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標題 [翻譯] 回顧Guerrero自由奔放的打擊
時間 Fri Apr  4 09:34:11 2014



Appreciating the free-swinging excellence of Vlad Guerrero | HardballTalk
Not too long ago, I was working on a project that (sadly) never quite got off the ground -- it was a project to explore why we still love sports. Here we are surrounded by the horror of concussions and NCAA hypocrisy and PED use and countless other unsavory things … but we still love the games. ...


By Joe Posnanski (NBC名作家)

Appreciating the free-swinging excellence of Vlad Guerrero

回顧Vladimir Guerrero他自由奔放的打擊

Not too long ago, I was working on a project that (sadly) never quite got off
the ground — it was a project to explore why we still love sports. Here we are
 surrounded by the horror of concussions and NCAA hypocrisy and PED use and
countless other unsavory things … but we still love the games. In a weird way,
 we love the games now more than we ever did.


In the book, I was going to write an entire chapter about a Vladimir Guerrero


In my lifetime, there have been certain athletes who were just FUN to watch.
Now, I’m not referring to how good they were or how valuable they were …
simply how much joy they gave us. Some of the all-time greats were great fun,
of course: Magic Johnson was fun, Barry Sanders of course, Muhammad Ali.
Pistol Pete Maravich.

讓我們多開心。當然,有些名人也是這樣:魔術強森很好看、Barry Sanders、拳王阿里
,Pistol Pete Maravich。

But there are some others too who weren’t all-time greats. The Cleveland
Browns used to have this amazing kick returner named Eric Metcalf (son of the
great Terry Metcalf) — he was widely viewed as a massive disappointment
because he could never quite translate his punt returning genius to his life
as a running back or a receiver. But, MAN was he fun — anytime he touched
the ball, he might just do something that would blow your mind. Actually quite
a few punt returners were like that. White Shoes Johnson was like that.
Dante Hall was like that. Devin Hester.


Dwight Gooden was amazing fun in the early days. The strikeout pitchers are
always fun. Jim Zorn was fun — scrambling quarterbacks are wonderful.
These days: Bubba Watson is fun. Joe Flacco is oddly fun*. Victor Cruz is fun.
 Andrelton Simmons is fun — great defensive shortstop are fantastic.
Lionel Messi. Man, nobody’s as much fun as Steph Curry — you can’t watch
him play basketball without, at some point, just breaking out in a big smile.

早期的Dwight Gooden超好看。三振型投手永遠都很好看。Jim Zorn很有趣─能帶球衝刺
的四分衛很讚。Bubba Watson很好看,Joe Flacco是另一種意義上的好看。Victor Cruz
好看。Andrelton Simmons也很好看。防守型的遊擊手都很好看。踢足球的梅西。嗯,大
概沒人比得上Stephen Curry。很難看完一場他的球而不開心的。

*Flacco is fun because his arm is just RIDICULOUS — if I could throw a
football as hard or as far as Joe Flacco, I would overthrow receivers by
40 yards again and again just to entertain myself. Maybe that’s why he
does it.


In my lifetime, I think that there was nothing in sports more fun than
watching Vlad Guerrero hit a baseball. He was one-of-a-kind. He grew up in
the Dominican Republic, and when he signed with the Montreal Expos he was
this big (6-foot-3), strong, fast, power-armed force of nature. I’ve heard
people compare Yasiel Puig to him, and that’s not a bad comparison — but
if anything Vlady was even more unbridled and absurd.

看過這麼多,我想在運動場上,沒有比看Vladmir Guerrero打擊更爽的事了。他是獨一
過別人拿Yasiel Puig去和他比。當然這樣比也有些道理,但不管怎麼看,Vlady是更加

From his first day in pro baseball, you could not throw a baseball by Vlady
— no matter how fast or slow, no matter how high or low, how far outside or
inside. If you bounced a pitch in front of the plate, he might hit it. If
you threw it over his head, he might hit it. He would definitely try.


There have been bad-ball hitters before, of course. Clemente was a famous bad
ball hitter. Yogi was a famous bad ball hitter. Manny Sanguillen proudly would
swing at anything. But there was something wonderful about Vlady’s free
swinging. Every at bat, it was like he was just trying to prove a point. From
2007 to 2011, by the Fangraphs numbers, Vlad Guerrero swung at more than
FORTY-FIVE PERCENT of the pitches out of the strike zone.

當然,以前也有專揮壞球的打者。Roberto Clemente是有名的例子之一。Yogi Berra也是
。Manny Sanguillen很自豪的有球就揮。但Vlady的球來就打有獨特的魔力。每次他站上打


Think about that for a second. He basically swung at HALF the pitches that were
not strikes. Of course, other players swing at bad pitches — and there’s not
a thing fun about that when you’re talking about Jeff Francoeur. What’s fun
about Guerrero is that even from 2007 to 2011 — though Guerrero was aged and
beat up and no longer the hitting genius he had been as a young man — he STILL
hit .303 and slugged .490.

仔細想一下。他每揮棒兩次就有一顆是打壞球。當然,其他打者也會對壞球出棒 ─ 而且
如果你指是Jeff Francoeur的話這一點都不有趣。讓Guerrero與眾不同的地方是,即使是

Every at-bat of his was not just a battle with the pitcher but with geometry.
Five feet outside? He’d reach. In the dirt? He’d golf. Behind him? He’d
switch-hit. Close your eyes, you can just see the ridiculous movements Vlady
would make just to hit a baseball. Man did he love hitting baseballs. His eyes
just lit up when he was at the plate.


Of course, pitchers KNEW he would swing at just about anything. And yet, for 16
years, they never could find that place outside his hitting zone. They never
figured out how to take advantage of his non-selective ways. Guerrero led the
league in intentional walks five times, and I don’t think it was only because
of his great hitting. I think it was also because pitchers didn’t know how
else to walk him.


At 23, Guerrero played his first full season and hit .324 with 38 homers, 37
doubles, 9 triples. Everything he did was BIG. He made big plays. He made big
mistakes. He swung big. He missed big. Guerrero flashed one of the great arms
you’ve ever seen — Jonah Keri brings up the excellent point that Montreal,
for a team that only played 36 seasons, had some spectacular outfield arms in
its history. Guerrero’s arm was ridiculous. Larry Walker’s arm was fantastic.
Andre Dawson had a breathtaking arm. And, most of all, there was Ellis
Valentine. What an arm that guy had.

揮空也大揮空。Guerrero的臂力大概是史上最強之一。Jonah Keri也說過,只有36年歷史
的蒙特婁博覽會,大概有歷史上最強的外野肩力。Guerrero很扯,Larry Walker很猛,

Andre Dawson很強,更別說Ellis Valentine。哇操咧。

But while Guerrero’s arm was strong, he rarely had any idea where it was
going. The guy airmailed so many cutoff men that at some point you just wanted
him to get it over with and wear an American Postal Service uniform. He stole
bases — as many as 40 in a season — but he got thrown out a lot (the year he
stole 40 he led the league by being caught 20 times). He was fast and reckless
on the bases, often hurting his team as much as he helped them.


And at the plate … just, wow. He would swing at anything and he would swing
with crazy ferocity. And yet, against all logic, he didn’t strike out much. He
never struck out 100 times in a season and only came close once. Eleven times,
Vlady hit 25-plus homers while striking out fewer than 90 times. Since the
strike — when strikeouts began to skyrocket — only Albert Pujols has pulled
off that feat as often.


How did he do it? Well, for Vlady, it was simple math. He had three strikes to
hit the baseball. And so he simply crushed the first thing he saw. In his
career, he put about 20% of the first pitches he faced into play. He was the
quintessential first ball fastball hitter. If it looked kind of straight, and
looked within his reach (and weren’t they ALL within his reach), he swung at
that first pitch.


*Here’s a fun little statistic on Guerrero: On 3-1 counts, he hit .417. If he
had a pitcher down 3-1, forced to throw something resembling a strike,
Guerrero was extra-lethal. But, truth is, he hardly ever faced a 3-1 count.
He hit a 3-1 pitch in play less than 4% of the time. The at-bat was usually
long over before a 3-1 count was possible.


Pitchers all knew this. They studied him. They game planned him. They were
told, again and again, “don’t give him anything good to hit on the first
pitch.” But that’s part of what made Guerrero so fun. His idea of “good”
 was different from everyone else’s idea of good. On the first pitch, he hit
363 and slugged.660. The guy would swing at anything. The guy would swing at
pitches in OTHER GAMES. And still pitchers could not throw a first pitch bad
enough to hold him off.


Guerrero hit .324 that first full year. Then .317. Then .345. Then .307. Then
336. Then .330. Then .337. Batting average isn’t much of a statistic for
determining the overall offensive contribution of a player, but in Guerrero’s
case those batting averages are little markers of his artistry. Everything
about him was moving parts, legs flying all over the place, heavy slides,
overthrows, aggression, vicious swings, joyous intensity, but at the end of
the year it always ended same. He hit the ball harder than just about
anyone ever. And he always hit around .330.


He burned out pretty young, which figures when you look at the way he played
baseball. He got his last big league at-bat at 36 — by then he was just an
oversized version of the oversized player he had always been. He still hit
290. But the power was gone. And he was walked unintentionally just 14 times
in 590 plate appearances. The superhuman reflexes necessary to do the
impossible things Vlady did had dulled just enough. He tried in various ways
to get back, but he could not.


In the aftermath of his retirement, he has been coupled with his contemporary
Todd Helton, who also retired. It’s kind of weird. They were absolutely
nothing alike. But by the numbers, their careers mirrored almost exactly.
Helton hit .317. Guerrero hit .318. Helton had 2,505 hits. Guerrero had 2,590.
Helton had 2,791 runs-plus-RBIs. Guerrero had 2,824. Helton had 61.2 WAR.
Guerrero had 59.1 WAR. You could make a strong Hall of Fame case for both.

在他退休以後,他被拿來和同時代也退休的Todd Helton比較。這其實怪怪的。他們的風

But the Hall of Fame talk feels like something for another time. For now, I
want to remember Guerrero walking to the the plate, the pitcher sweating, the
crowd ready to see something awesome. He wore no batting gloves. Then Guerrero
would stand there, his body surprisingly upright, his bat high over his
shoulder and waving back and forth, and you could just tell he was itching to
swing at something, anything that came his way — moths, popcorn, air
molecules— and then the pitch would come, and if it was anywhere close,
anywhere in thestadium, he would lift that left leg, and turn his back toward
the pitcher, andhe would swing with purpose, and he would keep both hands on
the bat all theway through the swing and — as often as anyone of his
generation — he wouldcrush the ball. It was so much fun. Somewhere in all o
f it, I think, is why we keep watching.

一前一後的擺動,幾乎能感覺到他等不急要巴下去,不管是什麼往他飛來的東西 ─ 蛾
還是爆米花還是空氣分子 ─ 然後球來了,只要是在差不多的地方,只要球還在球場內

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1396575254.A.19C.html
※ 編輯: abc2090614 (, 04/04/2014 09:39:49
ck3300511:推!!好球帶跟海一樣大的男人1F 04/04 09:40
xavior1102:推 Vlad2F 04/04 09:41
atropos:看這篇讓我從頭笑到尾 XD3F 04/04 09:44
Roshiel:AJP的好球帶也是很寬廣4F 04/04 09:44
EviL1988:推煮泡5F 04/04 09:46
TrueTears:推 從頭到腳都是好球帶6F 04/04 09:48

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