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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-12-24 18:42:09
看板 NBA
作者 RonArtest93 (阿福嫂)
標題 [花邊]
時間 Sat Dec 24 14:25:14 2016

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- At times, having emotions on full display causes
DeMarcus Cousins trouble. But not on Monday night at a Sacramento superstore
-- because the emotion was all love at his annual Santa Cuz event.

每個晚上,Cousins 總是在幫對手或自己在場上找麻煩。
但今日在沙加緬度的superstore ,麻煩化身成為愛

Five years ago, Cousins began hosting the Santa Cuz holiday event to help

underprivileged families in Sacramento and his hometown of Mobile, Alabama.
In each location, he gives 100 kids a $200 gift certificate apiece to use for
a Christmas shopping spree. Cousins' mother, Monique, hosted the Alabama
event last week. Cousins says participating kids have come up to him years
later to tell him thank you.

五年前,Cousins 開始舉辦關於聖誕節免費招待貧困孩童到商店購物的活動
分兩個地方,一個是他所屬球隊Sacramento ,另一個是他的家鄉Alabama
上週,在Alabama,Cousins 的母親已經代他舉行完今年度的活動
Cousins 說許多孩子在多年之後還特別對他表示了感謝

On Monday in Sacramento, the 6-foot-11, 270-pound Cousins arrives in a Santa
Cuz T-shirt and sits in a chair in the electronics department to kick off the
event. In front of him is a line of the lucky chosen children with unlucky
circumstances -- shopping carts filled with presents purchased with their
gift certificates.


"I don't know what to tell him. I'm kind of nervous," Chris Turner, 10, from
Sacramento says as he waits.

一位在等待的十歲的男孩說:『恩 我不知道碰到Cousins 時要跟他說甚麼,我有點緊張』

"It's about every kid in the line," says Cousins. "That's the whole purpose

of having it, to touch every kid and make their day better. Make them feel


Cousins lavishes time on them, taking pictures with them, and asking each kid
what they purchased and why amongst other things, before having a picture
taken with them.


"There was one little girl who bought pampers for her baby sister," Cousins
says. "It's a kid. You don't expect them to think about things like that.
Another kid bought supplies for the house: bed sheets, pillows, lamps. ...
You don't expect that from kids, especially at Christmas. It shows you how
much character these young kids have.



"It does [break my heart]. But I'm also impressed at the same time. I
appreciate it. We're good. We got good kids coming up. It's impressive."


As the Kings' franchise player, Cousins has a rare well-rounded game at
center and is a two-time NBA All-Star. He also is known to wear his heart on
his sleeve. He has had his share of issues speaking his mind to the media,
coaches, team personnel and referees. Off the court, he transforms into one
of the most generous and caring players in the NBA. "Seeing the people smile"
he says, "seeing the joy on their faces. This is definitely what Christmas is

Cousins ,眾所周知是聯盟裡最直白的球員,總是與他的教練、媒體、隊友及裁判




Cousins once purchased a car for a Sacramento family in need after the father
died in a motorcycle accident. He hosted 13-year-old Jonathan Harris, who has
a rare form of spinal cancer, in a 25-person suite at a Kings game last
season. Cousins paid for the funeral of Grant Union (Sacramento) High School
football player Jaulon Clavo, a 17-year-old who was shot and killed in a
drive-by shooting in November 2015. Cousins hosted town hall meetings with
law enforcement and city officials in Sacramento and Mobile this year. And on
Jan. 5, he is hosting a star-studded comedy show in Sacramento with all
proceeds going to charity.


他免費招待了一位患有脊髓癌的男孩 Jonathan Harris入住

他義務支付了Sacramento的一位被射殺的年輕運動員Jaulon Clavo的喪禮費用。



"I know I can change somebody's life," Cousins says. "It may be a small
thing, but I'm going to do what I can. I'm just doing my part.


"This is something we thought of a while back. It's been going good ever


Cousins says his goal with Santa Cuz is to help "build back" Sacramento and
Mobile the best he can. "I wanted to find a way to help," Cousins explains.
"I have a weak area for kids that are 15 and younger. I am just trying to do
my part to help out these families, these kids. Put smiles on their faces.
Whatever I can do."


Cousins says that once he was "one of those kids." The 2016 Rio Olympics gold
medalist was born to a single mom, a nurse, who worked to raise two boys and
four girls. DeMarcus says his mom struggled to make ends meet, and when
Christmas came around, he felt fortunate if he got just one of the presents
he asked Santa for.

Cousins 出身在一個單身家庭,他的母親是一位護士
Cousins 還小時,母親時常為了家裡的生計而陷入掙扎。

Cousins 說:

"I didn't get every toy, every shoe. I didn't," Cousins says. "But I spent it
with my family. I'm big on family. I was raised up spending every one with my
entire family, my brothers, my sisters and my mom. My mom did it to the best
of her ability. She made it very special for us. We knew what the situation
was. We were still grateful."



NBA: Christmas with DeMarcus Cousins
For five years now, DeMarcus Cousins has been hosting the Santa Cuz holiday event to help underprivileged families in Sacramento. ...




影片支援:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WsBGHMMWlA



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DioEraclea  : 聖誕胖子!1F 12/24 14:25
RonArtest93:轉錄至看板 Kings                                    12/24 14:26
jyekid      : 開始發新聞 希望各位記者大大選他進明星賽2F 12/24 14:27
bomeiking   : 推有愛心的表弟3F 12/24 14:28
OPPAISuki   : 卡珍絲:你們好啊!4F 12/24 14:28
t910066     : 推直爽表弟!希望我王今年進季候賽!5F 12/24 14:29
svg1031     : 推愛心6F 12/24 14:29
jack19931993: 小孩幫更小的小孩買尿布 好心酸 TAT7F 12/24 14:31
CHRISTINBELL: 要化身成Love嗎8F 12/24 14:32
sm84113     : 有愛心給推,但麻煩球場上別這麼有個性好嗎?9F 12/24 14:33
littlehouse :10F 12/24 14:36
RumbleZ     : 愛心給推11F 12/24 14:37
WestMelon   : 推愛心12F 12/24 14:40
tomlee1130  : NBA回饋社會這方面真的滿溫馨的13F 12/24 14:40
aredifficult: 他每年做這類善事都不遺餘力阿 只是一般球迷不知道14F 12/24 14:41
Kyrieisme   : 套一句 "能力愈大,責任愈大" 這些運動員的影響力遠15F 12/24 14:44
Kyrieisme   : 遠超過想像
armageddonwa: 超暖的啊,寒冬送愛心,聖誕老人果然不是傳說17F 12/24 14:45
jyekid      : 國王目前在季後賽的樣子18F 12/24 14:45
paradoxQ    : 推卡珍絲 人美心也美19F 12/24 14:45
oblue       : 已經連續五年做公益跟明星賽有什麼關聯  王版每年20F 12/24 14:47
oblue       : 都有他的善舉新聞阿
flashturtle : 推22F 12/24 14:47
oblue       : 表弟他自己本身就是個大孩子  要不到犯規就在地上23F 12/24 14:49
oblue       : 滾(誤)
hihi29      : 愛心胖子!25F 12/24 14:49
Jmarz0210   : 他本來就很有愛心26F 12/24 14:50
lpoki10     : 這我還不推27F 12/24 14:53
OPPAISuki   : 國王還不在季後賽吧?邊緣28F 12/24 14:53
ecolife     : 推29F 12/24 14:53
Wall62      : 推真性情表弟30F 12/24 14:54
spadenet    : 胖虎!31F 12/24 15:00
bradpete    : 推推32F 12/24 15:00
allmygod    : 推33F 12/24 15:06
starxls     : 推34F 12/24 15:07
VVVBB124    : 推啊35F 12/24 15:08
teapot43    : 推表弟36F 12/24 15:13
dye1122334  : 一定要推啊37F 12/24 15:14
haha1989888 : 推愛心38F 12/24 15:20
andy22ss    : 推表弟39F 12/24 15:23
narutotha   : 推~40F 12/24 15:26
klagalas    : 表弟推41F 12/24 15:27
ImMACACO    : 我弟一直都是真誠在和社區互動和付出,他就是個真性42F 12/24 15:42
ImMACACO    : 情的漢子
ymgs1507    : 推44F 12/24 15:43
wei5566     : 真好心45F 12/24 15:44
damconws    : 推我愛你胖子46F 12/24 15:44
guardian128 : 感動推47F 12/24 15:44
damconws    : 愛心..48F 12/24 15:44
EX37        : 我們胖子超棒!49F 12/24 15:47
bbbruce     : 推愛心表弟50F 12/24 15:49
wynton      : 推51F 12/24 15:50
Kimheeche   : 善心表弟推52F 12/24 15:50
alex53001   : 推 家人那件是感覺就是記者不了解 踩到地雷 講開了53F 12/24 15:50
alex53001   : 就沒事
laba5566    : 今年聖誕怎麼沒加送牙套55F 12/24 15:51
cwall1943   : 值得推 希望你在場上能更好56F 12/24 15:52
IfIknew     : 典型的面惡心善啊57F 12/24 15:56
pups40524   : 推愛心58F 12/24 16:01
moonpaper   : QQ59F 12/24 16:03
OPPAISuki   : 祈禱國王本季能進季後賽!60F 12/24 16:04
uglyfinger  : 不論前提是什麼,弟弟那件事記者根本自己太超過了61F 12/24 16:06
MrHeat      : 表弟真性情 記者真白目!62F 12/24 16:08
yaguara     : 推表弟63F 12/24 16:08
kk9517      : 推表弟64F 12/24 16:19
Denny224    : 推這個好表弟65F 12/24 16:23
a8227416    : 一直喜歡表弟直白不做作的樣子66F 12/24 16:28
theundertake: 推表弟,感覺就是個心地善良的大孩子67F 12/24 16:31
sq61372py   : 推真性情表弟68F 12/24 16:41
edhuang     : 看著看著有點感動69F 12/24 16:43
mermaidhan  : 推表弟 真男人70F 12/24 16:47
hyperfrog   : 推聖誕表弟71F 12/24 16:47
sony0955    : ㄨㄣㄒㄧㄣ72F 12/24 16:59
Kulan       :73F 12/24 17:06
liangsmfish : 推74F 12/24 17:07
edison10927 : 推75F 12/24 17:12
QQERQQ      : 推76F 12/24 17:23
jjimonkey   : 一直覺得表弟不壞 只是很直77F 12/24 17:24
Jander      : 推表弟78F 12/24 17:45
tamataco    : 推好人好事79F 12/24 17:46
charmsrame  : 大善人 推80F 12/24 17:50
kevin85421  : 推!81F 12/24 18:01
winsteadlove: QQ82F 12/24 18:01
USD5566     : OK83F 12/24 18:03
avrilrock   : 真男人84F 12/24 18:06
ab342160816 : 出桶首留言  推善事85F 12/24 18:13
Accross     : 必須推86F 12/24 18:32
Latizhate   : 推愛心做善事87F 12/24 18:33
heystan87   : 聖誕表弟88F 12/24 18:34

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