看板 EAseries
作者 Jotarun (forever)
標題 [新聞] 荒唐分局 Brooklyn 99 第八季將為最終季
時間 Fri Feb 12 04:54:41 2021

Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"The way I see it, if this is to be our last ride then let us go out in a blaze of glory."

Dan Goor 在各社群媒體貼出感謝信



I'm so thankful to NBC and Universal Television for
allowing us to give these characters and our fans the ending they
deserve. When Mike Schur and I first pitched the pilot episode to
Andy, he said, 'I'm in, but I think the only way to tell this
story is over exactly 153 episodes,' which was crazy because
that was exactly the number Mike and I had envisioned.

"I feel incredibly lucky to have worked with this amazing cast and
crew for eight seasons. They are not only among the most talented people
in the business, they are all good human beings who have
become a family, But most of all, I feel lucky that we have had
the best fans in the world. Fans who literally saved us from
cancellation. Fans who fill us with joy. Ending the show was a difficult
decision, but ultimately, we felt it was the best way to honor the
characters, the story and our viewers. I know some people will be
disappointed it's ending so soon, but honestly, I'm grateful it lasted
this long. Title of my sex tape."

 Dan Goor

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1W9PcKOY (EAseries)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1613076884.A.622.html
※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 02/12/2021 05:01:53
Jotarun: 不用刪吧 你有翻譯阿QQ2F 02/12 05:14
sk84ever: ha ha沒事啦一篇就夠了3F 02/12 05:22
sh3312037: QQ4F 02/12 08:35
jahfone: 結束了也好 後面沒那麼好笑了5F 02/12 08:43
umi0207: QQ6F 02/12 08:48
evravon2866: 那邊ACAB喊那麼兇,沒被腰斬算不錯了7F 02/12 08:58
Dolce: QQ 推公開信最後一句XD8F 02/12 09:06
aromatics: 嗚嗚嗚嗚9F 02/12 09:11
ariachiang: NBC的聲明大意就是縮短又被延後到2021-22播出,僅有10集的第八季將是B99最終季,而粉絲得多等7個月才能看到第八季。10F 02/12 09:15
ultimate: 捨不得跟99說再見13F 02/12 09:27
s4732222: 嗚嗚嗚14F 02/12 09:34
alcard22: 捨不得QQ15F 02/12 09:52
leamaSTC: 終於 結束也好啦16F 02/12 10:26
DavidLoogan: Title of your sex tape17F 02/12 10:39
fireforce: 總比沒梗 還硬撐好18F 02/12 11:06
yamaza: 好難過qqqq19F 02/12 11:25
n0029480300: 8季對於喜劇影集來說其實也很夠了 之後可以毫無負擔的像六人行一樣一直重刷了 99!20F 02/12 11:40
yuhurefu: 捨不得但還是很高興99能好好地完結QQ22F 02/12 12:24
jimmy225: QQ23F 02/12 12:29
bbns0823: QQ24F 02/12 12:41
ps99you: 很捨不得 但可以有10集來好好說再見也很棒了QQ25F 02/12 12:44
yayayogo: 不捨,永遠的99!26F 02/12 12:52
EnochJ: QQ27F 02/12 13:18
z90286: 10集很趕。但99再見 好輕鬆好笑的喜劇28F 02/12 13:37
sophia126a: 嗚嗚捨不得QQ
最後一句XDD29F 02/12 13:37
blueminion: 99!! QAQ31F 02/12 13:42
queenawu1217: QQ32F 02/12 13:58
qazplm319: 一到六季已經刷了超過十遍以上了QQ33F 02/12 14:09

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