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作者 標題 [討論] 新蜘蛛人 TOM HOLLAND 這位演員
時間 Mon Jul 25 17:56:32 2016
飾演新蜘蛛人的TOM HOLLAND太亮眼
看了一些他的訪問影片 還有之前的電影 浩劫奇蹟和白鯨傳奇
搜了一下板上 剛公布新蜘蛛人是他的時候
底下一堆 他誰啊 小屁孩 的推文
TOM的各種採訪中 只要講到蜘蛛人他總是非常興奮
同時他也很謙虛 感謝能夠得到這個角色
明明也20歲了 但外型和說話的樣子還是很有高中生的稚氣感
Tom Holland - He Would Love To Be Spiderman - YouTube
Disclaimer: No Copyright Intended. All Audio, Video Clips, & Music Are Soul Property Of Their Respectivr Owner.
Disclaimer: No Copyright Intended. All Audio, Video Clips, & Music Are Soul Property Of Their Respectivr Owner.

TOM就說 ''會啊 蜘蛛人吧 10年後如果重開機的話''
How 'Billy Elliot' Helped Tom Holland Prepare for 'Spider-Man' - YouTube We've still got a little ways to go until we see Tom Holland make his first appearance as Peter Parker in Captain America: Civil War, but Holland has been te...

一直不自覺的玩弄麥克風 XDD
後段記者有提到 說很期待TOM的髮型
TOM想了一下 開玩笑表示自己是無辜的
美3上映時的採訪 感受的到他滿滿的感謝
Tom Holland SPIDER-MAN Interview - Captain America Civil War European Premiere - YouTube Tom Holland Spider-Man interview at the Captain America Civil War European Premiere interview. Watch Captain America Civil War spoiler-free review ►

This is why we will LOVE Tom Holland as the NEW Spider-Man - YouTube The super charming British actor is also staring in In the Heart of The Sea with Chris Hemsworth. We sat down in New York recently to talk diets, muscles and...

Billy Elliot the Musical - Tom Holland - Billy - YouTube
It took Tom two and a half years from his first audition to make his first performance at the Victoria Palace Theatre. Find out more about his journey and ho...
It took Tom two and a half years from his first audition to make his first performance at the Victoria Palace Theatre. Find out more about his journey and ho...

他還整他弟弟 在房門貼膠帶 https://youtu.be/pXNGR-kiABY
Tom Holland pranking Superman - YouTube
This is what big brother's get up to when they are home alone with little brothers. On this occasion, I approve...
This is what big brother's get up to when they are home alone with little brothers. On this occasion, I approve...

Tom Holland - Revenge!!!! (Video en Instagram) - YouTube
Revenge!!!! Fair play Harry. Broma de Tom a Harry: FanPage: http:...
Revenge!!!! Fair play Harry. Broma de Tom a Harry: FanPage: http:...

Tom Holland Talks Spider-Man's Suit & Homecoming - YouTube
We caught up with Spider-Man himself Tom Holland at San Diego Comic Con! Read more exclusive stories ►► Follow us on Twitter ►
We caught up with Spider-Man himself Tom Holland at San Diego Comic Con! Read more exclusive stories ►► Follow us on Twitter ►

TOM一個興奮差點就不小心自己爆雷了 還好緊急煞車 XDD
希望他能一直保持這樣的熱情 別歪掉
有沒有人也喜歡TOM HOLLAND的啊~~
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噓 : 小屁孩1F 07/25 18:03
噓 : 還是個屁孩2F 07/25 18:05
推 : 他外表很魯,又很嘴砲><3F 07/25 18:10
推 : 期待4F 07/25 18:11
推 : 覺得屁的很有質感哈哈哈 喜歡!5F 07/25 18:19
推 : 他在SDCC看影片的反應超可愛的 期待獨立電影~6F 07/25 18:25
→ : 美三的髮型不像學生,希望能改一下7F 07/25 18:26
→ : 應該說不像魯蛇
→ : 應該說不像魯蛇
→ : 不好意思我真的不喜歡他9F 07/25 18:26
推 : 他好可愛XD10F 07/25 18:29
推 : 有Angourie Rice就夠了12F 07/25 18:47
推 : 在美國隊長3演得很不錯13F 07/25 18:52
推 : 可能比較年輕相對其他Marvel演員會比較輕浮,對他還好!14F 07/25 19:09
推 : 我比較愛驚奇的蜘蛛,可是看了美3後我無法討厭新蜘蛛15F 07/25 19:10
推 : 讚16F 07/25 19:29
→ : 導演說,當初試鏡的時候,腳本上寫的是蜘蛛人空翻入場,17F 07/25 19:29
→ : 只有Tom很認真地問:「我該做這上面說的動作嗎?」,然
→ : 只有Tom很認真地問:「我該做這上面說的動作嗎?」,然
推 : 失敗的麵本來就是屁孩啊19F 07/25 19:30
→ : 後大家鼓譟下,他真的很完美地翻了一圈,那時候他就差20F 07/25 19:30
→ : 不多獲選了XD
→ : 不多獲選了XD
推 : 陶比蜘蛛人演出蜘蛛人的魯,安德魯蜘蛛人演出蜘蛛人22F 07/25 19:32
→ : 的嘴,但是湯姆霍蘭演的蜘蛛人,又魯又嘴!!!!
→ : 的嘴,但是湯姆霍蘭演的蜘蛛人,又魯又嘴!!!!
推 : 英國腔的蜘蛛人24F 07/25 19:33
推 : 屁得很討喜啊XDD前一個雖然也是嘴炮系但就蠻讓人煩躁25F 07/25 19:38
推 : 我覺得他超超超帥26F 07/25 19:44
推 : 浩劫演的不錯啊27F 07/25 19:44
→ : 小屁還是稱讚吧 比較符合原版28F 07/25 20:07
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