作者 ieoAAAA (兔天使小小)
標題 [情報] Theorycraft Thursday
時間 Thu Jun  5 14:58:24 2014


寄信給 TheorycraftThursday@blizzard.com

    1. 配置名稱(Ex. 亞洲慈善神跳跳蠻)
    2. 遊戲模式(HC or SC)
    3. 遊戲難度
    4. 主動、被動、符文配置
    5. 天賦模擬樹 ( http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/ )
    6. 腳色超連結
    7. 核心裝備,如果沒有也註明
    8. 角色配置用途 (娃娃車專用、跑劇情、秘境)
    9. 配置特點 (高爆、掃白怪、30秒T6小馬、T6菁英秒殺機)
   10. 角色資訊截圖 (附件夾檔)
   11. 兩到三張進行遊戲的截圖 (附件夾檔或影片等)

ZiPS' Unholy Monk
背離聖光的武僧 (http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/13987916)
Squirrel's "Barbari-care" Barbarian
Leviathan's "Zoosader" Crusader
BrvzerX's "Electro-Stun God" Wizard

Source: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/12943774993

Theorycraft Thursday is a weekly recurring blog series where we feature
builds sent in by you, our community! For more information on the series, be
sure to check out the introductory blog.

To participate, just send an e-mail to TheorycraftThursday@blizzard.com with
the following information included:

Personal Info:

    Your name (first and last):
    Region in which your featured hero plays:
    Name of your featured hero and BattleTag:

Build Information:

    Name of your build:
    Preferred game mode (Normal or Hardcore):
    Preferred difficulty level:
    List of skills, runes, and passives you use:
    Link to your build using the Skill Calculator:
    Link to your hero profile:

    The names of any Legendary items that help this build flourish:
        If your build doesn't focus on or require a specific Legendary,
that's cool too – just let us know!

    What this build does best:
        Do you use this build primarily for doing Bounties? For playing
Campaign Mode? Leveling up friends? Whether you’re taking on Infernal
Machines or doing a bit of everything, be sure to specify!

    What makes this build awesome or unique:
        Does it showcase big crits, or is it great at clearing large packs?
Maybe it's super mobile, or features supreme survivability?

Please Attach:

    A screenshot of your hero's profile
    Two to three uncropped/untouched screenshots of your build in action!

Please note that any submissions which do not provide the information
requested will be rejected automatically. We receive hundreds of submissions,
so while we can't guarantee every build will be used, those with the most
details and information included have the best opportunity to be featured!

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DIABLO/M.1401951509.A.D33.html
TARONHSAU:先推,以免被說看不懂1F 06/05 14:59
kas1106:你是看不懂箭頭和推2F 06/05 15:00
greg7575:看不懂3F 06/05 15:00
補推4F 06/05 15:00
Lattecafem:BZ:哦 原來還可以這樣玩                       Nerf6F 06/05 15:02
hitsukix:BZ:BUG不想解 叫公關部想些活動轉移注意力吧7F 06/05 15:03
LaBoLa:即將nerf的Build大整理!!! 快上傳您的裝備&技能配置8F 06/05 15:05
Oville:完了 monk這完美職業要被NERF了 巫醫果然太弱了 沒上9F 06/05 15:06
LaBoLa:我們會將您的職業以及Build放在nerf的第二順位!!!!10F 06/05 15:06
ASHPJ:40411F 06/05 15:06
suck9527:BZ:哪個OP砍哪個12F 06/05 15:06
Oville:榜  帶狗戒召出來的殭屍狗又那麼弱的跟渣一樣 要BUFF13F 06/05 15:07
vitLink64:把力量裝的T6武僧傳上去不知BZ會不會覺得cool14F 06/05 15:07
hemisofia:太好了 沒巫醫!15F 06/05 15:10
ZhangJC:拜託別砍巫醫,玉魂套快湊齊了16F 06/05 15:14
plant:這好像是DH的一招...請君入甕...17F 06/05 15:15
iampala:這BUILD不錯, 讓我來nerf一下18F 06/05 15:17
oldgump1201:這活動看起來就像山羊被硬推出來扛改版壓力阿XD19F 06/05 15:23
lulocke:這跟辦徵文比賽有啥兩樣20F 06/05 15:23
xrdx:BZ:我覆蓋一張陷阱卡,結束這個回合。21F 06/05 15:24
KRSmp:這擺明了就是BZ要募集nerf的最佳管道22F 06/05 15:27
alex72115:更多的Nerf來了~23F 06/05 15:27
vaper:跟上兩篇比較,這篇才叫情報....24F 06/05 15:29
luke2:....看不懂orz25F 06/05 15:31
安安,大大  這是4/18就有的了喔^^26F 06/05 15:32
xrdx:難怪我覺得好眼熟...28F 06/05 15:33
ggsuperda:這是OP嗎  試水溫29F 06/05 15:43
hemisofia:這篇至少有入圍者吧 你即使把它當情報的續更新也OK啊30F 06/05 15:45
xrdx:也不算op吧,畢竟有人入選的情報了31F 06/05 15:45

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