看板 AnimalForest作者 no4 (.人.)標題 [情報] 1.4.2 更新內容時間 Fri Aug 21 10:04:18 2020
Ver. 1.4.2 (Released August 20, 2020)
The software has been updated if you see “Ver. 1.4.2” in the upper-right
corner of the title screen.
General updates
The following issues have been addressed:
From Ver. 1.4.1:
Fixed issue where the “sumo ring” would not display properly.
From Ver. 1.4.0:
Fixed issue where the game would shut down under certain conditions when
Fixed issue where shining soil would improperly appear behind buildings and
other places.
Fixed issue where specific message cards sent from animal residents the
player is close friends with would not arrive in the player’s mailbox as
From Ver. 1.3.0:
Changed the MTU when playing with others from 1364 to 1240 in order to
investigate an issue where players cannot play with others in certain network
修改最大傳輸單元(封包大小)從1364降到1240 ,
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VFokbcS (AnimalForest)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AnimalForest/M.1597975461.A.99C.html
※ 編輯: no4 ( 臺灣), 08/21/2020 10:05:56
推 nathan0518: 從1.4之後搬家泡泡都不會轉移了,有人也是一樣嗎?1F 08/21 10:22
推 ihcc: 一樣會轉移2F 08/21 10:24
推 arrfu: 我覺得會轉移但是留在同一人身上機率提高了4F 08/21 10:28
推 Asellus: 同上,搬家泡泡會轉移但是真的常留同一個人身上..我已經留著搬家泡泡兩個禮拜了..還沒搬到目標身上.5F 08/21 10:45
推 tmr0218: 會轉移+1,我家前幾天從仙仙的泡泡轉到憲雄7F 08/21 10:46
推 Yatagarasu: 感謝老任有注意到信件問題,最近都沒收到信好傷心8F 08/21 10:51
→ Asellus: 化石同感...有時候躲在小物品後面或是花中間,天黑就容易沒看到....(還是我自己眼睛不好~"~10F 08/21 11:20
推 aprilita: 發光點超難找,不到晚上找不到12F 08/21 11:37
推 mon60819: 終於改收信的問題了 每天打開信箱都只有朋友幫寄的東西總覺得失落13F 08/21 11:52
推 redmib: 我收信還蠻正常的欸,有禮物沒禮物的信都有來15F 08/21 12:02
推 quiy: 我還以為是我最近都沒認真找鄰居聊天,所以他們不寄信給我了XD16F 08/21 12:28
推 fullmetals: 昨天晚上用板上之前的時旅轉移泡泡有成功,只是轉了一個多小時才終於從羅博轉移到章立娜身上19F 08/21 13:01
推 WinDeity: 轉移泡泡運氣吧,我家前天糖果出搬家泡泡,我放2天就轉到別人身上了21F 08/21 13:03
推 tommy6: 發光點難找+1 很故意23F 08/21 13:18
推 shhh: 難怪都沒有信 還想說是因為沒回信所以乾脆不寄了XD25F 08/21 13:51
推 mshoma: 新手沒收到小動物的信過QQ...28F 08/21 14:36
推 mime7410: 只有我常常搖水果下來會少一兩顆的嗎QQ29F 08/21 14:55
推 Netline: 如果果樹周邊太多東西 搖下來的果子沒地方掉會不見或是掉到樹後面那格了30F 08/21 15:01