看板 LoL
作者 rainnawind (雨颯)
標題 [情報] PBE11/10 新英雄伊羅旖、新造型
時間 Wed Nov 11 09:23:13 2015


             Public  Beta  Environment   公開測試伺服器
                             Patch 5.23 Day 1


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
目錄:Page 1 新英雄 - 海妖祭司  伊羅旖 illaoi
             新英雄 - 造型 - 虛空使者
             新造型 - 馴龍高手  崔絲塔娜(史詩)
             新造型 - 墓場邪皇  阿祈爾
             新造型 - 神靈木馬  赫克林
             新造型 - 中世紀系列  古拉格斯、雷茲、法洛士、布郎姆

新英雄  海妖祭司  伊羅旖

完整資料請移駕本篇:#1MGapJqW │ https://goo.gl/hK4x9G
[情報] 新英雄: 海妖祭司 伊羅旖illaoi - 看板 LoL - 批踢踢實業坊


   美術圖  │ http://imgur.com/BW5IUcs
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
    技能   │ https://youtu.be/SQScysgBwGo
Illaoi - The Kraken Priestess - Champion Reveal - YouTube
Reveal Page:  Passive: Prophet of an Elder God Once every twenty seconds, Illaoi...

 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
    語音   │ https://youtu.be/rPghBNPjZtU
Illaoi VO - YouTube
Illaoi Voice Champion preview & more:

 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
  展示影片 │ https://youtu.be/O3JyMpFUhWs
Classic Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess - Ability Preview - League of Legends - YouTube Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess Ability Preview. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20:  Feel Free to Follow me...


造型  虛空使者

    模組   │ http://imgur.com/IcvhMqg
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
    語音   │ https://youtu.be/ZZ-dkym3hFo
Void Bringer Illaoi VO - YouTube
Void Bringer Illaoi Voice Skin preview & more:

 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
  展示影片 │ https://youtu.be/yUJw5e9UqMk
Void Bringer Illaoi Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser spotlight of Void Bringer Illaoi with ingame gameplay! Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Void Bringer Illaoi, particles & SFX may not ...


新造型 - 馴龍高手  崔絲塔娜(史詩510)

    模組   │ http://imgur.com/6rFzXJL
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
   美術圖  │ http://imgur.com/mRzkCsh
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
    語音   │ https://youtu.be/pVWPUYRhcEY
Dragon Trainer Tristana VO - YouTube
Dragon Trainer Tristana Voice Skin preview & more:

 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
  展示影片 │ https://youtu.be/Usf86HTbhC4
Dragon Trainer Tristana Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser spotlight of Dragon Trainer Tristana with ingame gameplay! Price: 1820RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Dragon Trainer Tristana, particles & SFX ...


小小龍 Riggle 守衛造型

    模組   │ http://imgur.com/PGnnSgQ
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
  展示影片 │ https://youtu.be/BZReP2rwXqs
Ward Skin - Dragon Trainer (Riggle) Ward - YouTube
Preview video for the upcoming Dragon Trainer Ward skin. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20:  Feel Free t...


新造型 - 墓場邪皇  阿祈爾

  本體模組 │ http://imgur.com/cfYahWW
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
  砂兵模組 │ http://imgur.com/CWPnvYC
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
   防禦塔  │ http://imgur.com/Rbdzgh4
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
   美術圖  │ http://imgur.com/eTrAimm
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
    語音   │ https://youtu.be/p4ZmPgfVrGo
Gravelord Azir VO - YouTube
Gravelord Azir Voice Skin preview & more:

 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
  展示影片 │ https://youtu.be/jGGCALnPQN0
Gravelord Azir Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser spotlight of Gravelord Azir with ingame gameplay! Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Gravelord Azir, particles & SFX may not be final. ...


新造型 - 神靈木馬  赫克林

    模組   │ http://imgur.com/Vnks6eU
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
  展示影片 │ https://youtu.be/4aPVnU0dTIY
Elderwood Hecarim Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser spotlight of Elderwood Hecarim with ingame gameplay! Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Elderwood Hecarim, particles & SFX may not be f...


新造型 - 中世紀系列

 Caskbreaker 古拉格斯

    模組   │ http://imgur.com/qC6mzut
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
  展示影片 │ https://youtu.be/iEVfnxOri8g
Gragas Caskbreaker Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser spotlight of Caskbreaker Gragas with ingame gameplay! Price: 750RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Caskbreaker Gragas, particles & SFX may not be ...


Whitebeard 雷茲

    模組   │ http://imgur.com/eJBlAAE
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
  展示影片 │ https://youtu.be/KTgyH6pe8hw
Ryze Whitebeard Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser spotlight of Whitebeard Ryze with ingame gameplay! Price: 750RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Whitebeard Ryze, particles & SFX may not be final....


Swiftbolt 法洛士

    模組   │ http://imgur.com/9CM2I90
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
  展示影片 │ https://youtu.be/EQXTJEHA3wE
Varus Swiftbolt Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser spotlight of Swiftbolt Varus with ingame gameplay! Price: 750RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Swiftbolt Varus, particles & SFX may not be final....


Lionheart 布郎姆

    模組   │ http://imgur.com/dgJv0mm
 ──────  ──────  ──────  ──────
  展示影片 │ https://youtu.be/xehjq6d9UyM
Braum Lionheart Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser spotlight of Lionheart Braum with ingame gameplay! Price: 750RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Lionheart Braum, particles & SFX may not be final....



    體質   │ 基礎魔力-50,成長魔力+3(和其他38名英雄一樣的調整)

     W    │ (不明)


 吶兒(大) :150 → 175
   納瑟斯   :125 → 175
   史瓦尼   :125 → 175
    賽恩    :150 → 175
希瓦娜(龍):125 → 175
   貪啃奇   :200 → 175
   特朗德   :125 → 175
    趙信    :175 → 225
    札克    :125 → 175



REITA0122: 幹               § a                 操氣彈、魅惑

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MGfYBVf (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1447205003.A.7E9.html
james11song: 蜂須賀小六 颯爽登場1F 11/11 09:24
kikikinds: 造型都不太喜歡 QQ2F 11/11 09:24
l49564956: R72 太帥啦!3F 11/11 09:24
Dongdi: 阿祈爾怎麼有點死哥感覺哈哈哈4F 11/11 09:25
x78212: 是有多愛法洛士阿 skin一直出5F 11/11 09:25
ReallySun: 這祈爾根本就是死哥啊6F 11/11 09:25


u987u: 砲娘好可愛喔 原本要從口袋掏錢包 不小心掏出..>//<7F 11/11 09:25
via840113: 鄧不利多?8F 11/11 09:25

更新  新增馴龍砲娘展示影片

material015: 凱能造型 賽恩造型 快出好嗎9F 11/11 09:25
ohiyo104: 沙皇是黑暗魔君 索倫?10F 11/11 09:30
asd2260123: 可惜太像死歌了11F 11/11 09:30
kendra0606: \rainNAwind/12F 11/11 09:30
b86070800: 這次造型都好有趣13F 11/11 09:31
linceass: 說好的性感御姐呢14F 11/11 09:32
kuso36520: 泡娘超可愛!!!15F 11/11 09:32
c871111116: 這龍有點棒RRRR16F 11/11 09:32
xz40903: 癢癢的17F 11/11 09:32
johngy: 砲娘絕對買!!18F 11/11 09:32
Esolider: 一堆中土造型是因為魔獸電影嗎?19F 11/11 09:34
timblue0823: 要為了這個造型玩炮娘了20F 11/11 09:34
jasonwei78: 阿祈爾才是萬聖節造型吧21F 11/11 09:35
choosin: 巫妖王-Azir vs 善那瑞亞斯-Hecarim 電影明年要上摟22F 11/11 09:35
hcy08200: 這砲娘也太古錐23F 11/11 09:36
sorcxnegi: 觸鬚,恩恩 我們都知道本本的發展惹24F 11/11 09:37
AnyonRedira: 那個雷茲他   有頭髮拉!!25F 11/11 09:37
f051372: 抓靈魂好猛26F 11/11 09:39
jimfong: 酒桶..好像巫師三的血腥男爵27F 11/11 09:39
PATRICK031: 癢又有造型了28F 11/11 09:39

更新  新增沙皇展示影片

YunHung46: 阿祈爾這顏色看起來好像死歌29F 11/11 09:42
taker627: 波比表示憤怒30F 11/11 09:42
a2364983: 這防禦塔...你認識澤拉圖嗎31F 11/11 09:42
jason79718: 來了來了,真· 木馬造型32F 11/11 09:44
jasonwei78: 砲娘造型那隻龍蠻可愛的 值得買33F 11/11 09:44
QmaoDan: 小砲我老婆34F 11/11 09:44
UDHD: 新英雄施1j35F 11/11 09:45
a2364983: 泡娘造型真好看 買惹36F 11/11 09:48
jho52106: 中世紀希臘根本WOW風格
希臘->系列37F 11/11 09:48
gary360: 砲娘這skin很有特色 決定買了39F 11/11 09:52
handsomehan2: 法洛士好像馬爾扎哈40F 11/11 09:58
beetle2468: 泡娘死掉那隻龍好可憐41F 11/11 10:00
chigo520: 酒桶造型超多的…沙皇那個造型根本死歌!42F 11/11 10:01
Sunlight8426: 為了造型決定玩砲娘了43F 11/11 10:01
kutheso: 想買小砲又不想花錢給G社rrrrrr44F 11/11 10:02
Gravelord Azir Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser spotlight of Gravelord Azir with ingame gameplay! Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Gravelord Azir, particles & SFX may not be final. ...

IanC313: 蜂須賀小6666666646F 11/11 10:06
Luber: 炮娘這個好有愛阿47F 11/11 10:09
ROD5566: 女俠饒命...48F 11/11 10:10
u987u: 買了 這砲娘SKIN真的太可愛啦 這隻羅莉我抓回去養了49F 11/11 10:10
rochiou28: 砲娘死亡動畫的小龍看了之後我決定整場泡溫泉絕不能死QQ50F 11/11 10:12
SlamKai: 荷包君 你安心的去吧  砲娘萌萌52F 11/11 10:13
shalunaku: 砲娘好可愛 雷茲好慈祥 法洛士...53F 11/11 10:17
PTTjoker: 炮娘好可愛啊, 死亡動畫讓我想到家裡的狗qq54F 11/11 10:22
a73108965: 砲娘真的好可愛!!!花錢也想買了RRR55F 11/11 10:24
weichuanfang: 人馬https://youtu.be/4aPVnU0dTIY56F 11/11 10:26
Elderwood Hecarim Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser spotlight of Elderwood Hecarim with ingame gameplay! Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Elderwood Hecarim, particles & SFX may not be f...

PTTjoker: 木馬本體很醜, 不過一堆落葉特效還不錯看...57F 11/11 10:29
amsmsk: 死哥長腳了58F 11/11 10:33
UserBread: 砲娘這個造型也太神……59F 11/11 10:35
tonyhsu0822: 泡娘SKIN也做得太精緻...60F 11/11 10:37
umenosola: 砲娘好可愛!!!!小火龍太萌!!!61F 11/11 10:37
foget: 炮娘死掉的時候 龍的反應也太可愛了吧啊啊啊!!62F 11/11 10:38
umenosola: 死亡動畫太揪心了啦Q__Q63F 11/11 10:38
yannicklatte: 沒有人要討論新角RRR,這隻還蠻好配合gank的感覺64F 11/11 10:39
Max5485: 人馬有關公skin的感覺65F 11/11 10:41
WiLLSTW: 花江:新英雄是觸手(^○^)66F 11/11 10:41
yannicklatte: 這樣誰捨得殺小砲!龍龍!!!67F 11/11 10:43
Nivose13: 被萌殺了68F 11/11 10:47
reverieh: 抓到了!人馬是綠的69F 11/11 10:51
vivishe: 砲娘好可愛70F 11/11 10:59
as960625: 小砲<3333371F 11/11 11:02
rhox: 幹 Riot謀殺錢包72F 11/11 11:04
gojyo12002: 趙信變225攻距...會不會飛天呢73F 11/11 11:07
cat0405: 小砲超可愛的啦 QAQQQQQQQQQQQQ74F 11/11 11:09
Nravir: 死掉時那隻龍Q Q75F 11/11 11:10
Cliff07: 完全魔獸的種族SKIN 不死族=阿祈爾 人類=雷茲
夜精靈=法洛士 人馬   矮人=酒桶76F 11/11 11:10
Fino5566: 泡娘根本可以當新英雄出了RRRRR
人馬:我要保護大自然 R72:你的靈魂屬於我78F 11/11 11:18
s227373667: 趙信有點猛80F 11/11 11:24
f222051618: 小砲超可愛的 (>///<)81F 11/11 11:25
ggyycomet: 砲娘搶錢啊啊啊82F 11/11 11:26
sanpo0108: Rrrrrrr那隻龍  買了83F 11/11 11:44
bygamantou: 法洛 布郎怎一直出造型?84F 11/11 12:08
Hylun: 我還是覺得炮娘以前的模組比較好QQ85F 11/11 12:29
fate201: 攻擊都是龍 這skin跟努努的精神有像86F 11/11 12:30
syu20730: 太陽萬歲87F 11/11 12:32
evril: 新角也很有WOW風格啊,ㄧ看就有親切感88F 11/11 12:34
jimmy55311: 太可愛了吧 這造型可以避免被集火89F 11/11 12:43

更新  補上所有造型展示影片
※ 編輯: rainnawind (, 11/11/2015 12:56:19
yannicklatte: 虛空造型根本就是拿著威寇茲打人...90F 11/11 13:01
HarryCheng: 怒噓啊,雷茲造型怎麼永遠都不改特效91F 11/11 13:12
handsomlaugh: 史瓦妮♥ ♥ ♥  新角有點醜的感覺92F 11/11 13:20
ak478998: 辛苦了推推~~93F 11/11 13:32
Wolfgang9527: SO CUTE~~~~94F 11/11 13:52
AesopChen: 幹他媽泡娘死的時候整個淚崩阿 QAQQQ95F 11/11 16:24
Kazc: 砲娘死亡的動畫也太虐了 小龍嗚嗚嗚 Q_Q96F 11/11 17:27
j9145: 在日服要開前夕出了隻觸手英雄,我感到內情不單純97F 11/11 17:54
dreamivan: 完全無法接受泡娘的死亡動畫,龍龍好揪心98F 11/11 18:11
qImo: 砲娘太可愛啦99F 11/11 19:56
mznsli123: 這雷茲變路人100F 11/12 07:09


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