這起訴訟的時間點 是故意再可愛現在傷退提出的嗎17F 10/25 07:25
Sinru       : Shelton+leonard ….the big bang theory!?18F 10/25 07:25
alex0973    : 現在的輿論風向或許會對這位控告者有利?19F 10/25 07:25
FncRookie001: 我覺得這篇其實可能側面勾勒出NBA球隊招募球員的過20F 10/25 07:28
FncRookie001: 程
FncRookie001: 不然難道大家都很守法然後FA一開就瞬間談攏簽下去
FncRookie001: 嗎
BronyXrG    : 現在是可愛公信力最低的時候 奧運搞那齣結果開季傷24F 10/25 07:37
BronyXrG    : 停 誰還信他說法
xbit        : 快艇鐵心要護可愛你艇真盤26F 10/25 07:41
godnessman  : 這劇情怎麼 好像以前有演過類似的27F 10/25 08:01
ken720331   : 奧運一個 然後無期限停賽xD28F 10/25 08:08
Carters1109 : 先知總是孤獨的29F 10/25 08:10
ken720331   : 裝聾做啞得利最多的30F 10/25 08:13
ssshleo     : 最大贏家:雷霆31F 10/25 08:21
sezna       : 支持他打奧運,沒打無限期休戰。 上好美盤。32F 10/25 08:47
Achilles5656: 讓子彈飛一會33F 10/25 08:51
rgo         : 這不是廢話麻 快艇高層肯定知道就是想賭 但下面不能34F 10/25 09:30
rgo         : 說太明白跟上面對著乾
dryadg27724 : 愛休多久休多久幫快艇打個一冠行不行36F 10/25 09:41
bxxl        : 感覺他爆的料跟訴訟本身好像關係不大?37F 10/25 09:45
a11011788   : 球哥都能休這麼久了 可愛急著付出38F 10/25 10:06
Kazmier     : 可愛休得比球哥久了吧39F 10/25 10:24
liusim      : 有關啊 他覺得是他講實話後被快艇火掉40F 10/25 10:41
liusim      : 但蠻奇妙的 他畢竟是體能教練而不是醫生?還是其實
liusim      : 是醫生
ghostxx     : 這種狀況只要能拿出紀錄一翻兩瞪眼的事43F 10/25 10:53
webberfun   : 球哥兩年沒打球 你跟我說可愛休的比球個哥久 真棒44F 10/25 11:01
Tonyx599026 : 所以當時可愛想去LA源頭來自這個?45F 10/25 11:36
lindonlin   : to40樓:在美國醫生只是醫療團隊或防護團隊的一員46F 10/25 11:48
lindonlin   : ,診斷權或決定權不是只有醫生有;台灣這種醫生主
lindonlin   : 宰一切的才是比較畸形的模式,因為很多東西醫生其
lindonlin   : 實不懂
grimnir158  : 要休2年太久50F 10/25 12:13
uno7758     : 刺迷覺得欣慰 真相大白51F 10/25 12:15
www2967     : 今年還不少球迷說可愛有降薪犧牲勒 呵呵呵 然後要52F 10/25 18:03
www2967     : 求別人降薪

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