看板 NBA
作者 Wojnarowski (@wojespn)
標題 [外絮] 獨行俠老闆:77的交易是為了著眼於未來
時間 Fri Mar 14 08:00:59 2025

Mavericks owner Patrick Dumont on Luka Doncic trade: 'This was a decision abou
t the future'

Mavericks owner Patrick Dumont on Luka Dončić trade: 'This was a decision about the future' - CBSSports.com
Anthony Davis, the star Dallas acquired in the deal, is six years older than Dončić ...


"This was a decision about the future. If you look at our roster today and who
 we have, we feel like we've positioned ourselves to be incredibly competitive
 against the best teams in the NBA. And if you're a fan of basketball -- I'll
just throw that out there -- you have Kyrie Irving, Klay Thompson, P.J. Washin
gton, Anthony Davis and either Daniel Gafford or Dereck Lively [II] as your st
arting five. That's going to put fear into a lot of teams in the league, if we
 can get going."

"The objective was, 'How do we create a roster for the future that allows us t
o be the most competitive team?'"

"We want to win championships, we want to be a winning franchise for the city
of Dallas and we want to be one of character, one of community involvement and
 one where we sort of carry on the legacy of the Dallas Mavericks in the right
 way. When you look at what Mark [Cuban] did, what Ross [Perot Jr.] did, I mea
n, everyone who has been involved in the team has done great things for the ci
ty of Dallas, and we feel an obligation to continue that stewardship. So we we
re really looking to the future."
社區參與精神的球隊,我們想要以正確的方式繼承達拉斯小牛隊的傳奇。當你看到Mark C
uban和Ross Perot Jr.所做的一切時,我的意思是,每個加入球隊的人都為達拉斯市做出

"It's really just about improving the team for the future."

Dumont acknowledged that Doncic is a "phenomenal player" and a "generational t
alent," adding that the trade was "hard" and "emotional." He said the decision
 was not about the salary cap -- Doncic would have been able to sign a superma
x extension with the Mavericks this coming summer -- and the franchise will no
t leave Dallas for Las Vegas or anywhere else. He was well aware of fans' ange
r and sense of betrayal in the aftermath of the trade, and he pledged to try t
o earn their trust back.

"I heard from the fans, I respect their voices, I listened, we know that this
wasn't easy," Dumont said. "If we lost any of our fans' trust, it was hard and
 I apologize, but I hope over time we can regain that trust through hard work
and that's our plan. And hopefully people will believe in the long run that wh
at we did was the right decision. Time will tell."

That message, though, was delivered alongside a rationale for the trade that d
oesn't hold up to scrutiny. "Part of leadership is looking at risk and looking
 at all the factors of a decision and being willing to act at that time," Dumo
nt said. "And look to the long term and not only think about the short term or
 how it may be received immediately, but to think about the long-term benefits
 and what it may allow you to achieve if given all the right considerations."
Then he pointed to the 2024 trade deadline, at which point the Mavs "were not
a playoff-bound team." Trading for Washington and Gafford changed that, as the
y went on a late-season tear and advanced to the NBA Finals.
,它可以讓你實現什麼。然後他指出 2024 年的交易截止日前,當時獨行俠還不是一支季

Before making the Doncic trade, Dumont said, "We looked at our trajectory duri
ng the season and realized that we did not get better, but the teams that we c
ompeted against, some of which we beat [last season], did get better." He said
 Dallas determined that the defending champion Boston Celtics had improved, to
o, so it needed to make a move.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Wojnarowski 2025-03-14 08:00:59
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dqt6zGz (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1741910461.A.43D.html
royalblue08: 哈哈1F 03/14 08:01
zsp9081a: 搬家的未來也是未來2F 03/14 08:01
tailsean: 為了搬去賭城阿 沒有說錯3F 03/14 08:01
killdidee: 離開達拉斯的未來4F 03/14 08:02
likeyouuu: 老闆:77的交易為了未來 我的未來在都城5F 03/14 08:02
Vincent233: 看他們要解釋幾次6F 03/14 08:03
firemm666: 真的有糖7F 03/14 08:03
WLR: 然後就把未來送去了湖人8F 03/14 08:04
k385476916: 認真???9F 03/14 08:04
ptt821105: 講一堆幹10F 03/14 08:04
luck945: 著眼未來在賭城11F 03/14 08:04
skyitmexp: 對,為了未來拿一個25歲的基石換30多歲有傷的球星12F 03/14 08:04
simon0529: 為了未來所以我交易更老的14F 03/14 08:04
SKTDoinb: 支持15F 03/14 08:05
otsuka123: 帳面看起來不錯 但都沒法上場16F 03/14 08:05
Ryoma: 看這決定還以為77已經35歲了17F 03/14 08:05
huangtj: 為了湖人的未來 確實18F 03/14 08:05
ken720331: 前朝的人我都不要19F 03/14 08:06
edwinrw: 為了去賭城的未來 拼了20F 03/14 08:07
Lebrono: ???連抽卡機會都沒有 你的未來?21F 03/14 08:07
MFultz20: 現在大部分的球員都不健康,不是在醫院,就是前往22F 03/14 08:07
onionandy: 笑死 你的未來就這兩三年23F 03/14 08:07
hipnos: 沒錯 唬人的未來24F 03/14 08:07
MFultz20: 醫院的路上25F 03/14 08:07
soria0225: 為了我湖的未來 謝謝你26F 03/14 08:08
skyitmexp: 五年後77還能打,老闆你口中的未來已經準備要退休27F 03/14 08:08
bgover: 醫院經濟?28F 03/14 08:08
onionandy: 年輕球員只拿到一個二輪戀的MAX800叫著眼未來  騙鬼29F 03/14 08:08
pikachuu: 湖人與聯盟的未來!30F 03/14 08:08
ROCArmy623: ......31F 03/14 08:09
YOYOISGOOD: 結果才拿一隻籤…32F 03/14 08:09
rbki3: 還不趕快把 這些傷兵交易掉  這些比77更不健康33F 03/14 08:09
onionandy: 賭老闆是不知道小犢27-30連抽樂透的機會都沒有逆34F 03/14 08:09
dwiee: 為了賭場 我懂35F 03/14 08:09
Sessyoin: :)36F 03/14 08:10
xbit: 準備好什麼..連附加賽都沒嗎37F 03/14 08:11
koromo1991: 但你只剩…38F 03/14 08:11
nahoshin: 未來?真的好了就好了不用一個禮拜解釋一次或是再黑一次,沒解釋到反而讓人更反感39F 03/14 08:11
IIxIIIxV: 那到底KI和77居然是選擇KI,先不說年紀,77有的能力41F 03/14 08:12
maxwell0078: 什麼未來!42F 03/14 08:12
IIxIIIxV: 更適合push團隊。騙子!!騙人!!43F 03/14 08:12
sirenkim: 上次不是說win now、現在又變成未來?44F 03/14 08:12
b14011030: 33歲後衛和32歲院長當未來……45F 03/14 08:12
sirenkim: 要未來、然後丟掉77拿1個首輪回來?46F 03/14 08:12
alex8725: AD更老欸47F 03/14 08:13
syk1104: 就像一個廢物要一直合理化自己的錯誤,一直跳針48F 03/14 08:13
onionandy: 退個幾百步說KIAD真的很合好了 兩個30幾歲未來在哪49F 03/14 08:13
Lachdanan: 躺在地上的未來嗎50F 03/14 08:13
delarocha: 原來是為了未來 那主菜確定是Max Christie無誤51F 03/14 08:13
Y225: 未來在賭城52F 03/14 08:14
onionandy: 把lively跟Max800當未來逆53F 03/14 08:14
cm223600: 賭城獨行俠的未來 沒毛病54F 03/14 08:14
chriskkk: 繼續瞎掰55F 03/14 08:14
onionandy: 去年季後賽唯一能打狗貝的後衛就是77 KI被對位到56F 03/14 08:14
chriskkk: 應該也沒人在意了,小犢邊緣化了57F 03/14 08:14
onionandy: 命中率超低 靠77打贏灰狼的然後丟了77 笑死58F 03/14 08:15
ilovptt: 哈哈,你以為還有人在乎嗎?59F 03/14 08:15
free120: 開始掃地囉 真的把球迷當成白癡60F 03/14 08:15
iwgpg1ghc: 欸,你現在跟未來都沒有了喔,別嘴硬61F 03/14 08:16
potterpig: 阿哈哈哈哈 好個低能兒 只剩叫不醒的會支持這爛隊了62F 03/14 08:16
ds065199: 看一堆77粉氣死超好笑63F 03/14 08:16
schatz8: 跟Nico一起去給狗幹啦垃圾64F 03/14 08:16
onionandy: 拿未來當藉口但沒跟湖人拿AR跟DK 賭老闆連自己都騙65F 03/14 08:17
albert970150: 回顧上季???都帶到總冠軍賽了還沒有很好???66F 03/14 08:17
basarasaga: 別再講話了老闆 你是要惹怒多少人才甘願67F 03/14 08:17
thb96300: 賭城的未來68F 03/14 08:17
hunt5566: 確實 我湖大中計69F 03/14 08:17
Zexion: 所以去年是PJ跟家樂福帶進總冠軍賽的?70F 03/14 08:17
CCOOGG: 讓人恐懼 但每個都在醫院躺71F 03/14 08:18
Blackie9211: 我的未來在賭場啊72F 03/14 08:18
kingbar815: 著眼於賭城的未來吧73F 03/14 08:18
r491396076: 噁心74F 03/14 08:18
samsam80821: 他沒說謊 只是是為了他的未來 不是球隊75F 03/14 08:18
harrychen413: 我知道 著眼於湖人的未來對吧76F 03/14 08:19
onionandy: 交易後就算沒傷啦 你拿什麼本錢打灰狼77F 03/14 08:19
kinve1014: 然後呢 就沒有然後了78F 03/14 08:19
albert970150: 補噓79F 03/14 08:19
alex8725: 拿那樣的包裹說是為了未來誰相信80F 03/14 08:19
Zexion: 繼續詆毀前球星,真的把牛迷當白癡喔81F 03/14 08:19
iwgpg1ghc: 為了LA的未來吧,整個希望無限82F 03/14 08:19
Iversonchi: 非常討厭只會講幹話的主管83F 03/14 08:19
firewill: nba史上最失敗的交易之一84F 03/14 08:20
Davidgood: 就是有傻白甜球迷吃他那套啊,不相信賭場陰謀論85F 03/14 08:20
Zexion: 更何況一個月前尼狗才在喊溫鬧86F 03/14 08:21
skygray2: 懂啦,想要去賭城真是難為您了87F 03/14 08:21
MiCross: 一下Win now,一下未來lol88F 03/14 08:21
nate567: 讓我們看看有多遠89F 03/14 08:21
RamenOwl: 一下win now一下未來 到底是想怎樣90F 03/14 08:21
MK47: 未來在拉斯為加斯是吧XDDDDDD91F 03/14 08:21
pierce880321: 著眼於湖人未來92F 03/14 08:22
harrybbs: 讚! 眼光放遠 格局果然高大!
等著抽到庫柏,封神2.0!93F 03/14 08:22
c22501656: $$$$95F 03/14 08:22
TCPai: 這種東西就是成王敗寇96F 03/14 08:22
soleil99: 好了啦 已經名留青史了 未來盤點史上最爛交易前10,97F 03/14 08:22
TEM: 不是說 win now 現在又變成未來98F 03/14 08:22
soleil99: 會有你一席之地的99F 03/14 08:22
direct: 為了未來換來一個年紀更大的555F 03/14 20:52
Kulan: 噁心 全世界都知道你想搬走球隊557F 03/14 21:59
bellas: 77太年輕不成熟愛喝檸檬紅茶沒有維來558F 03/14 22:16
SatanLoveGod: 他知道這些人受傷了嗎559F 03/15 02:09

作者 Wojnarowski 的最新發文:
(Wojnarowski.): [外絮] 獨行俠老闆:77的交易是為了著眼於未來 - NBA板