看板 EAseries作者 DarthVader (黑武士)標題 [新聞] 絕命律師Bob Odenkirk片場緊急送醫時間 Wed Jul 28 12:38:08 2021
飾演「絕命毒師」和番外影集「絕命律師」主角Saul Goodman的演員Bob Odenkirk 今天
“Better Call Saul” star Bob Odenkirk was rushed to the hospital on Tuesday a
fter collapsing on the set of the AMC show, Variety has confirmed.
Odenkirk is currently in production on the sixth and final season of “Better
Call Saul,” a spin-off of the wildly popular series “Breaking Bad.” Odenkir
k collapsed on Tuesday at the show’s set in New Mexico and crew members immed
iately called an ambulance. Odenkirk is still receiving medical care, though t
he cause of the collapse has not been disclosed.
Odenkirk, who is 58, portrays con-man lawyer Saul Goodman in “Better Call Sau
l” and “Breaking Bad.” “Better Call Saul” zeroes in on the character’s t
ransformation from the criminally-inclined Jimmy McGill to powerful criminal d
efense lawyer Saul. Odenkirk’s work on “Better Call Saul” has yielded him f
our Golden Globe nominations for best actor in a television series drama, and
four Emmy nominations for outstanding lead actor in a drama series.
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[新聞] 絕命律師Bob Odenkirk片場緊急送醫
07-28 12:38 DarthVader
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