看板 LoL
作者 sindarin (官)
標題 Re: [外絮] Chawy FB
時間 Sun Aug  2 16:19:31 2015


※ 引述《GOD5566GOD (o'_'o)》之銘言:
: https://www.facebook.com/ChawyXL/posts/1110021652347319
: Chawy
: 4 分鐘前
: Hi everyone, i'm really sorry but to break this news to you. I have been
: banned from participating in any LoL tournaments for a period of time (not too sure
: how long the ban would be yet), because of an event of elo boosting done
: during March 2014.


: For those who are interested in my part of the story, do continue reading
: below.
: I have been playing competitive since I was 14. I chose to take this path even
: though its not the smartest choice being born in Singapore, a country where
: E-sports is not as recognized. My passion for gaming and the desire to win
: made me who I am today.


: I started playing LoL when I was first invited by Riot to take part in 2010
: WCG and ended up getting 3rd place. I switched from DotA / DotA 2 to LoL because
: at that time, LoL had way more tournaments each year, and I really enjoyed
: playing LoL.


: During early 2012 when SGS ( Team Singapore Sentinels ) was formed, they
: started trailing for players on our server. Being in SGS was like a dream come
: true, its the first ever professional team I know of to get paid to play. Many
: people would do anything just to get into that team. Sadly, they didn't chose
: me because I was serving my NS ( National Service ). I was really depressed
: because most would say I was the best player in our region but yet I was not
: picked or even trailed. I didn't gave up then. I starting forming my own team
: with friends I met at Solo Queue. I took part in every tournaments and ended
: up getting 2nd every time, only losing to SGS. But at the same time, we managed
: to take some games off SGS. That was when SGS saw my talent and offered me a
: slot.


: At first I was offered an monthly salary way more than the original 5 members,
: of course I gladly accepted. Luckily for me, after I completed my basic
: training in NS, I was posted to a vocation where I just have to work every 8am
: -5.30pm. I rushed to our training room in Garena office every evening once I'm
: released from camp, train till late night, and then return home, and continue
: training. It was like my dream came true. Little did I know, the management
: told me few days later that I would not be receiving a single cent because of
: their budget. I was shocked, but since I was serving my NS, and we are not
: allowed to have any extra allowance outside of NS, I accepted it. I treated
: playing in SGS not as a job, but as doing something I loved. I wake up every 6
: in the morning, rush to camp, end work at 5.30, rush to Garena, end trainings
: at 10-11pm, rush home, more solo trainings till 2-3am, sleep, repeat. That was
: my daily routine for over a year.


: Many people thought that hey, Chawy confirm gets way higher pay than his other
: teammates because of his performance, but the truth is, I was NOT paid. I had
: to pay for my own transport, my meals, everything, using the allowance I get
: from NS ( S$400+ a month). I discussed with my teammates and they agreed to
: each pass me S$50 every month which concludes to S$250 per month.
: So why did I stayed even though I was not paid? Simple, I always dream of
: becoming a pro player, and SGS was the very first step. I was given a lvl 30
: Taiwan server account and I was contented with that. I get to play against
: players like GodJJ, Toyz, Westdoor and so many other really good players.
: Luckily for me, I got top 5 ranks in ranked in Taiwan server multiple times.
: I was given the same monthly pay as the rest of my teammates only after I
: completed my NS, which was after September 2013. It was never easy working the
: hardest, giving the most, performing the best but yet receiving the least.
: Around February 2014, I left SGS. Our team results were not good and I was
: tired. I thought I would never have a chance to play on the main stage ever
: again. That was the time when this 'friend' approached me to boost his
: account.



: Of course I accepted. I had no income, no future, no nothing. I had to earn
: what I can. Even though its just a small amount, I did it.
: It was after that that TPA contacted my then manager, saying they want to
: trail
: me. I was delighted, I saw a glimpsed of hope. After a long discussion with my
: family, I decided to come to TPA.


: The 'friend' whom I elo boosted for, didn't pay me because he said he had no
: money. I didn't mind since I was already in TPA having a stable income, but a
: tragedy striked during late 2014. My investment with my brother failed badly
: costing me to lose around S$10,000. ( I had quite a bit of winnings from DotA/
: DotA2 ). It was then I started going around collecting money from people I
: lent to, and from that 'friend' I 'worked' for. But he ignored me, not wanting to
: return me, and even telling me it was a long time ago, he doesn't even play
: league now. I was mad, I kept pestering him and I guess I made him mad. So mad
: that this 'friend' reported to Riot and Garena that I elo boosted.


: I had come a long way in my career, and I would say this year is my peak. Even
: though TPA results are not as good anymore, but I kept improving and improving,hoping to show the world what i'm capable of. Just as we're preparing for
: World Championship 2015 qualifiers, THIS had to happen. I was left speechless, and
: heart broken. Never had I thought this would happen to me, and that my career
: would end this close.


: I'm sorry for disappointing everyone supporting me out there all these time.
: I'm even more sorry for letting my team down, including my managers, coach,
: and translator. I never expect this to happen and I'm the same, or even more
: disappointed than anyone else is.
: Sorry.



被白嫖以後,嫖客跟警察說 警察先生就是這個人

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1438503574.A.5CB.html
HuoJung: 31F 08/02 16:19
Halu5566: 真慘2F 08/02 16:20
spicysmall: 摘要lol3F 08/02 16:20
Windancecat: 34F 08/02 16:20
ByronRamos: 這摘要言簡意賅!!5F 08/02 16:20
Comebuy: \⊙▽⊙/6F 08/02 16:21
leawweikeng: 這太精簡啦XDD7F 08/02 16:22
Halu5566: 本來覺得代打活該 但是看這摘要就感覺很慘8F 08/02 16:22
CHWang8264: 摘要op9F 08/02 16:22
emptie: 摘要LOL10F 08/02 16:22
padaa: 怎麼不說阿公阿罵生病需要錢 爸媽中年失業 弟妹還在11F 08/02 16:22
superRKO: 摘要也太精簡XDDD12F 08/02 16:22
E1E1E: 好摘要13F 08/02 16:23
padaa: 念書 只好靠代打養家餬口14F 08/02 16:23
Atwo: 原來只要看最後一段就好15F 08/02 16:23
link5566: 摘要精闢 給推16F 08/02 16:23
beblue: 推這篇XD17F 08/02 16:23
philip81501: 這篇最棒18F 08/02 16:23
NeVerEnouGh: 摘要精闢!19F 08/02 16:23
timmyen: 罰娼不罰嫖 司法不公R20F 08/02 16:23
sunen: 摘要 xddd21F 08/02 16:24
KKyosuke: 摘要精闢22F 08/02 16:24
smile0120: 哪有人摘要放最後的啦= =23F 08/02 16:24
aos159: 推摘要24F 08/02 16:24
smile0120: 都看完了才說摘要-.-25F 08/02 16:24
FairLife: 這篇翻的好...摘要精華26F 08/02 16:24
w60904max: 摘要很神 翻譯大賽冠軍就是你啦27F 08/02 16:24
sw926301: 新訓XDD28F 08/02 16:24
※ 編輯: sindarin (, 08/02/2015 16:26:04
liunate: 神摘要29F 08/02 16:25
Michael1125: 摘要op30F 08/02 16:25
maderfucker: 推摘要31F 08/02 16:25
a24285293: 摘要太猛了32F 08/02 16:26
jason800629: 推摘要XDDD33F 08/02 16:26
FairLife: 雖然前面推文重點都講了XD34F 08/02 16:26
a12300: 摘要根本神註解XDDDDD35F 08/02 16:26
deo685: 推摘要36F 08/02 16:27
free11234: 哪邊可以嫖到大將這種肌肉的 (X37F 08/02 16:27
bleachdie: PTT果真人才輩出38F 08/02 16:27
ismiumiu: 言簡意賅39F 08/02 16:27
bleachdie: 長篇大論 一個摘要即可XDDDDDDDDD40F 08/02 16:27
CherylcT: 翻譯大賽冠軍41F 08/02 16:27
moon1000: 推摘要XD42F 08/02 16:28
bun1r: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD43F 08/02 16:28
awaited: 猛44F 08/02 16:28
srxteam0935: You win.45F 08/02 16:30
jason123301: 摘要猛46F 08/02 16:30
saapf222: 翻得真好,推47F 08/02 16:30
nichaellin: u win48F 08/02 16:31
x51923716: 第一名翻譯姬就是你啦49F 08/02 16:32
hasroten: 推摘要50F 08/02 16:32
hagane39: 每次都四海遊龍XDDDDDDDD51F 08/02 16:33
SQUAD12345: 沒差啦,反正你連台服前三中路都沒有,如果不是在52F 08/02 16:33
Predrag26671: 這摘要XDD53F 08/02 16:33
SQUAD12345: TPA我看也沒那麼多人理54F 08/02 16:33
jimjimweikc: OP摘要,酒肉朋友教不得55F 08/02 16:34
belial94: 摘要少了句:  都從良,找到對象要訂婚了56F 08/02 16:34
neverlight: 不給錢就不算嫖啦57F 08/02 16:34
howdo1793: 還能稱作朋友58F 08/02 16:34
my52033my: godlik59F 08/02 16:35
nightfrost: 翻得慢的被砍了 這麼大一篇  好慘....60F 08/02 16:35
capoboy: 代打整個錯 但為毛我看了覺得這代打代的怪怪的61F 08/02 16:36
AAXDDDD: 這摘要  我要哭了62F 08/02 16:36
ADHD: 你翻的感覺比較順63F 08/02 16:36
Atwo: 邱味的功用是在這休戰期注入了一些抓馬而已64F 08/02 16:37
HowWhy99: 摘要 就是這樣子65F 08/02 16:38
rick6304: 賠一萬想到去找代打要錢 所以那筆代打至少有幾千囉66F 08/02 16:38
habbit24: 這摘要真是.......67F 08/02 16:38
ADHD: 欸幹看到摘要我覺得這真的有罰娼不罰嫖的問題耶68F 08/02 16:38
byidsky: 我宣佈 第四屆翻譯大賽 冠軍是你69F 08/02 16:38
a8330028: 單方面說法 我不太信啦70F 08/02 16:39
jimmy5680: 代打只是他去要錢的來源之一,價格未必有多少71F 08/02 16:39
hasroten: 邱位是太相信朋友還是有點蠢 有把柄在人手上還去盧72F 08/02 16:40
jeff781217: 估計TPA也是打不太贏啦 沒差 HKE也是吞下去了73F 08/02 16:40
a8330028: 而且照這樣講 如果沒進TPA還不是照樣代打74F 08/02 16:40
opwin: 下次KK的FB就交給你來翻了75F 08/02 16:40
lucifer648: 誰叫你要當選手  不開工作室76F 08/02 16:40
FairLife: 250新幣=台幣5744左右,以新加坡物價應該很吃緊77F 08/02 16:41
a8330028: 奇怪 前面說當兵沒錢 後面又說DOTA賺了不少78F 08/02 16:42
FairLife: 我錯了是窘困,我房租就5千/月了79F 08/02 16:43
PLS1312: 慘 那朋友毀了一位選手80F 08/02 16:46
Ectel: 這篇XDDDD81F 08/02 16:46
ja2200: 幫朋友代打沒領到錢,還被背刺,人間悲劇82F 08/02 16:48
keepfitboy: 摘要太精準了83F 08/02 16:50
KimJongUn: 摘要太精確!!!!!!!!!!!!
這神摘要 不推爆沒天理84F 08/02 16:52
iamwind7954: 慎選朋友RRRRRRR86F 08/02 16:53
bugya: 摘要XDDD87F 08/02 16:53
jk820824: 幹,超衰89F 08/02 16:54
icewolf36: you win90F 08/02 16:55
BRBstar: 摘要  極神91F 08/02 16:55
gps0110: 神摘要92F 08/02 16:57
cl6y937838: 不然前三中路是誰?93F 08/02 16:57
dustlike: 摘要精闢過頭啦XDDDDDDDDD94F 08/02 16:57
ja2200: TPA資格賽GG95F 08/02 16:57
Cchild: 摘要 lol96F 08/02 17:04
gn01172011: 居然有END懶人包 只有一句話但是不失真 猛97F 08/02 17:04
Fantasyweed: 懶人包OP XDDDDDDDD98F 08/02 17:12
braincandy: 摘要XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD99F 08/02 17:16
lpllpllpl: 總結應該是說交到壞朋友吧~100F 08/02 17:18
chanicen: 幹 你摘要系?101F 08/02 17:19
webbkiller: 早知道我直接看摘要就好 言簡意賅102F 08/02 17:19
shalunaku: 推摘要 不過朋友真的慎選啊(嘆103F 08/02 17:23
umenosola: 神摘要104F 08/02 17:29
nindo12301: 有點衰小105F 08/02 17:33
dddc: 垃圾朋友不分國界耶106F 08/02 17:40
fishfish1314: 幹這摘要極神 這嫖客好機掰107F 08/02 17:40
kanzerbee: 大意: 不要代打(X) 慎選朋友(O)108F 08/02 17:40
KelvinLin: 科科109F 08/02 17:43
antonyliu: 翻譯冠軍就給你惹110F 08/02 17:45
comp6118: 推摘要XD111F 08/02 17:47
ks007: 摘要好生動112F 08/02 17:52
gungriffon: 摘要太神 無從吐槽啊XDDDDDDDDDDDD"
就封你為摘要王吧113F 08/02 17:58
ykten: 只能說不想被抓 當初就別做這件事
還好AHQ沒找外援 沒想到問題這麼多115F 08/02 18:00
yannicklatte: 讀者文摘需要你117F 08/02 18:04
usoko: 摘要 XDDDDDDDDD 感謝一行懶人包118F 08/02 18:07
ej04hl3: 所以啥時要滾119F 08/02 18:10
AceID: 推摘要120F 08/02 18:10
benny1990615: 太爽了~~~~~~121F 08/02 18:19
bygamantou: 幹損友122F 08/02 18:20
cancer0708: 專業摘要123F 08/02 18:22
leftside: 神摘要124F 08/02 18:23
parkyu531: XD 你的摘要  精闢125F 08/02 18:24
juliusnovem: 摘要王4ni126F 08/02 18:27
JBLs: 摘要太精闢了.......127F 08/02 18:27
zero910790: 摘要極神XD128F 08/02 18:27
choekyi123: 摘要太神拉XD129F 08/02 18:42
johnnyjaiu: 神摘要,你應該當教育部長 XD130F 08/02 18:43
qscgg: 靠...那什麼爛朋友= =131F 08/02 18:44
s1681688: 有笑132F 08/02 18:45
Torreschu: 超級慘!!!!! 我都要哭了Q_Q133F 08/02 18:53
greenYoshi: 摘要不錯,幾霸昏XDD134F 08/02 18:55
jim47085: wow135F 08/02 19:03
bigbigcc: 摘要滿分136F 08/02 19:07
Tenging: 摘要有夠卑鄙的137F 08/02 19:08
jabari: 甘拜下風 XD~~~138F 08/02 19:08
Tenging: 強雄你不要這麼過份 當初要不是你給我張空頭支票139F 08/02 19:08
natsu123: 真悲劇型主角...140F 08/02 19:12
kksula: 推摘要141F 08/02 19:36
tomylee78: 推本屆翻譯大賽冠軍142F 08/02 19:37
wcoco: 摘要精闢 猛143F 08/02 19:37
oshimanyan: 看來開實況養家的會再增加一名144F 08/02 19:48
js0431: 這麼會畫重點 你考試都考一百分吧145F 08/02 20:40
drinkjr: 神註解146F 08/02 20:45
donjin: 代打的人看到其他選手被檢舉代打 不會心虛只會心碎?147F 08/02 21:04
isisss: 精闢148F 08/02 21:29
ownwei: 這翻譯太神啦149F 08/02 21:37
pmdrt: 幹 摘要超猛 只推你這篇翻譯150F 08/02 22:05
w22w22w33: 幹 超U質151F 08/02 22:05
steven211: 悲劇了 幹 我還滿喜歡大將的說152F 08/02 22:57
fnb10803: 這時間點被禁賽 真的要結束了153F 08/02 23:18
gowaa: 這也太慘....
TPA bye154F 08/02 23:18
o23i23: 這摘要…
大將真可惜156F 08/02 23:35
death3412: 摘要太優質了wwwww158F 08/03 00:09
ro656529: 幹 這摘要   我剛剛到底為什麼要浪費時間看全文159F 08/03 00:12
h4321oem: 翻得不錯160F 08/03 00:47
bebyboo: 摘要op161F 08/03 01:22
wilson85772: 推162F 08/03 01:42
Chikarable: 好慘rrr163F 08/03 08:52
winston81120: 翻譯王164F 08/03 13:36
dennis1115: 摘要太精銳    推個165F 08/13 14:32

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