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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-11-04 21:27:03
看板 PC_Shopping
作者 trustmyluck (I like watching TV)
標題 [閒聊] Wccftech: RTX 4090 至今出貨約十萬張
時間 Fri Nov  4 19:49:54 2022

Wccftech 網站的報導
wccftech 的消息來源說 NVIDIA RTX 4090 顯示卡
目前為止出貨量為 十萬張
注意是 出貨量

wccftech 原文 :
But we have the full number of GPUs that have been shipped so far.
Do note that this is not the total number of GPUs produced
nor the amount that has been sold
but rather shipped to partners to ready the RTX 4090 designs.

消息來源 :
NVIDIA Has Shipped 100,000 AD102 “Ada” GPUs For GeForce RTX 4090 Graphics
Card So Far
NVIDIA Has Shipped 100,000 AD102 "Ada" GPUs For GeForce RTX 4090 Graphics Card So Far
NVIDIA has shipped a huge 100,000 units of its AD102 "Ada" GPU that power their flagship GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card. ...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZPFncrk (PC_Shopping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1667562598.A.D6E.html
CARLORFFLIN: 保險業:10萬個火災險機會1F 11/04 19:51
korsg: note 7:boom2F 11/04 19:53
qweertyui891: 老黃至今最 熱 賣的卡3F 11/04 19:54
a8312116: 真。戰術核彈卡4F 11/04 19:56
mkzkcfh: 真歲Q4090燒到5F 11/04 19:57
wison4451: 燒毀!!!6F 11/04 20:01
linjrming: 台積電良率真高7F 11/04 20:02
lokiodin: 全球才10萬張,怕了嗎8F 11/04 20:03
oh123oh: 10萬張!!!9F 11/04 20:05
bunjie: 10萬個希望的火種10F 11/04 20:06
n2346879328: 軍火武器 熱賣中 !11F 11/04 20:06
widec: 十萬個火種 XDDD12F 11/04 20:09
toomtoom: 60億元!?13F 11/04 20:14
felixr0123: 十萬天選之人14F 11/04 20:20
ChangWufei: 十萬盞光明的燈火 功德無量 善哉15F 11/04 20:21
Jkyzer: 十萬火急16F 11/04 20:21
Arbin: 火種笑死17F 11/04 20:22
aegis43210: 如果能每月都出貨十萬張,老黃就賺翻了18F 11/04 20:30
GermanGerm: 十萬火急19F 11/04 20:30
lee988325: 十萬張是幾個LOT20F 11/04 20:31
aegis43210: 表現比3090好很多21F 11/04 20:31
starcow: 十萬盤子22F 11/04 20:34
johnnyvose: 賺爛了 賺爛了23F 11/04 20:35
pikaaco: 賺翻了24F 11/04 20:36
coolmayday: 十萬火急 XDDD25F 11/04 20:43
taiwanbeers: 哪有差,前一波礦潮早就賺爛了,4090慢慢賣26F 11/04 20:44
spfy: 十萬火急超好笑27F 11/04 21:07
t202202: 我打算送我討厭的同事一張409028F 11/04 21:10
tn601374: 難怪缺貨29F 11/04 21:11
lolpklol0975: 保險公司應該滿關注的30F 11/04 21:12
allan5320: 火災險保起來31F 11/04 21:17

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