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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Z-BO,感受幸福的方式
時間 Sun Dec 25 13:19:56 2016
MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- The friendly smile that Memphis Grizzlies power forward
Zach Randolph flashes as he hands out Christmas turkey dinners, along with
hugs, handshakes and encouraging words, masks fresh pain. He sees his mother,
Mae, in the eyes of many of the women who come through the line in the
Hamilton High School gym on the city's rough south side.
事實上,Z-BO 以發送聖誕節大餐,與人擁抱、互相鼓勵來忘記喪母之痛。
"Man, I swear I do. I do, man," Randolph tells ESPN, sitting in the gym
bleachers after the line dies down. "Seeing these older women like that,
seeing how they appreciate it, you can tell. It means a lot, man. It makes me
think of my mother. She's here with me in spirit, and I know she's smiling
because this is what she wants me doing."
Mae probably would have been right next to her son during his annual food
drive had she not passed away on Thanksgiving. Randolph's extensive charity
work to help the poor communities in Memphis and his hometown of Marion,
Ind., made his mother more proud than all of his points and rebounds.
Randolph廣泛的做慈善事業幫助Memphis 貧困的社區還有回饋家鄉 Marion.Indiana
All NBA players do some charity work, at least the team-mandated appearances.
Few, if any, do as much as Randolph, who frequently pitches the Grizzlies'
community relations staff with ideas. For example, Randolph heard about
people freezing to death during a particularly harsh winter seven years ago
and pledged $20,000 to Memphis Light, Gas and Water to cover unpaid utility
payments. He's done the same every winter since.
舉例來說: 他聽聞Memphis 七年前一場特別的寒冬,造成凍死的事件
他想避免悲劇重演,於是他認捐了兩萬美元給Memphis 的冬用公共
Why? Because Randolph knew how it felt to shiver in a home without heat.
"Hell, yeah!" said Randolph, chuckling. "But when I think about my mama,
though, if my mama had to borrow some money to make sure them lights didn't
go off before she got her check on the first of the month, she borrowed
money. My mama never let us go without. She did what she had to do to make
sure we was good in whatever hood we stayed in, whatever block, whatever
small house.
"She kept food on the table and kept a roof over our head. It might not have
been the best of it, the best house or whatever, but she did the best she
could. If the lights was off, they'd only be off for a day because my mama
was gonna find a way to get the lights back on for her kids."
His mama, a single mother raising two boys in a rough neighborhood, was never
shy about seeking help. Randolph remembers waking up every Sunday morning
with his younger brother, Roger, and running down to the Salvation Army to
get in the soup kitchen line. He remembers getting holiday dinners from the
church mission, and receiving jeans and shoes and underwear as gifts after
having his name picked off a Christmas tree.
"Damn right! You don't think we did?" Randolph said. "Every Christmas tree,
every basket, we was trying to get it. We came up in the struggle. That's
what goes on when you come up from poverty, come up from nothing.
"I'm used to that. I know about that. I come from that. I can relate to it."
That's why Randolph takes so much pride in helping the poor, such as teaming
up with Grizzlies shooting guard Tony Allen to take 200 kids on a Toys R Us
shopping spree to working with the Memphis Police Department to donate coats
to an entire economically disadvantaged elementary school. Randolph hopes to
make charity work his primary focus when he retires, preferably in a position
with the Grizzlies.
例如他與Tony Allen帶了二百個小朋友到玩具城瘋狂購物
例如他與Memphis 警局合作,為經濟狀況差的小學捐贈外衣。
Randolph treasures the personal connections he makes in the community, some
Randolph treasures the personal connections he makes in the community, some
of which have turned into long-lasting relationships. He keeps in touch with
a few dozen "young boys," as he calls them, exchanging occasional texts and
calls, encouraging them to focus on academics as their path out of poverty.
Several of those kids, Hamilton High basketball players, assisted in last
week's food drive, carrying baskets for some of the women who were too frail
to haul away their turkey dinners. They were joined by Randolph's 18-year-old
son, Zachariah, who was visiting from Indiana for the holidays.
"This is what it's all about," said Randolph, turning to his son after
getting a big hug and heartfelt thanks from one woman and her young son.
"This is where you receive your blessings from."
A charitable Zach Randolph knows the struggle
Zach Randolph feels the presence of his departed mother as he makes his charity rounds this season. ...
影片支援: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVj1Fk-Iw3c
NBA Basketball Grizzlies star Zach Randolph passes out Christmas dinners at - YouTube Grizzlies star Zach Randolph passes out Christmas dinners at Hamilton High in south Memphis.

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※ RonArtest93:轉錄至看板 Grizzlies 12/25 13:21
推 : 推1F 12/25 13:21
推 : Z-BO 好棒~~~2F 12/25 13:21
推 : 讚3F 12/25 13:24
推 : 推Z寶!到灰熊整個不一樣!不去簽Josh來修一下嗎?4F 12/25 13:25
推 : Z-BO我推!5F 12/25 13:25
→ : Z-BO!!6F 12/25 13:25
推 : 感動想哭,反觀薪水小偷,只會把妹7F 12/25 13:27
推 : Z-Bo~~~~~8F 12/25 13:28
推 : 喜歡Z-Bo9F 12/25 13:29
推 : Z寶QQ10F 12/25 13:29
推 : 這麼好的文怎麼那麼少推 推推推11F 12/25 13:30
推 : 反觀把妹小倫王 推12F 12/25 13:32
推 : 做好事推13F 12/25 13:32
推 : 推推推14F 12/25 13:35
推 : QQ15F 12/25 13:35
推 : Zbo推!16F 12/25 13:36
推 : 真的是從心裡想做好事的17F 12/25 13:36
推 : 推18F 12/25 13:36
推 : 感人推19F 12/25 13:37
推 : 好事推20F 12/25 13:37
推 : 感謝幫忙分享 Z-Bo 的文章!推~21F 12/25 13:38
推 : 把妹自以為是大腿的小倫學著點好嗎22F 12/25 13:38
推 : 推推推23F 12/25 13:39
推 : Z-Bo~~~24F 12/25 13:39
推 : 必須推25F 12/25 13:39
推 : 超愛Z-Bo26F 12/25 13:40
推 : z寶真棒27F 12/25 13:42
推 : 推28F 12/25 13:42
推 : 讓他爆29F 12/25 13:42
推 : 好人好事推推30F 12/25 13:42
推 : 感動有推31F 12/25 13:43
推 : Z-BO必推32F 12/25 13:44
推 : 太正面啦 讚讚33F 12/25 13:44
推 : 推34F 12/25 13:46
推 : 只能推了35F 12/25 13:46
推 : 推QQ36F 12/25 13:47
推 :37F 12/25 13:47
推 : 推Z寶38F 12/25 13:49
推 : 感動淚推!!!39F 12/25 13:50
推 : 推40F 12/25 13:51
推 : 超感動41F 12/25 13:51
推 : 推42F 12/25 13:51
推 : 感動43F 12/25 13:51
推 : 推44F 12/25 13:52
推 : 推Z-BO45F 12/25 13:53
推 : 感人推46F 12/25 13:55
推 : 那個大倫受傷不忘把妹的高富女干47F 12/25 13:57
推 : 兒子18歲,是錯誤嗎48F 12/25 13:57
推 : 推49F 12/25 13:58
推 : 感人推推50F 12/25 13:58
推 : 大推51F 12/25 14:02
→ : 推!52F 12/25 14:03
推 : 推Z-Bo53F 12/25 14:05
推 : 推推推54F 12/25 14:10
推 : 推Z Bo55F 12/25 14:10
推 : 推56F 12/25 14:11
推 : 推黑熊57F 12/25 14:12
推 : 推推58F 12/25 14:15
推 : 感人熱淚59F 12/25 14:15
推 : 推60F 12/25 14:20
推 : 推61F 12/25 14:20
推 : 最後一句讓人噴淚...62F 12/25 14:22
推 : 推63F 12/25 14:25
推 : QQ64F 12/25 14:28
推 : 推Z-Bo65F 12/25 14:28
推 : 推66F 12/25 14:29
推 : 只能推了67F 12/25 14:33
推 : 推68F 12/25 14:34
推 : 推Z-BO69F 12/25 14:36
推 : 在曼非斯他變的很偉大70F 12/25 14:37
推 : 推71F 12/25 14:38
推 : 聯盟的胖子都好暖心!72F 12/25 14:38
推 : 推Z寶QQ73F 12/25 14:39
→ : 不是得到一棵聖誕樹 是他的名字從樹上被挑出來74F 12/25 14:41
推 : 我最愛的推土機75F 12/25 14:42
推 : 推Z-Bo76F 12/25 14:42
推 : 感動推推77F 12/25 14:43
推 : 好人好事 推78F 12/25 14:43
推 : 最後噴淚+179F 12/25 14:48
推 : 感動80F 12/25 14:50
推 : 推Z寶81F 12/25 14:52
推 : 推Z-bo82F 12/25 14:56
推 : 推83F 12/25 14:56
推 : 感人 讚84F 12/25 14:57
推 : 同是胖子推85F 12/25 14:58
推 : 哭了QQ 原來小孩也18了86F 12/25 14:58
推 : 推個 2011之後還蠻喜歡他的87F 12/25 14:58
推 : 反觀某倫88F 12/25 15:03
推 : QQ 聖誕結89F 12/25 15:04
推 : 推90F 12/25 15:05
→ : 當年完全沒想到現在會變成溫暖的穩定優質內線阿~91F 12/25 15:09
→ : 這幾年真的是太讚了
→ : 這幾年真的是太讚了
推 : 推Z-Bo!雙塔跟VC真慘還要被CP25這種咖拖累93F 12/25 15:11
推 : 推推94F 12/25 15:15
推 : 推!溫馨95F 12/25 15:18
推 : 好人96F 12/25 15:19
推 : 太溫馨了 推推97F 12/25 15:19
推 : 目前最喜歡的球隊灰熊QQ 禁區防守真的很硬阿....98F 12/25 15:20
推 : 推推99F 12/25 15:21
推 : 正面感動推QQ100F 12/25 15:23
推 : 溫暖 推101F 12/25 15:28
推 : 推Z-BO102F 12/25 15:30
推 : 感人推103F 12/25 15:31
推 : 推 超棒104F 12/25 15:35
推 :105F 12/25 15:37
推 : 感人推106F 12/25 15:38
推 : 推107F 12/25 15:40
推 : 感動推108F 12/25 15:41
→ : 得到一棵聖誕樹是什麼鬼...上面已經有大大解答正確109F 12/25 15:42
→ : 翻譯了
→ : 翻譯了
→ : 推!111F 12/25 15:44
推 : 推個112F 12/25 15:46
推 : 推 最後一句也好感人啊113F 12/25 15:46
推 : 推114F 12/25 15:47
推 : 推QQ115F 12/25 15:52
推 : 推116F 12/25 15:54
推 : 感動推~117F 12/25 15:56
推 : 感動啊~118F 12/25 15:58
推 : 正能量推!!!119F 12/25 15:59
推 : 推120F 12/25 16:00
推 : 推Z-Bo~!121F 12/25 16:00
推 : QAQ122F 12/25 16:01
推 : 想當初在阿拓有夠黑 現在真的浪子回頭123F 12/25 16:05
推 : 強這怎麼能不推124F 12/25 16:11
推 : 有愛心推125F 12/25 16:15
推 : Z-Bo Merry X'mas126F 12/25 16:16
推 : QQ127F 12/25 16:17
推 : 推好人好事128F 12/25 16:17
推 : 怒推!!129F 12/25 16:23
推 : 推130F 12/25 16:26
推 : 推! QQ131F 12/25 16:27
推 : QQ132F 12/25 16:28
推 : 推軟豆腐!133F 12/25 16:28
推 : 推134F 12/25 16:37
推 : 推暖男135F 12/25 16:37
推 : 洋蔥推136F 12/25 16:38
推 : 真的很棒的球員 推~137F 12/25 16:43
推 : 推138F 12/25 16:48
推 : 大推最後一句!!139F 12/25 16:50
推 : 推140F 12/25 16:50
推 : Z寶141F 12/25 16:51
推 : 推!!!Z-BO好棒!!142F 12/25 16:54
→ : 難以想像當年在阿時拓被戲稱為Jail blazer
→ : 難以想像當年在阿時拓被戲稱為Jail blazer
推 : 推144F 12/25 16:54
推 : 必須推145F 12/25 16:57
推 : 想當年在拓荒者一直到現在 給個推146F 12/25 16:57
推 : 善事推147F 12/25 17:00
推 : 難怪這個城市這麼支持Zbo148F 12/25 17:05
推 : QQ149F 12/25 17:07
推 : 推Z-BO150F 12/25 17:11
推 : 溫馨151F 12/25 17:11
推 : 推152F 12/25 17:20
推 : 聖誕推153F 12/25 17:20
推 : 推z-bo154F 12/25 17:24
推 : 善事只能推155F 12/25 17:26
推 : 推推156F 12/25 17:27
推 : 以前不是壞孩子嗎?還是那是錯誤印象157F 12/25 17:28
推 : ZBO必推158F 12/25 17:30
推 : 推159F 12/25 17:37
推 : GJ160F 12/25 17:37
推 : 不推不行161F 12/25 17:38
推 : 淚推 嗚嗚嗚162F 12/25 17:40
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