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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2025-01-01 22:51:32
看板 NBA
作者 desion30 (五億)
標題 [花邊] Anthony Edwards 賽後發表 Shai是MVP
時間 Wed Jan  1 19:22:22 2025

"To me, he's unguardable," Edwards said. "As far as any one-on-one matchup, yeah
, you can go on and give it up. Just give him two points most of the time. So I
think you got to trap him. Maybe that don't work, but you got to try it. For sur
e you got to send a second body, especially if he got a favorable matchup. Anyti
me he got somebody that he knows can't guard him, ah, he going to score every ti

Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, whose 31.3 points per game rank second in the NBA, has
led the Thunder to a Western Conference-best 27-5 record. AP Photo/Kyle Phillip
Edwards acknowledged that three-time MVP Nikola Jokic, who is averaging 31.0 poi
nts, 12.9 rebounds and 9.5 assists for the 18-13 Denver Nuggets, is also buildin
g a quality case again. But Edwards is adamant that Gilgeous-Alexander should be
 considered the MVP front-runner.
"I don't know if they could give it to [Jokic] again," said Edwards, who had 20
points in the loss. "Yeah, I would say Shai. Yeah, he's looking like the MVP, ma
n. He was incredible once again tonight.

"He's consistent every night. His team gonna give him the ball and just let him
rock out every night. It's nothing to think about. 'Hey, get Shai the ball and h
e going to get busy, and then we're going to figure it out after that.' I love w
atching that. It's incredible, man. If he is keeping him like that, I hope they
give [MVP] to him this year for sure. I feel like he should have won it last yea
r, but he's playing out his mind right now."
Gilgeous-Alexander was flattered to receive such praise from a competitor of Edw
ards' stature.
"No offense to you guys in the media, but the best satisfaction is when your pee
rs and the guys that do the same thing for a living at a very high level that yo
u do recognize and respect your craft and your talent," Gilgeous-Alexander said.
 "That's a really good feeling. Obviously the caliber player he is, the sky's th
e limit. Hard-fought battle tonight."


今日NBA常規賽,雷霆以113-105戰勝森林狼。安東尼-愛德華茲在賽後接受了ESPN記者Tim M




Edwards承認,三屆MVP得主Jokic 也有很強的競爭力。本賽季Jokic 場均31.0分、12.9個

“我不知道他們是否會再把MVP給Jokic ,”愛德華茲說道,“但我會選Shai。他打得就像M


來源: ESPN

AE居然服氣了?目前現役是不是只有講出服氣Joki  跟SGA過?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: desion30 2025-01-01 19:22:22
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dTILmpo (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1735730544.A.CF2.html
StressND    : 不是喬丹接班人嗎1F 01/01 19:24
Dino14124   : 支語警察:森林狼(!)2F 01/01 19:24
JKjohnwick  : 練球好嗎3F 01/01 19:25
Uchiha0901  : 真的沒想到蟻人會這樣講4F 01/01 19:25
nba407t     : 被打服了5F 01/01 19:26
alex8725    : 掘金也是中國用語啊6F 01/01 19:28
FAYeeeeeeee : 後撤接後仰 近年後撤步很流行 但可以接後仰的好像7F 01/01 19:29
hunt5566    : 沒看過巔峰喬丹看看現在的愛德華就知道8F 01/01 19:30
FAYeeeeeeee : 沒幾個? 除了SGA還有嗎9F 01/01 19:30
MDAISUKE18  : 被打服了喔10F 01/01 19:30
benson1212  : 今年滿有機會給SGA的11F 01/01 19:32
asdfzx      : 蟻人這樣會不會太遜?12F 01/01 19:32
tonglicomecs: 以前sga是很金被酸,有一年沒哨後整個大進化13F 01/01 19:33
cm223600    : 很多球評也說過sga該得一座mvp14F 01/01 19:34
cm223600    : 最近5場sga平均36.6 fg60% 3pt44%+-值平均17
kinasem     : 今年SGA應該高機率是MVP,雷霆其實就一堆頂級綠葉,16F 01/01 19:35
kinasem     : 能打成這樣主要是SGA今年太神了
Maverick0302: SGA真的好強...從前面落後打到領先18F 01/01 19:36
ADavisBest  : Edward被打服了19F 01/01 19:37
pb1101      : AE真的是真性情 直話直說20F 01/01 19:39
Kazmier     : 被打服了21F 01/01 19:47
xo45527788  : AE講啥都有人有意見 誇獎也是22F 01/01 19:54
hyc0725zz   : 剛看成SAI23F 01/01 19:56
sezna       : 被打服了24F 01/01 20:00
gandalflee  : 去年就該是他25F 01/01 20:01
Brucetk     : 聯盟「真」+2機器人26F 01/01 20:06
sugarplzyo  : SGA真的猛27F 01/01 20:14
ee4e        : 不是SGA不好   而是他撞上今年的jokic28F 01/01 20:18
love1500274 : 你文章少了一點東西29F 01/01 20:19
a2815963    : 戰績差那麼多還在jokic,對比賽影響力有差30F 01/01 20:20
desion30    : 小丑今年的高階數據也被SGA拉開了,戰績數據都落後31F 01/01 20:21
desion30    : 了,只有基礎數據領先,小丑現在沒那麼穩定領先了
linearppt   : SGA今年26歲,理論上才要邁入巔峰,攻防一體,單打33F 01/01 20:21
linearppt   : 無解。就是個性有點低調,又是加拿大人,可能不是
linearppt   : 那種聯盟想要的門面吧
jardon      : 這是當代喬丹?36F 01/01 20:22
desion30    : 基礎數據其實也沒有差距很大就是37F 01/01 20:22
kickvsbrad  : 看球好嗎38F 01/01 20:31
cm223600    : 看比賽今天沒sga雷霆會慘敗灰狼吧39F 01/01 20:35
benen       : 主要他今年真的太穩了,對手很怕這種類型,你只要40F 01/01 20:40
benen       : 幾個進攻回合沒有打進,然後他一直+2+2+2,比數分
benen       : 差瞬間可以來到6~8分
HBarnes40XX : 印象進攻是阿肥贏,但綜合攻守SGA多了不少43F 01/01 20:44
desion30    : 小丑的防守是聯盟平均水準,但SGA的防守可以說是菁44F 01/01 20:47
desion30    : 英級別
snakebite   : 除非阿肥能再對上雷霆贏球,不然SGA確實滿有機會46F 01/01 20:54
welynn      : 這季沒SGA應該是慘敗 全隊三分大退步47F 01/01 20:59
welynn      : 沒他打底真的不知道怎麼打
abcde010710 : 誰能不服SGA,拜託維持到季末拿個MVP吧49F 01/01 21:04
dream1285201: 稱讚別人總不會被罰錢了吧50F 01/01 21:06
sustto      : ae sga是少數nba還想讓老人看滴球星惹51F 01/01 21:16
solomon55987: 歷年好像MVP都會考量球隊戰績 如果現在頒應該就是52F 01/01 21:19
solomon55987: SGA了

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