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作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)
標題 Re: [新聞] Fallout周邊 80美元的核子可樂卻是塑膠瓶
時間 Mon Dec 31 08:28:31 2018





We have some good news! All orders have been bottled, and are in the process
of being fulfilled by our retail partners. If you have not yet received your
bottle, please reach out to us below under the Questions About My Order
inquiry tab. One of our representatives will be in touch with you as soon as
possible. Thank you, again, for your continued patience with us as we work
with our partners to get your orders to you!

Regarding our product, the COO, Sommelier and product specialist of Silver
Screen Bottling Co., Ryan McElveen, has written a note to our customers about
the story of the intentional and complex design of the Nuka Dark Rum product.

The packaging of Nuka Dark Rum was a design that was months in the making and
we went to great lengths to ensure that no corners were cut. It cost over 2X
what it would have if we would have simply cast a glass mold. We went through
many prototypes. In fact, in all, we had four different iterations of the
design, two of which were glass exteriors. We determined that a glass bottle
alone would not have been dramatic enough for the look we wanted. We wanted
something big and bold for the loyal Fallout fanbase – something that
honored the game. Over 100 hours were spent just writing the code to create
the 3D-printed prototype of the shells. The “bottle cap” which is actually
an integrated cork/cap, was engineered and re-engineered several times to
ensure it fit on the bottle in a manner that looked exactly the way it is
supposed to inside of a cork finished bottle (not a screw cap). A design
created, specifically, for rum. The idea was that the bottle was housed in a
“vault of its own.”

The dimensions of the entire package are 13”x 6”. It is roughly 60% larger
than a standard 750 ml bottle and It will stand out on any bar. This is a
project we are extremely proud of and we are sorry that you feel that you
were in any way deceived. We were very deliberate in the creation of this
product and paid great attention to the brand and the quality. Not just the
presentation, but the rum inside the bottle as well. We can’t wait for you
to see it in person and taste if for yourself, we’re not sure that the
images or videos do it justice. Now, if you don’t agree when you receive
yours please let our team know by submitting a form in the “Questions About
My Order” section below and we will work to make it right.







Nuka Dark Rum Is Another Bethesda Merchandise Disaster








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Re: [新聞] Fallout周邊 80美元的核子可樂卻是塑膠瓶
12-31 08:28 wizardfizban
wizardfizban:轉錄至看板 Steam                                   12/31 08:28
angel6502: 76種讓鐵粉失望的方法1F 12/31 08:31
egg781: 非常不厚道,粉絲都付80鎂了,他玻璃成本怎樣都一定有利潤只是沒想到剛經過帆布事件而已,他們CEO居然還用同樣的手法2F 12/31 08:33
backzerg: 最後應該再補一句「Aren't you thankful?」才對R4F 12/31 08:36
egg781: 做這種決定的人不下台,把貝賽斯達弄垮只是時間問題5F 12/31 08:36
※ 編輯: wizardfizban (, 12/31/2018 08:37:34
j53815102: 這個厲害惹 到底能讓鐵粉失望幾次呢 讓我繼續…看下去6F 12/31 08:37
FungiCharlie: 所以根本就是做得出來,只是不想做7F 12/31 08:37
egg781: 省那幾毛錢去趕跑鐵粉,這領導公司的邏輯我不懂
所以難怪我不是CEO?8F 12/31 08:38
blackone979: 就省小條開大條啊 明顯跟BZ一樣都變成財務主導公司吧10F 12/31 08:39
kudoshaki: 一個玻璃瓶可以讓成本變兩倍?11F 12/31 08:39
backzerg: 鐵粉是假的 錢握在手中才是真der12F 12/31 08:39
egg781: 他們現在只是殺雞取卵的負面效應還沒出來而已
內部再不重整,之後就是業力引爆了13F 12/31 08:42
FungiCharlie: 等現有ip的殘餘價值都榨完之後
看b社還能去哪生盤子給他們薛15F 12/31 08:44
Peak0731: 所以這是故意製造負面消息來搏版面的行銷手法?17F 12/31 08:45
Dimios: 兩倍又怎樣 80鎂做不出來?18F 12/31 08:45
shampoopoo: 這種東西明明只要做精緻點 100美都賣翻19F 12/31 08:46
angel6502: 明明只要精緻100鎂都沒問題+1 本來會買的就是鐵粉了20F 12/31 08:47
bxxl: 那句是說,現在這樣做的成本,是整個玻璃的兩倍21F 12/31 08:52
kudoshaki: 重點是這種東西做來就是要當收藏品的,不夠精緻=騙錢22F 12/31 08:54
bxxl: 這篇的意思搞反了23F 12/31 08:55
angel6502: 是啊,客群是鐵粉,結果東西又被嫌到沒一點好,厲害!24F 12/31 08:56
backzerg: 那這樣不是更糟了 成本兩倍做出這種鳥蛋25F 12/31 08:58
ssarc: 等下,所以他們花玻璃兩倍的成本套塑膠!?真的嗎?腦袋沒問題!?26F 12/31 08:58

我看反了 改一下


※ 編輯: wizardfizban (, 12/31/2018 09:03:37
holyhelm: 真的很智障...大家就是衝著玻璃瓶和瓶蓋買的28F 12/31 09:03
widec: SAN值快掉到負的了29F 12/31 09:06
ssarc: 決策者的腦袋啊......頭痛30F 12/31 09:06
heaven2783: 老闆:建議售價800鎂,賣80算很便宜了啦>///<31F 12/31 09:11
WindSpread: 說實在的,放火在先,這個項目就算超售價也得做出來
沒救啦32F 12/31 09:18
verdandy: 這種規劃方式根本不是財務主導了,是智障主導35F 12/31 09:20
Rocavence: 一定是沒點議價的 peak36F 12/31 09:30
horseorange: 今年還有一天 再加握勁吧 (?37F 12/31 09:41
CAtJason: 看這些抓馬比玩76有趣多了w38F 12/31 09:42
Fallen27: 80鎂,80鎂,80鎂耶!80鎂賣粉絲這種垃圾?39F 12/31 09:44
alonelykid: 2018還沒有結束40F 12/31 09:44
zop: 怎麼很明顯是不懂遊戲玩家心態的人在主導這個瓶子案?
這種案子要是虧錢,是能虧多少?完全不把粉絲當一回事41F 12/31 10:14
PengPengLin: 建模玻璃瓶不夠大是誰的問題?被炮轟又一副受害者的姿態出來討拍,塑膠瓶成本是玻璃瓶的兩倍,都你在說,我也可以說新台幣比美金還大啊43F 12/31 10:54
AkikaCat: 新台幣當然比美金大啊,面額。46F 12/31 10:58
hope951: B社最近三連爆,FO76、塑膠袋、塑膠瓶,兩起是周邊的廠商出的大包,B社應該好好檢討一下他們的合作廠商
大家不在意裡面的酒,瓶子小一點不會有人在意的,結果出這個垃圾......47F 12/31 11:06
leamaSTC: 檢討合作廠商幹嘛? 這種出貨都有合約的 你以為能亂搞?就是B社自己的問題  結果還怪合作廠商...51F 12/31 11:14
WindSpread: 合作廠商交貨亂來你可以修理他啊
吞下來然後擺爛給玩家看不譙你譙誰R53F 12/31 11:19
axakira: MD,兩家B社的老闆都被錢洗腦到頭殼壞去了是吧?55F 12/31 11:48
Kenqr: 新作出來 還是真香56F 12/31 11:58
RONC: 呵呵,真的專搞鐵粉,還好我不是57F 12/31 12:02
johnny3: 因為玻璃開模麻煩吧 就用好開模的塑膠瓶裝玻璃瓶58F 12/31 12:27
bxxl: big and bold, 不只是大而已, 還有視覺上驚人的意思59F 12/31 12:42
CAtJason: 76不就是新作,有真香嗎?噗 我看是沒有吧60F 12/31 15:28
srxteam0935: 為何繼帆布袋變尼龍袋的爭議之後馬上又搞出這種把戲61F 12/31 22:10

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