看板 LoL
作者 y12544 (祈求放晴)
標題 [閒聊] Jankos 推特 兩則
時間 Sun Jan  3 10:18:40 2021

Marcin Jankowski
Unfortunately I have to announce that I safely arrived in Berlin and currently am with the boys. That means G2 won’t look for another Jungler until at least end of spring split

Unfortunately I have to announce that I safely arrived in Berlin and
currently am with the boys. That means G2 won’t look for another Jungler
until at least end of spring split


Marcin Jankowski
Dear diary,
Today was the first day in the gaming house, and I already got to see Rekkles shirtless. First days of 2021 are going great

Dear diary,
Today was the first day in the gaming house, and I already got to see Rekkles
shirtless. First days of 2021 are going great



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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VyIcMGM (LoL)
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※ 編輯: y12544 ( 臺灣), 01/03/2021 10:20:46
f222051618: 蕉流蕉流1F 01/03 10:20
pomelovictor: 甲上2F 01/03 10:34
chunyo0229: 法王變小王子 顏質提升補強3F 01/03 10:47
piyo0604: 突然想到上次jankos看到小王子ig照片太帥發牢騷XD4F 01/03 10:52
energyy1104: 就算是男生也無法抵擋裸上身的小王子5F 01/03 10:58
BLTR: 小王子真的是歐美臉的顏值第一選手6F 01/03 11:00
GeoLuke0726: 原本靦腆的青春期小男孩變成帥氣8+97F 01/03 11:06
a951l753vin: 希望小王子到G2可以開心點8F 01/03 11:38
a420360: 蕉流一下9F 01/03 11:45
weliche: 除了爾森 大師兄 應該沒人能跟歐成一較高下了10F 01/03 11:47
klandakuei: 蕉留一下11F 01/03 11:53
a10304025: 歐成真的帥爆12F 01/03 12:11
horse2819: 甲13F 01/03 12:17
clippershi: 小王子只有最帥 爾森還是有點宅氣14F 01/03 12:46
taxout: 超好笑16F 01/03 13:07
weliche: 這是在看歐成照片意淫嗎XDD17F 01/03 13:10
diefish5566: perkz還算五官端正可惜和小王子還是比不了 還禿...18F 01/03 13:42

Perkz S7很帥 頭禿了後就回不去了

isaka218: Perkz有夠好笑
Jankos才對 打錯19F 01/03 13:46
※ 編輯: y12544 ( 臺灣), 01/03/2021 15:02:07
dooshbag: 煙口斯比小王子帥欸21F 01/03 15:11
weliche: Jankos應該是那種大姐姐最愛的類型 又幽默22F 01/03 15:25
comodada: 請問,歐成是誰啊?Jankos嗎?23F 01/03 18:23
TNTC4: 歐成=小王子24F 01/03 18:58
rsps8342326: 歐成為什麼是小王子XD
可惡啊雞兔有Mikyx跟小王子比帥 我選擇障礙w25F 01/03 23:20

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