看板 LoL作者 wai0806 (JK打籃球推廣仔)標題 [閒聊] 現在的GenG隊員總共有32個亞軍時間 Sat Nov 27 15:28:06 2021
HUPU Esports
As @GenG completes their new super-team roster, the Chinese community points out that this is the team with tons of runner-ups.
Starting with top laner:
Doran (2 in total)
2019 LCK Summer Playoffs 2nd;
2020 LCK Summer Playoffs 2nd.
#LCK #GenG #lolesports
Doran (2 in total)
2019 LCK Summer Playoffs 2nd;
2020 LCK Summer Playoffs 2nd.
Jungler: Peanut (10 in total)
2016 LCK Spring Playoffs 2nd;
2017 Rift Rivals 2nd;
2017 LCK Summer Playoffs 2nd;
2017 Worlds 2nd;
2017 KeSPA Cup 2nd;
2018 MSI 2nd;
2018 Rift Rivals 2nd;
2018 Asian Games 2nd;
2018 KeSPA Cup 2nd;
2020 KeSPA Cup 2nd;
Mid laner: Chovy(4 in total)
2018 LCK Summer Playoffs 2nd;
2019 LCK Spring Playoffs 2nd;
2019 LCK Summer Playoffs 2nd;
2020 LCK Summer Playoffs 2nd;
Botlaner: Ruler (5 in total)
2016 Worlds 2nd;
2017 Rift Rivals 2nd;
2018 Asian Games 2nd;
2020 LCK Spring Playoffs 2nd;
2021 LCK Spring Playoffs 2nd
Support: Lehends (4 in total)
2016 CK Summer Playoffs 2nd;
2018 LCK Summer Playoffs 2nd;
2019 LCK Spring Playoffs 2nd;
2019 LCK Summer Playoffs 2nd;
coach: Score (7 in total)
2013 OGN Summer Playoffs 2nd;
2015 OGN Summer Playoffs 2nd;
2016 LCK Summer Playoffs 2nd;
2017 LCK Spring Playoffs 2nd;
2017 Rift Rivals 2nd;
2018 Rift Rivals 2nd;
2018 Asian Games 2nd;
人家RNG都組全華班 我們劍姬組個大團全亞班 牛逼吧
不要問我為啥圖忽大忽小的 我從推特上抓的 我哪知道
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XeTuCXK (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1637998092.A.854.html
推 Sumday: 亞軍戰隊OWO/10F 11/27 15:36
推 Turas: 好像看得到以後的劇本了…11F 11/27 15:37
推 Siika: 中信GENG12F 11/27 15:37
→ EZ78: Score+Peanut就一半了XDD14F 11/27 15:38
推 aazhong: 中信GenG 笑死16F 11/27 15:40
推 asd02589: 花生一人包辦10個超好笑的19F 11/27 15:40
推 Cchild: 好猛喔 挖屋==25F 11/27 15:45
推 upvu0: 花生沒拿過冠軍嗎?27F 11/27 15:46
→ cececcc: 這沒算Mafa跟Museong的28F 11/27 15:47
推 asd02589: 那目前最多冠軍的是哪隊 T1嗎29F 11/27 15:47
推 jean108p: 中信GENG 強攻強攻 笑死XDD31F 11/27 15:50
推 GTX2080: 花生拿最像盧田愛菜冠軍34F 11/27 15:54
推 qr1348: 簽名檔哪部36F 11/27 15:56
→ Cchild: 最多冠就SKT吧39F 11/27 15:58
推 cececcc: 最多冠 含教練的話 應該是DK40F 11/27 16:01
推 eqer: 強攻 強攻44F 11/27 16:08
推 Cchild: 阿 對齁 是看現在45F 11/27 16:08
推 treeez: 保底亞軍
不對 應該說是亞軍確定52F 11/27 16:28
→ Chanlin01: Mafa也有啊 s3 kt忍界大戰-_-的sup57F 11/27 16:42