
https://i.imgur.com/niZFbPy.jpg https://i.imgur.com/8gUQbFs.jpg



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kinomon: 蓋1F 01/03 23:59
ZooseWu: 這ID我pass 送五樓當老婆2F 01/03 23:59
SaberTheBest: ANSI量產機又復活了 開心3F 01/04 00:01
※ 編輯: s32244153 ( 臺灣), 01/04/2021 00:05:36
dogluckyno1: 阿梅可愛4F 01/04 00:06
ZooseWu: 我老婆5F 01/04 00:07
secutor145: 小阿梅好耶6F 01/04 00:07
paul012011: 好耶7F 01/04 00:10
※ s32244153:轉錄至看板 Vtuber 01/04 00:10
CactusFlower: 這種線條感覺反而難畫.....8F 01/04 00:11
ZooseWu: 我是a了ID看之前的作品覺得老婆機率好像不到50%xD9F 01/04 00:11
connell12654: Ground Pound10F 01/04 00:13
mtyk10100: chibi Ame is on her way to....11F 01/04 00:16
johnny12728: 推12F 01/04 00:20
bbc0217: he he~13F 01/04 00:26
Arctica: 謝謝ground pound14F 01/04 00:28
kinosband: 可愛15F 01/04 00:30
prismwu: fast and easy, HEHE16F 01/04 00:32
none049: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/chibi-amelia
已經有條目了!17F 01/04 00:36
Chibi Amelia / Smol Ame | Know Your Meme
Chibi Amelia, also known as Smol Ame, refers to fan art of Hololive virtual YouTuber Watson Amelia in chibi style that was originally drawn by Twitter ...

a58524andy: lol19F 01/04 00:40
socotia: ground pound20F 01/04 00:46
Alcatraz666: 阿梅可愛21F 01/04 00:50
f222051618: 可愛22F 01/04 01:05
iamnotgm: 推23F 01/04 01:42
DaYehNO1: Ground pound24F 01/04 01:49
bobby4755: 可愛25F 01/04 02:27
outsmart33: 可愛26F 01/04 07:15
windnduck: 太可愛了啦!27F 01/04 08:46
stu31305: Ame:《休士頓,我們即將Ground pound》28F 01/04 08:59
twetto912:29F 01/04 10:58
oidkk: 推30F 01/04 11:18
pdchen1218: 阿梅可愛31F 01/04 12:01
jack0123nj: 居然被列入meme條目了 XD32F 01/04 12:43
qqqaz9527tw: nice33F 01/07 11:21

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