看板 LoL作者 wang7752 (^^b)標題 [外絮] NS twitter時間 Tue Nov 23 17:13:30 2021
NS RedForce Global
We had a mutual agreement with Gen.G to exchange players. Bdd will join our roster for 2022 and Peanut will be playing for Gen.G next season. We appreciate Peanut's contribution to the team and look forward to Bdd's performance next year.
We had a mutual agreement with Gen.G to exchange players. Bdd will join our
roster for 2022 and Peanut will be playing for Gen.G next season. We
appreciate Peanut's contribution to the team and look forward to Bdd's
performance next year.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XdB2zoO (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1637658813.A.C98.html
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[外絮] NS twitter
11-23 17:13 wang7752
※ 編輯: wang7752 ( 臺灣), 11/23/2021 17:13:58
推 pongbao: 幹先把阿鬼薪水調回來吧==2F 11/23 17:15
推 ITEegg: 雖然我都笑他BADD,但要在這種爛隊打比賽,可憐那4F 11/23 17:17
推 tigerlolz: NS夏季賽打的算風聲水起吧 只是後面被看破手腳5F 11/23 17:20
→ maple2378: 單就陣容來看很不錯 不過氣氛就不一定惹6F 11/23 17:21
→ Remix00: 這陣容其實有模有樣的8F 11/23 17:22
推 owhfr69c: NS會不會每場訓練賽都有怪聲xD9F 11/23 17:22
→ aierman: 這對組成就是LCK復仇者 大多其他隊轉過來的11F 11/23 17:23
推 ITEegg: 陣容爛(X) 管理層爛(O)16F 11/23 17:26
推 good5755: FPX Gori 低配版督硬幣19F 11/23 17:29
推 koy784512: 這陣容其實不差阿,在LCK還是能進季後賽吧22F 11/23 17:46
推 wade59420: Sup也是四強sup 欸
這樣看有點強25F 11/23 17:50
推 emptie: 話題性十足27F 11/23 17:53
推 ZEONEX: 陣容是不差 問題是上路那位很難保證會認真打xdd28F 11/23 18:07