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作者 cativitys (貓有引力)
標題 Re: [閒聊] Yuri on ICE 之 Johnny Weir 訪談
時間 Fri Dec 16 18:55:53 2016



ANGEL: You originally said you’d limit yourself to one episode per day, but
then watched the first ten episodes over 4 days. What brought you into Yuri
on Ice, and what about this show made you break your own rule and marathon it
so quickly?

道Yuri on ice這部動畫,還有為什麼你會打破自己的原則,讓你追劇追得這麼快?

JOHNNY: I became familiar with Yuri on Ice after I started to see people
tweeting about the show. In general I don’t have a lot of time for
entertainment so I am usually years behind the rest of the world when it
comes to “new” things. However, when Evgenia Medvedeva tweeted that she
thought Yuri’s Eros was similar to me, and the photos of Viktor’s rose
crown, I had to watch.

JOHNNY : 我開始看這部是因為我看到大家在twitter上討論。其實我平常沒有太多的休閒

I broke my rule about one episode per day because I physically couldn’t stop
watching. I love figure skating, its funny little world, and Japan, so even
watching the first episode made me feel so at home and happy.  There are so
many details about the show that I can relate to, even small things like
spending time in onsen, Japanese train stations and so on, that the show is
visually filled with happy memories. I am now caught up and agonizing of the
Grand Prix Final free skate with the rest of Yuri’s fans.

等等,這部動畫在視覺上充滿了快樂的回憶。現在我已經看到Grand Prix Final free


EMILY: Director Sayo Yamamoto credited you for capturing their interest in
figure skating with your performance of Poker Face, and you’ve clearly been
an inspiration to the story itself. How did it feel seeing the show pay
tribute to you by having Victor at the top of the podium in a version of a
costume you’d designed for the 2006 Olympics, and the flower crown you
sported at the 2010 Olympics?

EMILY: 導演Sayo Yamamoto說是你那場Poker Face的表演讓他們對花滑感到興趣,而且

JOHNNY: There are so many parallels that I’ve noticed while watching the
show. I changed coaches and competed in Cup of China and Cup of Russia when I
was 23 and trying to reinvigorate my career like Yuri-kun. My junior world
championship victory was in Sofia, Bulgaria like Viktor. I even was one of
the first skaters who traveled with my own special tissue box starring my
favorite cartoon, Cheburashka. Of course, the homage to my Swan costume from
Torino and my rose crown in Vancouver from one of my dearest fans, were very
special moments in my life and I’m so happy to see them show up now in a
show I love.

JOHNNY: 當我看動畫時,我注意到故事中有非常多平行線。當我23歲時,我換了教練然後
Yuri君一樣。我junior world championship的勝利是在保加利亞的索非亞達成,就像

I am very honored that the production team has taken some inspiration not
just from me, but from the skating world. There are so many details that pop
up that wouldn’t mean anything to a casual skating fan, but to us as skaters
who actually lived it, you can see so much respect for our world and what we
do through the animations and story lines. Even down to the way certain
hotels look. It’s very special.


ANGEL: What’s it like to watch a fictionalized version of events you’ve
experienced. Does Yuri on Ice feel like a loving representation of the sport?
(And what about those banquets? Any infamous dance-offs we need to know

ANGEL : 當你看到這些你親身過的賽事與事件,在虛構的動畫中上演,那會是怎麼樣的感
覺?你覺得Yuri on Ice是一部充滿愛的花滑代表作嗎? (還有那些賽後宴會又是如何?

JOHNNY: It definitely feels like a very knowledgeable and loving
representation of the skating world. The producers definitely took their time
to be sure that every detail was right. The fact that there are so many
details makes it seem like the entire team was at events with us, backstage,
in hotel rooms, at the banquets and so on.

JOHNNY: 這絕對是一部非常具有知識水準的動畫、而且能夠代表對花滑世界的愛。製作者

At the banquets, it’s rare for the skaters to get very drunk. Usually the
banquets are time spent between the whole skating family, coaches, judges and
federation officials, so drunken dance-offs would be pretty inappropriate.
The drunken dance offs happen in the hotel rooms once all the old people go
to bed.


There have been many strange moments watching a fictionalized version of our
world, so much so that I’ve had times when I say to myself, “Who told!?”
There are so many secrets in in the show that only skaters or people very
close to them, would know about. Sometimes a character will remind me of a
dirty little secret that even hardcore skating fans don’t know about, and
while it may not be completely played out in the show, the pink elephant has
entered the room.


EMILY: You stated on Twitter that things would have been different for you as
a 20-something skater, with a show like Yuri on Ice on the air. Now we’re
seeing current competitors and legends like yourself embrace the show. Do you
think that the show’s LGBT themes and depiction of a world where queer
athletes are celebrated for their abilities without bias could have an impact
on the culture surrounding figure skating?

EMILY:  你在twitter上說如果你是20幾歲的時候來看Yuri on Ice這樣的動畫的話,事情

JOHNNY: Well, my tweet was more based on sitting in onsen with your Russian
skating stud crush than the show being on while I skated. Haha.

JOHNNY: 嗯哼,我的twitter是比較基於,曾經暗戀過一起泡在溫泉中的俄羅斯選手,

I think all positive imagery of LGBT themes in sport are good. Unfortunately,
the majority of people that rule the skating world are conservative and more
business minded. I think many of them, while they may love and appreciate the
art and the sport, are more interested in the business side of things or
power trips. I don’t know if “Yuri on Ice” will be able to change the
perception of gay athletes to a 60 year old businessman, but I am of the
school of thought that every little bit helps.

他們對商業與經營的那一面更有興趣,掌握權力會讓他們興奮。我不確定Yuri on Ice會

When I was competing, despite being very gay, I wanted my skating to speak
for itself and have it judged purely on merit not on the circus that is me.
Being gay had as much to do with my performances as muscle cars or giraffes.
I dedicated my life to my sport and wanted to be judged and appreciated for
my performances alone. I like seeing that quality from Yuri-kun too.

ANGEL: As the sports commentator for the GPF, if you were going into it with
these characters/competitors, what would you hope to see?

ANGEL: 作為一個GPF解說員,如果你能親自與這些作為選手的角色接觸,你會希望看見什

JOHNNY: I obviously want Yuri-kun to win! What’s fun about Yuri’s Grand
Prix Final is that I can be completely biased in my hopes for the event. Yuri
and Yuri are my favorite skaters in the group so I hope for their successes.
I don’t want to give away spoilers because there may be people who haven’t
seen the episodes yet.

JOHNNY: 很明顯我想要Yuri君贏! Yuri在GPF中最有趣的是我完全被我的願望給吸走了。

I tweeted about my feelings about JJ and Chris and the fandom got upset with
me, especially about hating Chris. The production has been so good that these
fictional characters actually remind me of people I did not like in my own
career so I think it’s completely organic and natural that I don’t like
those characters.  Chris in particular annoys me because, aside from on-ice
orgasms, there is so much about him that reminds me of several bitter rivals
of my own.

我發了個twitter關於我對JJ和Chris的感覺,但Yuri on Ice的粉絲迷們對我很不高興,

EMILY:Retired ice dancer Kenji Miyamoto choreographs the performances for
Yuri on Ice, and has done choreography for you in the past. If you could
choose one of the characters’ performances this season to skate yourself,
which would you choose? Why?

EMILY: 退休的冰舞者宮本賢二替Yuri on Ice中的表演進行編舞,他也曾經為你編過舞。

JOHNNY: I could tell from the first opening credits in episode one that
Kenji-sensei was involved in “Yuri on Ice”. The choreography looked like
Kenji-sensei’s. He is wonderful and I’m sure he’s giving a lot of secret
stories to the production.

JOHNNY: 我從片頭曲就看得出來宮本賢二老師一定有參與製作,那編舞的動作就是他的風

If I could choose one performance to skate that would match me, I would
definitely say Yurio’s “Agape”.  It is totally my style.

如果我可以選一個角色的表演,而且是適合我的,我絕對是選Yurio的 “Agape”,那完

ANGEL: What is your overall take-away from Yuri on Ice: any final comments or

ANGEL:  綜觀下來,你認為Yuri on Ice的精華是什麼?有些什麼最後的評論或印象嗎?

JOHNNY: I never thought I would take the time to watch an anime series,

despite appreciating the art form. “Yuri on Ice” feels like home to me, and
it really inspires me and makes me so happy that there is such a wonderful
worldwide response to the show. Yes there are skaters that watch it, but we
always tend to support anything about our sport. What is truly magnificent is
that people who know nothing about skating are watching and becoming aware of
our world and for that, I am very thankful and humbled.

JOHNNY: 儘管我很欣賞動畫的藝術形式,我從來沒有想過我會花時間來看動畫。Yuri on

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※ 同主題文章:
Re: [閒聊] Yuri on ICE 之 Johnny Weir 訪談
12-16 18:55 cativitys
12-17 23:30 fullmetals
chewie: 推 似乎沒有哪部運動動畫獲得這麼多現役選手迴響1F 12/16 19:01
peipeiko: 推推2F 12/16 19:02
gwcatgwcat: 感謝翻譯!!!!!3F 12/16 19:03
zhey: 查字典stud在口語上有性感的男人/性生活活躍的男子的意思4F 12/16 19:05
cih0917: 感謝翻譯!!
囧尼看的開心就好了QAQ5F 12/16 19:05
zhey: 可以看urban dictionary~很好玩的工具XD7F 12/16 19:08
bettybuy: 謝謝翻譯,對祕辛好好奇 -x-8F 12/16 19:13
starwillow: 好感動,製作人員一定非常用心且溫柔,選手們感受到了,看過這部以後真的會想關心花滑9F 12/16 19:19
abc881216: 感謝翻譯~^^11F 12/16 19:21
eiolld: 感謝翻譯~能看到全中文版真棒wwww12F 12/16 19:24
esoteric00: 感謝翻譯13F 12/16 19:25
Enfys: 感謝翻譯 然後好奇到底啥片段讓他想到秘辛XD14F 12/16 19:25
goandreaj09: 推翻譯!15F 12/16 19:33
evilsura: 太感謝了!16F 12/16 19:34
mnnraku: 先推翻譯17F 12/16 19:35
kexi0711: 感謝翻譯18F 12/16 19:47
KindKiki: 感謝翻譯!然後crush應該可以直接翻成暗戀的對象19F 12/16 19:51
ansel0205: 感謝翻譯20F 12/16 19:56
iknowkizuna: 謝謝翻譯21F 12/16 19:58
suncat71: 感謝翻譯!!22F 12/16 20:00
imaydaying: 感謝翻譯23F 12/16 20:08
fullmetals: 感謝翻譯!!24F 12/16 20:10
noeru4523: 感謝翻譯!!!25F 12/16 20:18
aswfe412: 感謝翻譯><!! 感動26F 12/16 20:24
Amosink: 微博那也有全文翻譯
其中說到溫泉是指想起當年他跟他暗戀的一位俄羅斯選手一起泡溫泉...(驚27F 12/16 20:38
raven2Y8: ....跟囧尼同時期的俄羅斯選手也就那些(震撼30F 12/16 20:45
killerken: 推31F 12/16 20:51
fishsolo: ㄊ32F 12/16 20:52
EEWH: 感謝翻譯33F 12/16 21:16
jan801123: 推 感謝翻譯34F 12/16 21:21
downmoon: 推  感謝翻譯   跟囧尼同期的俄羅斯選手真的也就那幾個(大震撼35F 12/16 21:36
nekobe5124: 感謝翻譯
原po我可以借轉FB社團嗎?我會註明出處的37F 12/16 21:43
cativitys: 可以喔39F 12/16 21:55
nekobe5124: 謝謝40F 12/16 21:55
※ 編輯: cativitys (, 12/16/2016 21:57:10
ddd87521: 感謝翻譯,都要哭惹!!!!!!!!!!!!41F 12/16 21:58
winter0723: 前面幾個在震撼什麼啦!不說就別吊人胃口(翻桌
感謝翻譯~~42F 12/16 22:19
ludia21377: 推翻譯!!看完心好暖www44F 12/16 22:24
evilsura: 這樣的話是不是可以說維洽的原型是囧尼跟普皇…雖然聲優是不承認啦45F 12/16 22:33
destiny596: 感謝翻譯!47F 12/16 22:33
skullxism: 推~48F 12/16 22:37
abc881216: 開始八卦了嗎?XDDD49F 12/16 22:51
kaworu0612: 有看得開心就好 看到他推特有在發漏YOI覺得興奮!50F 12/16 22:52
raven2Y8: 維克多是很像普皇的技術力和囧尼個性合一,這樣實在太明顯了 XDD51F 12/16 22:53
kaworu0612: 耶!?突然自爆爆點是哪招 不愧是EROS的Johnny
硬要說話是撩人的方式 人格魅力 優雅的動作超像的53F 12/16 22:54
song: 推55F 12/16 22:56
raven2Y8: 不過對方是冰上第一直男 wwwwww 事隔多年才自爆應該還OK,反正他也超愛扔直球的56F 12/16 22:58
weihsian: 躲在世界後面是什麼……不是說自己落後世界流行數年嗎58F 12/16 23:28
beta5566: 樓上+1  對,是在說自己lag世界流行很多年的意思,不是躲起來XD
真的是很有意思的訪談~~~原來從圈內人的觀點來看是這樣比較驚訝的是原來山本沙代導演說過他的表演是靈感之一看來Johnny希望的冠軍是雙Yuri!!! 是說別的選手覺得他像Eros,但他竟然選Agape也太有趣了XDDDD59F 12/16 23:30
moonmoondog: 感謝翻譯  對祕辛好奇哈哈65F 12/16 23:57
demiackerman: 謝謝翻譯!然後粉粉幹嘛去在乎人家討厭什麼角色66F 12/17 00:03
melontree: 謝謝翻譯!67F 12/17 00:22
newcountry: 感謝八卦 不對 感謝翻譯68F 12/17 00:45
dl92114: 翻譯辛苦了 這篇超棒!!!!!69F 12/17 00:55
spraggan: 看到囧尼的訪談,終於有點興趣看這部了,原本很排斥的XD看來這部不是在消遣花滑和yuzu,鬆了口氣,開心囧尼~70F 12/17 02:44
loveless39: 感謝翻譯,這部三次元的回響都很好,側面證明製作的用72F 12/17 02:58
a78952134: 感謝翻譯!!!74F 12/17 07:27
KAMESANMA: 感謝翻譯~ 看到懷疑誰爆料那句聯想到第四集預告,有句很突兀的「誰全裸在冰上還很開心啦」75F 12/17 10:57
winter0723: 我很好奇克里斯到底哪點讓他想起別人,摸人屁股?前面都不認真後面才開始爆發?態度色情(變態)?在冰上高潮?
KA大YOI的預告聲音都是惡搞的吧?喜歡在冰上裸體的真· 選手也太驚人…77F 12/17 11:36
Enfys: XDDDD冰上裸體讓我想像了82F 12/17 12:52
sunfires: 在冰上脫了的選手其實不少...真裸、假肌肉都有XD83F 12/17 16:24
cih0917: 樓上讓我想到普皇的sex bomb84F 12/17 17:19
kneeeeez: 感謝翻譯!85F 12/17 18:43
cih0917: 不太懂為何會認為這部是在消遣花滑和羽生。撇開久保,劇本原案還有山本沙代在;再來轉播本屆GPF的朝日電視台有加入製作委員會(故YOI在朝日深夜播放),動畫商品化收益朝日也能分成,朝日會拿這部來消遣它的花滑觀眾群?一部動畫至少耗資三億日幣,花這麼多只為消遣未免嫌錢太多...86F 12/17 19:41
nekobe5124: 樓上 可能跟她們期待的作品走向不同吧..但我覺得說消遣似乎有點超過..因為動畫作品都是製作公司花時間心力下去做的 更何況這劇本構思了2年..91F 12/17 20:10
raven2Y8: 這主動畫本來就是拿來推廣但是對花滑迷來說放了不少刺激消費的情節,導致期待落差是可以理解的(不過對於花滑圈的人來說這個運動能推銷出去就是好事94F 12/17 20:23
bettybuy: 同疑問,好奇為什麼會覺得這部在消遣羽生跟花滑...?而且主角原型完全不是羽生啊XD 當初看也沒聯想到羽生...覺得很有趣的是,很多職業花滑選手都有在看了,但卻有些花滑迷沒看卻很討厭這部XD97F 12/17 20:26
destiny596: 對,我也有這種感覺....
不過有確定奧塔的原型是他嗎?Y219F 12/17 23:36
cih0917: 其實我常常看不懂他的推,不過他也開始看動畫了221F 12/17 23:37
destiny596: 雖然我覺得整個人的感覺不像奧塔222F 12/17 23:37
nekobe5124: 感覺他不想被認為是真人版奧塔吧...orz223F 12/17 23:42
cih0917: 就人設發想於他?湯上許多哈薩克人挺開心這個角色的,紛紛介紹國家背景方便人寫同人文www  我才知道阿爾京會俄語224F 12/17 23:44

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